"My Best Friend Betrayed Me: She Stole Everything!" | #Shorts

"My Best Friend Betrayed Me: She Stole Everything!" | #Shorts

To My Younger Self Podcast

55 лет назад

506 Просмотров

Reading out another friendship dilemma on TMYS… Remember, you can send us your confessions by email / Instagram DM and everything will be anonymised!

Episode 5- Letting go of toxic friends and building lasting, healthy relationships

*Connect with us:*
Instagram | www.instagram.com/tomyyoungerself_uk
Spotify | https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/tomyyoungerselfpodcast
Praise's channel | https://www.youtube.com/@praise.
Aleesha's channel | https://www.youtube.com/@aleeshabruce
Email | [email protected]

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