M48 Patton w/ 3D Skin: 10.5K Damage: WoT Console - World of Tanks Console

M48 Patton w/ 3D Skin: 10.5K Damage: WoT Console - World of Tanks Console

Vishaw - WoT Console

2 года назад

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@ewannoelkailevi4772 - 26.01.2022 10:50

your team did 18, 814 dmg. you did 10,536dmg. so, you did 56% of your total team dmg. 1 player out of 15. nice game.

@gatorunleashed275 - 26.01.2022 10:53

GG, thought you lagged out there for a moment in the early part of the game. Thanks for sharing!

@tsmnbwhntr - 26.01.2022 12:27

WELL DONE!! I have my A5 with the same equipment & skills as you, hope my talent & play will get CLOSE to your level. Thank You...

@dodgeysolenoid5567 - 26.01.2022 12:58

Wow did you set this game up, because that lt100 at the beginning should never have been there. Threw himself away. Also no arty, you were lucky with the initial position you took up. Especially when a light tank didn't take the spotting position on the right flank. Where the enemies lt100 at the beginning should've held.

@dredge0345 - 26.01.2022 15:42

Patton the lazer gun

@iron883passion - 26.01.2022 17:36

camouflage patton makes sense? is it not too big?

@Y_STALLONE - 26.01.2022 19:45

Playing for i_dantist_i please

@Y_STALLONE - 26.01.2022 19:48

Hi dude! Please play with I_Dantist_I

@Musashii4 - 26.01.2022 20:56

holy fuck. What is this man, you crushed them. You are really a legend and I like you 👍

@godfather1116 - 26.01.2022 21:21

Controller batteries low, imagine it dies in on the last kill with one last shot :)

@izardoki1657 - 27.01.2022 16:31

Gg ! New solution now it's buying all skin, let's go 🥴

@mrbears26 - 27.01.2022 17:37

Incredible game! I love the US/UK mediums but struggle with the M48A5. I might give the setup you have there a try

@JoshLxDeadRxw - 31.01.2022 03:00

Would you be able to tell me how long it took you to get the FV4005

@jki808 - 02.02.2022 20:50

Best part is the accuracy. Good shooting. And then it’s your scout buddy and his name

@Mark3nd - 19.04.2022 03:37

M48a5 crew (Before): Lets kick some communist a**!!

M48a5 Pipeline Crew (After): Welcome to Vietnam, you are dead.

@boxo2122 - 01.05.2022 22:27

Nice video and gameplay :)

@gatorunleashed275 - 05.07.2023 20:10

Very nice game well done. I get the M48's messed up this is the tech tree one?


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