Australian fertiliser plant to close in 2022

Australian fertiliser plant to close in 2022

Sky News Australia

3 года назад

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@ThePred2009 - 05.07.2022 17:01

stop exporting so much gas overseas. allocate more for manufacturing!!!!! We need stop relying on international imports!!!!!

@richard392 - 01.06.2022 15:29

we should have DOMESTIC PRICING FOR GAS!!! corrupt pollies .... we export by the boatload what we need.

@jacobandsarahelliott6492 - 13.04.2022 06:43

Wow this aged well!

@markissboi3583 - 04.03.2022 06:10

Fertilizers made from COAL OIL GAS ?and animal Pooh nah we aint got much that stuff in OZ WTF bro
Here we go again with that LIE CHEAPER to import stuff we can make here Better - its never cheap when you put 1,000'S out work thats an old bullchit theory scam
Just Ask ELON MUSK now the richest man all within 10 years who's making Cars & Rockets battery's satellites robots and what ever he wants to make in usa
is it worth it ha! ELON fook yeah Fools with no brains Running big aussie C/O's dumb as bat chit
some have no imagination or long term insight sell it all overseas

@jimcarlson2252 - 09.01.2022 18:32

If Australia is up the proverbial fertilizer River for a country of 20+ million, what pickle do think India is in with 1.2 Billion citizens. China exports UREA to help make fertilizer to both Australia (80% of its UREA imported supply) and to India. India in 2019 received 2.4 million tons of China’s 5 million tons total UREA exports or 48% of all its exports that year. Worse yet Aug 31, 2021 · Fertilizers Price Index is at a current level of 204.51, up from 171.53 last month and up from 77.14 one year ago. This is a change of 19.23% from last month and 165.1% from one year ago. Now in 2022 China along with Russia have halted UREA exports. Everyone should be concerned. Our US President Joe Biden isn’t, he wants to shut down US natural gas generation a fuel used to make UREA. Insane yes but after Afghanistan debacle what do you expect from America or our billionaire elites running our American dream.

@shyamchabra5355 - 12.12.2021 22:59

Australia has never come to the realisation that you cannot keep increasing costs. It will result in many more companies exiting the scene in 2022.

@flintycustard8406 - 25.11.2021 08:14

Well of course : You don't need much fertiliser to grow LAB MEAT or BUG MEAT .

@oldtimers6460 - 25.11.2021 00:01

And the stupidity continues . Cut out meat and now cannot grow crops with Australian fertilizer , next no Australian pesticides (all Chinese made ) . And Labor wants 500,000 new migrants a year ? Please explain !!!!!! And in the end the winner is China !

@frankly88 - 23.11.2021 19:59

incoming food shortages

@humbleopinion2722 - 23.11.2021 16:46

Why does the governing body of whole entire nations seem to be bopping themselves on the head?

@tobybrown1179 - 23.11.2021 12:58

Pathetic, we don’t even make toilet paper

@maxlmpact - 23.11.2021 12:15

Say hello to net zero people

@juergenblessingen599 - 23.11.2021 11:53

Idiots at work. Flocking off our natural gas cheaply for export.......................

@aberry2521 - 23.11.2021 11:05

It's about time the Australian government took its finger out of its arse and started providing cheap Gas to Australians first instead of flogging it off to overseas buyers cheaper than it is here, come on MORRISON do the right thing by Australians for a change (What about Australia first?).

@areyouforeal - 23.11.2021 10:52

Check out the IceAgeFarmer channel - he's been talking about this stuff for years. There's a war on our food supply and fertilizer shortages are one of the current huge problems around the world. Fertilizer is literally being rationed by police in some countries.

@wwooww63 - 23.11.2021 10:22

how much do we sell gas for to other countries, we are being rip off blind by this government , its a disgrace , look what you have done canavan, no one can afford gas electricity water land houses thanks to your caveman coal logic, resign in disgrace

@MrWhitmen1981 - 23.11.2021 10:12

Seize our gas fields as food security is national security. If the liberals want this to become Venezuela I will be sick.

@Harrygreen111 - 23.11.2021 09:46

Shit happens

@Stevexnycautomotive - 23.11.2021 09:37

The communist are failing hard...

@cheatingisntfair.1898 - 23.11.2021 09:17

Soon our food will be made by 3D printer's.

@Raygo. - 23.11.2021 09:12

What's the worry? Sky News Oz will go on producing "fertilizer" as long as daddy Murdoch keeps the money coming in. Opinion makers propaganda muppets just open their mouths and out it comes.

@jimm2297 - 23.11.2021 09:03

Global fertiliser shortage right now. Another example of the NWO working hard to create world government through destruction of independence.

@spamuse007 - 23.11.2021 09:02

Micro farm owner USA…reading the tea leaves here…they are setting the world stage for crop failures…Small scale growers like myself can create nutrient rich soil to alleviate need for buying fertilizers…bigger agriculture business rely heavily on them…they are attacking the food chain in a myriad of ways while the psychopath gates has become the largest owner of farm land in the country…we were told last year that we shouldn’t grow because of water shortages while the state was contracting with a multitude of foreign and domestic non crop producing companies to buy our water…now they are working on seeding to create artificial rainfall using silver oxide which will destroy soil and crops…it’s a constant battle against the bastards who have manufactured the drought here for donkey years with weather warfare! The evidence suggests that scarcity is the plan.
Grow your own if you can.

@mareesteer7045 - 23.11.2021 08:51

Great job Sky. Your filters are so intrusive that respectful debate is now deleted.
But amusingly I can still call SKY NEWS a hole run by arseholes without being censored.
Very well done.

@juneshannon8074 - 23.11.2021 08:51

Another one bites the dust.

@GotoHere - 23.11.2021 08:32

Don’t worry China will sell Australia the fertilizer, as long as Australia gets out of the way when the CCP invades Taiwan.

@mareesteer7045 - 23.11.2021 08:15

Moving industries out of developed countries achieves 2 goals of the United Nations : 1. Make structural adjustments in developed countries to make exports from developing countries more attractive. 2. Raise the standard of living in developing countries while lowering the standard of living in developed countries to create equality. It's all written in the UN's Agenda 21. Paul Keating signed Australia up to it in 1992 and 30 years on we're seeing it unfold just as planned.

@fred4687 - 23.11.2021 08:12

We need a national conversation about what is essential for our food, health and energy security and then implement long term policies to protect the full supply chain of those key areas from external influence.

@sueturner5416 - 23.11.2021 08:03

Typical government policy. Keep pushing people and they will break! Weaken Australia physically more than you already have. Can't wait to vote my rep out!

@darvdalrymlple4580 - 23.11.2021 07:57

That’s the problem with having a spineless, gutless cowardly prime minister.

@sam4002 - 23.11.2021 07:54

I wonder what will be in the new fertilisers and where it comes from....

@Voodoo4209 - 23.11.2021 07:53

Dont need it while we've got Scumo.

@djcorvette8375 - 23.11.2021 07:52

Save the planet. Eat the bugs. worship the elite

@tommybrackett5519 - 23.11.2021 07:38

Just like the US there doing this chaos on purpose!

@DavidMiller-yc5ol - 23.11.2021 07:36

I read the PIN for this video and I thought the Australian government and MSM is all quitting to stop spreading bullshit.... Imagine my disappointment after clicking the video

@cameronmilne5319 - 23.11.2021 07:31

This is a national security issue idiot politicians…this is not economics…get it done you useless clowns!

@selinuse - 23.11.2021 07:22

Let me guess, will be fully imported from China now?

@TheHouseOfWaffles - 23.11.2021 07:18

So wait, which branch of the government is this?

@sadwingsraging3044 - 23.11.2021 07:17

Welcome to your green new world being built back better.

@davewatkins5918 - 23.11.2021 07:15

That means the goverment will starve us

@slipnslide9308 - 23.11.2021 07:15

Vanguard and Blackrock just telling Australia what to do again.

@allenmcknight6684 - 23.11.2021 07:15

Why is the price of gas so high we export it to china for next to nothing

@lappo253 - 23.11.2021 07:14

Where's Hawaii Scummo now?
P.S. We have a shitload of natural gas but these scum only sell it to the highest bidder.

@GearHeadBoris - 23.11.2021 07:12

The politicians should have this covered. They're literally full of sh!t and spouting more by the day😁👍

@janosfazekas992 - 23.11.2021 07:10

We push money in solar crap sand money to China, why not in fertiliser plant??????

@strategicviewpoint6672 - 23.11.2021 07:10

Retarded Australian Government will let this happen.......

@aussiemadman7560 - 23.11.2021 07:08

what is wrong with this country?

@dougdownunder5622 - 23.11.2021 07:07

Soon to be the Banana Republic of South Pacific.

@wuhanbiruSux - 23.11.2021 07:05

nat gas is still $5/btu in murica. why haven't murica increase fertilizer production?

@lawrencewyvill8040 - 23.11.2021 07:05

Australian native foods don't need fertiliser or much water just need to change what we grow good to see there is still no smart people in Australia still
