Story Writing Prompts || Ideas that I think would make good books

Story Writing Prompts || Ideas that I think would make good books


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@jdndnidkdkd9006 - 05.03.2024 05:21

Third one

@Lulitathelynx - 07.03.2024 03:52

I will work on the siren one after I finish the book im currently working on.

@vishamrit - 07.03.2024 16:32

Speaking of stories.. l'll write a story and share it with yall rn :) not in a book though.

Title: the wildest injury

The winds were hustling, and it was the coldest night in December, we were all in bed at my aunt's house. I went alone as I believed I was old enough as I was around 19, it was just the 2 of us and in the night I had a nightmare. It was about millions of zombies roaming around the little field next to my grandma's house. My aunt would visit my house only on Sunday I was staying for a month, so I would come to also pay a visit to my family. Of course I would go to my school too we were neighbours with my family so I was sure it wouldn't be a problem. 18 days later.. I was back from school, and when my aunt just came to greet me back, her hand was covered with blood completely she was wearing a top with short sleeves where her shoulder was a bit bloody too. I asked my aunt about it but she would avoid it and change the topic.. She'd always avoid it for 10 days and for a week she would just IGNORE IT! I understand it was private, but she tells me everything. Which means this was VERY serious, so.. I stopped asking her but after a month I grew curious again.

10 likes for part 2

@Goofy-Shadow-Milk-Cookie - 13.03.2024 06:07

I'm doing the spirit! I post my prologue here soon. Okay here ya go! Prologue: "It's pitch black here," Clover uttered. "I understand Clover. Don't worry, we'll find a way out soon." Cinnamon reassured him. They continued running till Clover needed to rest. “Cinnamon I’m thirsty.” Clover said. Cinnamon sighed. “Clover I’ll find some water.” Cinnamon told him. She left to find water. Three hours pass. “Cinnamon, where are you?” Clover cried. Minutes pass by. “CLOVER!” Cinnamon yelled out. “I found you!” Cinnamon exclaimed. “You scared me, I wanted to cry.” Clover said as he almost started tearing up. “Well sorry, I found some water somehow.” Cinnamon said. “Well, it is getting brighter.” Clover said. They continued through the dark.

@The_story_of_junkboy - 13.03.2024 21:57

Mine would be based off me a boy lost in his own mind

@Crazydummy777 - 20.03.2024 01:27

I’m starting right now!!
One question how do I show you book??

@Luvyaluv - 22.03.2024 18:17

I'm actually writing this book called "the red wall paper" and it's going good❤😊

@SH00TINGF0RTH3ST4RS - 26.03.2024 00:08

Im making a story about Hope . A girl who recently moved to California and she has a passion for soccer but everyone underestimates her it will be posted on my channel when I finish

@diputston - 26.03.2024 20:28

I am using this as a delulu idea

@dark-san. - 28.03.2024 02:54

The Night Marchers is a very interesting idea!!

@Pufferfish242 - 28.03.2024 12:00

I’m writing a book rn that isn’t really for others enjoy,ent but more for my own, I love my idea but I can’t say too much abt it bc ppl on the internet will steal it

@MichaelaHill-kk6xg - 02.04.2024 05:36

i like the idea with the Hawaiian night marchers. i might do a story based on that about a blind girl who wants to go to the spirit realm to meet her family, who have all died. the only way she knows to get to the spirit realm, however, is through the night marchers, so maybe she attempts to befriend one?

@katiehislop3265 - 04.04.2024 04:17


@StupiidLuciid - 08.04.2024 20:34

I HAD THE IDEA OF A MUTE SIREN YEARS AGO! I never finished nor published the book, but I wrote a lot of it. It was called “The songless siren”. The main character was the mute siren Kairi. She mainly handles hard tasks and assassinations since she is disposable and can’t hypnotize men with her voice, nonetheless the is the most skilled killer in her pod. On one mission she is sent out to kill a rich man who fancies keeping Sirens in an aquarium for him to watch, but they always die due to the man being neglectful and abusive of them. She manages to kill the man but falls in love with his son. She never does get her voice back but later on in the book she learned how to use a hypnotic ability similar to the way her sisters sing, by using echolocation.

@LordSmokie - 12.04.2024 03:15

There’s a book that’s called “The Siren” that is kinda like the first prompt. She doesn’t speak that much in public and stuff, but falls in love with a human boy on the surface. Her sisters don’t know about him for a long while, but the Ocean surely doesn’t like it.

Not exactly like the prompt, but it’s a great romance/fantasy book!

@harolddisney7075 - 18.04.2024 00:23

I really like the one about the random encounter i may do that ill tell ya if i get famous

@NailsByKay08 - 18.04.2024 08:52

I like the siren one!!

@qmewnity - 18.04.2024 12:59

Here's an idea!

The Memory Thief: A person with the ability to steal memories roams the streets, erasing the pasts of those they encounter. But as they accumulate memories, they begin to lose their own identity, setting off a chain of events that could rewrite history itself!

@emeralds_avanue - 20.04.2024 22:32


@Mrsriddle_mattheoriddleswifey - 22.04.2024 05:37

The name of the book: mute siren and the sailor)
Chapter 1: There was a mute siren named ocean she didn’t sing because she thought her voice was ugly. Her sisters tried to tell her she had a beautiful voice but she did not think she did. She wanted to take a swim so she did a net captured her. It was a crew of Sailors) 5 likes for chapter 2

@Cossetterose - 28.04.2024 20:08

Finding Ohana Netflix the second one

@Doug143 - 29.04.2024 04:06

I wrote a book about a boy who gets a sword frm a god that is his dad to kill a demon

In the works btw and called jack leo and the sword of malinau

@ItzurgurlEmily - 03.05.2024 13:14

I'm gonna try to write the 2nd one, the one with spirits. Hope I'm not too late! Also I'm still quite young so rlly sry if my book turns out to be rlly bad

@Mousiestarliverland - 11.05.2024 10:01

I started my story but its not roly good guys pls dont steal it

Why You?
By Nova Scates
The girl walked through the thick forest. Checking around for people, in case she was being followed, she then started running as tears splashed around her. Then she came to a halt. She looked at her surroundings, the tall trees casting shadows around her. She looked around the damp forest floor. This was the correct place. She could jump like she was on the moon, floating back down and bumping the floor softly. The Moonale clearing. She took a bag out of her pocket and reached in to take out the contents of the bag when she fell to the floor with a thud. She had been shot. The shooter was a brunette little girl. Her hair greasy around her pale face. Tears of regret streaked her face. Her hands were shaking and her face was frozen in shock. She dropped the bow and fell to her knees. She picked up a stick with white moss and scratched her forehead with it. She just wanted her parents back.

I wake up to a thud and hear a deafening screech coming from downstairs. The Lunar had struck again. These people kept on waking up at night, to find themselves frozen and going into a coma. It's a good thing I don't have a family… I never did. My family was Lunafied a week after I was born. I was just a baby when I was brought to the orphanage, where I am now.
I look around the room. All my roommates are asleep except Dafina. Nor is she awake. The sickness got to her. A tear runs down my cheek. She was the best friend I had. And she would never be back.
I silently get out of bed and hug Dafina. I feel melancholy surge through my body. I look at her and see how her thick brown layers of hair fit around her round, pale face. Her eyes are closed and her face is beautiful in the moonlight that shines through the small window. I look at her scar from a bloody gash she had when she came in. I remember the day she came in. Dafina was just seven when she came here. The police had brought her in. I always wondered what she had done, steal food? She had that bloody gash on her forehead.
“Why you?” My lips tremble and quiver.
I go downstairs. It's everyone for themselves now that the Lunar is out. The Lunar is a sickness triggered by the moon and stars. If you go out at night and breathe in the air, you are a Luner. It's not a normal cold or flu. It's worse than that. If you wake up at night then… Well, I'm guessing that Dafina woke up. Now I’m on the second floor of the orphanage. The boy’s floor. There’s Jackson. It looks as if he had fallen out of bed and froze there. His eyes were wide open and so was his mouth. It was him tonight, who’s next? I only ever knew his name but it's sad. He was only seven years old. Dafina was just 11 when she was lunafied. I tiptoe upstairs with quiet sniffles. I think of how Dafina was just 7 when she came here. The police had brought her in. I always wondered what she had done, steal food? She had that bloody gash on her forehead.
I woke up the next morning and waited for Ms. Mason, our caretaker at the orphanage. A plump old woman with gray curly hair. It’s taking too long. I'm very worried. What feels like hours passes by. Finally, the door clicks open and Ms. Mason comes over to open the curtains. She then comes over to me with a sad look on her wrinkled face.
“Melody, it was Jackson-” she starts. I speak up,
“I know.” I feel my eyes tear up. “And D-Dafina, sh-she-” A teardrop dribbles down my face and onto my hand. I wrap my arms around Ms. Mason. After a minute of me blowing snot into her shoulder, she gets up and looks behind her at frozen Dafina. She walks to the door and says,
“Come on girls, breakfast time…” The other girls and I followed Ms. Mason downstairs. I hear quiet whispers.
“Dafina? Really?” “I heard it was that older girl’s best friend. You know, the tall one with the brown hair and thick woolen shawl.” “No you’re wrong! I heard-”
All of them are rumors and thought about what happened last night. I know what to do. I need to run away. Far away from here. Where I can live alone.
After breakfast, I pack my journal, a necklace that once belonged to my mother, some food, a book, and some clean clothes. I look at the necklace. Its beautiful ruby still glimmers in the light after all these years. The gold chain collected rust but it still looks beautiful. I put the glimmery gold necklace around my neck for one last time. Then I take it off and put my valuables into an old blanket. I tie the thick, wool blanket up. I drop it on the floor and kick it under my bed.
At lunch, I get extra bread rolls to sneak into my bag.
When lunch is over I go upstairs and get my bag. Wait- how am I going to do this without being caught sneaking out? There's only one time when nobody wants to be outside or awake- at night. I’ll have to become a Luner. Just move somewhere quiet where I can’t wake up from the noise. I can tire myself out during the day so that I can sleep for a long time. Yes, that’s the solution.
Later that night, maybe an hour or so after curfew, I check if anybody is still asleep. Just another “nor awake nor asleep.'' It’s Eliana. Anaya’s sister. They’re twins though… I fight the tears.
“She was annoying anyway,” I mumble. A silent tear rolls down my cheek, down my neck, and onto my thick woolen shawl. She wasn’t annoying though. She was a sweet little five-year-old. She doesn’t deserve this. Nobody does. How did this even start?
I shuffle downstairs to the ground floor. I walk over to the door and reach my cold, shaky hand out. I hesitate. Should I do it? I could always just wait here until I die… No. I can do it. I’ll make a new life out in the countryside and find the… THE CURE! I’ll cure the Lunar and brighten the world, yes! Oh, but who would trust a 14-year-old girl when the world is how it is? I’d try anyway.
I reach out and open the door. I take a step outside and breathe in the air. I’ve never smelled anything so good before. It smelled sweet, cool, and fresh. I looked up at the bright sky.
“I’m a Luner now.” I sigh to myself. I walk through the small town. As I walk by a dark alley I see something move. No, someone. A person. I walk up to the alley and hear a sharp inhale. Then a slow exhale. I hear some shuffling, some breathing. A thud. Before I can open my mouth, someone jumps out of the alley to me and screams for help.
“HELP! I NEED HELP!” A ragged scratchy voice. They had gone crazy. They had gone mad. I start running away as they chase me. I look behind me as the pounding footsteps slow down. I stare deeply into their eyes. It's a girl. A girl like me. She has bright blue eyes. Her face has scratches and bruises. Her eyes stand out. The most beautiful thing of what's left of her. She falls to the floor and moans. I slowly step back and start walking away. I fall into a swift sprint. The tears slip back to my ears as I run.
After a while I get tired and I slow down. I walk for hours and hours until I find myself on top of a small cliff, overlooking a village. My village. I’ve never seen it from outside before. It looked so dead and darkened with the shabby buildings casting gloomy shadows over the streets.
The sun was already rising, a little sphere on the picture-perfect horizon. I’d sleep for hours if I went to sleep now. Wouldn’t I? I set down my stuff and lay down. I fall asleep on the cold, damp ground. I take in a deep breath filled with sweet air.
After a few hours of sleep I wake up. I see my last glimpse of the moon I'll ever have.

Melody looked around at her surroundings. Was she on the moon? She jumped up. She was light as a feather. She rose up and floated downward. She was on the moon. She was wearing an elegant, blue-tinted dress with stardust on it. It was laced but not the scratchy type. The soft as cotton type. She had no idea lace could be like cotton.
She looked around. Right behind her, beautiful and elegant, was Dafina and Eliana. Dafina was wearing a yellow-tinted dress with stardust speckled on the lacing. Her bright green eyes stood out. Her skin had moon shaped spots that were white and shiny.
Eliana was wearing a pink-tinted dress that was shorter and not fluffy but… like silk. She had stardust and lanterns filled with mini stars orbiting around her.
Dafina’s emerald eyes were teary and she started to cry. Her tears rose up and floated around her. Then they swirled up around her and turned into one big shiny drop that shot into space. Melody ran towards Dafina and hugged her.
“I never thought I’d see you again. But this- on the moon- was an even bigger surprise for me.” Melody choked through tears of joy. Dafina said nothing and wrapped her arms around her tighter.
Eliana stepped towards them.
“I miss my sister.” She sobbed, tilting her head downward in a way just showing So we just saw her little blonde head. Eliana joined in the warm hug that felt like forever. Then a soft little voice hit them.
“Eliana it’s me, Anaya.”
Eliana’s eyes grew wide and she ran towards her look-alike sister.
“I went out at night,” she cried.
“For you.”

@WilliamLyf - 13.05.2024 22:36

That first one is sooo creative 😊

Defo writing that

@Allie_Imagination - 14.05.2024 03:37

The first one seems nice, but I feel the plot is too similar to others. A tip for those stories is to add multiple plots leading to a big one! That makes it stand out more for marketing, and to me makes it more intriguing to write more!

@Alien.thingyy - 16.05.2024 19:30

if anyone wants inspo.. here!

Once upon a time in a distant, picturesque land, a young girl named Aiko found herself the target of relentless mockery and torment by her cruel classmates, who seemed to take pleasure in her suffering. Despite her kind nature and gentle spirit, Aiko endured their hurtful taunts and pranks with patience and resilience.
Yet, deep within Aiko, a burning desire for justice and retribution quietly simmered. With unwavering determination, she plotted her plan. After weeks of planning and preparation, she was finally ready to unveil her cunning scheme to take her revenge on her abusers.

@KiwiAlexander - 18.05.2024 08:33

I have an idea (it's a bit long) stay with me
So a prince (Everett) wants to save a princess ( main character, Sylvy) from a dragon but the thing is, the prince is rotten, causes pain, induces suffering, and often hurts the Sylvy. Sylvy's parents ignore this, especially her mom. So Sylvy goes around collecting the pain and agony caused by Everett and plans to use it to make a dragon monster to protect herself and get rid of Everett( in this world, emotions and feelings can be turned into physical beings). But when Sylvy collects the emotion, she actually comes across a real dragon ( Phospho). The she-dragon is actually very nice and becomes the mother Sylvy never had. Phospho protects and takes care of Sylvy and helps her continue with her plan to get rid of Everett. But when Everett comes looking for Sylvy, he discovers Phospho with Sylvy and k!lls Phospho. Sylvy, now heartbroken over the loss of her pseudo-mom, accidentally takes the pain she is having now and makes it into a monster that is more powerful than intended. The monster k!lls Everett and lurks around Sylvy. The monster gets too powerful so now Sylvy can't control it anymore, but then another prince arrives ( Ralmore). The monster is about to strike at Sylvy when Ralmore slays the monster. Ralmore is not perfect, but he would treat Sylvy right. Afterwards, Sylvy and Ralmore fall in love, but that doesn't happen for a little bit because Sylvy doesn't trust anyone anymore. Bye bye!

@Mila.slayz. - 20.05.2024 05:11

I’m writing the first one I love that one ❤

@-Nora_Will_Fight_You- - 21.05.2024 22:29

So a person falls in love, but their lover becomes a spirit, the person begs their partner to look at them so they can be together, but the partner rejects

@PeachySTXR - 25.05.2024 12:35

I'm writing about a girl call Elara who finds a book and goes through all natural disasters ❤❤ I would post it here but it's too long :((

@Administrator-gx2kq - 27.05.2024 19:12

I’m writing the first one

@liv-v8r - 28.05.2024 05:39

ill write this cuz am currently writing a book and it wont hurt sooo building off the 3rd one i didnt understand but i got an idea, where a guy or girl helps so many people and is so friendly but is lonely inside, and either one person that they havent "saved" or the person they saved the most saves them back and he/she feels not lonely anymore, but crazy plot twist at the end im not sure what tho, let me know

@tammytolan5241 - 29.05.2024 23:52

I have a pretty good book idea I call it cyber and the bisrok so basically there’s this boy and his name is cyber he is a 12-year-old boy that goes to school one day and she has ADHD but anyways he goes to school and he gets expelled and he tells the school that they can’t call his mom because she’s already too stressed out so they don’t call his mom and then on his way home, He gets mad and punches a lamp pole but before he touches it, it goes flying He sees a man on a mountain and decides to check it out

@Solihahowolabi - 09.06.2024 00:47

I love this

@SunnyHoward - 13.06.2024 06:12

You just gave me an idea!I’m going to start writing it!it’s different from these ideas,but I was watching and I just got an idea from it!

@Me_myself_I231 - 15.06.2024 18:55

I’m ten but I want to write it book it probably won’t be good but I think it’s gonna be called When you lose her

@_coffee.cafe_ - 17.06.2024 00:34

Im gonna take the first one and make it into a game! If it gets on the app store i'll give u credits

@roseville412 - 18.06.2024 05:06

I wrote a short story based off the siren one! Lmk if anyone wants to read it, I'll put a pdf online and link it

@QUTEH908 - 26.06.2024 18:14

This is one that I have not have not seen any other book do and that's have almost like it will be a fantasy book but instead of like oh it's nice Kings and dads and Magic there's like zero magic it's a it's almost like a fantasy saga where it follows a family of bloodline throughout like a few centuries and then like technology progresses until at the end of the book it's like almost early 20th century so like World War II World War 1 but not in real life so like it's almost like technology goes from let's say napoleonics to World War II where we have tanks guns and stuff I'm not saying that Napoleonic wars there was no guns that the guns are better😊 and also I want to make the chapters like really long so that I can have like a very long book I want the desired amount of pages to be like 5,000 per book and I want to make 13 and I have a lot of time on my hands

@e3pyr0ckthing - 26.06.2024 23:17

what app should i use to write a book i use google docs but i want to publish the book when im older so what should i use

@Sophia-fm7sq - 28.06.2024 17:02

I have to say I love your accent!

@newjerusalem7197 - 30.06.2024 15:18

The third book idea sounds like the anime your name.
Love it !!!

@cait.thib0314 - 02.07.2024 00:31

Write a story of the little mermaid

@M3ULTRAOFFICIAL - 04.07.2024 07:47

Look I could write down a fairly long story probably about 20 pages but I could never ever understand how people do 300 pages of the exact same story

@ItS_HaYlA - 04.07.2024 08:43

guys I have 3 ideas all I would enjoy reading feel free to use them! :) the second one is my fave

Number 1 - black cat hero and golden retriever villain

NUMBER 2 ITS A SORTA LONG ONE SO- a girls best friend is murdered and she goes insane and kills everybody who was mean to her best friend, until she has to kill a 15 -16 year old and goes undercover in a high school to kill him but a police officer is also undercover in that same high school looking for the murderer anyway so yeah that and a sequel to that would be she breaks out and intends to kill the police officer but she falls in love at the sight of him because she had fallen in love with him before he turned her in and she never got over him!

3 - a girl who never speaks, she has been silent for so long she almost forgot how to speak, until a person comes and there is some5ung about them and she speaks for the first time in ages (you pick how long)

@ikikiweired - 05.07.2024 17:08

my book is like a friends to enemies, enemeis to lover (diff person), love triangle and obsession. would you read something like that?

@Nabiie342 - 06.07.2024 22:37

Im starting a story that about like 15 people that are stranded on an island they all dont lnow anything about planes boats internet or anything and then a boy named Jay his plane crashes and now needs to get a new life on that island without the internet or anything i can tell you about my favorites in my story
Rose:she has white skin and light pink hair
Arwa:she has blonde her with brown eyes and has white skin
Alejandro:he has orange hair and pink eyes
Now thats just some of them now pls dont copy you can take the idea about being stranded on an island but pls dont copy those charahters that i told you about

@BASALT119 - 07.07.2024 12:55

i write stories but.. i dont send them out xD i keep them to myself

@hammahzzz - 09.07.2024 08:10

guys so i’m hawaiian lol, and idk but here we take nightmarchers really, really seriously. like i remember at my aunties old house she would say how she could hear the drums and the music they played. also my family always told me that if i ever came across a nightmarcher the first thing u need to do is like bow down and beg for forgiveness, and u can’t look at them like ur face needs to be on the floor directly. (another thing people think is; if u see one u need to like $trip nked and then bow down😭)
