How Big Pharma secures drug monopolies | Tahir Amin | Big Think

How Big Pharma secures drug monopolies | Tahir Amin | Big Think

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Myra Gold
Myra Gold - 30.05.2023 09:36

HIV is 🐂💩 scam, scare tactics like C19.

Sport Beach Life
Sport Beach Life - 16.02.2023 21:17

All healthcare should be non profit

Chrystelle R
Chrystelle R - 04.01.2022 23:07

Swype control....

Chrystelle R
Chrystelle R - 04.01.2022 23:06


Chrystelle R
Chrystelle R - 04.01.2022 23:06

The Human race has become more vulnerable in many domsins which sciences help or aggravate

Chrystelle R
Chrystelle R - 04.01.2022 23:03

May God bless and protect us all

Chrystelle R
Chrystelle R - 04.01.2022 22:56

I question the apparition of new viruses in the last century and this one we are in.
Are they engineered to target certain segment of populations ? Are they. Bioweapons engineered for segmented genocide ? What can we do when govetnrments and contractors are involved and we can never find out the truth ?
What could happen to the Human race ?

Chrystelle R
Chrystelle R - 04.01.2022 22:48

Some would say they would have died anyway and some would say their is a reason for not rushing through testing....
In the case of the covid 19 vaccines the urgency of the epifemic crisis justify the rush but what about other illnesses which require less urgency but potentially provide enormous profits for competitive laboratories. ?
Scary thoughts. !

Chrystelle R
Chrystelle R - 04.01.2022 22:40

Can you imagine an evil scenario when" isolated people " with no family at proximity would be made sick or infected voluntarily by pharmaceutical companies or health agencies etc which then would beat the clock on competition with other labs by going straight to illegal human trials (skipping about 3 years) and trying experimental drugs regardless of the fact that the "human guiny pig patient" unaware...would live or die....
The first pharma lab then has 6 years of exclusivity patent..and potentially trillions of dollars income.globally...
Thei trial human patients..suffering of criminal testing may or may not survive..bleed to death or go into anaphylactic shock seize and die..
How horrible could this scenario be ?

Default - 29.06.2021 04:54

I can't see the difference between big pharma and war profiteer

Jordan - 28.06.2021 05:16


Safe&Effective! - 15.06.2021 03:54

Thank God they don't do this anymore!

(huge yawn)

Isca S
Isca S - 07.05.2021 02:06

Can someone tell me why, when gov. from many countries have subsidized ( through people's taxes of course) big pharma. so they can come up with vaccines. How is it that they are the owners of the said formulas & can get away with holding people's live as hostage? All in the name of profit. Why don't they, meaning the big pharma. have to pay back the subsidizes before they can make a profit. Plus they should not be the sole owners of the vaccine formulas, it belongs to the taxpayers just as much as all these big pharma. corporations.

CJ - 30.03.2021 00:18


BURN THESE BOOKS - 29.03.2021 22:47


BURN THESE BOOKS - 29.03.2021 22:41

Underlying issues G.M.O. products ? And associations of COVID-19 VACCINE DEATHS ?

HappilyIndian - 17.03.2021 21:25

Ayurveda & Yoga = TOTAL HEALING 🕊

Valerie Sanchez
Valerie Sanchez - 24.02.2021 04:31

The ‘customers’ of Big Pharma are sick people. So the best thing for these corporations is to have a lot of sick people paying a hefty price for their pills and processes. Their goal is not health and wellness... just the opposite. A population of healthy people would be a disaster for them. No sick people = no ‘customers’ = no profits = no corporation. What makes these companies thrive is keeping people perpetually sick so that they take as many drugs as possible. The company does not want people to die... that would mean the loss of a customer. They just want you to stay sick enough so that you keep buying their drugs.

V - 22.02.2021 15:21

Just Disgusting GREED!!!

kuma138 - 05.02.2021 14:10

Democrats shouldn’t complain. If it wasn’t for drugs, no one would vote for them.

Mike Henderson
Mike Henderson - 22.12.2020 04:26

Until America gets financial influence out of politics, big pharma will continue it's tyrannical rein.

dum monkey
dum monkey - 09.10.2020 19:57

We complain about other countries drug lords but nobody's complaining about big Pharma in America sells you drugs you don't need they advertise drugs on TV that will kill you they have like 25 side effects that are all lethal what do you do go to the doctor and say I want the drug on TV that is killing people not! Big Pharma big greed they don't care how many people die they make enough money to pay the lawsuits and they pay the FDA to look the other way what is wrong with this country

dick castle
dick castle - 21.09.2020 06:00

Big pharma is straight evil

FinneySP - 25.06.2020 01:00

Can someone please strong man explain the libertarian angle on this. How do you claim government allowed this when it’s clearly government was paid off to allow this. If there was little government wouldn’t the companies still have this control. It’s money in politics that’s the problem.

Chris long
Chris long - 04.05.2020 08:05

false on so many levels. One, this is a very common myth that many people truly believe. Many would say they do understand. Two drug companies are constantly looking for cures. So many preclinical studies that have been shown to be cures excite the scientists all the way to the CEO. But once they make it to the clinical trials the side effects out way the cure or it turns out not efficacious in the complicated human biology. Once someone is employed by a pharmaceutical company does not turn them evil. Many get into this field because their mom suffered breast cancer, dad succumbed prostate cancer or the grandparents developed Alzheimer’s. And even from a financial benefit this would be a win. Imagine the stockholders reaction if a company developed a cure. Not only would it sell well, but bury the competition. This would massively increase profits so, the companies could invest in the next project. Not only is there no proof of this fictional popular conspiracy, it also defies common sense if you sit down and for more than a few minutes.

BackInTheGarden - 08.04.2020 10:06

@Big Think, @Anyone that can actually HEAR... Attention please...
Big Pharmaceuticals, (though I don't want curtail their "Freedom of Speech" as set forth in the 1st Amendment to The U.S. Constitution), They need to be be STOPPED with their un-endless commercial adverts for medications UNAVAILABLE w/o a doctors Rx.
And I would hope, (IF there's any Doctors out there having any 'Cojones' of their own', they would cause big pharma to STOP their d*mned commercials attempting to SELL, SELL, SELL, Their D*amned medications unless available "OTC" (over the counter), otherwise, (and no doubt as planned by both elected & unelected bureaucrats), They want to sell, sell, sell, these labortory chemicals created to make big $ (Especially from Americans).. And I Love big $, May the rich get richer & the poor get richer! THAT'S The GOOD thing about captilism... IS THE PIE CAN & WILL GET BIGGER!... so that the standard of of living is increased BY ALL! Check it out!... Besides, no poor man ever employed my skilled craftman's ass.
Just find a way to make them STOP... before The U.S.A. is chock full of hypochondriacs!
...And their D*amned commercials suck harder than a piglet on the hind teat of a BOAR HOG. I understand capitalism more than they, BUT they're getting out of hand.
Immensely so!... Who but our representatives in the house can stop their sh*t?
Perhaps someone of upstanding character that refuses to exchange their terrible attempts @ TV commercials which look like SCARY commercialism with terrible actors? INSTEAD, there'd be regular people being regular people, (and I don't want to deprive crappy actors of their source of income either. BUT WHEN, (call me old fashioned, or "late to the party") but I can't even look @ TV much anymore it sucks so bad. But how would the youngbloods know? This is what they grew up on... Damn you devil, hollywierd & all... I'll pray for The U.S.A. but I'm not going to join "a group" one way or another... I'll vote my conscience one way or "another" first, and pray... but I WILL say, as did Benjamin Franklin did so many years ago, & the designer of the first 'official coin in The Great U.S.A., (known as "The FUGIO coin')... "Time flies, Mind your business"... meaning, (in my opinion),... "The business of America is business" that's why we need a "Businessman' as The Executive, bringing 'Billions" back to The Good Ol' U.S of A.
WHY? you may ask.
Because being 'Trillions" of dollars in debt is a shitty thing to leave to our posterity.
~ P E A C E ~

octoberboiy - 03.07.2019 01:14

Capitalism at its finest. Big Pharma is in it to win it for themselves. They need to be taxed.

Roger Naughton
Roger Naughton - 08.06.2019 21:34

At 0.38 when he says they ratchet up patents to prevent competition.... YES of course they do. Because why spend 100s Millions in research for another company to rebrand your invention that you spend 100s millions on.

Geoffrey Selvage
Geoffrey Selvage - 26.03.2019 18:26

Great information, but please speak up.

hyou zan ren
hyou zan ren - 11.01.2019 14:01

they basicly put a price on our life!...where is morality here?...only profit!

c'est la vegan
c'est la vegan - 11.01.2019 06:01

I love the way this dude speaks

Unlucky - 10.01.2019 20:34

Here in Mexico we pay taxes and we have healthcare for all. It applies to basic medicine up to especial surgical operations.
 two weeks ago my mother got a surgery and we dint pay anything (are implicit in the taxes)

If you want to know how it works is like this:

Every company has the obligation to enlist you to the government in order to receive health care (all workers have that constitutional right)
so the company inscribes you in the national healthcare (imss)
when you work, from the money you receive, the company grabs about 5% and sends it to the government as a tax from your part
that's how you get health care.
Also if you are a student, every school and universities have the obligation to register all students and that's free of charge bc education in mexico is also kinda free, the expenses of students healthcare is on the taxes of the citizens.

Dingo - 09.01.2019 13:07

pfffft, have we forgotten profit is the initial of any enterprise?

Mostly Peaceful Rowan
Mostly Peaceful Rowan - 08.01.2019 17:26

In my country we all hate our public health system. In USA they hate their corporate dystopia. Health care in whatever its form will never satiate a diseased culture and a diseased society. Wotan is coming.

Heri Styono
Heri Styono - 08.01.2019 15:35

Capitalistic pharma be like, "one patient cured is one customer lost"

Vlad M.
Vlad M. - 08.01.2019 13:24

Free my man martin shkreli

TyrannosaurHex - 08.01.2019 11:19

Pharma is one industry which should be highly regulated. I'm glad that he mentioned India as an example for HIV drugs. I remember the Indian government stepping in 4 years back, and the prices of essential drugs fell by upto 60% overnight without any reduction in taxes. Just made me wonder how much money these companies were making earlier prior to the price drop. Healthcare should not be a business, period.

Dan Sullivan
Dan Sullivan - 08.01.2019 06:59

The patent office itself used to do due diligence until they were funded from user fees. The largest fees are not paid by applicants, but by those who get approval. Due diligence costs money, and the more due diligence the patent office does to find "prior art," the less likely it is to grant the patent and collect the fees. This gives the patent office tremendous incentives to grant dubious patents and let private parties challenge the patents in court. As a result, the public interest is horribly underrepresented.

Gothead420 - 08.01.2019 03:52

Easy answer:
By keeping money in politics.

emancoy - 08.01.2019 03:42

The good side and the business side, it's like a horse and carriage.

Max Carter
Max Carter - 08.01.2019 03:22

So without patents protecting the IP and thus profit from research into new drugs how do you propose we fund the development of new drugs? Of course drug companies will try to extract return on their investment!

PANKAJ SHARMA - 08.01.2019 02:27

What is he saying is forcing me to unsubscribe.

Tumble Sensei
Tumble Sensei - 08.01.2019 02:08

Can't have a monopoly without govenrment threat of force.

Brenda Rua
Brenda Rua - 08.01.2019 01:25

Health care delivery based on profit based decisions is immoral once a country has the base to provide it. The dog an pony show we see in the US legislature is indicative of last gasps and law makers beiing caught with their hands still in the candy jars of the industry. It would all be laughable if it wasn't so shameful.

Elendil - 08.01.2019 00:33

With all the regulatory oversight, pharmaceutical development is incredibly expensive from concept to product to the point where companies exist that only make generics, because it's far easier. We're getting to a point where the 20 year patent limit is stifling innovation in the drug market because it's not financially viable to release a drug that's, say, 20% better than one already on the market. I don't know what the solution is but I don't think it's fair to criticise pharmaceutical companies here.

Stefan Skard
Stefan Skard - 08.01.2019 00:11

Fuck big pharma
