30 balls of yarn in the first box, 35 in the second box, 22 in the first bag, 18 losse balls. All together 105❤
ОтветитьPoor husband😂😂 He is in shock😅😅
ОтветитьYour craft business is booming ! I do not have the patience to make them and then sell. I’m 59 and retired and thought about craft shows but I would make other things but…. Not sure.
ОтветитьLooks like chenille. I'm not a fan, but I'm glad you got what you wanted!! Yarn makes us happy! 😄
ОтветитьAdorable little girl💕
ОтветитьI feel bad for the next person that came to take advantage of the sale and found empty shelves
ОтветитьYes, Lily, your Ma has a YARN PROBLEM. There's worse things.
ОтветитьJesus loves you!
Ответить😂😂😂 Both of those videos are so funny that you guys mentioned.
ОтветитьI am literally in tears 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the ah ah ah after the counting. Then the and Ruthy is cute as shit completely sent me 💀😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьI guess 52 skeins of yarn. ❤
ОтветитьGreedy. :(
ОтветитьI love your yarn stash!!!!❤❤❤❤
Ответить@crochetvision I have learned that sometimes when it says it's being discontinued it means that particular store or store chain will no longer carry that brand
ОтветитьIt’s probably not a record
ОтветитьI just told my husband looks like we sre going to need a bigger vehicle so i can do my business i am guessing either a Cadillac
Excalade or a yukon xl eith some seets folded down.
Love see what you make with yarn. Australia 😊
ОтветитьFunny ❤ woolly ❤
ОтветитьWhere are you from
Ответитьmy ultimate favorite color is purple
ОтветитьI love the colors such beautiful pastels!!! If I wasn’t balling on a budget I’d buy all the yarn on sale too 😂
Ответитьactually it is 105 skeens
ОтветитьWish that they they had a michaels or joans in ireland
ОтветитьYou could have left 1 row damn
ОтветитьYou should color code your yarn it would look incredible
Ответитьwhat was the total did i miss that being mentioned? this is too much
ОтветитьI got a Michaels ad while watching this video
ОтветитьI live in between 2 Michael’s and one store always has yarn on clearance. I go to the other to get more and it’s regular price.
Ответить❤❤❤❤ that looks like something id do
ОтветитьI’m so jealous! I wish I could do this 😂❤
ОтветитьI feel that this room should be rearranged in a better and functional way, and the shelves should be redesigned. What if I shot a video to rearrange it? It will be a very nice video.
Ответитьthe kid is very cute, the school uniform gives me catholic school flashbacks 😹
ОтветитьLily you are the star of this video. Have fun,enjoy the rest of your day with your mom.
ОтветитьHow much was all that?
ОтветитьOur Michael do not have that much yarn and no bargain. Our Michael is twice that small
ОтветитьMais c’est quoi ce magasin magnifique je n’ai pas ça ici!!!!!😂🇫🇷🌞💖🙏
ОтветитьI need a Michael's
ОтветитьNone of the Michaels around me have that great of a yarn section!😢
ОтветитьIt would of been nice of you if you had left some for someone else 😮
ОтветитьI love watching your videos ❤️
Ответитьmais que faites vous de toute cette laine ? j'en aurais bien besoin mais je n'ai pas ce genre de magasin-amitié
ОтветитьЗачем покупать ещё пряжу, если дома и так много пряжи? Вязать и вязать.