'They're teaching children to hate America': the culture war dividing US schools

'They're teaching children to hate America': the culture war dividing US schools

The Guardian

2 года назад

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Karim Temri
Karim Temri - 12.09.2023 21:53

Public schools are for free. Lately the "fee" youre expected to pay for your children's education is to allow the state to shape their opinion

Francisco Santiago
Francisco Santiago - 12.09.2023 21:38

In my country, fascists tried to censor teachers. They don't want students to have critical sense or knowledge about politics and society.

omax3852 - 04.09.2023 10:31

Racism comes and how to treat others well comes from the home, not leftist teachers indoctrinating kids about their worldview. Stick to academics

Nicholas Li
Nicholas Li - 29.08.2023 03:30

Why are these people so resistant to believe that racism does and still does exist to this very day?

LuckyLovesCheese - 23.08.2023 23:14

When she listed off the posters and got to the meme I kinda chuckled…it’s a meme….a meme…💀

X'Ian Bey
X'Ian Bey - 22.08.2023 15:46

To hate a land/political zone ?!?!? Or the people who colonized it and Denationalized the natives ?? Asking for a friend

Hippin Hoppin
Hippin Hoppin - 20.08.2023 13:43

There are valid reasons why to abhor USA for countries that were/are victims of colonization, invasion, pillage, annexation, loot, total destruction due to proxy wars, and control as puppets

Michael Roccia
Michael Roccia - 07.08.2023 06:14

I guess all white or mostly white communities are under attack now

Stallion - 15.07.2023 13:44

Leftists say they hate America but not ready to leave the country and go to some socialist paradise. Do you Remember those rich Hollywood celebrities who said, they will leave the US forever, if Trump was elected as president? Those leftists are still in the US.

nova netom
nova netom - 14.07.2023 13:23

This is how they collect free money from the state from taxpayers this is what this is all about I keep telling y'all

LightGesture - 12.07.2023 09:56

Reverse racism bs.

Inquisitor Krieger
Inquisitor Krieger - 09.07.2023 05:25

Muh racism!

jay counts
jay counts - 08.07.2023 07:42

One great thing about America that people seem to over look is it's not North Korea!, it's not a prison camp! you are free to leave any time you want!...how cool is that!

none none
none none - 30.06.2023 17:38

It is a self evident fact that all people are NOT created equal. Gender, cultural background and genetic heritage factually do confer advantages and disadvantages, and to pretend or insist otherwise is asinine. Enforced equality of results regardless of individual merit is a suicidal policy for any civilization. Yes, there are exceptions to stereotypes, but they are not imaginary ideas, they are aggreates based upon real life observation. If you don't like being lumped into a negative stereotype, it is up to YOU to confront those of your group that are giving your group a bad name by being living breathing examples of the negative stereotype.

none none
none none - 30.06.2023 17:27

0640 Ok, black girl is "shocked" but how about the reality? WAS it or was it not a fact that this black girl's family was on welfare of some type?

none none
none none - 30.06.2023 17:18

The solution to this is incredibly simple and direct. Abolish all public schools. Let individual parents pay for the education of their children in a free market, where they can choose what gets taught. You chose to have the kid, you get to pay entirely for the education of the kid. Mind your own business, pay your own way, use violence only in self defense. It's not a complicated concept.

Viaje Byahe Lang
Viaje Byahe Lang - 23.06.2023 09:04

One day America will be divided into two races White and Black will have a civil war.

Guevara Antonio
Guevara Antonio - 21.06.2023 17:55

But the TRUTH is that this country's politicians are the main source of spreading HATE AND RACISMS into our communities, not to mention the brutal abuse of the authorities specially to people of color and immigrants!!

hello43110 - 21.06.2023 12:53

Is it not healthy to critique the house that we live in? Its very black and white to think you cant love your country while critique how it was made...

TLR Eclipse
TLR Eclipse - 17.06.2023 06:55

Bro I hate my house.

Jake - 16.06.2023 03:25

Teaching kids to see things as oppressor and oppressed is a pillar of marxism. It is fundamental. It has nothing to do with being nice to people. That’s the mask it hides behind.

Vatomatic31 - 16.06.2023 00:26

Races shouldn't mix if it's this complicated, we are literally a alive and gone in the blink of an eye. Its unrealistic for people to use their temporary time on someone else. Live selfishly for yourself, you'll be gone before you know it.

Dennis B
Dennis B - 31.05.2023 06:37

If you want to fix American education, you need to get the radical-left out of US education. Our country will never heal and move forward as long as these miserable people control our minds in what we're being taught.

Taylor No
Taylor No - 28.05.2023 14:40

The teacher engaged with a student on "welfare" and that's modern day racism.The race grifters are getting rich of DIE.

African Mermaid 🧜‍♀️
African Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ - 27.05.2023 01:04

As a descendent of Africans living in America, where is so much more for us to dislike about this country.

Ryan - 25.05.2023 15:31

Public schooling is over.

Cint Roberts
Cint Roberts - 22.05.2023 17:48

No No the parents are teaching there children to hate America.

Tobias Israel
Tobias Israel - 21.05.2023 17:35

I think they should revisit a birth of a nation which was widely received by especially states that committed race crimes against blk people in America. There was no strong push back against that teaching or the teachings of the daughters of the south. Being taught in all yt schools

Julian Corbet
Julian Corbet - 20.05.2023 01:04

Well, maybe black people should also start to understand that white people also need their safe spaces ... just a thought. It should be possible to have a white community - there are plenty of black only communities also. And they do not necessarily need to share the same education that the white parents pay for. And after a time and without forced transfers one will clearly see whether the black only communities with their different culture will have fared better or worse. Let there be competition ...

-ZakattacK- - 18.05.2023 10:24

Yeah I wouldn't send my kids to that lefty extremist nuthouse either and I'm Politically Independent. Any educational establishment that glorifies Marxism/Socialism wouldn't be able to be within 100 feet from my kids. Parents should be able to review the curriculum that is being taught to their children before even enrolling their kids in any school and afterwards.

vkorchnoifan - 16.05.2023 14:45

We pour in $750,000,000,000 every year in education and yet our schools are failing in reading, writing, civics and math. Social teaching is prime goal in school today. Its becoming one way street "Join us or die".

Meade Music
Meade Music - 14.05.2023 00:30

Jim Crow laws were actually mostly benevolent

Meade Music
Meade Music - 14.05.2023 00:26

Its okay to be White.

Some one Stole my toast
Some one Stole my toast - 13.05.2023 01:39

To be honest if you don’t need it don’t have it

Clooz - 09.05.2023 03:50

This story was intentionally under investigated. I'm kind of ashamed you should be embarrassed as journalist.

DeeVee Video's
DeeVee Video's - 08.05.2023 23:00

this is what happens when you tell everyone they have rights but not the other half that with those rights comes with responsibility.

Isaac R.
Isaac R. - 08.05.2023 22:13

crt = socialism = enslavement

Nick - 08.05.2023 03:24

California is done for it is destroyed

Nick - 08.05.2023 03:24

It is time to parents get together as one in every city every county in every state fire all those teachers right there on the spot to include the assistant principal and the principal and everybody at the school board who’s allows it teacher should only be able to teach math science, proper real history, not this, drummed up history at a certain point in life

ConstructiveMinds100 - 29.04.2023 08:56

This all designed for one reason.
Rich get so rich that the poor need to fight with each other

blackslacks66 - 24.04.2023 06:09

The difference between America and most other European nations is that America has a strange difficulty accepting and acknowledging the wrongs of its past (and present) and working to undue those issues. Take Germany for example.

Mark Stacion
Mark Stacion - 19.04.2023 09:34

So who here supports BLM and/or the LGBTQIA+ community?

Adrian Åslund
Adrian Åslund - 18.04.2023 16:06

Marx wasn't antiamerican though. He corresponded with Abraham Lincoln. And was very invested in the civil war as it happened. He also wrote for the New York tribune as a european correspondent. He's just a philosopher. Understand him as a philosopher. Read him and make up your own mind.

chrissy544 - 12.04.2023 22:56

Why not just leave this community alone. What is so wrong with a white community? This is ridiculous. The left wants to control the whole country to be their way. Period. Leave it alone! Why disrupt a whole community for your own personal agendas?

Dope Cat
Dope Cat - 28.03.2023 19:07

This is why SAT scores and exam grades have been in decline in America.

Derwin Mitchell
Derwin Mitchell - 24.03.2023 21:08

Protect white fragility over history and truth. While iductrinating children through educational grade schools, such as lying about Thanksgiving and all of these so-called great American Presidents who actually own slaves, you can't hide or run from history it always manages to reveal it's self sooner if not then later.

Benny H
Benny H - 22.03.2023 02:30

This guy leaves out the concept that we might want to know how our house was built. Consider it a building inspection. It will reveal any issues in the foundation and other structural faculties.

Brandon Hethcox
Brandon Hethcox - 18.03.2023 02:03

Would someone please explain to me what So-called D.E.I. is? Also,... what about teaching Children in our Public Schools to denounce all forms of Racism irregardless of what culture it generates from.

James R Morris
James R Morris - 17.03.2023 20:01

Those kids whote and said those horrible things will regret it in years to come when they start work and this is dug up.
I wonder if they say this to just go against what they are taught, the breaking the taboo thing, I hope they don't believe these things and grow up to know better.
