Why Dune's Editing Feels Different

Why Dune's Editing Feels Different

Thomas Flight

2 года назад

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@mateustravaglini6103 - 19.01.2024 20:11

with all that said, I slept 3 or 4 times to complete this "masterpiece" of rhythm, later my brother watch, he slept 3 times and did not complete the movie. My girlfriend give it a try, she slept 5 times to complete. I like the movie, but masterpiece of rhythm is not one of its strong points. Its inovative, yes. But is just differente. Breaking rules is important to give a fresh thing, but is not without flaws. You can say whatever you want is groundbreaking, but if every movie was that slow you would call it bad rythim.

@alexisadick - 11.01.2024 07:51

OMG I am having lunch

@michaeldeierhoi4096 - 23.12.2023 09:28

Your analysis of the editing was very impressive to me. It seemed nuanced on a level I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't pick up on. I know I wouldn't have thought about most of your points without your video. Good job.

@stylian6805 - 21.12.2023 13:43

10/10 masterpiece for me it took my breath away !!! Everything is perfect the only downside is that it ends 😅😁 Cant wait for part two and potentially a third part !!!

@larryneagu1180 - 14.12.2023 00:15

Dune should never be filmed like this; that's why Jodorovsky's version as bonkers as it was, had more appeal - because the guy made a career from doing trippy movies and because he didn't film the book, he translated it into a movie, his version of the book. This installment of Dune is boring to tears despite so many intellectuals having braingasms about this or the other aspect of it. Unimaginative, unnecessarily long, too many well-known actors - a spectacle of wasted money and crass misunderstanding of the source material. Dune was deemed unfilmable for so many years now - why? its universe is too vast, and the concepts in it are too cerebral for a Hollywood flick. And, sorry, but Villeneuve's brutalist style is shoved in every movie he can and clashes particularly with this universe. Some of the costumes are ok but Midjourney can do a million times better with a poorly written prompt.

@anak4207 - 30.11.2023 21:14

@tnightwolf - 10.11.2023 13:51

It is a masterpiece of a movie! I'm glad that such an epic and good sci-fi story was so well translated into a screen!

@hipser - 08.09.2023 16:36

amaz - fantas - pehnomenal work

@megamastah - 08.08.2023 00:15

> massive work of rhythm
Walk without rhythm
It won't attract the worm

@virtualsocialretreat8234 - 02.08.2023 01:15

jom gabbar? hahah

@danielthorrens9626 - 27.07.2023 20:49

One thing I noticed as well in your 3 shot rhythm example, is not only the eye movement, but the dialogue. When you removed those frames, you cut to Duke Leto in the middle of the sentence, but the importance of Paul having his own shot is to show how he connects inherently with the fremen. In the release cut, the importance of “before you” attaches to Duke Leto, Gurney, and Duncan, and not Paul. In your cut, it appears to attach that sentiment to Paul as well by cutting in the middle of a word.

@jadechan8673 - 18.07.2023 16:45

so grateful for videos like these. The obsessed nerd in me is absolutely delighted

@matiasfuentealba898 - 12.07.2023 05:36

what a nice breakdown <3

@FiveSigma72 - 09.07.2023 17:51

That is so interesting. It's an amazing synthesis of the way the scenes are originally directed, in terms of the way the actors pace the dialogue and the non-verbal cues...and someone who really understands that pace in the editing stage, to hone it to a perfect representation of Dunes unique mix of the familiar and the strange. As far as I'm concerned DV is in a class of his own. How many directors these days can you trust to not fuck up something you love? Even Ridley misfires quite often (although he does always shoot gorgeous imagery). I hope DV just keeps doing all my fave classic 60's and 70's scifi novels. Clarke's Rama, Hyperion, or maybe even later stuff like Iain Banks Culture novels.

@neoism - 09.07.2023 00:52

this movie has the best editing in years...

@genin69 - 08.07.2023 01:25

ah man.. that shadow on your forehead.. ai

@craignarramoore8361 - 07.07.2023 18:26

Because its all fluffy "visuals" and no story?

@MrGalessa - 07.07.2023 02:45

It feels boring as fuck

@kuramobay2445 - 06.07.2023 00:10

I wonder if these editing concepts were discussed in pre-production or discovered in the edit?

@taranjk1 - 04.07.2023 14:22

Ah yes the moments in the movie where stimming occours...

@Araanor - 01.07.2023 05:31

Joe walker should read the dune Audiobooks

@theFriendlyGhst - 23.06.2023 23:03

I'm sorry but I died inside a little bit when you said "Jom Gabbar" 😔

@BobbyAstronomy - 21.06.2023 07:11

The editing in this movie was complete and total trash, ruined the movie. The 3 second stock video of random bs over and over, the random changes in video quality, tint, lighting shot to shot, no shot seemed to last longer than twenty seconds, not to mention you could have cut half of it and lost nothing. Dune will not stand up to scrutiny over time.

@bramvantongeren8044 - 21.06.2023 03:28

Hearing you Thomas talk about continuity of emotion and information made so much sense to me in relation to how the book is written. Where between each segment you're taken to another characters perspective without losing the feel of the story at that time.

@MrDavidSalamon - 19.06.2023 12:26

You know, one can almost do the exact type of analysis of Hans Zimmer's musical score and how it almost rather keenly modifies the points you are making--- his "continuity" of musicical score reflects the editing process and combines to produce the masterpiece the film is? I lack the technical vocabulary to express it--- but perhaps it might be another video for you on this topic using your similar expert analysis. You get an A+ for your creativity and resourcefulness!! THANK YOU for your work! I cannot wait for DUNE 2!

@munirenmodofacil445 - 13.06.2023 06:05

No puede ser mas aburrida

@Dowlphin - 10.06.2023 16:01

Was this movie an attempt to get right what Frank Herbert said got messed up in the original? Because I heard he didn't want to be associated with the movie because it's not his intended cut. But do we have any information on what bothered him?

@Dowlphin - 10.06.2023 15:56

Watching Dune was like a magical experience, being a child again, because there is so much to explore. Scenes, moments, just feel fresh and interesting, so even without plot and dialogue it already has entertainment value. It kept me hooked.
And it is enriched in so many different ways. For example the fighting style with the personal shields where you apparently have to use quick combat to distract your enemy so that you can land a slow hit is fascinating.

@KakashiHatake-ou7mp - 04.06.2023 10:53

I thought lady Jessica stopped mid way because the trance broke. Didn't realise it was in her mind!

@andrewsteventon393 - 16.05.2023 15:54

Great video, but..."Jom Gabbar"?! It's Gom Jabbar. He makes this mistake both times he references it in the video. I looked it up, and the former is actually an item from World of Warcraft...I wonder what this guy does with some of his spare time?😉

@zarad2824 - 14.05.2023 21:57

this is excellent.. thank you truly

@AtticusColdfield - 14.05.2023 15:53

Dune is an absolute masterpiece

@doggod4 - 13.05.2023 19:15

“Jom gabbar” huh?

@anduinsuchan356 - 11.05.2023 20:16

Pretty cool that you got to do your own editing just for this little informational video. There were certainly technical choices made just so you could teach us about editing examples, but I feel like you still made artistic editing choices as well. Well done.

@joeybossolo7 - 10.05.2023 18:54

That gom jabbar scene alone is worth the price of admission, IMO.

@phenix1947 - 09.05.2023 12:54

On the theme of rhythm: Immortals (2011). The phrases the characters say sound very rhythmic, chant-like even. I’ve remembered the “Seal the gates and prepare for war” since I first saw not even the movie but the trailer - down to the way Henry Cavill’s mouth formed the words. There are phrases in the movie- I don’t know if it’s purely the sound design, the directed delivery of the lines or the way the lines were composed to be pronounced but so many of them just get burned into your memory purely for the way they resonate audibly:

“You’re on your own!”

“Prove. Me. Right! Lead your people.”

“In peace sons bury their fathers. In war fathers bury their sons. Are we at war, Father?”

“Does he know he butchered my mother?”

Theseus’ whole rallying speech felt like an entrancing chant or song. Zeus and Athena’s every line sounded divine and mesmerizing.

@seeburgm100a - 09.05.2023 01:03

as a life long fan of the books, hoping someone would do the books justice in film, this version was a let down.. casting was terrible, the choice for Paul, the Choice for Kines, The choice for Duncan Idaho.. no.Jason Mamoa, Big Strong guy.. can't act. His performance was awful. Cinematography was great.. music was great. It was a spectacle overall to behold but just dropped the ball. To date the mini series covers the books the best in my opinion.

@xairo8134 - 08.05.2023 16:27

One of my favorite edits in the film is the way the efficiency of Thufir's investigation of the hunter-seeker operator is carried out, even though its such a quick moment. Paul says 'The operator must be near by', followed by that musical sting that almost sounds like an alarm, Thufir rushing down a hall with his aides, the aftermath of the operators' discovery and then Thufir's resignation. In a film so densely packed this sequence, albeit by necessity, manages to feel so full of information and memorable.

@vsen7 - 28.04.2023 08:21

This movie was a completely different experience for me.
I did not skip and watch thoroughly and I did find it intriguing.
I am not movie smart. And obviously I didn't read the novels.
I guess that attributes to the different reviews.

As a layman trying to be appreciative of movie making, I guess it was very brave of them to make this movie the way it is.

Especially how most audiences get too hyped or prefer fast paced action movies.

Especially when there's something like Dune or Arrival.

I remember watching Arrival in theatre. When movie was over most of the audience were upset that there was no action. One said I wanted to see a fight, space ships, fighter planes falling, some blood, lot of bodies.

But I did enjoy the movie. And it's really bold of such movie makers trying to bring out these little minute details with sounds, visuals, less dialogues, zero over the top background music which kicks your adrenalin.

The star cast of Dune seems great but I didn't really like Timothee's role in it. I don't know why.

@CaseyMitsch - 28.04.2023 01:40

Continually impressed with the analyses you draw out of films and how well articulated they are. Keep up the awesome work!

@juletaurus - 26.04.2023 13:44

The entire film is incredible from start to finish. Excellent review. Have not been so anxious for the next part of a film since the Lord of the Rings trilogy. To be EXCITED about film again! Thank you so much for sharing your skills and observance.

@afireinaleo1771 - 24.04.2023 11:46

such an amazing make on the book! I can not wait for the second movie an hopefully more!

@WillFalcon - 22.04.2023 16:53

But the movie itself is a shit. Not a completely shit but 3 of 5. Picture is amazing, color grading, FX and design are amazing too, but scenario is very stupid and boring and full of idiotic gaps.
I was expected something even better than Bladerunner 2049 that is a masterpiece. Dissapointed.

@DigitalBrooke - 22.04.2023 03:19

Me having flashbacks to art school where we spent 6 months ALONE on 2001 space odyssey… 4 of which were MOSTLY about use of audio alone.

Yeah, this tickled EVERY correct spot in my brain as a film but, former continuity editor/script supervisor and overall art multi-sensory art junkie.

May I propose how much these choices mean to a more NONVERBAL audience, however. The choices not only drove the story forward for general audiences, but also provided narrative vector-motion and anchors for those who are more receptive to sensory cues.

Glad to see someone highlighting this film which was impacted so severely by the ‘Rona when it was released. Hopefully that nugget remains as a footnote when folks study it and box office success a 100+ years from now.

Context of society matters during a film release.

@Zunkar1 - 22.04.2023 00:42

Meh, this pacing was slow and it was boring. This is Devilleneuve 101

@JassielTHEarc - 22.04.2023 00:10

The entire movie had to be rushed in high fashion. I think some of the heavy dialog and politics would turn a lot of the general audience off, so in a dialog heavy IP they cut dialog and had to fill it with something else. Loved the movie, just think it suffered a little bit to do well in the box offfice

@solasauto - 21.04.2023 21:36

It was many years since I had seen such a boring movie. And I hope there will be many more before I do that again.

@johncenter4858 - 21.04.2023 15:50

Still, the editor inserted too much Zendaya in slow mo in the desert at the end of the movie, that broke the action, and was too repetitive. I've look at my watch.

@WoolyWhiteRhinoTV - 21.04.2023 15:16

If I had a dollar for everytime he said "continuity"
