Surveillance, body camera footage from Ocala school shooting

Surveillance, body camera footage from Ocala school shooting

WFLA News Channel 8

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Donald - 20.09.2023 02:51

Sorry that my brother did this, he said “The intrusive thoughts won.” I am sorry for the loss. NOT😂

FruityByers - 19.09.2023 17:49

also that doesnt give him the right to kill kids that did nothing to him💀

Carlos Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez - 19.09.2023 11:14

Not a surprise it’s a white person

Doroth Chrostowski
Doroth Chrostowski - 19.09.2023 08:49

He's an extremely polite mannered psychopath school shooter.

Doroth Chrostowski
Doroth Chrostowski - 19.09.2023 08:48

He said what other guy.? That means that they strong armed, hurt and forcefully secured a traumatized person who had nothing to do with anything and they didn't communicate that the sole subject was infact in custody.

Tyler - 19.09.2023 05:36

I mean at least he didnt lie

Steven Grindstaff
Steven Grindstaff - 18.09.2023 04:48

This is my dream I always wanted to be police man

selketskiss56 - 17.09.2023 23:42

Policeman tells shooter…don’t say another word…then starts asking him a barrage of questions. This kid was screaming for help he wanted to be arrested to be saved.

Shaznit - 17.09.2023 01:00

Also this kid was taught by one of the dumbest schools imaginable. These people lack ALL THE SENSE!

Shaznit - 17.09.2023 00:56

Dude ran up those stairs in the beginning like "Today is the day! Today is the fucking day!"

BLOXY - 16.09.2023 21:51

Ocala school shot?? This kid just didn't want to go to jail he is a really good kid I hope he is not in jail

NickGamer333l - 16.09.2023 10:44

"what a great day to save lives"
Wow... thats just... wow

Ecbs 0100
Ecbs 0100 - 16.09.2023 09:19

Wait what. The shooter is inside in that room and theres other students

Skyler_cooldude - 16.09.2023 08:05

And I don't think getting shot in the leg is fun. I hate when that happens lol👍👍😎

Skyler_cooldude - 16.09.2023 08:04

My uncle started that👍

Brian Simington
Brian Simington - 16.09.2023 06:42

true but also why the fuck do people do this like what about the preschoolers and kindergartners like the fuck pour kids

TheBrotherhood - 16.09.2023 05:12

He plead guilty to about 10 charges with of course several of them being severe crimes and received a 30 prison sentence which he must serve a minimum of 25 years of and when he is released from prison he also received 30 years of probation. He said "he did this with no intention to hurt anyone and just wanted to go to jail" he also said he researched shootings and found school shootings get the most publicity so thats why he chose the school, said he was raised by bad people and just wanted to go to jail.

Tammy Ortiz
Tammy Ortiz - 16.09.2023 04:38

I'm sorry but to me when I saw this video it was sickening it turned my stomach to hear an officer laughing and making jokes about a young lady's death how rude and disrespectful p I hope that he pays for what he's doing laughing and joking and what a scumbag police officer how dare you

Polly - 15.09.2023 12:37

What kinda shite did his family do to raise a terrorist .

Gurtrude - 15.09.2023 09:48

The sign on the wall : IT'S A GREAT DAY TO SAVE LIVES

taj thomas
taj thomas - 14.09.2023 21:29

Nobody gaf about his life niggas always got a story

Dubz - 14.09.2023 18:24

Cop needs to get his emotions in check. Im sure seeing a cop just as scared as the students isnt not helping calm them down. We look to police for support.

CODM adi@500
CODM adi@500 - 14.09.2023 16:14

Hey America ,,make guns illegal,,what's wrong with ylu guys ??

Artur H
Artur H - 14.09.2023 10:23

Throw the book at the guy.

RheannaBanana - 14.09.2023 09:30

Why aren't they listening to him tell them other people are planning to do this today?!?!? They've just ignored him everytime he said it. Whether or not he is lying atleast check it out!!

Katie and the dragons
Katie and the dragons - 14.09.2023 05:18

You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry You’re a furry

Eric Dallas
Eric Dallas - 14.09.2023 04:43

Scary how easily it is just to walk into a school with loaded guns. Schools are jokes these days. Maybe if they actually help people instead of turning people away abd ACTUALLY help kids from bellies instead of brushing it off maybe just maybe school shooting would drop alot but noone cares until people die

keiko san
keiko san - 14.09.2023 04:30

Kid is playing with the system.

Syzygy - 13.09.2023 21:27

Guns save lives! We see it in every mass shooting! Whats wrong with those liberals complaining about military weapons in schools, at James Aldean country music concerts that killed hundreds, maimed thousands.
Why do they care if guns are the number 1 death of children in America.
They need to 🤫
🤐 it libs

Syzygy - 13.09.2023 20:15

This must be a white school, cops there immediately and actually entering inside the school. People just wandering around like nothings going on.... 🤦🤦‍♀️

theDragonKnightUnit - 13.09.2023 00:03

"Its a great day to save lives"

Vampy - 12.09.2023 05:53

The kid must have backed out of his decicion thankfully right after that first shot!

Aware - 12.09.2023 03:44

i want to drop out

Denise Lowery
Denise Lowery - 11.09.2023 23:05

What the hell are these school officials doing? The deputy is the only one taking this seriously! It’s baffling to me wow

•Ember_Lxmen• - 11.09.2023 22:22

My mom was a substitute at Forest the same day this happened 😟 it was horrifying

YxKnB - 11.09.2023 12:50

His controller died

Victoria Turner
Victoria Turner - 11.09.2023 09:48

does anyone know how the officer knew he had been planning it since 2013???

Kira Hoskey
Kira Hoskey - 11.09.2023 06:48

All these adults are idiots...they have zero brain cells

Brandon Barralaga
Brandon Barralaga - 11.09.2023 02:45

Ofc it’s the weird kid with the glasses and the buss cut bro💀

FunkyFresh - 11.09.2023 02:08

My thing that got my attention was he said that there other people are going to do what I do but says he’s a “lone Wolf”. Makes me think that these are planned out. They find people with disorders who are willing to end there life’s. I don’t know who to think that would set this up but he knows something we all don’t know about. Scares me for all our new generation

drake williams
drake williams - 11.09.2023 01:05

i saw its a great day to save lives poster that hit hard

Gaming With hect
Gaming With hect - 10.09.2023 17:58

Almost like
After the first shot he knew he was doing wrong

N.99 - 10.09.2023 13:13

“ It’s a great day to save lives “ says on the wall in the hallway.
