Glass Onion is a MASTERPIECE! | Video Essay

Glass Onion is a MASTERPIECE! | Video Essay


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@Odd_Bunny - 25.11.2023 20:43

I say we start using "inbreathiate" in everyday life until it officially becomes a word in the dictionary 😂 just because we can

@uberneanderthal - 11.11.2023 03:48

"joke's on you, I was just pretending to be regarded": The Movie

@bongripsfordenji5736 - 03.11.2023 04:43

perfect breakdown i couldn't have said it better myself

@giulianodebenedictis4486 - 24.10.2023 06:25

I love every second of Glass Onion, definitely my favorite movie of 2022, I don’t get tired of watching it, I also think is the best representation in film of the times we live in.

@VicInNocal - 17.10.2023 03:22

Alright, I quit this video after 7 minutes of libtard takes about how Elon Musk is supposedly an idiot. I can't possibly imagine ever sticking around to watch 23 more minutes of this libtardation

@VicInNocal - 17.10.2023 03:12

No, it's not at all a masterpiece.

@johnmichaelmiralles8110 - 11.10.2023 20:06

In the film Italian Job, Edward Norton's character is similar in the way he just copied other people's wants. He has no originality.

@johnmichaelmiralles8110 - 11.10.2023 19:56

Was it embriviate or inbreathiate? Hahaha

@antonisarapostathis2453 - 26.09.2023 19:39

I thought it was shit

@screenwriterkanzo - 26.09.2023 18:18

can i ask, how do you get the clips for your movies?

@marklouis1890 - 08.07.2023 08:06

Absolutely loved your analysis of The Glass Onion 🧅

@g00k11 - 27.06.2023 23:59


@nman551 - 23.06.2023 17:16

I loved every second of this movie, and knives out. I’m a huge murder mystery fan

@1syn - 26.05.2023 21:02

where is the actually analysis of the movie? i watched the first 10 minutes and all you did was shit talk elon musk and donald trump lmao what kinda cringe is this. make a video about them instead of a movie i’m tryna hear your opinion about broski

@1syn - 26.05.2023 21:00

stick to opinions on movies g

@3rdman99 - 19.05.2023 22:47

Sooo many dumb people..

@supuaforever21 - 09.04.2023 08:00

Ight f this, I'ma watch both Glass Onion and Knifes Out

There's a lot of reasons why I wanna watch these two movies, and one of them is the fact they just made an amogus reference in the sequel

@jongoldau1339 - 07.04.2023 17:55

This isn't click bait... This movie is that Great

@MalikHashim93 - 29.03.2023 11:05

low key you are racist. overly aware of colour of skin

@TianZhaoHeavenlyFortune - 27.03.2023 16:22

I work in tech - whilst I enjoyed this movie and its takedown on big tech billionaires like Elon Musk - I DO however think that the tech industry doesn't get ENOUGH credit for all that it's done to change the world for the better actually. There's a lot of nuance that the entertainment industry fails to capture. There are extremes to everything in life which means there are middle parts to everything. Every complex subject matter is an iceberg, the stuff you see on the surface is the most sensationalist, negative, pieces of crap, because simply-put - negatively sells.

The only piece of Western entertainment that I feel that has been able to put ANY semblance of nuance into the tech industry of the West is HBO's Silicon Valley but even that show isn't GREAT at the nuance.

There has as of yet been a movie that has been able to capture the middle parts of the tech industry - the tech companies that AREN'T the most sensationalist, that get mainstream attention, yet are making waves behind the scenes. We need more proper/true representation of tech people AND even business people in the entertainment landscape of the West. Sadly - it's still just "if you're a business leader, you must be a greedy asshole", "if you're a tech leader you must be a narcissistic asshole, if you're preaching good/nice sounding things you must be a lying asshole." There ARE actually well-intentioned, good-natured, altruistic people within the world of tech/business.

Yet the Western entertainment industry fails to dig deeper below the tip of the iceberg. There ARE real innovators & disruptors within the tech industry and in this world in-general. Yet, they rarely get mainstream attention because again negativity sells!

All-in-all, the Western entertainment industry is as the detective said in this move "just dumb."

@CedricAdonis - 25.03.2023 02:20

Lol naw

@extestential6638 - 23.03.2023 23:01

This movie sucks

@battyrae1398 - 21.03.2023 13:03

if imbreatheate becomes a word for reals im gonna fucking lose it. its would be the best/worst hahaha

@LfunkeyA - 14.03.2023 01:30

nah, the ending is pretty bad

@Mousfett - 10.03.2023 21:39

I like how these stories could go either way, the creator puts a right wing twist on the bad guy, but one could easily go the other way. Twitter was ran by and idiot and Blanc(musk) had no problem dismantling it right away.

The "disrupters" can be anyone you think is disrupting. Whether its right wingers disrupting progress or progressives disrupting tradition, if it's religion disrupting atheism or atheism disrupting religion, if its capitalism disrupting communism or social communism disrupting capitalism; see what I mean?

No matter the authors intent, once it is in the world, it's the audiences interpretation and ability to apply it. Even my comment will follow this, some will write me off as a right winger others may right me off as a progressive. Either way, it's the readers presuppositions that will determine how they read it. I can try to be as middle ground as possible (which I did) and I'll still be labeled one way or another.

@stephaniesadie832 - 08.03.2023 16:16

It was dross, boring as fuck, i nearly fell asleep and and turned it after about 25 mins.

@khalidshubbar6911 - 26.02.2023 22:31

This video it's self is a a Glass Onion. Throughout the whole video he restates what a Glass Onion is over and over again in different ways to make his video about the Glass Onion seem complex. In fact, look at the pictures about the video. They are the same shots being repeated over and over again. He doesn't even have the effort to switch the order of the clips. It is a Glass Onion about the movie The Glass Onion. And I find it interesting and I like it.

@Sasuke-ss1tf - 20.02.2023 07:58

Bro over politicized this video way too much lol

@belpop - 19.02.2023 19:24

I hate to be “that guy”, but the word was imbreathiatre bc he wants them to breath and take in the moment. But your entire video is so spot on!

@neyouno - 18.02.2023 19:13

we need an Efap response to this vid lol

@basilhenry-eyo6522 - 18.02.2023 08:21

don't lsiten to this guy, this movie was shit movie through and through!!!

@adamgrimsley2900 - 18.02.2023 00:32

Its rubbish

@unhingedunit562 - 09.02.2023 23:43

Pineapple on top? I see you, guilty of dad jokes.

@har5814 - 09.02.2023 08:45

The knives out movies are so genius I love it

@sauravshete6088 - 05.02.2023 13:56

There should've been a Kanye based character in Glass Onion, it would've been even more amazing if Rian Johnson took a shot at him and his fanbase as well hahah

@araeast6923 - 01.02.2023 00:19

Come to think of it, Rian Johnson uses pop culture in a way that still hints at something else. Blanc playing Among Us and being the imposter could have been a clue that Blanc didn’t innocently get the invitation to Miles’s party, but actually planted himself there to solve Andi’s murder—making him another imposter

@olgalokoshchenko7270 - 30.01.2023 19:04

I know Elon Mask is not the public's favourite these days, but claiming he has no idea what he's doing makes the author of this essay come across as... clueless? imho

@csalakrisztian6153 - 30.01.2023 18:25

Among us, 0/10

@heartysteer8752 - 30.01.2023 12:05

Wow, you're dense.

@KidJV - 30.01.2023 07:00

elon is the biggest snake oil salesman

@griffinweibel3900 - 30.01.2023 04:21

This guy calling thee number one guy leading the charge in sustainable solar energy, reduction of use of fossil fuels, leader in space travel, and revolutionary of the modern payment system we all use today a snake oils salesman is idiotic at best. Snake oil salesman implies the product doesn't work as advertised. All elons products work. I'll debate this til the cows come home. Moo bitch

@hahvvy - 30.01.2023 01:06

No one asked to hear your garbage political opinions

@shwethasingh9417 - 29.01.2023 19:34

Miles is Steve from "The Italian Job"

@alexman378 - 28.01.2023 13:53

“Elon burned Twitter to the ground”, I fail to see anything bad about that. Long overdue.

“We’re in a bit of a better place”, yeah, absolutely, war, inflation has skyrocketed, prices are up, taxes are up, unemployment is up, wages are down, there’s a recession coming up, and a President who can’t speak, can’t walk, and evidently can’t think is in charge, but hey, at least we don’t have mean things on Twitter anymore, yayyy.

We’re still eager to put faith to those in charge, we just do so with people we’re told are socially acceptable.

@StormyWeather93 - 27.01.2023 10:16

Don't have to wonder what the narrators politics are...

@charbarbif1 - 27.01.2023 09:19

Really must say it’s quite a step down from the original in almost every way possible

@johnnyferalcat896 - 26.01.2023 16:33

Lol it’s so funny, you don’t understand Elon musk at all, or how Twitter was before, Elon musk took it

@tamegaming1768 - 26.01.2023 08:44

Great video, but having to see the same clips over and over really just makes me hate how broken Copyright and Fair Use are. Artistic integrity shouldn't be so stifled by the negligible amount of money made by fair use restrictions THAT harsh.

@X-Kohl - 25.01.2023 18:52


@majinmanmartianhunter4995 - 25.01.2023 17:20

I didn’t watch this video….but this movie isn’t a masterpiece. The acting was subpar and it was ok
