Can a NOOB tell the difference between a 144Hz and a 60Hz PC gaming monitor?

Can a NOOB tell the difference between a 144Hz and a 60Hz PC gaming monitor?

Dawid Does Tech Stuff

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Grimm Smile
Grimm Smile - 27.10.2023 20:06

Higher refresh rate also has a HUGE difference when playing VR games. I play VRChat often and while I do generally have my headset capped at 90 (since 120 just makes my GPU work harder) Getting 60FPS is down right TERRIBLE compared to 90FPS which has a very smooth motion when moving my head around or turning with the joysticks, even the VRChat menu will feel smoother.

Lqsko Ivanov
Lqsko Ivanov - 24.10.2023 07:58

4 or 3 years on 60hz and when i switched to 165hz i got much better in fps games

Just A Guy
Just A Guy - 15.10.2023 17:34

what you should know
You dont need a high refresh rate monitor just get good
Only get one if ur rich or smthing
or get one if u play games professionally

András Kovács
András Kovács - 06.10.2023 11:41

How is this a double blind test? Do you know what that is at all?

Louis Thomas
Louis Thomas - 29.09.2023 02:14

Some of us are still using 60hz tn panels, lol

Rudy - 27.09.2023 09:15

Ehh, we'll never need more than 640k of memory honestly. Deva nowadays just dont know what optimization is.

Fishyツ - 08.09.2023 00:45

Sometimes I wish I never experienced 120 FPS (180 Hz) because I can never go back to 60 now.

Fishyツ - 08.09.2023 00:44

I got a curved 180 Hz 27 inch monitor for 140 bucks lol.

faburisu - 28.08.2023 12:21

30/60fps are like the average 1300 and 1600cc hatchback, it's not the best but it's good enough for 99% of peoples. It make for a cheap gaming setup and It's low wattage low heat too.

Kyle - 26.08.2023 06:48

My dumbass been running a hdmi cable on a 165hz monitor for 2 years 😂

Agent Alpha
Agent Alpha - 25.08.2023 22:50

Even moving the mouse on windows desktop feels much more smoother on 144hz compared to 60hz. My external monitor is 144hz 1080p, my laptop monitor is 165hz 1600p and i don't really notice the difference between 144 and 165. I have tried 240hz and it does feel smoother but i might not be able to tell the difference from 240hz and 165hz if it's not side by side. Don't really play FPS games, i play League and some triple A games

Abhimannyu Chaudhary
Abhimannyu Chaudhary - 20.08.2023 09:20

I was tricked by the thumbnail.

Ymyeh - 19.08.2023 01:36

Dude there was already a huge difference between 60 and 75. So more so for 60 and 144.

From my experience 90 and 120 doesnt look much different but for some reason 120 and 144 has a huge difference for me.

TheDoomSlayer - 17.08.2023 15:44

I am not kidding, I got a new 144hz laptop, I had never gamed at above 60hz but tbh, At first and still, 144 hz feels kinda dizzy. I dont really like it. Yk like its too smooth.

Dark Musings
Dark Musings - 15.08.2023 11:54

Jumped from 75hz to 240hz and the smoothness and snappiness of the 240hz is huge after using a 75hz for years on end!!

Songbirdstress - 12.08.2023 21:10

Need a 250 bro.

Thiago Matuo
Thiago Matuo - 09.08.2023 00:08

I remember when I went from a 120hz TN to a 75hz IPS. The upgrade was good, because the image quality difference was insane. But I had to use the TN panel again and I totally forgot about the higher refresh rate. When I started playing I was like "ouch, there is something odd here" and then I realized that haha. But I still use the IPS 75hz due to quality image, colors in TN panel is too weird.

Johannes Dahl
Johannes Dahl - 08.08.2023 20:45

Looks like the FPS counter in the in-game menu gives away the refresh rate, it appears to be capped a couple of frames above what the monitor is set to. Maybe it should have been covered by a post-it note.

Also, this test was single-blind. Double-blind would be if the person with the clipboard also doesn't know which one it is, I think. It probably doesn't matter here.

Still, good stuff!

Systems Realty Team
Systems Realty Team - 30.07.2023 05:53

Laughs in 360Hz

23adrock - 19.07.2023 02:39

Nice video but you really need to look up what "double blind" means :)
