Microsoft Flight Simulator | **DOUBLE YOUR FRAME RATES (FPS) EASILY** | Performance Tips & Tricks

Microsoft Flight Simulator | **DOUBLE YOUR FRAME RATES (FPS) EASILY** | Performance Tips & Tricks


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Ezequiel Rodrigues
Ezequiel Rodrigues - 12.08.2023 00:18

it didn´t double the fps in my case, but it did make a 5 plus fps difference which is good enough! way to go. you might also want to reduce your TERRAIN LOD, that plays havoc on the CPU. and the ground aircraft density can also make a difference

Philip Whitehead
Philip Whitehead - 07.05.2023 11:50

Thanks for this video. I will try this.

Cpt Eli
Cpt Eli - 28.04.2023 15:36

Jesus loves us God bless everyone!!!!!!!!!

mariohnyc - 28.04.2023 03:10

Upgrading from a 3800X to a 5800X3D was my best performance upgrade. Pretty much ~+20 FPS in NYC under various conditions. Going from 20's-30's to 40's to 50's is a massive difference, particularly in helicopters. Same old 2070 Super card running 1440 with most settings set at High.

Inunnguaq Lyberth
Inunnguaq Lyberth - 24.04.2023 23:10

Cool 😎 But why is your FPS Window still have red color? Even when you have pretty high fps? Mine is green 😅 I have 5700X lol

CaribbAviator - 21.04.2023 05:53

Upgrading from a 10700k to 5800x3d gives me a 10-15fps boost. I used to get poor performance with the 10700k at lvr ksan.
Gosh this game is CPU bound.

My gpu has 16gb vram

philippe Van der Gucht
philippe Van der Gucht - 20.04.2023 22:45

Doesn’t make a single fps difference if I turn all the slider to 0 or to 100 with my pc 🤷

DerekSpeare - 20.04.2023 19:09

Good tip!

Von Doodle
Von Doodle - 20.04.2023 13:25

Just fix the terrain AI and the caching which constantly removes tiles when you can still see them

desmo dromic
desmo dromic - 20.04.2023 08:54

This didn’t do anything, hot air Clickbait

MikeInExile - 19.04.2023 19:31

Just another data point: I saw no difference in FPS between having all of the sliders under Land And Sea Traffic set to zero vs 100%. I'm running a 10900k and a 3090 on 3-1080p monitors with mostly Ultra settings! Edit: FPS was pretty stable at 48 +/- 2.

Caskraker - 19.04.2023 14:44

Get an XBox. No worries about fps and continuous tweaking no more.

Ian Mellor
Ian Mellor - 19.04.2023 09:52

Great tip thx 👍

Glenn Mullis
Glenn Mullis - 18.04.2023 20:38

Subscribed 🙂

buckle_bunny - 14.04.2023 04:31


buckle_bunny - 12.04.2023 01:04

yay!! good tip

MRS TPHI 17 - 11.04.2023 16:16

Thank you for the video

Anthony Dry
Anthony Dry - 11.04.2023 15:38

I appreciate the video but this HAS to stop. Every world update, every sim update is a massive gamble. I think on average, us users spend more time tweaking this sim to make it run than actual flying and its just not acceptable. When did we become so weak as a consumer base? I have this on both PC and Xbox. They finally have it running on xbox and not crashing constantly with third party airports but now theres weird tile popping in areas, theres also a massive water masking issue.

Asobo and Microsoft need to take a YEAR OFF on adding content and spend a year fixing issues and stabilising the sim. My PC cost £1670 and should be able to run the sim respectfully. in fact it originally did until SU8 when it began to slowly tank over time.

Aus Flight Simmer
Aus Flight Simmer - 11.04.2023 09:40

Tried same airport and made no difference to me. That been said anyone who is running a GPU that's is 8gb or less, I would see this helping. As it would reduce the required VRAM needed on the GPU. This could help improver stutters for sure in that case. Thank you for the video. Bring on the next one.

john - 11.04.2023 06:18

Hmmm, tried it, got 2 fps more sitting at LAX…

Marcus Simmer
Marcus Simmer - 11.04.2023 04:52

Turning off ships and ferries didn't affect my frame rate at a bit - a solid 35-40fps before and after on mainly medium settings, QHD, Nvidia GTX 2070, Intel I7-9750. Same location - LatinVFR KSAN. I'm even running Seafront Simulations' vessels ai & global shipping. You were at least right by saying every PC is different 😁The reason this silder helps in your case is probably caused by the fact that MSFS can only draw a certain amount of 3D objects at one time. With your current graphics settings, your sim is probably drawing too many 3D objects in general, which could be AI or multiplayer traffic, cars, airport ground clutter (GSX?), clouds being too detailed, or your ground scenery settings (terrain details, buildings, trees, photogrammetry) being simply too high. Removing the ships just reduces the amount of 3D objects below the threshold - for now, in this scenery, but it might have no effect in the next one. Ships and ferries are generally not a fps killer, as it only draws very few 3D objects. Moving this particular slider is not a "trick to double your frame rate." If I were you, I'd look else where, as your sim might always struggle around complex airports etc, especially with AI or mulitplayer traffic, no matter if ships are on or off.

Wat Fishh
Wat Fishh - 11.04.2023 04:46

another SimFanatic W

Ivann007 - 11.04.2023 04:42

That's quite a hidden setting. Incredibly useful !

Harry W
Harry W - 11.04.2023 04:19

some said it would never come and I was one but here it is
