Divinity Original Sin 2: 15 Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Before I Started Playing

Divinity Original Sin 2: 15 Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Before I Started Playing


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MercousEric - 01.10.2017 18:09

not all your lore master facts are right. I doesnt matter who you select when you identify, the loremaster will still do it. Also the mag glass isn't used up.

Luke Bowman
Luke Bowman - 30.09.2023 16:56

Bro I can't make out the words over the music half the time

iamradical - 26.09.2023 17:14

I am so bad at this game

Shevtali - 29.08.2023 22:17

Thank you, that was really helpful!

puckay - 24.08.2023 07:32

Having finally found some time to play DoS and DoS2 these tips are awesome, thanks! :)

TangoTo - 21.08.2023 06:13

If you don't want things to appear in your hotbar without you putting them there you can just go to the menu and toggle them off

MD - 19.08.2023 18:41

If you have a rogue in your party or someone you dont want taking damage. Get a bunch of empty potion bottles (you can find them on potion racks) and pick any chantarelle mushrooms you come across (you can also tell the boy on the boat to look for them) combining the two gives you an invisibility potion so you wont take damage that round.

Also combining nails on any boot will prevent your characters from slipping on ice. Useful if you have an hydrosophist enchanter in your party that specializes in frost.

Kosteri x
Kosteri x - 15.08.2023 10:48

How many nails for lockpick

Wizzlet - 14.08.2023 19:20

Omg I've been healing everyone instead of bedrolling

Paddi0788 J
Paddi0788 J - 12.08.2023 20:35

I had to change the difficulty to "Story Mode" because I wasnt able to beat Alexander in Classic oder Explorer Mode. I feel weak....😢....but didnt know how to Deal with it 😅

Alexander Lucas
Alexander Lucas - 02.08.2023 14:35

Thanks, really good work!

Esat Akan
Esat Akan - 28.07.2023 12:32

This is an awesome video! I'd have never been able to guess these tips myself thanks a lot

Roger Partner
Roger Partner - 07.07.2023 15:48

Errr this is PC version. !?

Dan Florin Vizireanu
Dan Florin Vizireanu - 02.07.2023 11:08

looks like you know how to play the game i suppose ?

Gustavo Silverio
Gustavo Silverio - 19.06.2023 06:00

The stealing tip was realy good, im going on my backup save and redoing some hours Just because of it

Lady Amalthea
Lady Amalthea - 05.06.2023 02:52

This was very helpful. I'm currently playing and absolutely loving this game. I'm lost as a goose at times and I'm sure I've missed certain quests and started others out of order but I'm having a blast lol.

CatNip - 20.05.2023 22:41

When you said about if your people die what if they're just a pile of blood and guts how can you resurrect that I tried doing that and I couldn't get her back so that was a loss to my character and I couldn't put anyone else in her spot cuz it was taken

DallaswithaD - 29.04.2023 05:47

Was having trouble with Fort Joy / Hollow Marsh for the longest time, even at level 5-6. Felt like my progress was so slow. Then i started stealing skills from people in Fort Joy, and it made battles so much easier, decking out my characters with more skills to use each turn

miku - 19.04.2023 01:12

Thanks for the useful info, but ditch the annoying music please, I want to hear your instructions.

mynameisben123 - 16.04.2023 05:57

What does it mean to say “hopefully that character doesn’t just keep it”? Can they take items and you can’t swap them back?

INS1977 - 11.04.2023 13:58

I hate pickopeeting in games but... Maybe this time i must... Still beginner, Just leave Fort JOY yesterday

Vynegar - 18.03.2023 15:26

Some useful tips from Yours Truly:
If you are a summoner, you can combine any summoning skillbook with any magical skillbook except polymorph (pyro, geo, hydro, necro, aero) to be able to infuse summons with that element. If you combine a source of oil with a summoning and geomancer skillbook, it unlocks oil infusions, and combining a summoning skillbook with a scoundrel skillbook unlocks shadow infusion.
Additionally, if you combine a summoning skillbook with any of the first six types of skillbooks, and it is a source spell, it allows you to get cursed/blessed elemental infusions that take up two memory slots.

As mentioned in the video, you can combine two healing potions of the same type to upgrade them. You can also do this with poison potions and elemental resistance potions, but sadly not with stat increase potions such as finesse, wit, or strength potions.
Did you accidentally turn a giant healing potion into poison without meaning to? No worries! If you combine a poison bottle with a bottle of red dye, it turns it back into a healing potion!

A really simple trick that could sometimes be easy to forget is you can unlink your archer from your party to have them wait at the high ground before you initiate a fight. You can also unlink other party members and leave them in a previous room/area and bring them in during the fight while stealthed so they can get in free stealth attacks.

If you combine any healing potion or food item with a source of poison such as Zaikk's Talon, you can turn it into a poisoned item. This is super useful for if you want your undead character to drink a cup of tea without evaporating their bones.

Magnus Ludvigsen
Magnus Ludvigsen - 14.03.2023 18:37

One thing about inventory management I would like is to have the items be placed in specific characters inventories, and or let me have the backpacks become more windows, so I can actually see what I have where.
I know there's an official mod for sorting things, but it seems like you still have to do a lot of manual sorting, and that's annoying.
Sadly BG3 doesn't seem to have fixed this much.

Crispywafers11 - 20.02.2023 12:19

I enjoyed your story on undead healing

matrixphijr - 10.02.2023 22:19

#5 - This may or may not have been true at the time this was made (Definitive Edition?), but there is an option in the Settings menu to prevent items that are picked up from going straight to the hotbar. Go to Options, then Gameplay, then scroll down to the bottom, where there's a section for 'Automated Hotbar Behaviour'. There, you can set whether specific items automatically assign to the hotbar when you pick them up (or learn them, like skills). You can set each type of item individually, if, for instance, you want your scrolls to fill up your hotbar, but not arrows and grenades.

Rimwell - 16.01.2023 20:18

I’ve killed my skeleton many times from healing

Ricky Ray
Ricky Ray - 01.01.2023 13:52

I'm at the last fight now, using Lohse but my party is Sebille, Fane, and Red Prince. I was really surprised how addicted I got to this game. Only wish Baldurs Gate 3 wasn't taking 10 years to develop I wish I could get the full game now.

Onikoji - 01.01.2023 01:02

In settings you can turn off automatic keybind for pick ups/skill/ect. Using an identify glass will automatically do it as long as a lore master is in the party (This may not be the same for MultiPlayer).

Justin Priest
Justin Priest - 29.12.2022 13:59

I need this. Thank you.

kreion - 29.11.2022 16:27

Thanks buddy ! very useful!

ClintWaffle - 06.11.2022 21:04

This is awesome list

Dai Cymru
Dai Cymru - 02.11.2022 06:41

what did he say?

SquidikaST - 28.10.2022 14:12

"you can combine potions to get better potions."


Change Change
Change Change - 19.10.2022 02:33

Just got this on iPad! Can’t wait to pla. Thanks for the tips!

Ape Rule
Ape Rule - 15.10.2022 03:51

I'm a beginner... how do I actually move around the items in the hotbar?? when I try to move the abilities/skill trees they disappear and i have no idea where they go? help D:

Johann Coetzee
Johann Coetzee - 12.10.2022 11:29

still valuable, new player in 2022, Thank you!

Snake627 - 11.10.2022 17:25

Good video thanks for the tips

ParkerAnderson - 25.09.2022 09:03

Save you all the time - the game is TRASH due to horrible built in mechanics - if you have a fight and a character or more dies you may as well restart the game

Samuel Schneider
Samuel Schneider - 19.09.2022 14:02

Thanks for the tips!!

SpoonMan Abrams X
SpoonMan Abrams X - 17.09.2022 11:25

You can turn off auto-adding items and such to your hotbar, as well as automatically remove abilities you unlearn.

The Rogue of Space
The Rogue of Space - 14.09.2022 22:42

This was awesome, thank you so much! I took a bunch of notes, cheers! 😄🙏🏼

K J - 13.09.2022 20:15

Tip 5 “hot bar management” no longer works. However, if you go to options there’s a checkbox that will turn off items auto-adding to be our hot bars.

Crassen Mlg Scopez
Crassen Mlg Scopez - 12.09.2022 12:50

Lava and deathfog can be moved by the polmymlrph spell that moves surfaces. No problem

K - 08.09.2022 03:47

Already knew about the bedroll lmao really all i use in my hotbar

Hhhhhhhhhh - 20.08.2022 19:48

Wanna be OP? Play necromancer its the most broken class.

Ty - 09.08.2022 02:23

I run a undead lizard with sibelle wizard. (2 man squad with lonewolf talent) Give her single or two handed poison wands and they double as a quick heal for my undead main character. Plus poison is also explosive so let her blob enemies leaving a poison puddle and then light it up! ✨️
