10 FORBIDDEN Sorting Algorithms

10 FORBIDDEN Sorting Algorithms


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Marko Polo
Marko Polo - 02.11.2023 14:57

BRO! Epi warning pleasse, jesus man!

Filthy Casual
Filthy Casual - 02.11.2023 14:38

You didn't talk about badsort or worstsort. To the people who don't know what it is already, badsort is a recursive sorting algorithm that generates permutations of the list over and over again, then sorts through those lists until it finds a sorted list. It starts with a fixed value - k - and each iteration, k-1 until k=0, then it uses a normal sorting algorithm. Worstsort does that, but instead of having a fixed number of iterations, the recursion value can be determined by a function. So, so long as delta k isn't greater than one, worstsort WILL eventually finish generating lists of permutations of lists of permutations of lists of permutations of lists.

Also, Magiciansort. Randomize the list, remove all out-of-place numbers, then fill the empty spaces from left to right with a random number from the pool of removed numbers. Any numbers to the right of the new number that are smaller are removed, and the list is moved to the right until there are no empty spots at the end of the list. Repeat until the list is sorted.

ManWithAChan - 02.11.2023 13:20

Efficient Bogosort:
Do the same thing as bogosort, but if an element is in the right place, stop randomizing it.

Sella Dore
Sella Dore - 02.11.2023 12:59

should i send this to my compsci prof lmao

Mrtopper - 02.11.2023 11:59

dumbshit sort: sort numbers 1 by 1 until slightly sorted, then rely on the person to sort the rest.

Terran Space Police
Terran Space Police - 02.11.2023 08:59

there is a type of space radiation that goes through everything, and has been known to change bytes around in computers... miracle sort technicaly works ig idk

Theo the cat guy
Theo the cat guy - 02.11.2023 08:30

Shrodingers sort just bogosorts it and makes the files inaccessible doesn't it...

Deis Fortuna
Deis Fortuna - 02.11.2023 07:02

Lizard Sort: you get a lizard to manually sort the data for you.

Ulf103 - 02.11.2023 06:30

Schrodinger's cat was a criteque, not a proof. Quantum physicists agreed with it and used it as a metaphor. In what I presume must have infuriated Shrodinger, whose critique was effectively ignored.

I am of the belief that the "observation" principle is just a semantic misunderstanding. We laymen assume observation is passive act, because that's how we perceive the act in our macro day to day life. But Quantum Physics is nothing like our macro world. The fact particles change state when observed, as written, implies the particles are physically affected by a non-physical interaction. This makes no sense... because it is wrong. Your intuition is correct: Passive observation cannot by its nature change the physical universe. But Observation is not truly passive.
Observation IS a physical interaction.

This is just due to poor translation. Very few people who explain Quantum Physics actually know Quantum physics.

"Observing" anything in the physical world requires physical contact: be it photons emitted, reflected, gravitational pull on another body, or the absorption of such forces.

Our eyes, ears, and various other physical appendiges can only perceive what we can interact with, trhough chemical reactions, vibrations traveling through air or fluid, or from other preasure sensitive devices all over our body. Our favored tool is our eyes, which are sensitive to certain bands of light.

Logic can point to certain eventualities, but the physical ACT of observation is a physical interaction.

Any interacrion at the Quantum level MUST change the state of the matter interacted with, as cause and effect is a law of the universe.

If a particle reflects nothing, obsorbs nothing, and cannot interact with anything. Then, for all intents and purposes, it doesn't not exist in our physical universe. It lacks any physical properties.

If there exists some non-physical dimention to our universe, we physical being cannot interact with it. Which makes it trivial.

If we CAN interact with it, then the act of doing so will change its state every time we do so, and so passive observation is impossible.

All physical observations change the state of matter observed. But at a macro level, the changes are localized and do not make a measurable difference.

A lump of silicone is still a lump of silicone even after considerable disruption from heat, physical impact, and radiation.

Most atoms are fairly robust and will hold together even with extra electrons. Splitting a nucleus or merging them requires far more force than is reasonable in most settings.

In other words, at the atomic level, our "observations" do not significantly disturb the sample being studied... The key word is "Significantly."

That does not mean at a Quantum level our pokes and prods have not changed the state of the matter being observed. It just means the changes are of little consequence at the macro level we live at.

The same is true at the Quantum level. There is nothing reality bending about Quantum Physics.

It's just a finer level of interaction we macro organisms find difficult to work with.

We are limited by the technology of our time.

Noah Gary
Noah Gary - 02.11.2023 06:24

some of these are actually really good with some modifications

trk. - 02.11.2023 00:15

last two ones are disrespectful as fuck😂

LockenJohny101 - 01.11.2023 23:02

How is quantum bogo sort supposed to work? All states including the sorted are partially true all the time, how do you select the sorted one?

Bonkus - 01.11.2023 18:33

Quantum bogobogosort

You can probably guess what it does

Austin Seymour
Austin Seymour - 01.11.2023 07:34

Offspring sort, each number is paired up with another number (A,B) in a random order. For each pair 2 values are added into a new list A-B and B-A. This is repeated until the list is sorted.

Sir Sapphire
Sir Sapphire - 01.11.2023 06:43

Russian Roulette sort: Each cycle, take two random elements and put them in a special array. Then, start randomly generating numbers ranging from the smallest element +1 to the biggest element +1. Whichever element encounters a random number bigger than it first gets sent to the output array. Keep playing until the output array just happens to have had all the elements get sent there in the correct order.

Mallory Taffonneau
Mallory Taffonneau - 01.11.2023 03:56

the Windows sort : for each element you create a file in a directory with the value of the element as a name. Then, when you open the folder, the elements are magically sorted by the OS !

A_Cheese_Noob - 01.11.2023 02:44

I give up sort: says the list you entered is sorted

Colonthree Enterprises
Colonthree Enterprises - 01.11.2023 02:26

Swapmeet sort:
Everyone who shows up is assigned a value from the array. If you meet with someone who has a value higher than yourself you have to haggle to get them to give them their value for your own. Keep doing this until you end up with the highest possible value. However, the person who is already assigned the highest possible value might be aware of this fact and can make it very difficult for you.

Vladimir Zaika
Vladimir Zaika - 01.11.2023 00:25

Miracle sort works in space where you can get your bit inverted by some solar radiation ray, so it is somehow legitimate

SpeedTV - 31.10.2023 21:53

Supid freaking sort:
Every decade, there is a 1 in a million chance that it will perform a miracle sort on the first two items of the array. If it gets sorted, it will wait another decade. Then, there is another one in a million chance of it performing a miracle sort on the first 3 numbers. It repeats this process until the list is sorted. However, the miracle sort is only given one chance, and if it fails, it will destroy the entire list.
