Godly Whirlwind Barbarian Build Guide - The BEST Melee build in Diablo 2 ...?

Godly Whirlwind Barbarian Build Guide - The BEST Melee build in Diablo 2 ...?


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Medawk - 31.03.2023 14:51

So, on this WW barb you have no mana leach, pathetic attack rating, too much frw due to enigma (which is actually counterproductive on this char), too much IAS (you are already way past the last WW breakpoint) and then you call the build "clunky". Clunky is your choice of gear sir, the build is fine. Toss the Enigma, Highlords, Gface and at least one Grief and put Fortitude Angelic amu+ring, Arreat and BOTD instead. Optionally swap second Grief for Azurewrath. Your build is fixed.

Cameron Hill
Cameron Hill - 01.11.2022 09:34

How about grief and last wish?

Joe Squatch
Joe Squatch - 04.09.2022 07:50

not using frenzy. 0/10 godly ww guide.

David N
David N - 21.08.2022 01:29

I would use an Act 1 merc with faith for the fanaticism aura

Underheaven Underheaven
Underheaven Underheaven - 19.07.2022 12:19

Can somebody show me how to play WW properly?

Justin Moore
Justin Moore - 09.06.2022 05:29

damn man. your channel and d2r knowledge is off the charts.
But serious Bro...
Get a hair cut dude... or at very least invest in a comb.

Jonathan Smith
Jonathan Smith - 03.04.2022 22:33

Sorry I just have to mention that you do know to Spirit word swords would be a lot more powerful on your barbarian world win right because it pluses to it all skills on each one that's plus four tall skills common Sense bro

Sam OD
Sam OD - 01.04.2022 21:07

Is delirium better?

ÔŁÅR - 29.01.2022 18:30

Should make PVP builds

Zachary Smith
Zachary Smith - 11.01.2022 22:50

These gloves over resistance and life steal and magic find gloves?

zZeRo_ ToLLeRaNcE
zZeRo_ ToLLeRaNcE - 06.01.2022 12:07

@dbrunski125 running 1 x hoto and 1 x cta you can get +9 to battle orders instead of the +6. I used to run dual 6 bo cta's. I feel dual hoto's are better for a warcry barb.

Mr Mann
Mr Mann - 28.12.2021 15:19

When did they remove iron maiden from act 4 knights ? Back in the day no melee character would ever run chaos.

jrbass - 24.12.2021 16:04

Titan barb

Xsaviour - 09.12.2021 08:30

i play wwsin. how to point at the ground when there are mobs everywhere? i seem to do short ww due to often accidentally selecting mobs instead of ground.

David Oakley
David Oakley - 08.12.2021 17:57

Just an opinion no body asked for , but I would never max war cry for this build…. Howl and taunt can manage adds f that is the concern. With that much life facing a single target , you shouldn’t need to leech off the group to survive. Just seems like a poor investment. I’m assuming your clear speed is a little quick maybe using warcry stun? THAT being said if you are doing that because that is how you prefer to play and enjoy the character the most , then you should absolutely do it because you should be having fun playing D2 👍😁

Rob Nagy
Rob Nagy - 06.12.2021 04:51

You can stop your spin and make it shorter?

Dan - 27.11.2021 21:06

Never thought I'd hear Dbrunski say "neckbeards" in a build video but here we are😂

NY_Gyrant - 26.11.2021 08:49

I think Fortitude is better than Enigma here. Whirlwind as a skill allows you to reposition without the need for teleport if you know what you're doing. You can literally avoid being hit timing whirlwind right through entire packs of enemies.

Abstract Daddy
Abstract Daddy - 25.11.2021 03:55

Don't think you need short WWs if you're already at max fpa breakpoint. It's mostly for slow 2hand to capitalize on the first two hits that are always 4 frames each.

Austin Stueland
Austin Stueland - 23.11.2021 00:22

I am late, but I will say this.
With 2 griefs, you will never need decrip to proc. Damage is already so high, it simply isn't needed.
And increase speed can be detrimental. The slower you ww, the more times you will hit the same monster.

Andy Pham
Andy Pham - 19.11.2021 02:54

Stupid question and might have been answered in clip, but does the off-hand Grief Damage matters as much for this WW barb? On a budget for the 2nd Grief PB

Matej Balogh
Matej Balogh - 18.11.2021 20:20

Does the Whirlwind length matter with phaseblade Grief? The sole reason why to keep whirlwinds short is that it automatically strikes on frame 4 and then 8. After those first strikes, its attack speed is influenced solely by weapon speed. The fastest attack speed with WW one can get is that the weapon hits every 4th frame. To get there, one should have -35 weapons speed on one handed weapon and -60 on two handed weapon. Grief in phaseblade is -60 at worst, so, does it matter how you use your WW, when you have Grief in PB? I just guess you can do sweeps of any length you want and it wont influence attack speed.

OneBigTroll - 17.11.2021 02:45

lmao. I can tell you don't play barbarian.

Mirage - 11.11.2021 22:16

only weapon attack speed for ww might be another technical limitation for old d2, could be not the case in d2r anymore

Peter Griffinson
Peter Griffinson - 07.11.2021 20:48

You should ALWAYS take out the extra add skill point when talking about skill tree. It visually easier to see for viewer…..

Roy Barron
Roy Barron - 06.11.2021 17:50

Ok I'm checked and subscribed!

NightDevil - 04.11.2021 23:38

Whats the outro music you're using???

irv - 31.10.2021 20:44

why enigma in a dusk shroud instead of mage plate

Aaron P
Aaron P - 30.10.2021 17:27

Zealer with a grief/ebotd is the best melee character imo

Chris Topher
Chris Topher - 29.10.2021 13:53

ba has more range then pb

Александр Твердохлеб
Александр Твердохлеб - 27.10.2021 01:41

HI Dbrunski! Is it was players1 or not ?

Silvnoctis - TFT Gameplay German
Silvnoctis - TFT Gameplay German - 25.10.2021 11:23

How does he have 476 vit? I have exact the same gear and have 400, also my res are not that good

Mercy Black
Mercy Black - 23.10.2021 01:32

So why gface over arreat? Arreat has sick stats

Syedz Gaming
Syedz Gaming - 22.10.2021 08:41

Range matters for whirlwind. Phase blades have a range of 2, Grief zweihanders are range three and hit the last ww breakpoint for swords at -35 weapon speed. Keeping whirlwinds short makes sense for slower weapons coz the first two hits from whirlwind are free and not dependent on weapon speed. But with any weapon thats hits -35 for 1h and -60 for 2h keeping whirlwinds too short will reduce the over all damage output as there are few frames lost between stopping and starting whirlwind
With weapons that hit last ww breakpoints like your griefs, best way to whirlwind is to skirt the edges of the pack till it gets smaller and smaller.

Ronnie GH
Ronnie GH - 15.10.2021 19:58

what is the str u add in this build?

OneButton Dash
OneButton Dash - 10.10.2021 08:54

whelp... I'll never have taht gear lol

엘지카이저 - 09.10.2021 03:18

how do you deal black soul? in act 5 baal area, they often appear in dozens and if i get group shot, my max resis 2500 life barb gets one shotted. :(

Jon Demilta
Jon Demilta - 08.10.2021 22:45

I always ran griefz/ebotdz on my dual wield ww barb and I feel that was incredibly efficient.

DawnOfTruth - 07.10.2021 23:40

Whirlwind is super fucking fun with a controller btw, try it if you haven't.

Martin Blake
Martin Blake - 06.10.2021 13:27

Used to be the best until it was nerfed.

Eric Lincoln
Eric Lincoln - 06.10.2021 06:24

This was awesome! New to the channel, played a teen and now getting onto high level builds so needless to say I need this walk through. Any videos on how to best level up and aquire all this fancy gear?

紫陽趙 - 05.10.2021 21:55

I don't know if you still read this but why go for so much deadly strike when you get crit from sword mastery? anything above a 100% will not do anything afaik. Also not so sure about the gloves. You don't just face demons right? Seems like other gloves would make more sense. Anyway appreciate the video!

WingsofDivorce - 03.10.2021 02:35

Might does not work anymore with the diablo 2 resurrected singer barb.. any idea why?

epicwarding - 01.10.2021 05:13

no life tap for ww? roger,. concentrate or frenzy barb then is what ill make

PULAG - 30.09.2021 03:55

Can Grief not be made with 2H? And I thought Fury Balrog Blades, or CCSwords were top dmg for barb weaps?

DevastationGregster - 29.09.2021 16:51

Even D3. bLIZZARD Gave Wrath WW their due...BUT it took too long. From vanilla/classic D2 The Barbarian was GOD. Just blows my mind how they pussy foot to keep this build locked up out of the very first power pre 1.08/pre LOD. DONT LIE TO YOURSELF, IF WW wasnt nerfed by WPN spd/ TMMAUL/WARPIKE Hiting all 8 frames. EVERYthing dies

DevastationGregster - 29.09.2021 16:47

Just shit dmg as I watch it. Hammerdin Wipes packs out the second they spawn. GRRRR, hate seeing this. No offense DB, just hate the old nerfs.They sting after 20 years

DevastationGregster - 29.09.2021 16:31

Barb has been nothing but a BO buff bot outside of pvp since 2002. Which is why I dont like LOD. BTW with GRIEF, you will be repairing all your gold every 30 mins. Solo run, Rather use Ebotd zerker, I dont have the time to farm 500k every run when a hammerdin can BoT 30 , 8 *player Baals with no repair cost.

DevastationGregster - 29.09.2021 16:14

Pre 1.08 WW Barb was best build in the game. 1st Was the Maul Barb. Lance came out in November of 2000. Many players in 2000 did not realize how dura, and min DMG mattered. in LOD If YOU can not make break points on Whirlwind you are fucked. LOD/1.08 FUCKED WW with WPN speed. -60 on 2h, -35 on 1h. That is why people gravitated towards swords. A sword has the same IAS 2h as a 1h, only wpn in the game to do this. During 1.08 release, It was ww vs guided arrow. The fury Balrog Blade sold HIGH. 1.09 cam the birth of the ITH hacked HONOR runeword Colossus Blade. The Barb fought against Nova sorcs on the cow run META. 1.10 hit. THE GOD ever since is the Hammerdin. Barb switch would be max CTA to buff the party. Hoto is too weak.
