Germany: The Dark Secrets of the Super Rich

Germany: The Dark Secrets of the Super Rich


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Truthfully - 05.10.2023 07:22

Without involvement and association with Nazis , these companies such as BMW, AUDI, VOLKSWAGEN, BAE, BASF etc. wouldn't have survive so long during and post war !!

Wiro van AS
Wiro van AS - 04.10.2023 09:29

Hadden niet veel keuze, het was meewerken of afgevoerd worden en nooit meer terug. Bedrijf werd van de Nazi alle joden die voor jou werken meteen afgevoerd.
Zolang meewerkte kon je personeel beschermen, als je kon tonen dat ze noodzakelijk voor het bedrijf waren. Zie schlinder list

SwedenFromMyCam - 03.10.2023 18:53

Look at the queen in Sweden, she is from a Nazi past!

Pawar Om_07
Pawar Om_07 - 03.10.2023 17:10

How about the American companies who profited off the Cold War era squabbles?
Talking about past won’t change anything. Their Nazi past doesn’t mean the companies are run by bad guys in present.

Faster than you
Faster than you - 03.10.2023 16:57

They are nazis… there are many more hiding in plane sight…

Faster than you
Faster than you - 03.10.2023 16:55

You are cringe

VINAY GOWDA - 03.10.2023 14:16

demonize hitler so much so that the world forget about the genocide commited by colonizers of europe on india and african continents

Deezz Nutts
Deezz Nutts - 02.10.2023 21:07

So it’s safe to say the Germans where good people! Look what there enemies are doing in america they are destroying america just like that, they where responsible for losing the First World War for Germany!

Tamara Štumperger
Tamara Štumperger - 02.10.2023 15:21

Here's my view - topic comes to me as if the whole world would still blame and be angry over every Germany for their history. These "children" of the Nazi leaders have no influence on the past, and cannot dig it

Fosi94 - 02.10.2023 11:05

Why no one talks about the concentration camps the allies?

NB - 02.10.2023 01:19

It's not like American corporations are any more moral.
The Allies just stole billions of dollars worth of patents, actual money/gold, and physical plants and parts from Germany during the war.
This is the world. Its just about who beats who. But no side is more evil, despite the American Walt Disney propaganda telling you they're the good guys.
Also the Americans used forced labour of Germans, Japanese, and Italians during WW2 in concentration camps on US soil.

Hugh Walters
Hugh Walters - 01.10.2023 22:56

who cares? really.

vores hbo
vores hbo - 01.10.2023 18:31

Love the way you pronounce Heinrich with extra pressure on ccchhhhh😅

DesignerKarma - 01.10.2023 11:30

Eat the rich.

Piero San Giorgio
Piero San Giorgio - 01.10.2023 11:27

are you saying that German companies misbehaved at some times during history? as an Italian, Dr. Oetker pizzas ARE a crime against humanity.

VEPM - 01.10.2023 07:45

I just saw a Dr. Oetkar commercial while watching this documentary. Obviously they know and don’t care?

Stickman - 01.10.2023 07:36

Always comes back to the sins of the father.
Wait til they acknowledge what the East Germans did.

presamicke - 01.10.2023 02:44

Ig farben?

Phoenix Alpha
Phoenix Alpha - 01.10.2023 01:43

and on what other UK and USA were built on ?

Phoenix Alpha
Phoenix Alpha - 01.10.2023 01:41

BS !

Md. Sahirul Alam
Md. Sahirul Alam - 30.09.2023 14:16

and japan did nothing. Awesome

frans wevers
frans wevers - 30.09.2023 10:10

You should not compare the past with the future. “The past is like a foreign country. They do things differently there.”

Georgia A
Georgia A - 30.09.2023 09:59

Now do a similar documentary on Covid winners and losers.... particularly those who were forced to lose their livelihoods and/or be injected with drugs they didnt want

Vladimir Rashkovsky
Vladimir Rashkovsky - 29.09.2023 16:20

Although they used forced labour people really need to get over the “they were Nazis” shtick. Right now we literally have American billionaires with no Nazi background who are forcing African children to dig by hand for Cobalt, use forced labour in China and are currently working with government to exterminate an entire ethnic group from the independent countries of Xinjiang and Tibet. All of this while undermining our stability by being the direct decision makers who moved all the industry away from the west resulting in mass unemployment and wage depreciation in exchange for literal slave labour loopholes. America fought slavery in the past it’s about time they fight it again.

Toxicity - 29.09.2023 16:11

Heyo I'm german and all I can say is life sucks here.
Wayyyyy to many immigrants shitty politics and soon germans are the minority.

Harsh Shah
Harsh Shah - 29.09.2023 14:06

Well isn't it obvious if wanted to survive in that era you were required to follow the supreme leader's orders. I dont think people should punish the companies for their action as they were only trying to survive.

Piotr Działak
Piotr Działak - 28.09.2023 19:02

Thanks, added to the boycott list.

Nghi Nguyen
Nghi Nguyen - 28.09.2023 12:56

America did Helped alimentatiion Sponsosored The Hundred Billion USD , The Thousand Billion  USD  to Communism Nations China , Vietnam , Russia.
Joe Rob Ballots was Suspended Putin by Method Bought Oil & Uranium of Russnazi.
Big Events Near Comming Then League Satans Mafia Terror Racist Extreme Communists Socialism  Chinazi , Vietnazi , Russnazi , North Korea Nazi , Iran Nazi , Cuba Nazi ,  Henry Kissinger , Hillary Clinton , Obama , Joe Rob Ballots , Karmara Horroris ,  Nancy Expelosive , Benier Sanders ,  Alexandrie Ocasio Cortez , Anthony Fauci ,  FED , Wall Street , Banks  , CIA , FBI , DOJ , Supreme Court ,  DHS , USSS , IRS , CDC ,FDA ,  Dominion Systerm Fraud Vote ,  Big Tech , Big Pharma , Big Media , George Soros , Satan Mafia Terror Racist Extreme Communist  Socialism Democrat Nazi Party , Rihnos Were Gaves Commands to Gangters Marx Party ,  Black Lives Matter Terror Party , Antifa Terror Party did Fireburn everywhere , Spread Virus Covid19 with many New Version  Genocide Americans Patriot  in 50 States of America.
Joe Rob Ballots was Signated Commands Opened Souther Border , Soldiers PLA , Mafia Parties , Terror Parties , immigrant illegal were across Border went to America.
They continue Running Program Rob Ballots Election  2024 USA.
Provide Lisence Driver Car and ID Card  for immigrant illegal go to Ballot Box , Vote By Mail , Rob Ballots , Fraud Result Election.
AUTO REGISTER VOTER is a New Formula  of Demo-Rats Nazi Party  Rob Ballots Election  2024  AMERICA.
Bloggers of Communist Socialism Chinazi Said :" Joe Rob Ballots was Gave Command to US ARMY Did Fireburn Forest in Maui - Hawaii for
Program Climate Change.
Democrat Party , Rihnos , USA Communist Party  MAKED AMERICA BECAME COMMUNISM NATION.
Under Joe Rob Ballots Then THE COMMUNISM HOUSE is COMPANY BUSINESS Amphetamin , Phentermin , Ketamine ,  Fentanyl , Heroin , Cannabis ,  Opium , Cocaine of Hunter Rob Ballots.
Joe Rob Ballots With Cabinet THE COMMUNISM HOUSE are ANINAL FARM.
They did Beated Collapse America from inside and ouside.
They Did Sold America for Chinazi.
They Make America Become Colony of Chinazi.

pasaerc - 28.09.2023 02:38

So many Russian and PRC trolls commenting here. Why doesn't this "media" source and its paid posters comment on the current genocide in Ukraine?

Gert van Niekerk
Gert van Niekerk - 27.09.2023 23:53

It is incredible how the ‘So Called Media NEVER dig up the massive brutal misery the english empire, including their Mega Rich, caused and created all over the Globe for plus minus 600 YEARS!!

Bruno Reiners
Bruno Reiners - 27.09.2023 19:09

Why is that so surprising? Of course, what do people believe the NAZI regime fell and there were no more former leaders with NSDAP? Of course, a lot of business leaders during the war were also after the war. Al lot of Japanese companies have a WWII past and as such families as the Toyoda family. You can also say that the British and Dutch royal family wealth has links to slave trade. The Belgian royal family have links with Colonial Congo as a lot of Rich families today in Belgium. Also a lot of industry in Germany was already there before WWI like the Thyssen and Krupp families. So it goes way back towards the 19 century. Supporters were also the von Opel family, von Finck family. You can also say this for the Ford family (also used Used slave/forced labor), or the share holders of IBM

Ian Demontfort
Ian Demontfort - 27.09.2023 14:42

I don't see why the Germans have to continue being apologetic! Germany is still occupied. Early America made money from slave labour. American companies funded Nazi Germany. In fact Zionist lead Bolshivik Rusdia murdered over 75 million Christians! Nothing said about this! Why? Hypocrisy and wokeness rule the blind of today. The truth and the facts avoided. Our crimes are greater in so many ways but they lost and we didn't. So we get to write the history. Jokers

Jonathan - 26.09.2023 22:47

These demons know, they are evil people who need to get reigned in!

stillcovalent - 26.09.2023 21:05

Cool, now let's investigate the American businesses that profited from the slave trade

megapet777 - 26.09.2023 18:53

"Cookie cutter" company xD.. yeah literally

Riddick - 26.09.2023 15:15

Never forget Never Forgive✡️

Darren R
Darren R - 26.09.2023 05:53

This sounds like a j ew ish hit piece

Darren R
Darren R - 26.09.2023 05:52

Where were these companies before the Nazis? Acting like the companies didn’t exist before the nazi party took power is disingenuous.

D.C.S\A - 25.09.2023 22:31

schwartz georgy - also known as GEOGE SOROS, "father" of ALEX SOROS also made their fortune within the same time frame, still no mention about him or his deeds, or how tied they are with left wings parties all over the world.

Haluk Oeren
Haluk Oeren - 25.09.2023 21:36

Germany is still Nazi State!

Rivhard Davenport
Rivhard Davenport - 25.09.2023 18:41


Statist0815 - 25.09.2023 10:01

I missed the names Bertelsmann and Remtsma.

2ndAmendmentMF - 25.09.2023 05:06

Basically dont brag about getting rich in Germany 😂

paenutz - 24.09.2023 22:42

dang i didnt expect this to just boil down to "nahtsee bad"

toaster - 24.09.2023 22:02

Warning! this video spreads misinformation! the AFD is not an extremist right winged party

Es Hd
Es Hd - 24.09.2023 15:26

incredible quality and pleasant to watch and listen.. thanks man

SuperCidermonkey - 24.09.2023 09:37

The Americans (and others) saved and forgave many 'good nazis' whom were taken to the U.S.; doctors, scientists, etc, many of whom would be at the forefront of American innovations in the 50's, 60's and beyond. It was known as Operation Paperclip. Investigative journalist Annie Jacobson documents this in her book of the same name, it is choking and morally challenging to say the least. There are even some science awards named after them.

Adrian Docherty
Adrian Docherty - 24.09.2023 01:43

They were nazis who profited off the war in their own country and remained in their country.
What about the Swiss banks or US companies who built and supplied the nazis with weapons, machinery during the war in Germany??
