CLIfm: Is This Really A Terminal File Manager??

CLIfm: Is This Really A Terminal File Manager??

Brodie Robertson

1 год назад

12,778 Просмотров

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MoreChannelNoise - 23.06.2023 14:06

It's realy neat, love it

Michael Specht
Michael Specht - 05.02.2023 13:32

I wonder what was the rationale behind starting entry list items at 1 instead of 0.

Asdayasman アズデイ
Asdayasman アズデイ - 17.11.2022 18:31

Yoooo talk to me about those figures.

E: YOOOO Holocure! My man. I just found a new parasocial best friend.

Michael Williams
Michael Williams - 31.10.2022 15:50

I've been using clifm as my terminal file manager since seeing this video when you first posted it and I love it.

sufurt - 25.08.2022 01:47

Holy shit this is perfect!

Danielo515 - 23.08.2022 15:02

Put you TUI in my GUI. LOL

L        I        N        U        X
L I N U X - 19.08.2022 20:22

My favorite terminal file managers are cd, ls, cp, and mv

Gurjiwan Singh
Gurjiwan Singh - 19.08.2022 00:18

this looks very stupid

Gorilla - 08.08.2022 22:18

i'll stick with Ranger for now :P

Craig Allen
Craig Allen - 05.08.2022 19:38

The developer, Leo, is very active and also open to suggestions for improvements. Responds quickly to issues. Best thing, as Brodie has pointed out, is the extensive and up-to-date documentation and builtin help system.

Ben - 03.08.2022 19:19

Wow, nice!

Not Gate
Not Gate - 03.08.2022 04:57

Great video. I was thinking about some way to merge shells and file managers just yesterday and this seems like exactly what I envisioned!

WeshalbDennNicht - 03.08.2022 00:40

Awesome, basically what I was looking for without knowing that something like this actually existed! I love living the command line live as much as possible, but since TUI file managers somehow never really did it for me, file managers were the only but inevitable thing that kept me reaching for GUI apps. I have the immediate impressions that clifm is about to change that! Thanks for sharing!

muemmel - 03.08.2022 00:27

Thanks. Been using broot so far, which is powerful, but far too cumbersome for most everyday use cases. Have been playing around with clifm a bit, and I really like it. Simple, but powerful. Only downside is that I can't use Nushell with it, but for more complex tasks I can just start it, I guess. Again, thanks. Have been looking for something like this for a while.

Mikael Söderström
Mikael Söderström - 02.08.2022 23:40

Wow, this looks really nice. Thanks Brodie!

Emacs King
Emacs King - 02.08.2022 22:44

Kneel to your God, Dired.

DegenerateProduction - 02.08.2022 21:54

"Put your TUI in my GUI"... that's what she said.

Gregory Horne
Gregory Horne - 02.08.2022 19:30

An interesting take on file management but my brain is hard-wired to the old-style command-line file management. GUI file manager users have no excuse not to use the command-line for file management now - clifm seems to combine the "simplicity" of a GUI with the efficiency of the command-line. The bookmark feature though makes this tempting because it would make navigating to projects faster.

Sir Wrexes
Sir Wrexes - 02.08.2022 15:41

Congrats !
I haven't been using a file manager for the last 3 years, GUI or CLI altogether, thinking they were mostly a waste of time but...
That just might change today!

now-we-be-gamig.mp4 😎

ֹ ֹ
ֹ ֹ - 02.08.2022 15:33

You should make a more in depth video on this

Night_Fiend6 - 02.08.2022 15:33

Might be a nice toy for my Cyberpunk riced KDE setup.

Mario Schroers
Mario Schroers - 02.08.2022 13:27

nnn 😎

Friedrich der Große
Friedrich der Große - 02.08.2022 10:51

This is pretty cool. Thanks for this, Brodie! Always looking for new and interesting ways to make my cli workfllow more efficient and fun. 🙂

LivingCodeX - 02.08.2022 10:35

Looks kinda cool tbh

LivingCodeX - 02.08.2022 10:35


Sum Nerd
Sum Nerd - 02.08.2022 09:52

hey i've been putting off learning to use fm's like ranger and such but now this seems to be very fun. thanks for sharing :)

LordHonkInc - 02.08.2022 08:02

Neato, haven't heard of this before and I really like some of the features, guess I've got a new weekend project to sink my teeth into :)

Vaisakh K M
Vaisakh K M - 02.08.2022 07:59

This is the CLI file manager i was looking for :9

Christopher McAllister
Christopher McAllister - 02.08.2022 07:58

Holy shit, this has already been made the "Introduction Video" at the top of the README on the gh project

Amirhossein Alesheikh
Amirhossein Alesheikh - 02.08.2022 07:02

This is probably the coolest filemanager I have ever seen. maybe it replaces lf for me. Though lf's server-client model is one to die for.

Luciano Panepucci
Luciano Panepucci - 02.08.2022 05:25

Really interesting.

Chyld Studios
Chyld Studios - 02.08.2022 03:12

Interesting ... thanks for showing!

KatzRool - 02.08.2022 02:48

Fascinating. I often find myself not even opening lf or anything else graphical/TUI while navigating and running commands, so this is actually a very appealing concept for me.

Asura - 02.08.2022 02:39

It's CL time...

Co De
Co De - 02.08.2022 02:37

nr;wu == Not Rust(y), Won't Use 😤

Nicholas Ng
Nicholas Ng - 02.08.2022 02:33

ls -lathi

athukora - 02.08.2022 02:03


Mark Hyde
Mark Hyde - 02.08.2022 01:42

I see what you did that 1337 mins long :)

Jack Harold
Jack Harold - 02.08.2022 01:19

Ayyy, clifm. I found it last year only a few weeks after it was released from a Reddit post by the dev. The complexity of it is astonishing lol.

Will Budić
Will Budić - 02.08.2022 01:15

nah, fzf is for me, works inside vim too, and with file preview. Another one I started to use more and more is Fasd a command-line productivity booster.

EnderKill98 - 02.08.2022 00:59

This is actually a pretty compelling fm I might try out. I never really got the point of ranger and similar ones, since I'm pretty fast with plain commands and if I need some hybrid, using my drop-down terminal (guake) alongside Dolphin (KDEs GUI FM) is fine.

I kinda still prefer my gui fm for simple browsing and most everyday things. For the quick command I can also use F4 for a split-screen terminal in the same window. This way I can keep track of an ongoing operation and don't have to open a terminal window and attach it to the tmux session I use in guake (since I have it always on my main monitor and set to hide when not focused).

I personally don't get other FM's other then KDE's Dolphin. I find it has the most power user features (tabs, bulk renaming / numbering, sftp, can even do archives without a separate window). It has a nice optionally expandable tree view with customizeable details shown, nice file metadata previews, lots of integrations with kde stuff like KDE Connect and much much more. I also hate that most other file explorers start a ** search when I type letters instead of just jumping to a file/folder starting with those, which breaks my navigation style and.

For those reasons, I'm not convinced that any other GUI FM I know of would be worthy and even compare feature / usability for me. I used nautilus and pcmanfm. PCManFM is nice for minimal desktops in a RPi or dockerized desktop where I don't use it a lot, but nautilus just seems flashy with horrible usability for me. So if you're using those, I can understand that you want to replace it. There might be others, but then those would probably loose in terms of looks / desktop theme integration.

TL;DR: Dolphin is the only worthy GUI FM imo and it actually does support a split terminal kinda similar with F4. For everything else, a shell with some sensible auto-complete (zsh, fish, not bash!) is everything I need.

Faustipez - 02.08.2022 00:58

I'm glad to see all those man of culture "files" in your trash can 🥰😝🙏

King Wombat
King Wombat - 02.08.2022 00:47

So how do you get FFXIV working on Arch, and how well does it work?

David Delarosa
David Delarosa - 02.08.2022 00:34

Logseq AppImage pops up... I sense a note-taking video coming?

Christopher McAllister
Christopher McAllister - 02.08.2022 00:32

This looks amazing and the bookmark feature sells it for me. I'm going to mess around with this. I currently use ranger; I love ranger. But this more "native" terminal style of interacting with it might just have it become my default way of traversing my file system. Right now I only use ranger when I'm working in a well defined project hierarchy or am doing a large bulk file operation

EDIT: oh cool, it essentially "passes" through to your normal terminal (there isn't strictly true and has caveats) but you can actually spawn a ranger instance inside of CliFM. Also, if you use Kitty and enjoy its image protocol, calls to it work just fine (a la icat kitten). I'll have to look at how to get my aliases working properly but this looks very promising and probably will simply super charge my workflow rather than replace large parts of it

EDIT: the more I play with this, the more it makes me want to just ditch zsh and go back to just bash, using CliFM as my fancy shell extension

CMDR Sweeper
CMDR Sweeper - 02.08.2022 00:30

Brodie never ceases to amaze me... He can find these interesting things for stuff that is very yawn and has questionable functionality when you have a desktop.
Such as a simple terminal file manager, this one has sufficient stuff that will tempt you out of the GUI :D

MrG0CE - 02.08.2022 00:28


nxtaaa - 02.08.2022 00:26

bro this thumbnail 😆

Rin UmU
Rin UmU - 02.08.2022 00:20

Thank you so much Brodie for finding new amazing software. Definitely wouldn't have found this myself.
