Why Fiddler Crabs Have Such Giant Claws

Why Fiddler Crabs Have Such Giant Claws

NOVA PBS Official

5 лет назад

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@cassianopaulo1 - 30.10.2022 21:52

That’s why I have a nuke

@aaronspencermusic - 08.09.2022 20:07

Hence, the lack of nuclear war...yay..for now.

@quach8quach907 - 04.10.2021 23:47

The Brofessor would call that "wintimidation".

@jackking1900 - 12.02.2021 21:26

These claws ain’t just for attracting mates!

@roberthiggins1100 - 03.12.2020 21:14

Cool video! I really enjoyed having fiddler crabs in my fish tank. We had a fiddler crab escape one day, and we found it a year later dried up under my brothers bed. We found out what happened is that strangely somehow we saw one floating because of air bubbles it had trapped inside itself I guess, and so we assumed the escapee crab held in air bubbles to float to the top of the tank and crawl out via the gap in the roof of the tank where the water filter was nestled against. We were also shocked that our African Ciclid fish would at times "remove" the legs and claws of the fiddler crabs.

@miriamlogan3733 - 08.01.2020 00:44

Crab Lord, Lord of the Crabs: We need a way to differentiate the crabs.
Crab Lord's Assistant, Assistant to the Lord of the Crabs: Markings? Specific noises for each individual? Spines? Colors?
Crab Lord: But how would we tell how powerful each crab was?
Crab Lord's Assistant: Got it; giant claws.
Crab Lord: That's beautiful.

@MrWhiteav6 - 08.04.2019 22:50

You didn't even mention that they use their large claw for female attention as well, that's part of the reason why they wave. Females typically reproduce with larger clawed males, based off their wave style and frequency.

@donna30044 - 24.05.2018 10:42

The pinchers of a Darwin's Beetle can exceed it's body length, but are not as massive. And Darwin's Beetles do fight, ripping the loser off the tree to throw them to the ground below.

@fergalfarrelly8545 - 24.05.2018 07:44

Mutually assured destruction. The crabs with the biggest claws never have to use them. They just show off thier claws and others back down. In actuality the crabs could all kill each other using thier big claws.

@optivion - 24.05.2018 03:04

..............Peaceful Warrior!!!
