How to Use DiviGear Blog Carousel Module: Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Use DiviGear Blog Carousel Module: Step-by-Step Tutorial


5 лет назад

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Recettes de Vanessa
Recettes de Vanessa - 25.01.2021 13:28

Hello ! I have built the blog divi caroussel, thank's for the work ! But when I download the demo blog caroussel it is impossible to modify the item like in my image caroussel. There isn't the icone to modify the caroussel there is just a text in module which says "dgbc_blog_carousel. Can you help me ?

Aditya Singhal
Aditya Singhal - 28.07.2020 12:01

That Carousel feature is no more :(

Michael H
Michael H - 08.05.2020 04:19

This information needs to be updated. Thank you.
