Your Outposts Can Get RAIDED & ATTACKED In Starfield??

Your Outposts Can Get RAIDED & ATTACKED In Starfield??

RPG Unlocked

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Starfield Unlocked
Starfield Unlocked - 13.07.2023 23:06

I would be very surprised if this wasn't a part of outposts, it just fits in too well, and would be the main use for some of the building options.

If you don't subscribe, Preston Garvey will tell you about settlements that need your help all across the universe.

Brenten Smith
Brenten Smith - 06.10.2023 07:06

I say put an option to turn it off especially when you are doing a mission and right in the middle your base is being attacked... Um No.

Liberty Never Sleeps
Liberty Never Sleeps - 03.10.2023 13:14

I've been attacked twice now by pirates at my outposts. They dropped some pretty good loot.

TheWonderer - 25.09.2023 09:56

So should all the outpost have turrets just in case then ? im about to have 3 outpost but i have no clue when i should or even if u should place turrets down sense im still learning

Kingdamager - 25.09.2023 02:57

I haven't touched the outpost system. I enjoyed the settlement system in FO4, but so far, this just hasn't interested me yet. I plan on giving it a shot on my next playthrough.

Gummie Bear
Gummie Bear - 19.09.2023 01:16

Oof, this video did not age well, at all. Base building is the best they ever did? hahaha, the cap is real with Bethesda.

Gummie Bear
Gummie Bear - 19.09.2023 01:13

I have 3 outposts, have played over 100 hours, and still has not been attacked once.

Toothless Raider
Toothless Raider - 15.09.2023 23:14

49 hours in and only 1 base attack on my outpost. Base defense is a joke in starfield.

knighthawk882 - 15.09.2023 18:46

My outpost every building keeps exploding in succession. Over and over again.

Paul M
Paul M - 14.09.2023 00:32

It may not be part of the game. The turrets may be required on planets that have hostile “animals”

Sighphy - 13.09.2023 04:36

I’ve already had Crimson Pirate attacks on my other outposts. Plus, planetary storms, decimated my bases solar power and wind turbine in seconds, while destroying mining rigs after a short while. I literally watched in horror, that only took a few moments, as my base got shut down in less than 1 minute. Now, as far as I can tell, repairs are free but after I repaired them, they just got blasted a few moments later. Was really frustrating.

Tim Buskell
Tim Buskell - 07.09.2023 20:31

It's true. I just had like 8 pirates attack my outpost while I was there.

marconihimself - 21.08.2023 01:52

I have ptsd whenever I remember settlement attacks in fo4. Im not even planning on engaging in outpost building for many reasons, but chief among them is the outpost being attacked at random whenever im several light years away minding my own business.

Clockwork 204
Clockwork 204 - 13.08.2023 18:43

Being attacked would be awesome. Though I can see how it would be a hassle to stop whatever you're doing in order to save an outpost. Maybe they can act as a utility hub or something, something similar to Fallout 4's artillery or No Man's Sky's Freighters, which allow you to summon stuff that can only normally be retrieved inside bases (like your small vehicles or mechs). Maybe you can put auto guns so that if you get into a dogfight, you can lure enemies near an outpost to help you.

Anyway, would be boring if they're just your "home away from home" or resource gathering type of thing IMHO.

zeomax88 - 13.08.2023 04:27

1 - have ppl posted in your outpost to defende them.
2 - get a notification that said outposts are under attack.
3 - outer space combat.
4 - be able to find out who ordered the attack, and retaliate on said group, turf wars and such.
5 - pls don't let this game suck, PLEASE 🤞🏼

Rogue Gamer Productions
Rogue Gamer Productions - 04.08.2023 12:46

TAKE MY MONEY STARFIELD - I love this game already!!!

lagrangewei - 01.08.2023 16:40

Another settlement needs your help! I'll mark it on your map. - famous last words

Applesaucebandit - 30.07.2023 03:29

Remember in FO4 you could trap animals…. I think it would be cool to do that and let them go on other planets

Fotenson - 26.07.2023 04:04

I think it would be cool if your cargo shipments could be hijacked and the crew being taken hostage and you have to save em

ElectricWolf666 - 26.07.2023 03:54

I look forward to spending an absurd amount of time base building... rip my life when this game comes out

GoDLikzZ - 21.07.2023 10:55

The good thing is if Bethesda dont add stuff the modders will and im rly hyped about what mods will come and what we can expect. Maybe ther will be mods like Enderal: Forgotten Stories 😍

Sporksabre - 21.07.2023 02:29

VASCO: incoming signal Captain. One of your outposts needs your help.

Samuel Hashim-jones
Samuel Hashim-jones - 18.07.2023 00:02

I’m excited to look out for Skyrim and fallout Easter eggs

Vincent Adultman
Vincent Adultman - 16.07.2023 20:26

The absolute last thing I want is to be 10 systems away and get a notification that one of my bases is being attacked, only to come back and find crew members dead, stuff I spent time on destroyed, and get nothing from it. That's not rewarding and it isn't fun.

ReF - 14.07.2023 21:21

Todd Howard, during a play thru said a pirate ship landed and started a fire fight when he was exploring. He chased them into their ship and it took off with him still inside so it's likely there will be random raids or attacks.

D S - 14.07.2023 11:34

I lkie

VNAR - 14.07.2023 11:02

It could be cool if you could have tamed wildlife protecting your outpost! It definitely could be a great mod.

seacoastlife - 14.07.2023 07:40

We know we have defense towers, gun turrets (in robotics), land mines, and crew to defend outposts. There is a good chance if we are not there it is just a dice roll if the raiders get taken out but it would be so fun to set the outpost up for a good defense and be there to hold them off. As you mentioned in the video the modders will make it so if it isn't already in the game.

WalkingFeather - 14.07.2023 02:55

That’s a lot of ifs 😂

CapitalTeeth - 14.07.2023 01:41

Don't get your hopes up too much. Attacks on your settlements were a thing in FO4 and they only served to inflate how many quests you have, looking at it practically.
Also, if you didnt show up to defend, it was an RNG roll on whether the defense was successful, regardless of how well defended your settlement was. I expect that turret spam will actually deter and stop any raiding attacks on my outposts in Starfield, because otherwise there is no point to it.

Destiny Shittiny
Destiny Shittiny - 14.07.2023 01:37

none of that matters anymore when this garbage game! run at shitty 30 fps and i quaranty you it will drop to below 15-10 fps in cities! i will pick it from sales next year and play it on pc. fuck consoles

Gunter the penguin
Gunter the penguin - 14.07.2023 01:17

Yeah I don't know how Bethesda's gonna do this right...

The nature of these sealed-climate bases in remote areas, plus the setting of Starfield would mean that if space pirates wanted your stuff surely they'd just shoot at it, break the glass and wait for everyone inside to suffocate and then take the loot?

That realism would be frustrating and hard to implement for Bethesda, but at the same time pirates coming to attack your settlement on-foot seems kinda unrealistic?

Maybe doors and things can be 'breakable' and you wake up and find bandits in your facility, and they've plasma-cut or hacked/overridden their way past the security system?

Tacymist - 14.07.2023 01:07

I'm going to be quite upset if they just spawn in the middle of my outpost like they do in FO4 and 76. Really makes spending time on a perimeter defense pointless when the game just spawns enemies inside the fort I just built.

Lionel Whiskerknot
Lionel Whiskerknot - 14.07.2023 00:39

I just hope they handle defense of settlements better than they did in Fallout 4. It wouldn't matter how much defense you had at a settlement in Fallout 4 you could still lose as it was basically a coin toss which is BS. If I have a outpost armed to the teeth with the best military hardware available then I expect a raid to lose whether I'm there or not if their attacking force is inferior. Also, if a raid is defeated and I'm not there then there better be some loot chests when I return. That was another thing I didn't like in that if you decimate them you don't get any of their gear. Their ship and gear should be there waiting for me if annihilated by my outpost defenses.

Minijp01 - 13.07.2023 23:52

Would be interesting if your crewmates could be held hostage on a ship and your outpost being held my pirates or other factions or creatures attacking and you get a distress signal or another outpost that u send resources to contact you and tell that the outpost has gone quiet and ask if you could investigate

JustCast - 13.07.2023 23:41

I can already imagine a mod that changes the Adoring Fan into Preston Garvey

Austyn McMichael
Austyn McMichael - 13.07.2023 23:10

Love the content!!!!

adam stull
adam stull - 13.07.2023 23:08

Be cool if your people get abducted and you have to go a rescue mission.
