60hz vs 144hz vs 240hz - The TRUTH about High Refresh Monitors! | The Tech Chap

60hz vs 144hz vs 240hz - The TRUTH about High Refresh Monitors! | The Tech Chap

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Rabitter005 - 02.10.2023 17:47

i have one question, i want a monitor for my ps5. if i have a high fps monitor but like 60 hz is t worth it?

Robert Malone
Robert Malone - 29.09.2023 05:54

Excellent video!

Mr Guy
Mr Guy - 29.09.2023 04:27

I have a laptop screen of 144hz but my monitor is 60 should I use my laptop screen

Dániel Balatoni
Dániel Balatoni - 26.09.2023 17:24

nah, I'll just stick to heroes 3

Aviven - 26.09.2023 17:20

If you've never experienced 144hz, imagine going from 30fps to 60fps, that's how it feels.
60fps feels like 30fps to me now!

John Wayne
John Wayne - 19.09.2023 23:17

all you have to do to see the difference is move your mouse cursor around

Jsmith907 - 14.09.2023 07:41

I went to a gaming place away from where I live, and they had 240hz. The difference was HUGE compared to my 60hz at home

Terry Mcdade
Terry Mcdade - 09.09.2023 04:33

You had to show the difference in slow motion ?


I've been playing with 60hz with a 144hz monitor since 2019...

Steveion Joker
Steveion Joker - 06.09.2023 02:02

Wait can low refresh rates handicap recording videos?? Cause all my recordings be blurry no matter what i change my obs settings too..

Da Mighty Shabba
Da Mighty Shabba - 01.09.2023 10:30

Open Question to anyone willing to answer (not often you get THAT on the net!!!): I'm running a fairly basic rig - 5600X, 32GB DDR4, 1050Ti, and ATM mechanical HDDS's, but SSD's are ordered. My screen is a (4k) Samsung U32J39x, locked at 59/60Hz. I also have 22" screens with lower resolution (still 1080+) but higher refresh rates. Should I swap them for gaming? Smaller screen for games, but better refresh rate, or stick to the big beautiful Samsung at 60Hz (I run it at 59... pffff... ) The main screen I am consiering is a 22" iLLyama PLT2250MTS (touchscreen, but I dont use that at all)... Or... just buy a new screen? Maybe I screwed up getting the Samsung - I was swayed by the "4K" and reviews at the time said "Dont bother about refresh rates, they're all acceptable".

rap the wrapper
rap the wrapper - 31.08.2023 17:21

Switching from an old 60hz tv to a 165hz monitor cured my motion sickness

Rogério Penna
Rogério Penna - 29.08.2023 19:36

Does it makes a difference if your game is running on less than 60 fps?

LDante - 28.08.2023 07:40

60fps on 60hz
60fps on 300hz

Any difference?

Đaŕķ Přínçe
Đaŕķ Přínçe - 19.08.2023 08:16

I am trying to get one answer will 144hz monitor rather than my 60hz help me flash enemy projectile and dodge better in game league of legends will it help flash over lux q and bcz more frame will I get enough time to flash malphite ult ??
Probably not the video to ask but I don't know where else

OP Lifter
OP Lifter - 15.08.2023 16:20

i got a curved 32inch 240hz monitor for 206 euros, is that a good deal?

slingman - 15.08.2023 15:47

i'm pretty sure the correlation between higher refresh rate and winrate isn't exactly causation. i think people who spend more time and money on their systems and on gaming (indicated by owning a 144hz monitor) would be generally better at games either by being more likely to have a better machine, or just spending more time playing games in general.

Connection Lost
Connection Lost - 14.08.2023 08:05

Над ником игрока на тайме 2.59, угорал минут 5

HeadBassVTEC - 13.08.2023 05:05

you are mixing lot of unrelated things together.....refresh rate has no real relation to input lag and ghosting
there is no rule that high refresh rate = low input latency = low ghosting

yes nowdays manufacturers aim to have low input latency on high refresh rate "gaming" monitors but there is no rule that it has to be that way, was not the case until recently and still isn't always true even today unless you get a good expensive one
and with high refresh rate vs ghosting it's almost opposing things and depends on how good the overdrive modes the panel manufacturer implemented (the higher the refresh rate the harder it is to not have ghosting and compensate it with overdrive settings)...ghosting also strongly depends on the panel technology (VA are usually not great, the new nano IPS are pretty good and OLED does not have any ghosting at all, it's pixel response time of the panel technology and little to do with refresh rate)

Mohsen Chaghazardi
Mohsen Chaghazardi - 11.08.2023 13:52

Average human eye can't differentiate much above 60hz
The problem with making those demo video slowed to 1/4 is all of comparison videos frame rate goes under 60hz and you see the laggy videos..
Personally I think it doesn't worth the money to buy above 60hz monitor especially I consider this routine to be business and profitable job for video cards Manufacturers.
And also if you're gaming results really make difference with a just monitor beyond 60hz you should really consider to work on your skills rather blaming the monitor...

Nico - 10.08.2023 14:51

Apparently I'm the only one that appreciates the motion clarity on a high refresh monitor and nothing else 😂. I can barely make a difference in responsiveness and absolutely no difference in smoothness with 240hz vs 60hz. But the motion clarity, the sharpness of the picture is from another world 😌

daironification - 07.08.2023 01:32

Just ordered a TUF 170Hz!!! I've been playing on a 59 Hz monitor since 2015 💀 lol.

G G - 04.08.2023 01:12

00000000.1 sec matters i guess

Shard - 01.08.2023 06:36

Is 165hz good for Ryzen 5 4600g? No video card yet

Sweatified - 31.07.2023 16:04

I play Roblox so I think that 165 hz is pretty good

Mad Alyx
Mad Alyx - 28.07.2023 18:13

Thank you for the simple and straightforward explanation!

Cheroiu Robert
Cheroiu Robert - 20.07.2023 02:28

is is worth 34'' 144p 165 hz over 42'' 4k 120hz ?

Major Agnostic
Major Agnostic - 19.07.2023 16:21

Manufactured necessity I say. Then when you play some old stuff you wanna kys

mei - 18.07.2023 11:56

both my monitors are 60 hz and seeing the difference doesn't make me wanna spend money i dont need to lol
its like "why replace something if it's not broke" I have an 8 yr old laptop that works perfectly fine, why spend money to get a new one when it works just fine. i swear the "you're missing out" no, I'm not because I don't care LMAO

slifer 9990
slifer 9990 - 17.07.2023 10:27

I think 240 is overkill. I am completely satisfied with 90-100 fps. Anything over that is deminishing returns.

GEO5252 - 11.07.2023 07:09

i currently play story driven games that are not competitive. all the resident evil games played on a 65 in. 4k tv at 60hz. do you think i will get a smoother experience if i got a 32 inch 3440 by 1440 monitor at 144hz. it will obviously sit closer to me so i think it would be better. Any thoughts ??

DylanZ - 10.07.2023 06:26

I often game at 144 but if the game is demanding I cap it at 60. Loads of slow single player story games like the Last of Us for example benefit nothing from going above 60.

The only time I would say 60+ is needed is FPS games, or open world games and that’s about it.

hansi's corner
hansi's corner - 08.07.2023 04:46

The smear is real

Its not about what they talk bout with these still images of a monitor showing the difference. its about when you move your crosshair about while walking or even more when running/ moving faster. The faster the black to black it can do the better the image will look while in motion.

U can compare this effect from a panning video of any sportsarena to a when the camera stops.
Besides this fact there is the fps issue that seems to be the elephant in the room. if ur rig can run the games u want in quality u are happy with at 240fps+ then the price of the monitor does not really matter does it? You spent so much more on the rig that i bet your peripherals alone cost more than a 240 gaming monitor.

Even at 240 hz with the most expensive models there is there black smear problem they try to mitigate with backlight strobing.
The mbr sure can be tiresome for the eyes and brain for prolonged gaming session, basically u should get a monitor with a low as possible black to black response time to get the most consistent images on ur screen.

It cant be very good for anything to flash a strobe and sit close to it looking at the gorram strobe light ? any physicians care to weigh in?

Sven Bob
Sven Bob - 02.07.2023 22:06

plz anyone tell me what is the best graphics card for 60hz monitor ??? 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Mysterious Biking Society
Mysterious Biking Society - 30.06.2023 02:16

watching this on my surface pro. It has trouble even playing this video lol. I was looking at gaming computers and 144 Hz screens popped up (I am looking at laptops) so I wanted to check it out. Thanks for putting this video together for us!

B R - 22.06.2023 04:56

I prefer 30fps tops for gaming.. giving more of a film or movie effect.

Мистер - 18.06.2023 13:35

i have 120 hz, but sadly i cant get the rest 887 frames in mini world sadly

ツFico - 17.06.2023 21:41

my gtx 1660 super that cant even run games on 720p

SimonSpider - 15.06.2023 19:45

Can't tell the difference at all

kotsios antoniades
kotsios antoniades - 15.06.2023 16:10

144 +gsync or freesync is sooo much better than 60.

In Coma
In Coma - 15.06.2023 10:21

Buying high-end gaming pc just to find out that your monitor is caped at 60Hz... XD

Dringo Ghant
Dringo Ghant - 15.06.2023 04:49

I am new to pc gaming, just today I discovered why 120fps is much better than 60fps, 120fps causes less eye fatigue in fast moving games like fps or games that requires you move the camera alot like open world games

Alien - 14.06.2023 13:20

120hz - 160hz what's the difference?

Enoiseh - 08.06.2023 15:34

I have 240hz rn, moved from 165hz but either framerate I have ranging between 100 and 240 fps, I can’t feel the difference

The only difference I feel is just 60 and 100 fps

yolo muhanad
yolo muhanad - 06.06.2023 03:33

so much screen tarring
get a g sync monitor bro

BradyA1124 - 04.06.2023 23:16

So like, high refresh rate monitors (144 or 240 Hz) are essential for gamers as they provide smoother gameplay, increased aiming precision, reduced latency, and a competitive advantage, with 144 Hz being a better choice for most people, while 240 Hz is suitable for speed-focused and less demanding competitive games, and pricing for 144 Hz starts around £140, while 240 Hz models begin at under £300.

HardyDimension_com - 30.05.2023 15:56

From 60Hz to 144Hz, I believe it is obvious.
From 60Hz to 75Hz, I can't notice any obvious difference.(mine is 75Hz)
Maybe from 144Hz to 165Hz also similar case👀

Arghya Protim Halder
Arghya Protim Halder - 30.05.2023 06:13

I used a 60hz monitor then purchased a 165hz monitor i am totally satisfied the experience was extremely smooth more than double refresh rate

TOBI69 - 28.05.2023 16:13

Also you'll need a capable graphics card too
I mean my cousin tried a 144hz monitor with his gt710 🗿
