How Much Faster is PHP 7.3?

How Much Faster is PHP 7.3?

Stefan Mischook

5 лет назад

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@Akmal-id3jj - 09.11.2020 09:07

PHP is most popular backend language in my country, in my country, government, school and many more websites using PHP...

@jasonking1284 - 09.09.2020 17:59

PHP is better than Javascript. Its the best web technology.

@marcello4258 - 05.08.2020 23:34

thanks! this got it straight.

@gogaurab - 26.06.2020 19:20

Is PHP 7.4 faster than HTML website?

@GarronArgentina - 12.04.2020 15:26

The performance speed in the target audience level of a PHP course is not relevant. But is good to talk about it. What is the work level where the performance difference noticeable for humans. To build a to do task application it isn't even needed the server language. To persist data it is not needed even run a server and it is possible use atlas mongodb, or firebase to do that. Even deployment time, CD/CI are another dimensions to measure a web application and cache, load balancer, data architecture are tools to improve the performance. On the other hand, the sintax and amount of lines to developt a functionality would be consider to meassure how fast is a language in development time. Great channel!

@lionelthetechlead8839 - 10.12.2019 16:40

Hahaha. Blew past the speed limit of 6 haha

@navjotsingh2251 - 26.10.2019 04:47

I think the only thing php needs is a good machine learning library/framework. Right now I use matlab and interface it to php, but if I could do it in php that would be awesome.

@damiann4734 - 21.09.2019 11:32

Man I really need php to go into a more general purpose language and have more modules for matrices, ml and visualisation. This way, php will completely beat Python.

@leonf.7893 - 27.04.2019 21:37

I wonder how important concurrency will be in future web sites/apps?

@---David--- - 25.04.2019 14:27

PHP has an 80% marketshare. Meaning 80% of the serverside scripts in the world are written in PHP.

PHP has also matured over the years into a solid language. Some years ago Java threatened to overtake PHP as the main serverside language for new projects, however then PHP made a comeback after 7.0 was released and it's still the king today.

However other players like Python, Node and Java are not far behind in terms of new projects. When I look on a national job openings site, PHP, Python, Java and Node have the same number of job openings. So the competition right now is fierce.

PHP risks losing the crown, because it's purely a webdevelopment language, while languages like Python and Java have other uses as well. Especially Python which now offers AI and machine learning functionalities has been gaining popularity quickly.

PHP still has an edge over Python in terms of speed, as it's 3 times faster, but the allroundness of Python is a threat to PHP.

Node is also going hard. These are good days for programming. Hard days, because you have to learn so much and have to have so much knowledge, but the competition is great and offers us a lot to choose from.

@tommyj928 - 24.04.2019 23:41

How drunk were you when you recorded this? I like the sentiment and the vids but you look wasted!!

@kenshinnanashi9469 - 23.04.2019 13:54

I'm currently concerning just to start to learn Php, is it more useful compared to Python as far as back end is concerned? Btw your videos are extremly entertaining to watch. Great job!

@koki4o - 22.04.2019 01:58

I wonder what it means to upgrade to PHP 7.3? Do you simply replace the PHP package installed on the server with the newest one and update any code syntax that has changed?

@JoseCarlosCampos - 18.04.2019 17:26

One of the most visited pages in the world is the wikipedia and is made with PHP. Top PHP && its community

@hudanradifan - 17.04.2019 19:04


@iancroasdell - 17.04.2019 08:06

PHP built right is stable and very dependable.

@samuelgrahame3617 - 17.04.2019 00:12

Facebook uses hack.

@xamael1989 - 16.04.2019 21:51

Node js was never better than php and will never be php is the best language for building API'S and website it's a very reliable back end language

@nicolaspavez7542 - 16.04.2019 15:54

How did you measure that? Would you make a video on that? Thank you Stefan for your videos!!!

@clintonnzedimma7501 - 16.04.2019 02:48

PHP is getting faster, can wait for JIT. I use vanilla though, kinda hate PHP frameworks

@thezentrader - 14.04.2019 19:46

​Hi Stefan, when you offer a business to do a website for them, do yo have to take care of the server? WIll they be ok to pay to subscribe to hostgator for ex or will the extra 100$-or-so scare them away?

@TheSpeakingClub - 14.04.2019 19:42

Thanks Stefan

@TheRoss0411 - 14.04.2019 19:34

How do you decide whether to use node/javascript vs php for a project?

@zebnat - 14.04.2019 17:51

I laugh everytime when I see people hating PHP just because old reputation. There was a time when we had ugly bad written scripts with html and php mixed together, no mvc, includes all over the files... and also old PHP API from old versions. As for performance, the core problem is usually database I/O and not php. Learn to cache your queries, you can also cache compiled PHP scripts with opcache. Laravel is such a robust framework that created some standard of sanity. You can do almost everything with it, including SPA's with the aid of vue, or just small client side applications in some views.

@lukabiskupic5081 - 14.04.2019 12:01

How important are seo skills for freelance web dev?

@job4810 - 14.04.2019 08:02

Funny and interesting thing is that PWAs(Progressive Web Apps) are coming pretty quick to replace everything eventually(the web is reclaiming it's throne), despite the fact that some companies are trying so hard to block it's way.
And on the other side PHP keeps thriving at a quick pace.
PHP-One Language to Rule Them All!

@simbobcrafts4843 - 14.04.2019 07:36

Hi. I have a friend that is pushing me to learn Jenkins and Amazon Web Services so that he can help me get a job in his company in a year. Is it possible to go straight into learning these technologies first without being an experienced developer and barely knowing code? Thank you 🙏

@bryku - 13.04.2019 11:27

Php is pretty amazing in how easy it is to build and setup simply web applications. It has had a lot of speed improvements over the years I some times I just can't believe how fast it has become. It's performance is still limited, but for you everyday website / app it is amazing.

Recently I have rewritten a few of my web apps in golang, while golang is way faster in php, it took me maybe twice as long to develop, so there is a bit of a trade off.
I am still pretty new to golang as well, so that might be a factor, but the huge speed improvement is very nice. You don't exactly notice it in 10 or 20 users, but when you get to 100 - 200 wow you can barely tell performance wise.

I am seen a lot of your topics around php, java, nodejs, .net, but I am wondering if you would have time to dive into golang for a quick 5min video.
Would love to hear someone else's thoughts about it.

Thanks for the video, it is nice to see someone not bash PHP even though it has become such a useful language over the years!

@justwanderin847 - 13.04.2019 03:53

keep your vids less than 5 mins

@FullStackLibrary - 12.04.2019 17:45

I watch the entire video, but I don't find it informative, the content of this video is too vague, a 50% speed improvement means nothing unless you describe how this new PHP version is interpreted faster than the oldest one, and for the other subject when you define that PHP is faster than Ruby or Python it's also too vague, you need to add arguments. The speed is not only controlled by the language, there are too many parameters that defines how fast a website can be.

@MehdiRaash - 12.04.2019 16:11

The whole talk could be depicted by just 'One' picture.

@cla1814 - 12.04.2019 13:50

PHP is the way the go for CRUD sites, E-commerce
and Blogging. Just because there are so many supported already build available easily online.
You will not find an equivalent in django or node.js for wordpress, drupal or magento. There are but they just don't compare and have very small community compared to those.
that is the reason 99% of marketing and web design agencies use WordPress.

Now for API node.js is better. Django community is lacking, it's simply not big enough. PHP communities are huge with multiple communities to meet your needs.
Node.js community seems to be rather big as well and active creating a lot of new projects.
If you are a nerd use django or flask.
if you a hipster use node.js as well if you want to work as an engineer for complex API.

Now if you are a business person that just want to make money and quickest possible use PHP.

@abuzarmushtaq5779 - 12.04.2019 13:33

You are a PHP fanboy!

@BarnabyPerrinAldous - 12.04.2019 09:37

Php... So fast it skipped 6 when it upgraded from 5 and went straight to 7

@PlayRiteProductions - 12.04.2019 09:30

Like the thumbnail 👍

@classicrockonly - 12.04.2019 09:19

I’m going to start a project, and my first web development language I learned on was PHP and I want to get into it again since I have some personal project ideas. Should I do cut n dry php, laravel or phalcon?

@nathanaelsmith3553 - 12.04.2019 01:54

instead of making javascript run on servers they should make php run in browsers

@bigollie006 - 11.04.2019 23:53

Php is easily my favorite language. Even though Java has a special place in my heart, PHP and the community behind it is just where its at

@julioalmeida4645 - 11.04.2019 21:21

.Net Core will most likely take the nodejs market share. Blows php and nodejs in terms of performance, and you get the amazing community and open source projects around the .NET world.

@michalsvec8703 - 11.04.2019 20:53

You can make video how to join some developer team or group and where to join. I learned android development past year but lot of customers want complex app with own backend. I don't have knowledge to do this. So, I think team can be good for me, I can learn a lot with other people + I can earn some money. Where to join some team ?, I did research but I've not found anything...

@prashanthkumar0 - 11.04.2019 20:26

i realky really loveee php 😍😍😍😍😻

@prashanthkumar0 - 11.04.2019 20:22

cool !😍😍😍😍😍😍

@jagicyooo2007 - 11.04.2019 20:21

Any good resources to learn PHP cookies?

@AlirezaAsgari - 11.04.2019 18:36

why Core mvc 2.2 / 3.0 not in your options ?
php , is PHP ...

always come with a lot of performance penalty

@Jollyprez - 11.04.2019 18:11

PHP isn't "glamorous" like node. But, it works. And, it doesn't get in your way. I use SlimPHP - much more lightweight than Laravel.

@subvind - 11.04.2019 17:27

50% faster, then 15% faster... other comments saying another 30% boost by the end of this year... is there some kind of Moore's law that we don't know about going on here?

@zeknoss - 11.04.2019 16:59

Hi guys, it's a very quick video.

So, how much faster is PHP 7.3?
It's much faster.

That's it for today, thanks for watching, bye.

@razvacos7469 - 11.04.2019 16:48

crystal lang with amber framework will be the dominant language in the future
