Configure Helix Core for Game Engines

Configure Helix Core for Game Engines


2 года назад

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Dev_Gozer - 31.10.2023 21:26

Just going to add this here for anyone using this to set up a basic Unreal Perforce Environment while also doing so via a Digital Ocean Perforce Droplet. There are a couple of steps in the video that caused me some heartache and I had to go look elsewhere for answers. Mainly, setting up the typemap via the droplet console uses VI and does not open notepad on your local windows system. It will open the typemap file in the console but you must hit "i" to go into insert mode, paste your typemap contents, hit "escape" to exit insert mode, then once you are out of insert mode type ":wq!" to save the new typemap.

I also had trouble setting the p4ignore file as i didn't realize there was no space between the P4IGNORE= and the actual name of the ignore file. So its P4IGNORE=filename, not P4IGNORE= filename. This is also done on the Windows client not the server console like setting the typemap, it took me awhile to figure out that this was not on the Droplet console but the actual client, and to be fair he does tell you this, but you might miss that like I did.

Other than that thanks for the video, it was helpful.

Aizen 3D
Aizen 3D - 10.09.2023 13:02

When adding my Test Project to the default Changelist, it doesn't show the <binary+l> text like shown in this video. I can see the typemap works because if I hover over any asset name, it shows "exclusive checkout" for .uasset files for example, but I'm wondering if this is an option that has to be enabled, in order to see the typemap modifiers before adding files to the depot.

Lawrence Lek
Lawrence Lek - 20.07.2023 07:46

thanks for this video! Do new workspace users who you invite also have to manually create the .p4ignore file using the default settings on the Perforce page? or do they sync the version I have created from the depot and then set the command from the terminal ('p4 set P4IGNORE=.p4ignore')?

Door to Nothingness
Door to Nothingness - 12.07.2023 22:36

thanks guys, very helpful

VanFS3K - 28.06.2023 01:41

Streams also have an ignored section thats enforced for anyone using that stream

Mitchell - 06.06.2023 06:48

Thanks for the video but why do you have this video monetized? Why do I need to watch 4 ads for McDonalds during the course of your video when I am trying to learn how to setup Perforce via your official channel?

sajmonator - 15.05.2023 15:20

At the stage to checkout project for first time, i get :
no files opened
1 warning reported
path_to\TestProject\... - file(s) not on client.

Artisan Dejure
Artisan Dejure - 13.04.2023 05:28

Very nice! That was easy to follow and was a great follow along to the documentation.

Artem - 04.03.2023 06:22

Workspace folder should be the same as the Unreal project folder.

Fadi M
Fadi M - 20.12.2022 09:09

Awesome guide - thank you very much!

Zod Media
Zod Media - 12.11.2022 02:08

If you get "You don't have permission for this operation." you can change the user to your super user by using this command. p4 set P4USER=<username>

Seant3d - 03.10.2022 00:53

Followed this guide step by step multiple times, resulted in Source Control: Failed to connect to source control.Check your settings and connection then try again.

Paweł Nieściur
Paweł Nieściur - 21.07.2022 02:36

You have a typo imho, one of the file types should read *.pdb

Conversation Dev
Conversation Dev - 06.07.2022 05:25

This came right on time for me. Having the tutorial in video format makes it nice and easy to follow.

Tee Kay
Tee Kay - 02.07.2022 07:22

Can you make one with making a server on a linux VM? You go so in depth and I would love a in depth tutorial on this as I cant find any newer ones and the docs just confuse me.
