Handling Aggressive Behavior in Children with Autism

Handling Aggressive Behavior in Children with Autism

Dr. Mary Barbera

5 лет назад

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Candy - 19.09.2023 00:59

Yes its so challenging with my son, i am trying everything before medication. 😢

Chris - 24.08.2023 19:34

Does anyone have resources and support systems (medical, fb groups, other families) to help families with autistic kids who are aggressive towards parents and siblings in the natrona heights, Pennsylvania area (near pittsburgh)?

Promila Virmani
Promila Virmani - 18.08.2023 08:55

Hi mary
We just moved to a new country and my son who is 11 years old and autistic is suddenly showing aggression and start hitting us badly and himself too.
I know he might be missing his daily routine which was followed in our country but we are trying our best to occupy him with activities and outing till his school and therapies are sorted.
I’m so confused how to handle him
It’s a huge change for him and he is severe gluten intolerant and know to allergies too
I try a lot to take care of all the things but this phase of him is draining me as I have just gone through hysterectomy too. Please help how can I manage his aggression and this change

Jennifer Narbonne
Jennifer Narbonne - 24.07.2023 00:00

I am so grateful for you Mary, I am a newcomer to being an ABA therapist and I am so motivated to learn as much as I can!!!!!

psychic friend toy freddy
psychic friend toy freddy - 15.07.2023 16:20

As an autistic person i have had violent behaviour ever since December 31st 2020 which was what started my violent behaviour and i want to stop it and i hope this video helps

Ella Marie Tinunga
Ella Marie Tinunga - 13.07.2023 16:44

Pls madam help me with my son coz as the years he gets old his so aggressive he controls us he shout bite and throw all the things he holds..please how can I handle my child with such an agressive behavior

A A - 07.07.2023 06:14

So how is this going to help a child stop from his tantrums?

Red - 20.06.2023 14:42

My sons is 6, started bitting 3 . But trying kick angry outburst, find out that he was hungry or thristy but couldnt express, so every few hours making sure full. Also sometimes sleepy but him in bad also sometimes he just want go outside in play, so boredom he likes walk outside or play water so he need a lot walks everyday to release pen of energy, aggressive reduced significantly to almost nothing

SD - 18.06.2023 05:15

I recently noticed my emotions and anxiety affect my son's mood and behavior and I myself as his mom am trying to be more aware of that around him so he doesn't feed off my emotions aside from whatever else is triggering him.

Esther Stuedli-Miller
Esther Stuedli-Miller - 15.06.2023 05:21

... I have written FBAs and BIPs and you know... there really isn't enough emphasis on when this doesn't happen.

SamarMin Allah
SamarMin Allah - 07.06.2023 12:29

You're right but what if the kid is just hitting to fulfil his demands. Unsual ones.

Faith - 18.05.2023 06:15

Is medication not a good option.

Bari Kopman
Bari Kopman - 06.04.2023 00:46

I have a behavior person and I get frustrated with and I lash out but I also been restrained and now I have to understand that I can’t have those behavior
But other wise I love her

Syed Aleemuddin
Syed Aleemuddin - 27.02.2023 21:22

Thank you and appreciate a lot from India 🇮🇳

Effie - 26.02.2023 14:55

Is it possible to discuss with you how to find a positive discipline ABA specialist? My son is aggressive and I am really scared of putting him in the wrong place. I would love to have private coaching or what have you.

Agatha W.
Agatha W. - 22.02.2023 05:53

Am here to learn. Trying to see how to decrease aggression & talking back from my child. 🤓

Zue Ganzore
Zue Ganzore - 04.02.2023 00:33

My son is also very agressive and violent.i need help for him how to cop with him.

Pearl Zambrano
Pearl Zambrano - 02.02.2023 23:32

It's all day you can't tell him anything. He punches and punches pulls hair, kicks. Trigger demand.

Pearl Zambrano
Pearl Zambrano - 02.02.2023 23:26

I am a Behavioral Strategist and I get hit all the time from Autistic children.

Roza Newyorklife
Roza Newyorklife - 21.01.2023 04:39

My son 16
Sometimes he a lot aggressive I don’t have Idea what I have to do 🤷‍♀️

xXKINGx DIJONXx - 12.01.2023 09:43

I like this. For every negative you need 8 positive.

Jim Eagle
Jim Eagle - 03.01.2023 15:38

So what do you do when you're 7 year old autistic daughter has been being aggressive for the last 3 months and you're trying to help figure it out but the school doesn't have any interest in helping your child seems like they only want to punish her. And you can't get any help anywhere, messages emails everything goes nowhere just waiting list and nothing. I don't know what to do anymore .

Eric Landry
Eric Landry - 19.12.2022 07:17

So I recently started dating a single Mom who has a 10 y.o boy on the spectrum this woman is out of this world incredible I mean I'm crazy about her and have such a high opinion of her she really is like a role model to me with that said her son hits her and I mean flat assaults punches her right in the face it's hard for us to go out and do things I have a son as well and we will be out and if he doesn't want to do something he will start hitting his mother kicking punching scratching like he is flat out trying to inflict real physical harm so I forgot to call her and him back one day cuz I was working and I guess he flipped out and assaulted her again and well this became my fault cuz I didn't call so he flipped out and went nuts anyway an argument came as a result and well now she dumped me cuz I'm not right for her and her son like I feel like this hitting can easily be fixed she doesn't even say anything but maybe ouch that hurts like what do I do? I'm at a loss for words, I feel so horrible about forgetting to call but I feel even worse that an awesome Mom who really is a good honest awesome person and it kills me seeing this happen.

Todd Griffith
Todd Griffith - 18.11.2022 04:41

So aggression can be taught from your family

Brad Richards 916
Brad Richards 916 - 31.10.2022 19:27

I am interested in you one page assessment! How may I get a copy please?

lydie - 15.09.2022 01:37

My son is 4 years and 6 months old now. He was modarate to sevare at 18 months but at 4 years old ADOS gave him diagnossi of PDD NOS. He is very high functioning, they said he he is more borderline on ADOS. The thing is I have noticed that in the last 4 months he started to get more angry when he gets hurt. He gets realy upset about the pain. Also he is always the one that backs down from any fight over a toy, he always gives it and then then starts to cry with frustration. I think he gets upset he has no control over anything. Every one wins he just backs down. I think he is very insicure. He was always very kind and gentle, doesn't like to fight for anything. But now, when he doesn't get something that he wants or if we have to go to speach therapy he gets very upset and angry and he looks like a Hulk, and makes angry sounds and screames. He doesn't talk well yet so it is hard to understand what he says sometimes and that angers him also. I see he has lots of fears now, like he is now awere of the world. He doesn't hit or bite anyone just looks very angry and gets real stiff in a body like he is going to explode. He didn't look autistic before but now when he gets abgry you can clearly see he has autism. He has hit me a few times now (just me) i think it is because i am the only one that says "no", and diciplines him. I am scared that he is geting worse and we had such progress...so this is a heartbrake for me. I don't know how to help him regulate. We have to go to speach therapy i cant just not take him because it angers him. I just don't know what to do. I can sometimes regulate him if i make him laugh.

Debbie Watts
Debbie Watts - 29.08.2022 10:10

My 20 yr old daughter has just started working with a 9 yr old boy. I have sent your link to her.
Sending love from AUSTRALIA xx

Ethiean Mcpherson
Ethiean Mcpherson - 25.08.2022 02:27

The food is what help you food is your meds

Ethiean Mcpherson
Ethiean Mcpherson - 25.08.2022 02:27

My child with autism was very aggressive until I changed his diet

Fortuna Inc
Fortuna Inc - 19.07.2022 16:24

Who cares for the glasschildren?

wanda medina
wanda medina - 15.07.2022 03:04

My great grandson is 3 years old and he only says about 3 or 4 words. He gets frustrated and he hits himself. He also is not potty trained. He is on a 2 year waiting list to be assessed. Do you have any recommendations that can help in the mine time? Thanks.

MK - 12.07.2022 20:21

Hi Ms Mary Barbera! I watch your videos which help me a lot. I have two kids, the older has ASD and he is almost 14 years old, a teenager. He's obsessed with routine. But the big problem is that he just wants his 11 years old brother, to do some things the way he does, one example is, to put on socks every day when he takes his pajamas off and puts on shorts, shirt. If his brother doesn't put socks on, he gets mad, aggressive, he bites him, they fight. He also doesn't want him to put on socks with pajamas, evennif it's a cold winter. This is not easy. His brother is growing and I don't want this to keep happening. You can imagine. Could you make a video related to this obsession and repetition. How could I stop this? His brother feels scared sometimes. I'm a single mom and it's a really hard full time job. He receives ABA, but this is a continuous issue at home. Please, help me.
My best regards,

Serpent Power Max
Serpent Power Max - 24.06.2022 17:28

My daughter is autistic and became aggressive with 6 years old. I am at China and desperately looking for help. Here at China there is no profissional to solve her case.

Parenting Beyond Behaviours
Parenting Beyond Behaviours - 20.06.2022 03:56

I have been working with kids for decades and has never gotten hurt

Parenting Beyond Behaviours
Parenting Beyond Behaviours - 20.06.2022 03:52

Aggression is not a part of autism that’s so true

curt5253 - 02.06.2022 05:35

it's a shame that people that are poor cannot find help. even autism speaks wont return phone calls. parents of spectrum children are lost. I understand people need to make money. but but there are so many that just cant do it...

Danielle Patricia
Danielle Patricia - 12.05.2022 19:02

Any tips for a pre k student who gets aggressive when coloring work that needs to be done? Getting aggressive when going back into class after playground time? And getting aggressive when you redirect them to not do something?

our family videos
our family videos - 06.05.2022 18:03

Our child had selective mutism diagnosis and finally spoke to those outside our immediate” 4 walls family” at age 8. Now sitting at 17 getting ready to ask Peds to please test child for a diagnosis. We have homeschooled now for many years, creating an environment that is calm,thriving,and child now wants to know if something just isn’t right. Please pray for our family.
“What made child finally talk”…. It was the NOT MAKING an issue out of the child laughing, breathing loudly,etc when child DID make a sound. Child had teachers in school and friends say”we heard you laugh”, “was that a hiccup”. That is one thing that held our child back…plus is dangerous, our child choked once and would NOT cough out loud…it was a bad scene I pray no parent goes through …people DONT ACT DIFFERENT when the child has ANY noise out of the mouth…DONT SAY “ was that a …..”,” We heard you”, “good job you can do it”…they regress

MyPeace4eva - 05.05.2022 23:57

Dr. Barbera... So, I work with learning and developmentally challenged kids between the ages of 2 to 5. Some have been diagnosed with autism. One child in particular has been acting out aggressively out aggressively for the past month. I have been bit, punched, slapped, kicked, spit on and have had toys thrown up my head. He has also done the same to my coworkers and other classmates. The agency I work for implements a coddling approach in dealing with this behavior. We are prohibited from giving timeouts. The agency also prides themselves themselves on helping these children blossom into adults that lead enviable lives. Yet, his aggression aggression has greatly increased. Today, for example, he acted out more than 10 times. Obviously, the approach that the agency I work for isn't working. If nothing changes, nothing changes. This child in particular is diagnosed with autism. I personally feel that consequences need to be implemented. When this child grows up, if he is aggressive toward another, he's not going to be coddled and redirected... he's either going to jail or, God forbid, physically hurt or killed by the person he assaulted. How do you think I should handle this? Thanks in advance.

MCM - 20.04.2022 23:34

As a mother to two sons on the spectrum; ages 8 and 5 I can relate to many of the comments. My youngest is extremely attached to me to the point of not wanting others near me or me enjoying my time with others, other than him.

I can’t work much because his energy is too much for most to handle and I’m trying to find more patience to understand him (he’s non verbal).

Can’t thank you enough for sharing all this info, come here often for guidance and assistance 🤍✨

dlcg56 - 26.03.2022 14:35

Where can someone find a behavior analyst?

Enestina Fernandes
Enestina Fernandes - 23.03.2022 07:10

Mam I am a single parent my son is suffering from ADHD he is 15 yrs old and he stop his schooling he often gets aggressive when my mom or me give him some household work he starts hitting us, shouts loudly and throws things here and there.. plz help me Mam how to deal with him

Kannan Iyyer
Kannan Iyyer - 02.03.2022 18:43

Brilliant idea about handling aggressive adults with Autism

Stephanie Gardea
Stephanie Gardea - 26.02.2022 00:28


G t
G t - 19.02.2022 20:56


Sinclair Lanier
Sinclair Lanier - 18.02.2022 17:59

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

ANY BODY - 17.02.2022 21:18

Just found your channel, great content keep up the good work. I have two year old twins, like chalk and cheese, now I have a better understanding of how to deal with one of my boys who has started showing signs of autism for a while now. So thanks for your help. Subbed 🇬🇧👍

Kelly's World
Kelly's World - 13.02.2022 04:04

My son is 3 n he bites alot I want to put him in the daycare system to socialise with his peers but the biting is stopping that. I'm stressed 🥺😭

Kenneth Kingdon-korab
Kenneth Kingdon-korab - 10.02.2022 22:06

Sounds to me like half the video was you playing victim for the aba community by throwing the autistic community under the bus...
