strawberry guy - mrs magic ( slowed )

strawberry guy - mrs magic ( slowed )

๕ぁ Sad Slowed Down ぁ๖

3 года назад

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bobaiicecream - 03.11.2020 00:22

Why don’t you speak effy

Hayse - 27.09.2023 04:43

Revelation 21:4 -
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes,
and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain;
for the former things are passed away.

Liben Uchiha
Liben Uchiha - 22.09.2023 13:18

Strawberry Guy is really Underrated

Alessandro - 15.09.2023 16:34

Diego Herrera
Diego Herrera - 08.09.2023 10:15

Emily my loving best friend my loving girl my loving wife my loving soul mate my loving everything I want you to know that anywhere you go i always hold your hand and be their with you it will always be a wonderful thing to do such in something that’s indescribable a young boy and a young girl just fighting for eachothers love is something worth ALL nothing else can change anything from my knowing to this precious girl it’s an absolute desire to have her with me and enjoy her at all times ❤️❤️❤️

DomAsf - 04.09.2023 17:55

I got depressed again all of a sudden, I have her, but I probably did something wrong to her, I'm such a bad bf (we're not actually dating), I never got someone as kind as her and I've never experienced things like that. I love her sm but I always hurt her by accident, I can't forgive myself because what did I do. I got bullied by many ppl, but I didn't except her to come into my life, she's the reason I'm happy, she's the reason I'm alive, she means everything to me and I don't want to lose her, even tho many ppl left me for no reason and I got trust issues because of that. I want to be the kindest person she will ever met, I really don't want to lose her. Stay strong y'all and I hope y'all okay. and trust me, I'll be okay;)

safalunar☽ - 03.09.2023 07:08

5:08 in the morning , life is quiet

Rath Uzumaki
Rath Uzumaki - 22.08.2023 19:27


Frank A
Frank A - 14.08.2023 08:17

Here bec of the Batman meme

Butterfly_brainrot 🦋
Butterfly_brainrot 🦋 - 21.07.2023 22:25

Hi stranger! If you’re having a bad day with a bunch of bottled up bad thoughts, just remember that everything will be fine.
Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week, or even a few hours, but just remember that at some point, those thoughts will go away…maybe not once and for all but they’ll leave you some peace!
So just stay strong and maybe let those bottled up emotions go?

Virat Pandey
Virat Pandey - 18.07.2023 21:48

Am I the only one who thinks about rivers and rain while listening to this music?

JESUS LOVES ME - 15.07.2023 12:12

jasmine T.
jasmine T. - 15.07.2023 05:05

This makes me cry😢

joel nightson
joel nightson - 14.07.2023 03:53

this song fills me with so much joy. i always listen to this when i walk my dog, we have this spot that always catches the most beautiful golden sunsets and it just feels like this song

Evan Skipper
Evan Skipper - 01.07.2023 17:04

I wish someone would save me from my miserable existence. I can't handle being lonely anymore and don't want to die.😞

Horri - 28.06.2023 11:10

I still remember her.

Carlos Manuel Gordillo Munoz
Carlos Manuel Gordillo Munoz - 27.06.2023 02:01


Brandon Koerner
Brandon Koerner - 19.06.2023 18:55


Roderick Washington
Roderick Washington - 18.06.2023 14:11

June 18 2023 Sunday

-Revox -
-Revox - - 29.05.2023 09:41

After so many heartbreaking relationships I've been in I thought I finally found the right girl who was meant for me. I did everything I could for her and went out of my way to make things work. In the end I find myself alone In my room again with nothing but my trinkets to keep me company. But I do have to thank her for the time we spent together, because she helped me remember what it was like to feel be loved.

Tony der Echteアンソニー・パベル
Tony der Echteアンソニー・パベル - 27.05.2023 18:42

Stop telling me you miss me, I've had enough of your manipulation, just leave me alone please

Elvis Perez
Elvis Perez - 25.05.2023 06:16

I can’t feel anymore. I feel nothing…

iixnat - 16.05.2023 22:36

i couldn’t listen to this song for a period of time without crying because it made me scared of growing up… but here i can listen to it and feel safe reminiscing on good memories i’ve made. that anxiety will come again when i’m a senior but now i know,

to younger me worrying in middle school and elementary, it’s ok, and i’m ok. we’ve made it halfway to and we are safe. we will continue to be safe. i only hope its the same in college and later life :)

MochaChocaLatte - 16.05.2023 18:36

I’m so in love with this song ❤

V - 14.05.2023 00:00

“Finals week or my final week”

-some insta quotes person

The Folks
The Folks - 04.05.2023 05:31

Damn im already subscribed 💀💀💀

J M - 20.04.2023 07:03

this song is so magical

Lily👹💕 - 14.04.2023 05:14

On of my best friends has a crush on the same guy I do but I have liked them for so long yet I still set them up with each other for some reason. They are the first guy I have ever met that treated me so well, but I just wanted her to be happy. She doesn’t know I like him and never will he told me he has liked her for a while which breaks my heart more but he is going to ask her out tomorrow im not excited to go to school. My life is already falling apart this just made it worse. But I just want her to be happy nothing like this ever works out for me anyways I am always the second option I hate it.

¥oshi - 08.04.2023 10:10

Tw vent..

Time is 1:01am

I’m currently overthinking about our relationship, I can tell that we’re becoming distant and I hate that. I really thought we had a strong connection, I thought we were close enough… damn it… is it because I’m not there? I’m sorry I moved… I feel as if they found better people to be around, whenever we hangout they’re always on their phone texting other people… are.. they better then me?…. Fuck…. I hate this…. They’re my whole world.. and… I’m just… a box to them… a simple box… I feel as if I’m a stray cat, and their a person walking by, and they pick me up… they hold me so gently and stroke my fur, protecting me from the harsh rain.. they take me home and feed me, cuddle me, give me kisses, give me reasons to be on this earth.. then slowly but surely.. they go back to that box… that box I was found in.. and leave me there… not only do they leave me… but they leave me for other cats, better cats, funnier cats, cleaner cats, cooler cats, prettier cats… their leaving me… why do I expect so much…?…. I just want somebody that can stay with me for as long as time… with me… is that so hard..? All my life people are leaving me, abandoning me, neglecting me… why is it so hard to ask for one person, one, to stay with me through my good and bad days, my good and bad moods, my happy and bad memories… is that so hard…..

It hurts even more because I love them.. I love them so much that ir pains my very chest… god I’m pathetic….

KokichiOuma2005 - 07.04.2023 08:33

This is a good song to listen to on the day you graduate high school/college

WuperSog1 - 05.04.2023 22:04

Don't give up

Hazard FN
Hazard FN - 05.04.2023 18:43

You know, I know everyone goes through shit but, mine just threw me in the darkest spot of my life. My first relationship, and most importantly my first love which lasted a year and a half. This girl was someone I would do anything for and I made this girl my everything, she was my first everything and I literally did everything with her, the countless memories, countless first experiences, countless laughs, countless times i tried to make her feel special, countless times ive given her all my love. Just for her to fall out of love with me, it genuinely is the worst feeling ever, it makes you feel like your love wasnt good enough, like what happened to make it all go to shit, what did i do for it to all go wrong, what could i have done differently the whole relationship.. It really changes your perception of yourself, you go wondering should I change how i treat the next girl? The feeling is just horrible when your everything that you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life, that you planned everything out with falls out of love. But hey it is what it is, life is life, things happen for a reason, this breakup has taught me a lot about life. I am currently 19 and Its been about 4 months since it happened, ive been in the gym constantly and am a powerlifter on track to placing state records and changing myself for the better, getting my money right, chasing everything I’ve ever wanted, im in trade school working towards my career, i have a super nice car that I am building, learning new hobbies and passions, traveling more, trying new things, eating right and making sure my health is right, etc… I hope every one of you is doing okay, i know you will get knocked up off your feet sometimes in life but do everything you need to do today then tomorrow get back up and strive for greatness, chase your goals, and everything you have ever dreamed of, i know the road will be hard but it will all be okay in the end, love you all🖤

Camren Joseph-Peoples
Camren Joseph-Peoples - 26.03.2023 18:11

My gf just broke up with me, honestly I knew how it was going to end, I just didn’t want to realize it.

Zeke Brewer
Zeke Brewer - 24.03.2023 04:20


Yousra Ghacha
Yousra Ghacha - 04.03.2023 21:25

Which anime is this??

ArachnoFish - 24.02.2023 13:15

Remember, u can always talk to someone about your problems. Even just replying to this comment can get things off your chest or maybe just writing it on a piece of paper. You're never completely alone, u can do this. I'm proud of you that you're making it so far, it takes a lot of resilience y'know, remember, things will get better. All it takes is opening up to someone or talking about it

Abdul Jabbar
Abdul Jabbar - 22.02.2023 21:40

Emoties men.... I'm i right 😅?

Niki Ruggiero
Niki Ruggiero - 20.02.2023 03:06

Feel so empty and lonely. Miss MY ex : the only woman i ever loved in all my life .

Rk_07 - 17.02.2023 04:29

This is like the perfect song for thinking about someone you cared about passing away

Emily Kraftsoff
Emily Kraftsoff - 17.02.2023 01:32

My comfort sonh

Clash Heroes
Clash Heroes - 05.02.2023 08:42

i love you 😇😊

louf - 31.01.2023 15:32

probs for cred the artist

Daze - 20.01.2023 22:37

i was going to tell you soon i just didn't know when i

tennistor •\\т.о.м\\
tennistor •\\т.о.м\\ - 16.01.2023 22:00

“I failed over and over and over in my career and this is why i succeed”

Daysha - 12.01.2023 05:03

This is a happy high song to me :)

Muggynpuggy - 06.01.2023 10:56

Got a name?


Jojo Mortos
Jojo Mortos - 04.01.2023 03:39

Message to self: Happy New Year!! I know ur not as excited but pls understand things will get better. Don’t worry about the mistakes you made last year, just redirect your focus on improvement. Try to be 1% better each day. Your past trauma and hurt doesn’t define you and I know it’s hard to let go of it. You might not have everything figured out but you gonna come such a long way at the end. Don’t focus on your future too much, be in the present. See what you can change right now to be a better you. Your not alone on your journey, you’ll never be. Through pray and talking to God, I know you’ll find peace and happiness with yourself. Pls be patient, I know it won’t be easy. Just take it one day at a time. I know you have it in you. Im rooting for you!! ❤

palaceeod dusowom
palaceeod dusowom - 03.01.2023 21:06

Хочется, написать про прошлое, будущее и настоящее
Единственное что печалит меня так часто это время
Я действительно грущу по времени и каждвй раз возвращаюсь немного в прошлое , часто думая об этом засыпая мне снится сон с людьми из моего прошлого
ну так почему же я скучаю по воемени?
наверное, думая о прошлом вспоминаешь только хорошее а плохое твой мозг просто напросто забывает
и это медленно вытекает в то что время и уенный момент прохрдит так бвстро что осознаешь это только тогда когда теряешь этот момент и упускаешь то самое» счастливое время
я правда путаюась не думать лю этом и говорить себе что вот завтра я попвда перестану скучать по всему что бвло но не могу больле обманывать себя я люблю прошлое и никогда не хочу его забывать не хочу забывать то что раньше так сильно грело сердуе и душу
так тепло когда думаешь об этом
но если всегда жить с поошлом и думать ах как бв мне его вернуть
когда же наступит новое будущее
когда же наступит время для новых воспоминаний прошлого
пожтому чтобы я еще раз могла по ностольгировать по прошлому нужно принять тот факт что это нормально и просто жить настоящим
пожтому будущее и настоящее ждите меня во всех моих силах
чтобв все новые мосентв даже через год преврятьсьв в воспоминания мне все равно ч вме равно буду любить и новое и старое и сецчас и завтра ч все правда буду любить так сильно чтобв не жалеть не о чем и тепепь мне правда хочетсч выкладвватьсч на полную я уже давно ищу новый смысл надкюсь сейчас моц путь правилен
прошлое я теюя так сильно люблю что до слех я так сильно люблю людей из поошлого что готова распоактаься
но для аас больле нет места в настоящем

Winkeldorf - 02.01.2023 12:43

Perfect song for rainy day Gunpla!
