The Myth of Sisyphus | Albert Camus

The Myth of Sisyphus | Albert Camus


3 года назад

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MLG F1N - 30.09.2023 10:33

“One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” always gets me. 🥲

Cloud - 29.09.2023 16:26

Have Faith In Christ. For God will always look out to you, despite different background. But don’t be ignorant. God Bless Everyone Amen ✝️❤️🙏

Warren Dargusch
Warren Dargusch - 21.09.2023 08:56

Did Sysiphus have syphilus?

FROGGY - 14.09.2023 13:09

You voice is really amazing 🤩

Charles Rhodes
Charles Rhodes - 12.09.2023 09:14

The ad placement makes this a comedy.

Anotheryou21 - 08.09.2023 03:11

The plight of Sisyphus is a metaphor for circumstances we are powerless to control or change. Sisyphus is a metaphor for you and me. We tend to deem such situations as absurd because we cannot face our powerlessness. It is too terrifying. We may not be able to change the outer. That doesn't mean we can't change how we feel about it. Circumstances can crush anyone who looks to them for "meaning", or to feel okay. IMO This magnificent essay showed me the goal: we must obtain everything we need from within, and when we do, it cannot ever be taken away by any circumstance. Over fifty years after first reading this work, I am only ever more grateful to Mr Camus for having changed my life forever.

Snorgärs - 20.08.2023 11:42

I love your videos mate! The myth of sysiphus and the philosophy of camus was one of the things that got me through my own suicidal battle. And your videos was a part of the learning process!

Snorgärs - 20.08.2023 11:42

I love your videos mate! The myth of sysiphus and the philosophy of camus was one of the things that got me through my own suicidal battle. And your videos was a part of the learning process!

Snorgärs - 20.08.2023 11:40

I love your videos mate!

HispanicPanic🇻🇪 - 13.08.2023 11:37


HispanicPanic🇻🇪 - 13.08.2023 11:35

he just like me fr 🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Jesus Mind
Jesus Mind - 10.08.2023 10:11

love it, thumbs up, and all that

Jesus Mind
Jesus Mind - 10.08.2023 10:09

God without sin. I can no more prove God than I can disprove god. We don't discuss metaphysics or religion in the physics department, but philosophia and literature, we don't discuss that in the physics dept either, no really but....The solution to the suicide question is one of murder. See that they are the same, well can you? The problem with murder or even mass murder is the problem of suicide. The solution is our willingness to want the uncertainties and pains and indignities of life in spite of our attraction to the inevitable certainty of death. Death seems to have absolute power but is it? Power over self power over others but come on, recall when Chaos theory yielded to Complexity theory and note the quantum computing power of real math which charts the most absurd harmony pulled out of the ass of chaos. Even Noam Chomsky and his generative grammar theory. Real absurd chit there. Hmm? Real power is the absurd surrender of ambition or even direction. The flight pattern of a flock of birds just playing for the fun of it. Suicide is an act of pure directed will just as war. I'm just pulling this out of my own ass as I listen to this Camus review.

KingTuso - 07.08.2023 11:54

One must imagine sisyphus happy

fire n ice
fire n ice - 03.08.2023 11:31

i do not understand a single word said but it sounds extremely good

Ray Norshine
Ray Norshine - 02.08.2023 22:21

What is ultimately absurd is the phenomenon of millions upon millions of young men who fritter their lives away by surrendering their consciousness to the digital void of video gaming.

Dee Boy
Dee Boy - 28.07.2023 07:11

This is one of those books i keep picking up, putting it down, and picking it up again. I believe the definition he has for the absurd is spot on. I like the comparison to the greek myth and the argument against suicide. But this can be one paragraph and done. I think this book is extremely long winded and difficult and somewhat repetitive in round about ways. I respect and appreciate camus but am i the only one who felt this?

Edmond Walunas
Edmond Walunas - 24.07.2023 05:14


Basic Dose.
Basic Dose. - 20.07.2023 14:27

Camus was a great existential philosopher.

RoPro - 12.07.2023 02:04

A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE

Me-when-the - 10.07.2023 04:40


Joe Star
Joe Star - 07.07.2023 16:20

Camus borrowed heavily from the Stoics, especially Seneca The Younger.

Paul Pierlott
Paul Pierlott - 14.06.2023 09:36

Sisyphus defeats God by embracing his destiny. “I will push this rock up this hill for eternity with pride 😂😍

modvs1 - 05.06.2023 11:05

Except if you have aspergers: you look forward to pushing that rock back up the hill- with gusto!

Martin Rein
Martin Rein - 16.05.2023 18:39


b. Aa
b. Aa - 15.05.2023 01:23


Vin london
Vin london - 23.04.2023 05:58

What is also absurd are the sub branches of existentialism.
We know perfectly well through the schopenhauer's pessimism that life is meaningless and there is no purpose of it.
At least Schopenhauer was onto something about the WILL.
What is the point of absurdism or writing about it? Looking at life in such a way has some negative effect on society.
Since we should imagine sysiphus to be happy, we also should be content with injustices that occur in society.
Camus saw nothing wrong with the caste system in India, where he got inspired to write the myth of sysiphus in the first place.

If life has no purpose or meaning, then writing about it is just as meaningless.

Mara On Mars
Mara On Mars - 15.04.2023 20:54

This book is amazing

Michał Cichowski
Michał Cichowski - 09.04.2023 15:02

Your channel is my biggest discovery this year. Thank you for amazing explanations.

John - 05.04.2023 22:20

😮Syphilis is NO myth!

I enjoyed your edutaining video, sir😊but i just couldn't resist.

Strings - 22.03.2023 00:19

A visitor... Mmmm... Indeed. I have slept long enough. The kingdom of Heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit, I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities, and crush the armies of Heaven... you, shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, child of man, and DIE.

Suhail Hamid
Suhail Hamid - 21.03.2023 09:14

Another view of the message in the Myth...
Survival is an instinctive trait of humans. For survival, one needs food and life sustaining. necessities.. Sisyphus pushing of stone uphill can be better understood on the premise that he's getting paid for his labour to get his daily bread, to sustain his life. To make the whole thing more bearable he can keep the size of the stone smaller and thus lighter, signifying that he keeps his life necessities as less as he can, so as to reduce his burden thus making life more bearable....

Super Cat
Super Cat - 15.03.2023 15:52

Thank you for this I’ve taken every little bit from this after reading the book and still continue to do so on about my 8th viewing

Tish Siva
Tish Siva - 23.02.2023 01:33

What an amazing video , I can tell how much thought you put in which is insanely jaww dropping , I'm in awww . Thank-you

Christian Jimbomb
Christian Jimbomb - 17.02.2023 09:41

It's weird how I came about reading this when I was alone.. so glad I was loved. This man knows not that it exists.
My Lord gave me a light burden. I am satisfied. I will follow the path home. Shalom.

mike Turany
mike Turany - 07.01.2023 16:05

When I saw the title of the video I thought it said the myths Syphilis so imagine my surprise when I watched the video. I really like the end of the video though it was the equation to the problem basically. And the problem being does god exist? and so I propose the question do we exist? And how do we know that we are all just playing some Absurd game of who are we? And the game we are stupid and we can't figure it out. It is It is scientifically proven that we are all just a bunch of atoms floating in space bouncing off of each other in some maze Does that exist? So if we are all just a bunch of atoms bouncing around off of each other What exists But consciousness. Who's consciousness? Are we all just separated From the one consciousness? Religions are fun They lead the mind down in mystical path But its just a veiled reflection of what is. All gurus lamas Saints and teachers can only do so much to make a person realize of who he is in this world and we can't be so lazy as to believe that god needs praise and Sacrifice. So the most you can do for yourself is to listen and observe like a scientist. Play the game see what works and realize There ain't nobody here but us chickens. Praise be unto Thaddeus Goalus And Milton Berle

SunflowerRunner - 25.12.2022 08:09

A few months ago, I first experienced the profound, and sudden realization of the mathematical fact that I will die relatively soon. Not just like, "Yeah, I'm mortal." But like a visceral understanding that that the sand is rapidly falling and I can not stop it and that at absolute best I have but a short 70 years left. I will soon have to face the unknowable. I have been wrestling with the absurd ever since.

Danny Baker
Danny Baker - 11.12.2022 16:27

Should I be wary of buying the book for someone who has had suicidal thoughts? Or would it be helpful for them? Thoughts?

Mario Oldani
Mario Oldani - 15.11.2022 21:02

No. That's not syphilis..

In Hobi’s wine cellar
In Hobi’s wine cellar - 26.10.2022 07:34

hey does anyone know the name of the second to last painting in the video. the one of the two boys looking at a tree.

Jack's raging bileduct
Jack's raging bileduct - 23.10.2022 19:25

I have committed philosophical suicide

2morrow - 17.10.2022 21:54

what a trip

James Barlow
James Barlow - 16.10.2022 19:18

Dead on right. Exactly what the great J. Wilbur Vickery said in 1969.

Magnus Not Carlsen
Magnus Not Carlsen - 04.10.2022 07:57

I wanted a video which explains thing is a more ordinary way, in the language of a common man, a beginner, not a philosopher. But all we get everywhere is a complex language, even with long sentences. It is absurd.

Gud - 01.10.2022 13:41


Gud - 01.10.2022 13:24

Connecting with the joy of looking at absurd things. This will make you fall in love with life. The absurdity of when I walk out of my house, I look at trees, cars, the sun, the clouds, the desert, where I live. Even my own body. When I look at my own body I just get joy out of looking at the absurdity of my own body. My body is a work of art. I can connect with that um. Just that alone is enough to create an amazingly fulfilling life.

luciferangelica - 17.09.2022 22:07

but qualiitively, is absurdism actually that different than stoicism? and stoics kill themselves all the time, like seneca, which doesn't seem that bad an alternative to living in a country ruled by emperor tiberius
