I ask a Catholic if he would join Sikhism

I ask a Catholic if he would join Sikhism


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Chillz - 12.10.2023 18:58

This is not Sikhi. You are a disgrace and a mona inside and out

Angad S
Angad S - 10.10.2023 21:58

Guru Nanak is not a god, he is the messenger of god similar to how Prophet Muhammad started Islam or how Abraham carried on the missions of God

Jasmeen Kaur
Jasmeen Kaur - 08.10.2023 21:53

Us Sikhs respect all religions We NEVER TRY TO CONVERT OTHERS 😡

Lord Of Dooms
Lord Of Dooms - 06.10.2023 18:50

Tu Sikh nahi ਕੰਜ਼ਰ ਹੈ theri sikha nu koi lodh
Nahi hai

Parminder - 06.10.2023 13:03

Guru Nanak isn't God 😅
You are wrong here

•𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚛 𝙺𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚎•
•𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚛 𝙺𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚎• - 04.10.2023 00:30

Sikhs don’t believe in converting , well they don’t mind if others ask others to convert but still I’m a sikh,

Dal B
Dal B - 04.10.2023 00:15

Guru Nanak is not God! He said there is God who has no shape or form!

preet inderjit Singh
preet inderjit Singh - 03.10.2023 22:14

Weakest and the most shameful sikh apologist. What are you tryna do bro just wear a turban before everything and serve the people in need for now. We are not muslims etc who jihad to convert people come on

MSK PT - 03.10.2023 15:28

Guru Nanak dev ji is the enlightened one and i love him so much. Please note that he himself said alot about ISA ( Jesus) in Guru Granth Sahib. Also, whereas Jesus was born miraculously (immaculate birth), he was born to fulfill the prophecy. You can't just go on the streets and disrespect Most loved religious people from history saying which one is better than other. I like that you went out to talk but in my opinion your approach is not good. Ty

StateOfEarth - 02.10.2023 07:28

Love these comments. Glad to see my brothers and sisters know Sikh must not try and convert and that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was not a god. This man should go back to the research.

Jai Patel
Jai Patel - 01.10.2023 23:33

Oh man. Poor guy knows nothing about Sikhi.

Dal - 01.10.2023 14:11

Is this guy really a Sikh?? Hmm?? We do not convert. They need to come with feelings from their heart. It is gods choice. God has given this catholic man his oath and he is sticking with it. Leave him be.

Arshdeep Singh
Arshdeep Singh - 01.10.2023 10:11

He calls himself a Sikh then proceeds to say Guru Nanak Dev Ji is a God. Lmao. Besides, us Sikhs never force anyone to join our religion. Although you are welcomed if you want to join our community. 🫶🏼

Moraceae - 29.09.2023 19:02

Me Kolkata se Guru se Sikh lene k liye aya 🙏.

Dr Wellbeing
Dr Wellbeing - 25.09.2023 01:45

I still find it hard to comprehend when Sikh leaders knew by partitioning Punjab into Pakistan that we would lose so many of the most important places and temples of our Guru’s and look at the tattered state they are in TODAY how could we not create commotion then and when a separate land was offered to Sikhs as their homeland why on earth did they do nothing then and now creating all this noise for Khalistan 70-80 years later when it’s just too late in the day …. But with the right affluent leadership and substance we still have hope that we may find a solution to the issues Punjab and Sikhism faces today ….I’m afraid all things considering the fact that we don’t have unity amongst ourselves is possibly our greatest challenge and tragedy we face today.
Neither are we cohesive as Guru Sikhs and neither does anyone get along with their own and on top of that most of our videos are cartoons and images are cartoons when real images are available of exactly how our Guru’s really looked and Sikh leadership is against Bollywood film makers who could put Sikhi back on the map around the world 🌎 but they intervene and have issues with that too.
Some amazing role models of the Sikh faith who instead of attracting the world to Sikhi are too busy preaching that “there is no Guru in your life no matter what you do unless you have Amrit Shakana first”! I have heard this one too many times and feeling awkward and uneasy and not accepted in a Sangat where all attending should be treated equally in the place of Guru Ji. So what’s happening as a result?? Youth are attracted to other more accepting faiths and these issues need to be addressed before it’s too late and for Gods sake let our youth and the world know about the House of Nanak who’s fundamental principles were to enlighten the WORLD and not just PUNJABIS… we need up and coming new role models in our faith to attract the 80% of Sikhs who have short hair and not shun them aside like they are not important to the Guru! Sri Guru Granth Sahib is accessible for the whole world as a universal scripture and not like todays dogma trying to make it belong to one sect of community hence why Guru Arjun ensured that equal reverence and respect and value was given to the many Islamic and Hindu poets and scholars including their scriptures equal to their own for a very fundamental reasoning which is to make SIKHI EXCLUSIVE AND NOT INCLUSIVE ‼️
Let’s embrace the new digital world of technology to finally make cinematic films of the Guru’s amazing lives and to tell the Sikh history to the world who have little idea to date thanks to the oppressed views of our Sikh leadership and allow the Guru’s and their universal message to come alive on screen instead of showing Guru’s standing idle without speaking and expressionless cartoon depictions we currently see them as again thanks to our poor leadership with their out of date views and there is nothing wrong in making a film with talking walking Guru’s life stories with digital enhancement so no human person needs to act as the Guru so there shouldn’t be any issues any longer but from what I can see and hear our next generation of Punjabi children cannot read or write or speak Punjabi in western societies and actually that’s the case with this current generation and they see little value as videos online are mostly with no subtitles or translations which is a nightmare in itself as it means only a select few people can access Sikhi to empower them but what about the rest of the world??? Pause for thought 💭 🙏. People like Maskeen Saint, Jagraj Singh UK, Guriqbal Singh, Nanak Naam You tube channel, dhadrianwale, Kiran Daisy, Jagjeet Singh Bhabia, Amritpal Singh, Sikh Net, Bhai Manpreet Singh, Malaysian born Bibi Gurpreet Kaur, basics of Sikhi, Bhai Baljit singh Birmingham, and the Sikh podcast channel are just some of the searches you can do on you tube to empower yourself in your God-consciousness-realisation journey ❤and I have the utmost respect and value for their amazing contribution to Sikhism 🙏 I have attended many lectures and forums to attract people that look like me and who need to feel included and interested or “lost souls” like I was back to Sikhi and influenced thousands of youngsters but have now stopped as when I became popular the powers to be told me either stop preaching or put a turban on first before attracting others to Sikhi and this I feel is our greatest downfall and we will see the rippling effects of this in future if we don’t stop judging and don’t open our arms to the World 🌎 however anyone can influence should be welcomed with open arms as this is how special and unique the Sikhi faith is 🙏💭😇

Hypnoticwarrior111 - 23.09.2023 12:44

Bro Guru Nanak is not god. He is a guru. God is God. Only one god and has tons of name like Allah Waheguru and tons of others.

The nature of sketching
The nature of sketching - 19.09.2023 12:27

As if this guy has proof of anything ! So ridiculous. It’s all about where you grow up obviously then you argue for your god

TheRandomOne - 18.09.2023 11:52

How is this guy even a Sikh.

M. - 17.09.2023 04:49

guru nanak dev ji is our teacher nt god and pls don't act like muslims by asking people to convert

Sarbjit singh
Sarbjit singh - 17.09.2023 00:05

listen my sikh brothers shi guru nankak is not god he is a prophet like our 10 gurus waheguru is god in our religion

Infinite Faith Art
Infinite Faith Art - 16.09.2023 07:45

Sarcasm 😂

turnip - 06.09.2023 00:41

Meh i like Sikhism because it has a lot of logic and real life experience, it's essentially a religion that says "be a good person" and is pretty modern in the grand scheme

Aman - 03.09.2023 01:04

This is the problem I see with Christians. Only way is thru Jesus Christ. Which is something u just memorized. It’s like taking something from
Harry Potter and saying this is my belief lol

Pistachios P
Pistachios P - 31.08.2023 10:46

Sikhs need to be more proactive and preach sikh relgion like what guru nanak did ..we need more sikh like him to do this but before u do this u need to no sikhi

Rohit K
Rohit K - 28.08.2023 20:54

I’m Hindu and I’m offended that this guy calls himself a Sikh and is trying to convert others to Sikhism. Cringe.

Prod. Gunny
Prod. Gunny - 27.08.2023 09:36

You are NOT sikh

alt account
alt account - 26.08.2023 00:10

Sikhi is against conversion. Guru Nanak Dev Ji is not god, Waheguru is god.

Gursimar Kaur
Gursimar Kaur - 24.08.2023 23:47

Um guru Nanak is not dead!

altcoin_beast - 24.08.2023 21:43

Feels like there is a competition, you guys are all brainwashed by religion, don't get me wrong religion is beautiful it creates a great path for everyones life! But the people above are not gods it's the archons the alien beings who consume your soul for food and throw you back here in this reincarnation loop matrix system! God is a energy, God has no religion and no race! You guys need to understand to go to source of creation you need to escape the soul trap!

Tsja Bana
Tsja Bana - 23.08.2023 21:24

So now grue nanak is God first time hear .. 😂

TheDonKilluminati - 23.08.2023 00:32

Guru nanak isnt even a god his a guru a teacher, and sikhs dont go around converting people this guys lost

shafeeq ahmed
shafeeq ahmed - 20.08.2023 07:24

Guru Nanak is a real God?

Prince Gill
Prince Gill - 19.08.2023 00:42

We don’t believe in someone converting

Lavijot singh
Lavijot singh - 16.08.2023 21:01

Jesus will join Sikhism I am waiting for jesus as jagtar singh 😂😂😂😂😂

Indrr Gill
Indrr Gill - 07.08.2023 10:02

both don't have any knowledge about their religion

navjot singh
navjot singh - 03.08.2023 20:18

bro you are not sikh because you dont have hair first of all and second think is that skihism never convert antyone to their religion .

Raghuveer Singh
Raghuveer Singh - 02.08.2023 22:54

Ye sale ne Kesh Katal kr rkha h maro is aadmi kau

Davinder Evolution
Davinder Evolution - 01.08.2023 04:20

Brooooo, stop doing this. Never do this in the name of sikhism. Sikhs don't believe that guru nanak dev ji was god, we believe he showed us the path to the one true god.

daman - 29.07.2023 15:52

You do know not all people who believe in jesus are catholic right there alot other Christian denominations i mean chances are depending where you are he is Ethier catholic or protestant and protestant doesn't necessarily mean the church of England it can be Christian denominations even non denominations that are not catholic or dont follow or really protest hence protestant the catholic church but usually when someone says there protestant in America it means your not catholic but in can mean you follow the church of England im Christian born catholic but i dont really pratice Catholicism or really dont even like Catholicism or the catholic church

communist party of YEET Mr humourlstic
communist party of YEET Mr humourlstic - 28.07.2023 00:33

Converting sucks! We never force people to convert!

ඞඞඞ - 25.07.2023 10:19

Guru nanak dev ji is not god, but a Guru, which kind of means a prophet

Sukhy Singh
Sukhy Singh - 23.07.2023 22:11

Guru Nanak isn’t the god its Waheguru

prabh sidhu
prabh sidhu - 23.07.2023 17:00

You're sick bro not sikh.

Gurkirat Singh
Gurkirat Singh - 23.07.2023 12:59

Guru nanak dev ji was a messenger of god…. He was always telling to everyone that god never can die or take birth… pls don’t disrespect and hurt the others faith

Shiwangi Sharma
Shiwangi Sharma - 21.07.2023 11:10

If u say Guru Nanak is real god then u are not sikh. Guru Nanak dev ji never said he is god.

padzi ee
padzi ee - 19.07.2023 16:38

Convert yourself to a sikh first!!!

SATYAKI CHATTERJEE - 18.07.2023 17:24

Arreh.....yeh sikh nhi hota yeh kam mulla khalistanio ka hai😂😂

🥀 Ariana_playzz
🥀 Ariana_playzz - 17.07.2023 04:22

This is probably a practice we never convert people in Sikhism 🪯

Sharmz - 16.07.2023 03:02

Did bro say Guru Nanak was a god, Idiotic Sikh. Guru Nanak was a GURU, he claimed himself he wasn't god and rather a messenger, a teacher.
