Nioh 2 Review "Buy, Wait For Sale, Rent, Never Touch?"

Nioh 2 Review "Buy, Wait For Sale, Rent, Never Touch?"


4 года назад

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@machomeech - 18.03.2023 02:25

You should change the title to match the "buy, wait for sale" formula you use. I had no idea this was a full blown review without it

@monchicruz8278 - 22.02.2023 18:41

I like this game the only thing I think that is needed in Team Ninja games is level design as the levels while interesting don’t really have the level of artistic merit as Souls.

The combat though is the best and way more in-depth than something like Souls

@TheRogueMonk - 23.11.2022 23:41

its not ninjaGAYDEN lmao

@joed5150 - 02.10.2022 10:08

Man the butchering of the pronunciation of kusarigama all throughout the video😆

@HuhWhatHuhwhatHuh - 19.09.2022 16:17

You meant going forth will hit a roadblock when you hit the 1st enemy right. I just keep getting demolished in this game. Combat is tough for me. I don’t get it

@HecKaTorN - 04.08.2022 12:30

Im debating whether or not i should pick up this game although i already bought it because of initial comments on how easier it was when compared to nioh 1. i dropped the latelter after an hour or so some time ago. i generally dont have much time gaming and rather not spend it dying non-stop or grinding.

with in mind of the above, can sameone share his/hers opinion how difficult and/or time consuming this game actually is?

@shawnmarcum8078 - 07.07.2022 09:57

There is something that ages well with every great game. This game has perhaps the best combat system ever created in terms of arcade, difficult, satisfying, melee combat. Alongside Devil May Cry. The level design, bosses, customization, and story in this game compared to Nioh 1 is such an improvement. One of the best games of 2019, perhaps the decade. I think this is as close anyone has gotten to being a souls killer.

@MARK111174 - 30.01.2022 00:16

Fighting Cowboy is my source

@excellins - 27.12.2021 00:14

Playing the ps5 version. 4k 6ofps

@gregdouglas2635 - 14.08.2021 09:13

What was the fucking verdict? I skimmed the last 5 minutes and couldn't find it. I just want the answer first before deciding if I even want to watch the whole video. WTF why is it so hard to find the damn verdict? :(

@twohopes8353 - 17.06.2021 23:42

dont buy it if you don't have 10000 hpurs to play on it.. not worth the money

@rowdyrager-9403 - 15.06.2021 02:03

Debating on getting this on STEAM.

I got the original Nioh with no DLC season pass on PS4,
I was very disappointed I couldn't play any higher difficulties other than (Way of the Strong) without buying DLC.

@prendlala5971 - 01.06.2021 01:40

Nioh 2 made DS veterans look like pussies, dont get offended I was one of them.
But yeah Nioh is on a whole other level than the dodge/poke games like DS!

@kosoul2k11 - 27.05.2021 01:13

He didn't say buy or not

@deemedlight3647 - 24.05.2021 04:51

For me it's an instant buy. This game for me is amazing guys get this game you die so many times that this game will make you love it.

@bobderbaumeisterthe2589 - 18.02.2021 21:01

lol when that guy ran away form ACG's char ..... yeah he looked like a yokai too^^

@AintPopular - 13.02.2021 13:45

Graphics always reminds me of ps3 no matter where or what sequel u play. They really need to rework their engine to next gen for nioh 3

@AintPopular - 13.02.2021 13:32

Loving it so far. new weapons new builds. But same enemy repititions. Still having a blast combo-ing my gauntlet with splitstaff

@ThefirstHellGirl - 07.02.2021 18:49

so wait? was it a buy, sale, rent or never touch ? or did i miss that?

@jamesmoffat124 - 07.02.2021 14:48

Watched it since Nioh 2 is now on PC, the kikuni hime gave me ptsd the first time I fought it lol

@VoltanIgor - 03.02.2021 15:03

That´s KUSARIGAMA, actually :)

@OldgamerNL - 01.02.2021 11:34

Wondering if i should buy nioh collection for ps5. Is IT Also a game for a casual gamers? Not to difficult?

@LordMandaloreTV - 06.01.2021 01:38

can i play this without having played Dark Souls properly? I have only Played DS3 in coop.

@icedmosquito109 - 01.01.2021 08:59

Just got this for 9 bucks and It's pretty damn good. Some bosses are nigh impossible seeming to me though, hopefully I can beat the game.

@aog1747 - 25.11.2020 13:26

Absolutely worth every penny im so glad i got it on sale for $10 😤💪🏼

@sloth9210 - 22.10.2020 02:43


@moochi4163 - 22.10.2020 01:10

I know I'm late on the code but I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want this game.

@higniablessthefall2119 - 15.10.2020 17:15

What ridiculous about this game, killed enemy alive when u return to previous road or go pray..I was like, wtf!

@RUTHLESSS19 - 24.09.2020 01:42

I really hope that this is brought to PC like the first game was!

@wolfpriesty13 - 27.08.2020 11:50

did he ever say to rent buy never touch in this video im trying to find where that is

@merlin9885 - 24.08.2020 11:13


@guanjun1178 - 15.08.2020 01:12

I'm still playing the first game, but will certainly pick this title up. It's a very good series.

@ossadia - 11.08.2020 22:35

Nice video but try adding background music

@dakotakade3547 - 08.08.2020 14:36

Cool review, but MAN you need to use the system to recover your ki from attacking. It's like, the BIGGEST thing in Nioh 1 and 2 and you didn't touch on it at all. Learning and mastering that timing for getting your ki back with the weapons you use is absolutely 100% necessary in Nioh 2, ESPECIALLY in the Yokai realms where Ki regeneration is throttled super hard.

@AJDraws - 24.07.2020 17:28

Almost thought there's a Japanese weapon I haven't heard of.
I'm just messing, Karak.
You're reviews are gold

@cathallynch8269 - 19.07.2020 03:40

So you didn't give a buy or wait for a sale?

@rionsteiner4422 - 03.07.2020 02:15

Is Nioh 2 r3 ps4 still censored?

@transformerintheguy1041 - 13.06.2020 19:30

wow sekiro 3 is great ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah

@Nickisorochi - 13.06.2020 11:56

I am forcing myself to enjoy this game as i have played Nioh 1 n liked it, but don't know why i couldn't find link between this game and feels wasted and disappoint at its peak..

@chaikagaz - 28.05.2020 20:08

never touch, because ghost of tsushima looks better

@dudedovahkiin3825 - 28.05.2020 16:08

Completely agree with the music however there is a fix simply get the theme tune to Ninja two from the Commodore 64, that while you're playing and yeah it goes really well

@thundageon5962 - 16.05.2020 06:23

I bought the deluxe edition a few days before nioh 2's release

@rojotrueshinobi6322 - 07.05.2020 21:44

I wish the game kinda scaled a little more lenient. I understand it’s a challenging game and I bought it knowing that, but I’m super new to Nioh and can’t even get passed the 1st big guy, that won’t stop me from playing but it really sucks when you’ve died 50 times and can’t really see what the game has to offer because your new to these kind of games in general, the overall problem solver is get better, but as a brand new player it’s a lot easier said then done and if I wasn’t a patient gamer I’d probably feel cheated

@arkanstigers6007 - 28.04.2020 00:41

On the PS4 it’s still ofc 60 pounds but On eBay it’s like 30 pound now sekiro is 41 and I want both lmfao can’t pick

@zoran6850 - 23.04.2020 19:48

Buy buy buy!

@Dark3nedDragon - 20.04.2020 06:10

TFW you're used to mid-late 1st playthrough bosses, but see him tank a hit from the Boss and still be at like 85% of HP

@WakizashiSabre - 19.04.2020 14:01

Seeing this, i really should get Nioh 1 when it was for 14€. Great review as well. Thanks for the effort of making it (and others as well)
