Autism signs (including speech delay) in a young toddler. Dexter at 12 to 18 months.

Autism signs (including speech delay) in a young toddler. Dexter at 12 to 18 months.

Nurturing Neurodiversity

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Fight TheEvilRobots
Fight TheEvilRobots - 27.09.2023 16:34

There seems to be many misconceptions about autism in this comment section.
1. Girls have autism too. It has been highly underdiagnosed in girls because autism shows in females differently.
2. One of the signs of autism is an early infant expansion in brain connections and neurodevelopment.
3. Many people in the autistic community refuse to label autism as "something wrong" and prefer to be thought of as simply different.
4. When you have tons of parents who are utterly distraught like their child had a death sentance, it makes people in the autistic community feel awful, it propagates stereotypes and stigma.

lizathompson - 08.09.2023 23:59

Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you made this video based on my 19 mo old son. We live in Scotland and "wait and see" is all I hear from the health visitor and nursery specialist. Whether our son is autistic or just delayed, I want to get him help so his communication is easier. He can't even tell us if he's hungry or thirsty 🥺

Holly Colotta
Holly Colotta - 02.09.2023 03:56

Can't hear you very well

TruthRises - 28.08.2023 19:20


Markus - 15.08.2023 20:37

Thanks so much for providing so many examples! Really helpful video to other mums out there xx

Stuti Panigrahi
Stuti Panigrahi - 25.07.2023 19:55

I had the same experience.... It seriously my heart..... I noticed all this by the time she was 2

Holly🇸🇰 nurse
Holly🇸🇰 nurse - 25.07.2023 10:56

I used this doc herbs for my son and now my son is completely free, his speaking and behavior is ok. His herbs is 100% working on ASD. I met Dr Oyalo on channel and I’m happy to share my experience about it

Mp - 24.07.2023 22:24

My child has improved full and acting up right with his social skill since taking dr Oyalo herbal remedy. He has no major signs of autism like he was since I got the herbs. Doc herbs work perfectly

Juan Carlo Arce
Juan Carlo Arce - 05.07.2023 20:07

thank you for sharing! We did have the same experience with our kids, I thought my kid was just delay from developing his skills and knowledge I was comparing him to different kids and he is truly different we only seek developmental pedia when he was 3 and half years old and they assessed him and they diagnosed him with ASD my dreams for him was shattered and the same time I was afraid about his future, will he ever can go to school, will he can get a job and can he build his own family? that's all the things that I am worried about.....specially when we are gone...

Y C - 29.06.2023 21:16

Thank you for sharing this video. I'm currently in the "wait and see" with my 21 month old. But honestly, I don't need to "wait"....I can already see. This video really helped. Thank you so much.

Samantha - 31.05.2023 04:50

I feel you wholeheartedly. My almost 3 year old was diagnosed at 2 and I was pregnant when we were going through the motions of seeing specilaists and him quickly getting diagnosed.Thank you for sharing. You are kind to share your story

M.R.E. - 30.05.2023 18:57

I'm coming to this late. My son, now 22, wasn't diagnosed until 2 years ago, but was diagnosed with adhd at 7. We lived overseas, and autism was not on the radar so we never gave it a thought.We moved back to the US, where, fortunately, he got intensive OT services and in-school support for ADHD, dyspraxia, and dyslexia. I have come to feel I am ND, too. Thank you for this video!

WILLIAM BURNETT - 20.05.2023 06:19

Whats wrong with a kid spinning some wheels

Asya Monds Davis
Asya Monds Davis - 06.05.2023 00:32

My daughter is 17 months and does all the exact things you described. Like exactly. Except the 19 month old things because she's not there yet

Lynne Davis
Lynne Davis - 26.04.2023 19:55

Something is very wrong so many children in the spectrum. We need to get answers. A whole generation is compromised.

Anneliese Wright
Anneliese Wright - 03.04.2023 13:51

My niece was fine until she got vaccinated. Then, she became Autistic. So, if Dexter was normal until he was a year old, it could've been caused by vaccines. Doctors & pharmaceutical companies deny this because they're making billions of dollars from vaccines.

Lyuc - 27.03.2023 00:26

I know exactly how you feel, my Son is now almost 13. He is such a happy boy ❤️

Kids & Fun
Kids & Fun - 25.03.2023 07:38

My god you is me, we have the same kid and the same feelings, and how your kid now. Share let me know

eleesha hoium
eleesha hoium - 18.03.2023 09:03

I thought my son may have had autism at one point. He did regress some when he was younger. We took him to be screened for autism and the doctor told me he didn't have it. Sent him to preschool early now he never shuts up lol.

Bernie H
Bernie H - 14.03.2023 11:28

hello, We've been down this road too. I felt all this emotions, i feel you! my son turned 3 in January and when i first mentioned the a-word to my husband he just turned 2. at that time i was 8 months pregnant. thats when our rollercoaster ride began.

Shaun Mullins
Shaun Mullins - 27.02.2023 15:40

You just described my child it's so weird how similar they are. I'm shocked

Randoms - 11.02.2023 01:20

I don’t know if it’s just me or anyone notice sometime our child don’t do it because we don’t teach them

Esther Amelia
Esther Amelia - 26.01.2023 10:13

*My daughter was able to talk properly with the help of Doctor isibor herbal supplement which took 21 days🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏

Esther Amelia
Esther Amelia - 26.01.2023 10:13

*My daughter was able to talk properly with the help of Doctor isibor herbal supplement which took 21 days🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏

Its KeKe
Its KeKe - 20.12.2022 20:05

My baby has a cousin around her age they both 1 she points at things and say what it is but my baby don’t know how to do it and she doesn’t repeat what we till her to say I knew she was behind right then there she only knows 5 words her dr said it’s not good she needs to know 20 or more and she supposed to tell us when she want something but she don’t we know when she hungry or thirsty because she’ll cry so her doctor said if she not talking more by January she has to be brought in to be tested and begin Speech Therapy 😩 she listens she understands us she uses gestures she just don’t talk just babbles

mattersfingers - 14.11.2022 20:27

This is very much my child now at 18 months and we were on the fence as its so confusing figuring out whether he has austism. How long ago was this video and how is he now.

Super Natural
Super Natural - 07.11.2022 04:10

I relate so much to being a first time mom with no child care experience and being totally ignorant of when the baby should be doing what and having to learn and doing all this research online.

My 21 month old daughter has what is now being called a “mild speech delay”. She’s almost two and while everything else seems normal, she only has maybe 8-10 words she regularly uses. I’m researching just in case, since her speech development seems to have paused or regressed a bit. I find you so beautiful and sweet and it’s so obvious how much you love your son.

You should feel proud for your early intervention and your determination to give your son what he needs to live his best life.

Ang Newton
Ang Newton - 02.11.2022 19:48 so grateful 🙏 to have stumbled upon ur channel. U could be describing my 24 month old grandson almost to a tee. Even tho he hasn't been diagnosed with anything as of yet the differences in him compared to other 2 yr olds is more becomes more obvious as the weeks and months pass. Ur experience is a few years back but I've already made a vow to comb thru every single episode! I feel a connection to ur Dex and am so very eager to follow ur family's journey. I truly believe it will help us in our journey with our Jax. Thank you so very very much for ur contributions!

MGM - 26.10.2022 20:04

This can be diagnosed in young babies these days. When my son was born in 1991 it was very much that wait and see attitude.

Dittu Joju
Dittu Joju - 26.10.2022 06:21

How much hours of TV did he watch everyday between 9month and 18month?

Petrina  Hensman
Petrina Hensman - 13.10.2022 09:33

Wow! You could have been describing my 22 month old granddaughter x I’ve had my suspicions for a few months now but as she’s displaying all the signs: no talking at all, not responding to name or pointing, eye contact etc i need to bring the possibility of autism up with my daughter x I do think they have their suspicions x I will show them this video x I am feeling positive I as a nana who worked in a school with special needs and now retired can offer them help, time and support to get through this especially as like you they also have another child (a 7 month old daughter) and I know how they are struggling x if you have any advice on how to gently broach this with them I would greatly appreciate it x how would you have liked yr mum to bring it up? How can I emotionally support my daughter? Many thanks and much love xx

Shafi Nazir Baraki
Shafi Nazir Baraki - 11.10.2022 01:07

May God bless you 🙏

Sami Dhur
Sami Dhur - 30.08.2022 04:45

It is crazy because I can recognise every single signs that you mentioned.
I am sure that my son has got autism I am trying to get an appointment for an assessment but I am so sure about it ,at that point I just want it to be confirmed face to face with a professional...
I am heartbroken , so many questions are coming to my mind. As you I didn't know that for a child to not point his finger to object or responding to his name and more...were red flags's only now since I'm concerned about his speech that I started my research.. horrible feelings I don't know if I will be able to fight ..I am completely broken

bumblebear - 23.06.2022 09:35

This video hits home. My son is 16 months old now & everything you’ve said I can totally relate to. We are in the waitlist to see a pediatrician. Thank you for this video ❤️

Umut Cakmak
Umut Cakmak - 05.06.2022 23:43

My 2 years old son has got the same things as yours..whatever you said was as if you were talking about my son...So how is he doing now?...i would be pleased if you could tell me what we should do next...

Kate Frame
Kate Frame - 30.05.2022 14:00

Oh my ! Sounds exactly like my Dylan. When he was wee. Now 14. We still play chase games 😄

as1401 - 10.05.2022 23:59

Lots of love and Hugs mama ❤️This is not the easiest things to go through.Thank you for sharing 🙏

Thsachemba Sangtam
Thsachemba Sangtam - 01.05.2022 12:52

My son is 16 month old and he doesn't point or respond to his name though he loves playing hide and seek a lot with us. when he was born he was so perfect . It really breaks my heart 💖

Its Just Me Abbers
Its Just Me Abbers - 28.04.2022 06:40

My son failed the MCHAT and now we are waiting to get a referral to a neurologist so they can make a diagnosis. Do not get me wrong because he is my baby. but I struggled with infertility and tried so hard to get pregnant. did not vaccinate, thinking they caused autism and other things (okay he has had two so far, going slowly and avoiding mmr until he is 36 months old) and did everything "right". but here he is at 16 months, no talking, no clapping, no pointing, no walking, no scribbling. his speech is at a 9 month old's level and he is entertained for long periods of time by flipping over and spinning the cat dishes. it just breaks my heart because i just want my little boy but then seeing him continually fall behind his peers.

Jessica Beard
Jessica Beard - 27.03.2022 23:07

I watched so many of these videos but this video was the emotional for me. My son also did everything early or on time even said Ma at 7 months. Then around 11 months it seemed like he was no longer on target and seemed like he was not himself. No major changes happened or health concerns. So emotional

FallenAngelEnemy - 20.02.2022 17:09

The hand flapping thing my two year old does in the exact same way, when he’s too happy or excited like when watching his favourite shows on tv but when I brought this up with my health visitor it was a firm no, autism hand flapping is out of frustration 🤦🏼‍♀️

Literally everything you have said my son does too and I keep getting told I’m worrying too much, covid is the reason for his speech delay and that they can’t diagnose a child under two which is a load of nonsense 😢

Thank you for your video and sharing your experiences x

Rico Gurung
Rico Gurung - 17.02.2022 04:34

Iam so stupid mom of two children 👶 when he was young ,all time I put him to watch cartoons “Bing” now Iam totally regret he only watch that cartoon and understand some clip from that cartoon crazily. And I do with him like he is teddy bear I never try to I contact him never try to talk with him now he is 15 months know nothing even he can’t walk speak no eye contact no response eveohe don’t know his name ,I just wanted to kill my self and I wanted to die as soon as possible please god help me 😭😭😭😭😭 after watching this video I really relate to me if I see this video definitely I prepare for something but now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 everything late ⏰

Happy - 27.01.2022 18:31

Any link between vaccination and autism do you think?

Queen magyarul
Queen magyarul - 06.01.2022 03:57

I found this video because I'm worried this way about my nephew. He is 20 months and no speech sounds. He makes some screech like noises when he is upset and that's all. He barely cooperates when fed or dressed and usually no reaction to his name. I don't really notice interest in many things. And it's not exactly comforting to hear this 'no pointing' thing because he doesn't point either. The 'spinning' thing also fits. I feel more and more like something is wrong/different. Unfortunately his parents are pretty preoccupied with their lives and I don't think they notice that something is wrong. And I don't know how to bring this up. Though I guess the sooner he gets professional help the better the results.
The video is great though, it just made me more worried.

Justine C
Justine C - 23.12.2021 05:37

I know this is an old video but just want to say I’m crying watching this. It is so emotionally draining and I am so glad someone relates. A consistent cloud of stress and anxiety weighs over me every single day thinking about all the odd things my 18 month old daughter does and does not do that I think may be signs of autism. I’ve reached out to an early intervention services to get her assessed but not having answers is killing me. She is my baby and I will love her no matter what. Yet as her mama, as her voice, as her advocate…I need answers - and I want to get her the help she needs. If you still talk to people about this topic I’d love someone to connect with.

Oulaya Ennaciri
Oulaya Ennaciri - 08.12.2021 15:14

I cried watching your video…thank you for sharing…my son has autism too…

Yeo Wellness Collective
Yeo Wellness Collective - 22.10.2021 16:32

<3 some providers can make parents feel disempowered by not trusting the signs that we can SEE because we KNOW them better than anyone else. I am a nurse and GAPS practitioner. If you recognize early signs trust your mama instincts! There are things you can do early on that will be more effective the sooner you start like taking your child through the GAPS diet to clear up their gut dysbiosis which is present in every child with autism.

Natalie Cobb
Natalie Cobb - 13.10.2021 07:42

I totally know how you feel that’s how I’m feeling now
