Something From Nothing - a conversation w/ Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss - ASU Feb 4, 2012

Something From Nothing - a conversation w/ Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss - ASU Feb 4, 2012

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jmmyhayes - 16.09.2023 02:49

I hate him repeatedly trying to make jokes (or rather variations on the same joke) about Republicans. I don't care about making fun of Reps (or Dems for that matter). Its just because he's trying to be funny and they barely qualify as jokes and def aren't funny. Its equally as shameful as a comedian trying to write a scientific paper. It's not your field and you're not good at it.

REL - 13.09.2023 04:58

Dawkins is more arrogant than Hitchens. He thinks Darwin was God. Having a British accent and being arrogant doesn’t make you right. Perfect example is Charles Dawson and his 40-year hoax. We’re approaching the 200 years of the Darwin hoax.

Rae D.C.
Rae D.C. - 05.09.2023 21:40

I still have such a crush on Lawrence… I cannot help it. It’s been 10+ years now (I’m in my early 30s, lol).

I’d gladly let him explore my cosmos. 😂❤🤦🏾‍♀️

Francois Mouton
Francois Mouton - 30.08.2023 08:32

Misguided ignoramus trapped in materialist dogma.Feel sorry for Dawkins.

F - 29.08.2023 12:48

I don't feel anymore educated, enlightened or intelligent from listening to this.

Emotive arguments not even disguised as rational arguments delivered by Richard Dawkins and someone even more arrogant than him (which I didn't think was possible).

Vivette - 27.08.2023 06:56

Acne must be treated before it causes lifelong disfigurement.

William Peterson
William Peterson - 22.08.2023 01:39

Although I am not a scientist, I do trust (not believe) in STEAM!

William Peterson
William Peterson - 21.08.2023 23:30

Richard Dawkins changed my life, not from changing my mind, but using evidence to allow me to realize I was correct in my thinking.

RatNoina Maew
RatNoina Maew - 17.08.2023 10:27

Dawkins is a brainless idiot because on the one hand he says "chemistry somehow had to give rise to a self replicating molecule" with no explanation of how that occured, but he is absolutely certain there is no God based on "evidence"; What kind of evidence is he looking for? he never reveals this. So he cannot explain how evolution started and he cannot prove if there is a God or not. So what exactly does he stand for? Nothing.

RatNoina Maew
RatNoina Maew - 17.08.2023 10:15

"Somehow had to give rise to" coming from someone who works with evidence only.😂

Tore Jens Oftenæs
Tore Jens Oftenæs - 14.08.2023 18:34

(1) It is people like the atheists who spread this absolutely insane idea of an attitude of life built on nothing (or randomness), which leads to desperation, suicide, murder, crime, destruction, human degradation, moral destruction, cannibalism etc. Only when man lacks a basic spiritual perspective in life, these options become relevant.

(2) What the general public believes to be scientific evidence rides the same humanity like a demon.

(3) The whole concept of proof has its origins in the mathematical method: An example of a mathematical proof: An odd number^2 can always be written as 4n+1. PROOF: (4m+1)^2= (4m+1)*(4m+1)=16m^2+8m+1=4(4m^2+2m)+1 = 4n+1. AND (4m+3)^2= (4m+3)*(4m+3)=16m^2+24m+9=8(2m^2+3m)+9 = 4(4m^2+6m)+8 +1= 4n+1.

(4) Now how is this method to be transferred to all phenomena in the World or the Universe? So far there is NO possibility to generally use this method in the world, only in special cases, and Kurt Gödel prooved logically in 1931 that there are true statements in any logical system, that can not be prooven.

(5) Undecidable questions have even arisen in physics, suggesting that incompleteness afflicts not just math, but in some little understood way, The Reality.

(6) About the World and Reality, we must use a method of proof like: We saw such and such happen. In other words, observation or what a lawyer would call witness testimony. And observations do not always give the whole picture, so theories must constantly be adjusted in line with new observations.

(7) Many people claim that a spiritual world exists, which atheists usually object to, because for them everything is physical. I think and feel; these are not physical things. Thoughts and feelings do indeed generate electrical activity in the nerves and brain, BUT the thoughts and feelings are not generated by them!

(8)Thoughts are patterns, system and order, the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that if the brain is a closed system (in other words; generating its own consciousness) then the brain will only increase in disorder and electrical chaos with time, and never be able to converge to systematic and orderly thoughts and ideas:

(9) So therefore the brain is not a closed system and consciousness with ordered structures in the form of thoughts and ideas must come from outside, and from the outside thoughts and ideas induce the ordered electrical impulses that take place in the brain (not the same as sensory impressions). This even applies to a misconception, because it is after all a structure, but a structure that is attacked by the chaos in the physical (term.2.nd. law) and will in time, only have 2 ways to go; to its own destruction or to correction and modification over to that which corresponds to reality.

(10) That the 2nd law of thermodynamics in this way hints at a spiritual dimension must be considered no less than a miracle. Thus our mentality is the closest we come into contact with a spiritual reality, and with our consciousness we arrange our physical surroundings through work, according to the degree of consciousness that each individual has developped.

(11) When we see the structure in nature and the Universe, we can only sense via an induction process that this continues, EXACTLY because we see order and structure and order and structure do not arise randomly from chaos.

(12) So for this reason a consciousness is induced where there is structure and the structures in the Universe completely surpass human concepts, and when these are assigned to a consciousness that stands behind this arrangement, similar to we arranging our private physical surroundings, this consciousness must accordingly stand above our comprehension in terrifying height, depth and power and effectiveness.

(13) But you can close yourself off from all this and live in your disghusting little atheist world without any meaning, purpose, direction, hope and inspiration what so ever, and for that reason only have one remaining option; becoming a barbarian, -

(14) OR you can open your eyes and get a glimpse into the Universe behind the Universe.

Hugo James
Hugo James - 14.08.2023 11:05

Richard Dawkins (and all other professional atheists): "People often ask me 'If God doesn't exist, why are you always wanking on about Him?' I just ignore them, because otherwise I'd have to (a) admit that I was talking through my arse, and (b) give up these really lucrative gigs preaching to the atheist converted".

KC - 10.08.2023 22:20

Look!!! If that asteroid hadn’t of made the dinosaurs extinct.we may never of come into existence.

12 Hornet's
12 Hornet's - 06.08.2023 11:23

This Krause characters put me off watching this 🤷

Natalie delavie
Natalie delavie - 05.08.2023 22:17

We are August 5th 2023
I wonder what would these two scientists convinced that god is Irrelevant in science would say about the power of quantum meditation we live in a terrible world where more than over mankind is proven to be an ugly selfish arrogant fake one which is why more people turn away from superstitions created by mystical f beliefs which create Fear because the thought is so powerful that it creates fear and the fear manifests physically so selfish if we believe in a human ways of peacing these fears like listening to reality of some Buddhist monks or repeating affirmations makes you feel better by healing your thoughts or your trauma it could be a new form of science meditation healing through meditation of course depending on what we are meditating on . Let’s say I close my eyes have some 450 hertz binaural sound and a soft voice telling me that iam safe now that I can ask the universe to bring me happiness generate income be energetic change my life by repeating to my subconscious or my unconscious that iam good and beautiful and deserve the best is it possible that it could work see with an open mind everything is possible science is very limited in that respect this is the difference between science and spirituality Natalie MUTZEL

Darren Parkinson
Darren Parkinson - 05.08.2023 09:07

I started watching this and became so reassured by their arguments for their cases,that it made me late for church.

chris harvey
chris harvey - 02.08.2023 16:29

when any painter paints anything he is deluded because its only an expression of reality its not real, same as language, all language i an expression its never a perfect copy, Richard like many positions themselves that anything they say is the correct expression, having a society like this can lead to dark places as it leads to hysteria for what is holy and was is not...he recently in an interview with David Pakman that trans people are a perversion of clarity...then defended a trans person, then claimed to protect language, then excluded the T from LGBT.....this guy is not smart, he just rides the money wagon, all of you or perhaps some of you are just needing adversary because perhaps you have nothing else.

fred 24
fred 24 - 01.08.2023 22:39

Atheists are the most intelligent

Sublime - 31.07.2023 18:22

why are the examples these two privileged, white males using about females? Don't any males believe in a 6,000 yr old earth? Males wrote the bible, why isn't that mentioned.

Globe255 - 23.07.2023 14:51

There has always been something.

Ryan Thomson
Ryan Thomson - 20.07.2023 20:41

I don't think these people will ever find the answers so until then I don't see the fuss to applaud their findings.

lewis street
lewis street - 18.07.2023 04:01

John the Baptist molecule: sort of what Donald Trump is for the GOP Evangelical enlighten human herd!!!

lewis street
lewis street - 18.07.2023 03:53

Was this interview held before or after Lawrence was accused of a sex offense?

John d
John d - 17.07.2023 03:38

About the end of seventh minute in the discussion. Dawkins "that's one of the big gaps of our knowledge at this moment, nobody knows how that started. The laws of chemistry somehow had to give rise to a self replicating molecule. once you got that evolution takes of" So then Richard Dawkins does believe in Leprechauons.

Fastertrack - 15.07.2023 02:34

"put my shirt on" curious expression

srinivasarao rao
srinivasarao rao - 12.07.2023 19:05

Great World scientist sit together and came to conclusion in the mellinium that mater became genome genome became ape one such ape became human and mater stoped after human ...wonderful logical framework and this natural selection only applicable to earth not to any part of universe...

Norman Threlfall
Norman Threlfall - 11.07.2023 16:46

Evolution’s Fantasy Production
This has been built upon for years by humanists who embrace Darwinian Evolutionary Religion on the stage of the world. There are many actors in this production who are charismatic and eloquent in their approach of imaginary scenarios’. There are some well-known actors who have gained world acclaim under false pretenses. The curtain by rights should fall on the evolutionary fantasy production, but it won’t because the alternative is creation and that is unthinkable to many, because that means a Creator and there may be some moral rules to life that are not palatable to them. We have scientific proof from the ICA stones which contain patina which has been seen under microscope, manifesting their authenticity, found in Nazca tombs in the desert, with dinosaurs carved on them by the indigenous people. We have scientific evidence of Pre- Columbian pottery pieces which they like to conceal and hide in the back rooms of museums away from the public eye with dinosaurs on them. There have also been found textiles with dinosaurs embroidered upon them. We have scientific evidence of dinosaur petroglyphs etched on canyon walls by Anasazi Indians hundreds of years ago. We have scientific proof of dinosaur and human footprints together in Turkmenistan from the so- called Jurassic period. Even in Glen Rose Texas at the Paluxy River bed where rock strata was removed dinosaur footprints where discovered alongside human. We have solid scientific evidence of elephant prints and dinosaur prints in the same so-called Cretaceous formation. Humans, elephants and dinosaurs obviously danced together at the same time, and it was not 65 million years ago. We have scientific evidence of large mammals eating juvenile dinosaurs, proving they were around at the same time. We have evidence of red blood cells and tissues found in T.Rex and other dinosaurs in recent discoveries. We have substantial evidence from fairly recent archaeological discoveries in Peru that are tangible touchstones for grasping the significance of man and dinosaurs living together. Dr. Dennis Swift was an evolutionist until he did excavations in Peru and other places making discoveries that shocked him to the core. He is not alone in recognizing this world is not as old as the evolutionists make it out to be. The evidence reveals that the evolutionist’s geologic column and fine-tuned intellectual tower of time is pure fantasy and imagination teaching that dinosaurs and man lived at least 65 million years apart. This tower of time was invented by Charles Lyell and his contemporaries in order to oppose the Biblical account of Genesis. He got his book published in 1830 named Principles of Geology- in other words rules laid down for interpreting geology. All these things have to come to pass but the end is not yet. Rejecting God’s loving words through Jesus seems to be the order of the day. The theory of evolution is way past its bed-time. I am here for the sheep! Kind Regards

joe sikic
joe sikic - 08.07.2023 16:43

Do we have free will? It's your choice, so you can choose your answer. Or can you?

Rubix Cubix
Rubix Cubix - 05.07.2023 06:08

I hate this, everyday I go farther away from believing in god. I was a really religious kid, I led Friday prayers at my school all throughout my sophomore year. I come from a religious Muslim family, and I have heretical views and nobody knows about it, it just makes me really depressed, it is beyond comprehensible.

Whirled Peas
Whirled Peas - 03.07.2023 08:08

If you look beyond the pure physical beauty of PhD. Krauss. He's just like most people. Great 👌

Valerie Price
Valerie Price - 01.07.2023 20:13

Y'all know this guy is certifiably insane, right? I hope y'all know that. Spontaneous genesis of life is scientifically impossible, and just moving spontaneous genesis to outer space doesn't fix it. Other than the Resurrection, non-living matter coming to life has never been observed.

Sam Willard
Sam Willard - 28.06.2023 21:20

I have to respectfully disagree. Darwin SOLVED nothing. He proposed a theory. I would love to see a single example of any bacterium, amoeba, or any other single celled organism that is in the process of evolution. Sure, living things mutate, DNA can be changed by the environment, but show me some actual proof! I hold much respect for science and reason. It seems to me that these two have a "Faith" in Darwin. Are spiders and crabs the same organism? Crawfish and lobsters? No. Life has been around a long time, he says. Yes, possibly. Then where are the trans animals?

Tiger Jones
Tiger Jones - 28.06.2023 15:28

Me five years ago on LSD screaming at my religious zealot parents at the kitchen table: “Reality cannot be created because “Zero” cannot sustain itself! How are you not understanding this!”

My parents: Garr?

Tiger Jones
Tiger Jones - 28.06.2023 13:10

Is it ironic that the two dicks of the biblical story of Jesus just happen to be named John and Peter?

Or would that be considered a mere coincidence?

Adrian Mercuri
Adrian Mercuri - 22.06.2023 16:35

These two are the most deluded, smug, arrogant boffins going!

jon dacoromanu
jon dacoromanu - 20.06.2023 06:09

why the school, do not teach us about Harry Wallace

Darrol Mcgraw
Darrol Mcgraw - 17.06.2023 19:54

But but but l l l maybe but but i i i think this is one funny comedy show!

Ali Al Dawood
Ali Al Dawood - 11.06.2023 23:37

This conversation just to prove that there is nothing out of nothing. !

Jay - 11.06.2023 02:29

Krauss is so juvenile and unequipped to proffer on the majority of the issues he discusses.

Mike Smith
Mike Smith - 10.06.2023 21:27

I get evolution - but there's somethinig we are missing when it comes to the origin of life. It's just basic chemicals - surely it could be something that could be replicated in a lab. How close are we to replicating it?

tanseygreen - 10.06.2023 05:50

Why can't Americans ask a question without giving their life story

-- - 03.06.2023 09:40

ΔU= Q- W. If you play scientist and claim that there is even a slightest possibility an outside agent is not needed for the universe to exist, you need to do some soul searching.

Wayne Thomas
Wayne Thomas - 25.05.2023 14:54

Once again no answers just guesses.😂

Norman Threlfall
Norman Threlfall - 23.05.2023 18:12

To those concerned, I tell the truth and that always offends a lot of people. I have had to suffer a lot of verbal abuse and extremely bad language on-line. Have you got it? There is always a price to pay for telling the truth! Darwinian Evolutionary Religion is the back door to promoting immoral behaviour. This is why America and Britain are in such a mess and the rest of the world. Sin costs the tax payer a lot of money. If there was concrete evidence to support evolution, then that is different, but it is a damnable heresy indeed. Darwin said the gospel of Jesus Christ was a damnable heresy because he was not drawn towards holiness, purity, righteousness and the truth manifested in the life of Jesus. This is true concerning many. This world is in a mess because it lacks divine love. Kind Regards

Clay McCoin
Clay McCoin - 21.05.2023 05:33

Two idiots with extremely large imaginations, which are based on no facts at all but instead base their bullshit and wild theories....yet they have the gall to call a creationists dr an ignoramus. Gtfo with this stupid shit. Jesus reigns. He has always been, is now and will remain for eternity. Amen.

Shorty Clips
Shorty Clips - 16.05.2023 09:01

There is a "manthra" from upanishad

Om purnamada purnamidam
Poornaath poornamudachyathe
Poornasya poornamadaaya


Sachitananda parabrahma is purna(complete). This world is born out of the infinite parabrahma, thus this world too is purna(complete). Even if we remove everthing from what is complete, it still remains as purna (complete)

Upanishad proclaims that there is no nothing. Its "purna" always.

Sujay Rao Mandavilli
Sujay Rao Mandavilli - 13.05.2023 19:28

There are some things that w e don't understand (a) The origin and birth of time (b) The origin of the first life (c) Why we can't create complex life in a laboratory etc. My agnosticism allows me to keep an open mind and consequently learn more and more.

Sujay Rao Mandavilli
Sujay Rao Mandavilli - 12.05.2023 15:21

Rabid atheism is not the way. if he converts 20% of the USA or Europe to atheism in my entire lifetime, I'll eat my words. (Instead Christian apologists and other apologists will use it as an excuse tto promote counter-ideologies. Of course, his approaches are unworkable for the Islamic world. Instead,,what is required is a social sciences approach to reduce the role of religion in society gradually.
