Everyone Told Me To Play... BLASPHEMOUS

Everyone Told Me To Play... BLASPHEMOUS

Under The Mayo

2 года назад

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the kraken
the kraken - 12.11.2023 18:03

Yea I'm glad I only paid $7 for it. It's ok but I was expecting more

Andrés - 04.11.2023 18:41

The moment you pronounce Cvstodia I knew you didn't pay attention to the game

Jack M
Jack M - 05.10.2023 13:43

actually a metroidvania contra game would be awesome, it could be like an alternate metroid. sadly metroid has mostly become linear, which is weird when metroid helped create the metroidvania genre.

Aozawa_ - 11.09.2023 20:10

that "useless" item can get you money, just need to meet someone in albero

OdynzEyez - 05.09.2023 07:07

Wow we could not have a more different mindset on this game. I fucking love this game and I love the elements you say you dont

Nathan Spaulding
Nathan Spaulding - 02.09.2023 19:08

Bro dismissed the most important rosary bead 💀

XxX AlPhA eVeRyThInG XxX
XxX AlPhA eVeRyThInG XxX - 27.07.2023 20:30

Just say you're trash at the game and move on bruh

Ak47 - 05.07.2023 17:36

level designs are crap and souls like aspect kind of ruined it Even tho i like souls type games

DelayEdits - 24.06.2023 23:55

well this video saved me money lol, for sure dont want to play something that is THAT much similar to metroid, map design wise

Name Name
Name Name - 23.06.2023 13:22

Parries arent required in souls games. Only Sekiro specifically which is just a miyazaki game the fans just include it in the souls umbrella.

RedFox222 - 17.06.2023 06:50

ahhh i dont know why but my BLASPHEMOUS doesnt want to start, it says press any button to start but it doesnt let me do anything, so sad F

5uperM - 01.06.2023 23:24

I feel like you didn't really pay attention to the tame trying to teach you things. I really can't imagine how you could have missed the fact that you were removing chains from Jondo so you could ring it.

Brandon Kite
Brandon Kite - 14.05.2023 18:32

Honestly, you should give it another try. I had the same opinion as you until I finished what was essentially the tutorial/early game (i.e., finishing the 3 humiliations, as stated by Deogracias). The game really opens up after that and the exploring and backtracking aspect becomes so satisfying that I played the game to its finish right after. As others have said, the map indicates places you haven't been to with an empty side on a square.

ArcaneAzmadi - 05.05.2023 07:44

I don't agree with you at all about this game, but somehow your explanation of it not clicking for you actually managed to make me see it your way. My instinctive knee-jerk reaction is "Oh he's too lazy to think and put in the effort to properly enjoy Metroidvanias", but when you talked about how having to refight the same enemies over again wears out your patience and not knowing where to go to progress is more frustrating than intriguing, I couldn't help thinking "Yeah, when he puts it that way it DOES sound rather unfun." So fair play to you, it's a great game but it's not your thing, which is exactly the conclusion you came to yourself.

Pity you never found your way through Jondo, though. It IS a self-contained area, you didn't need to go anywhere else, you simply never found the puzzle you needed to solve to reach the next area and fight the next boss.

Kaom - 02.05.2023 03:03

This game goes into my category of 2x4 level design in the scope of Metroidvania. Also having a single weapon combo type is fine but idk it has a soulless feeling to it even though the weapons in SOTN didn’t have combis and basically did one hit. Idk it felt better in SOTN

Timothytosser - 01.05.2023 22:39

Under the mayo have a valid opinion challenge

CurbYour____ - 25.04.2023 17:27

Weird because exploration was my favorite aspect of this game while combat was kinda just there for me. I was really immersed in the world because of how extensive it was. Though I agree that Jondo was definitely a standout

Forever.Endeavor - 25.04.2023 09:18

I’ll admit some quality of life additions would have helped at least to get people more into it. I thought blasphemous was amazing absolutely loved it but I get Your point.

Tobi Troyer
Tobi Troyer - 24.04.2023 03:29

Bro what are you talking about? The original Resident Evil games had the worst backtracking ever. If you look at the map it's always really obvious were you need to be next.

expedidor - 24.04.2023 02:13

I think you get frustrated very easily, clearly you have the attention span of a peanut butter sandwich

GeorgeCartwright - 23.04.2023 17:36

Its funny because if you kept playing, you'd realize that every issue you had was 50x worse. The game explains literally NOTHING about how to do or get anything, nor do you even know its something that you can get. You're just supposed to know for no reason to do an invisible list of arbitrary things which gives you a power or a key or an item that contributes to another invisible list of arbitrary things that progresses your completion. without a guide, this game is bullshit in every way.

YANI - 20.04.2023 21:28

Dude, play Sekiro.
That is smart combat. Precision and calmness are essential.
It's the only reason I love Blasphemous. I don't like souls games, but Bloodborne, Sekiro and Blasphemous are so unique.
What I love about The Game Kitchen is that they're going old school with revolutionary ambitious development. Picture Perfect Precision with a really cool, gothic, messed up and beautiful story. The lore is my favourite.
This game is so much more fun than God of War and that still surprises me.

Lalo - 20.04.2023 09:12

Blasphemous is a very flawed game and I think of metroidvanias as games made for masochists so idk why tf I loved this game so much.

Pulse Rifle Man
Pulse Rifle Man - 15.04.2023 04:50

The developers of Blasphemous were obvious fans of Berserk as well as Warhammer 40k.

Zohaib Hidayat
Zohaib Hidayat - 11.04.2023 16:16

This was a game of the year for me that year. I don't care if someone loves it or hates it, i am a better judge of a game than most reviewers (35 plus years experience)

Dude I'm telling the Truth
Dude I'm telling the Truth - 07.04.2023 19:28

Saying bad things about this game's soundtrack is pure retardation

Jared - 06.04.2023 08:07

Doesn't like metroid or dark souls.
Plays game inspired by both and doesn't like it.
Bread is food.

Mask._.Inc. - 05.04.2023 11:00

I’m sorry this was your experience with the game. I’d say it’s pretty linear, if you pay attention to dialogue it will tell you what you have to do. And once you finish an area, you don’t really ever have to revisit it. It’s a really fun game once you actually get into it. The first few areas are a little slow but after a bit it tends to move a lot faster. And I agree, parrying systems are a little wacky but my partner and I got the hang of it almost off the bat because of how forgiving it is. Overall, great opinions on the game😁

Figo Fig
Figo Fig - 26.03.2023 14:39

ended up hating this game 'cause IMPOSSIBLE

Nekomex Beltran
Nekomex Beltran - 24.03.2023 05:52

Oh man i was going to buy it right now, but i think i am the type of player that also don’t enjoy the souls games or the metrodvenia exploration part. i have to say the art looks fantastic, i heard the music a few days ago in a video with an orchestra and it was amazing. Its on sale here in Mexico for something like 5dlrs so maybe its a good deal just to have it on the catalog.

Hafyr Rocha GM
Hafyr Rocha GM - 04.01.2023 01:06

Is fun see somone trash talking parry in Blasphemous, once enyone figure out you dont have parry need whit normal enemies. Your dash attack can trigger parry once unlocked and the real deal in parry in Blasphemous is aganist the really challanging bosses.

Ahac Petrič
Ahac Petrič - 20.12.2022 08:32

Does this guy seriously think souls game revolve around parrys?

PS4 Games
PS4 Games - 16.12.2022 19:04

Its actually 2D survival horror game. Believe it or not.

JOSHUA KNOX - 10.12.2022 16:31

you don't like parry systems!??? wow fair enough.....big fan btw your videos are so binge worthy

GhostNslayer - 27.11.2022 08:59

"It's not Doom Eternal 0/10"

Erik Boyd
Erik Boyd - 07.11.2022 07:05

PLEASE play Dragon age Origins ultimate edition.

Plastique Monk
Plastique Monk - 03.11.2022 23:50

LMAO i was legit gonna tell you to look at the messenger if you hadn't already and then you mention it like halfway through

Dan Vercruysse
Dan Vercruysse - 02.11.2022 23:06

I loved this game and can't wait to play the second one. Super sad it didn't click with you.

Javier Perez
Javier Perez - 29.10.2022 21:14

Blasphemy !

red ●
red ● - 28.10.2022 18:38

you don't really need to parry for the first section, I just jumped over them or dodged

SageAttic - 19.10.2022 19:30

This game was terrible, the constant going back and forth and the trash show dont tell system just makes me feel lost, idk what to do at all bruh

Chase Me
Chase Me - 07.10.2022 07:57

i love this game

M K - 02.10.2022 21:05

This Mayo guy is such a tool it's crazy. You go out of your way to misunderstand every game you cover and have such blatant hypocritical opinions about every game. Not only that but you don't even figure mechanics out or try to wrap your head around anything in the games you play, it's like you complain about something and then cry when offered a solution. Stick to playing DOOM because pointing and clicking R2 on demons is all you're good for 😂😂😂

Agumon5 - 27.09.2022 19:34

I appreciate you sharing your opinion although I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessments. To me the back tracking is a huge feature in this game. Love the metroidvania map design.

Now Go Away And Do Something Good
Now Go Away And Do Something Good - 26.09.2022 16:49

exploration is more meaningful in survival horror games because limited resources and stilted combat means going out of your way to scrounge up for supplies carries risk. either you get to top up your supplies or you take another beating, if not a game over... i'm looking at you, silent hill 3! you and that stupid room full of blade guys and that dance studio of pain.

madmaxgee - 21.09.2022 03:36

People in this comment section are so nice! Mayo doesnt like (or has specific gripes with) Blasphemous, and people react with "I loved it, but I understand why you didn't because of XYZ, glad you gave it a shot!"
Compare this to ultrakill where everybody is losing their minds lmao

Julie Sharpe
Julie Sharpe - 19.09.2022 04:31

This is one of my fiance's favorite games, he's beat it several times and the annoyance of hearing "penitent one" drove me nuts but it had cool bosses as well as his hollow knight and blazing chrome games, but he loves another game called huntdown, I actually tolerate that one a lot more :)

Temporarily Embarrassed Goddess
Temporarily Embarrassed Goddess - 12.09.2022 00:26

how the shit did you not know it was a mertroidvania?
