Why is ORBÁN so POPULAR in HUNGARY? - VisualPolitik EN

Why is ORBÁN so POPULAR in HUNGARY? - VisualPolitik EN

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@atomanti4207 - 30.01.2024 11:07


@thomasschon - 28.01.2024 17:57

What a load of bull

@gregoryp9813 - 27.01.2024 10:04

Since talking about Russia you probably don't know there are other long standing arrangements too . How does it benefit the Hungarian people to cut ties ?

@gregoryp9813 - 27.01.2024 09:39

Good video but you mentioned there are plenty of foreign businesses in hungary, they are mostly manufacturing which is energy dependent, so if Orbán would follow the eu directive would those companies maybe look for another place? How would the population deal with high energy prices ? How would the country deal with mass unemployment if the businesses left ?

@va3vad - 26.01.2024 06:24

Hungarian people can think for themselves.
The EU and USA try to control Hungary.
The west had to cut out 2/3 of Hungary and give it to the neighboring countries.
In 1920 Treaty of Trianon.
Hungary was too powerful for the West to control.
Today the western countries still want to control Hungary.
In 1956 did the USA come to help Hungary against the Russian invasion?
HUNGARY was used to protect the British interests at the Suez Canal.
In 1956 Hungary was used by the Americans just as today's Ukraine is being used.
I wish all world leaders would be like MR. ORBAN.
Victor !!! Don't let the political correctness poison the world!
Thank you Orban Viktor stand of your ground....l

@dan7582 - 25.01.2024 16:51

When you look past the stereotype Orbán is the best prime minister in Europe. No cap.

@Kounomura - 22.01.2024 16:39

The Union treats Hungary almost more harshly than the Soviet Union did. At least the Soviet Union did not prescribe to Hungarians how to raise their children, and they did not want to establish refugee camps in the country. Although the Soviets ruled the country, at least they were predictable and kept their promises. This is not the case in the Union.

The union wants to break Hungary, not only economically, but also spiritually. In the beginning, the union seemed like a hope, but today it has become an oppressive power, which wants to starve the country, if the Hungarians do not give up completely their sovereignty.

@kingax4369 - 20.01.2024 01:55

no, it is not authocratic. People voted for him. A government that asks the opinions of people every single year about important issues and only those that are backed up by the people will he fight for. Any other government doing that?

@Kounomura - 19.01.2024 22:34

Let's clear the EU-Hungarian debate. Did the union take out a loan to cover the post-Covid economic downturn? YES. Did the member states, including Hungary, participate in this as debtors? YES. Was the distribution of the loan subject to conditions in the case of other countries? NO. Poland was also blackmailed by the union because there was also a patriotic government. Now that there was a change of government there, everything is forgiven for the Poles.

The other countries also received the money. In the case of Hungary, the loan taken by the country was tied to false and extortionate conditions. Despite this, the Hungarians tried to fulfill all conditions. This was also accepted by the leadership of the union, which is why the committee authorized the payment of 10 billion with great difficulty but still, because there was nothing else they could do. On this the EU-Parlament contested this and yesterday sued the Commission for how they dared to give money to Hungary.

But that's not enough. This week it was announced that Hungary will not receive the remaining 20 billion at all, because the Hungarian laws do not allow minors (school children and kindergarteners in preschool age) to be educated in an LGBTQ-spirit. The Hungarians said that they are in no way willing to change their position on this issue, even if they even if they don't get their due money.

@klacziproceder - 19.01.2024 01:26

ukraine is US proxy war with russia and zelensky and his goverment is the most derenaged and brided goverment ever existed

@klacziproceder - 19.01.2024 01:24

george soros sponsors so many places that helps immigrants , why ?

@klacziproceder - 19.01.2024 01:18

at least one leader stands up to this rainbow and immigration agenda. id rather pay more tax and have normal country without scare of constant rape and crime tbh.

@klacziproceder - 19.01.2024 01:07

thats a very shallow and quick look, but i do understand you cant explain everything. poland use to be main importer for some things to china and we supposed to build a train connection. but it never happened, not gonna go into details, so hungary grabbed their chance, and they did well

@klacziproceder - 19.01.2024 01:04

you need to look at the levels of the debt of the countries as well. im from poland and our country doesnt do better than hungary. numbers sometimes are not what reality is.

@nonbisco - 18.01.2024 19:39

Orban is more popular with transylvanian hungarians than the ones in hungary, as far as I know this is because he grants them the right to vote in hungary even though they may never have set foot there, he gains their support, does whatever he wants in hungary and gets voted by them again next time since they don't live in hungary to see he's a bastard

@Kounomura - 18.01.2024 13:58

Orbán is an excellent, smart, far-sighted, courageous political leader who works for the benefit of the people entrusted to him, and considers this to be his life's goal. That's why Hungarians like him.

@marymarlow3646 - 18.01.2024 10:02

Victor Orban belongs to a club of leaders who oppose diversity of sex and gender. Xi is a member. I don’t know if Putin is an ideological member or just uses this as bait for his bigoted population. It certainly worked for him in the Donbas where they swarmed to Russia to free themselves of this sort of tolerance.

@ungone7133 - 18.01.2024 09:27

In hungary we have two alternatives, who takes the lead: Gyurcsány, who steals us and extremely stupid, or Orbán who steals us but aint stupid. Gotta pick the lesser bad, tho id be delighted if i had wider selection of working options

@akoskiss786 - 16.01.2024 23:06

I am Hungarian. You are not. Worry about your own problems. ORBÁN is one of us. We fought together for the regime change in 1989. He is a hero and you are not.

@baluditor - 12.01.2024 08:34

Very nice content, but too much loud and in my opinion unnecessary music skits.

@TowerGMLtdInfo - 10.01.2024 21:53

He is Not That popular! Some people has to be vote/like him to keep their job in Hungary. He is like Putin.

@zongora123 - 10.01.2024 16:36

Quite wrong on why Soros is so famous ! His fame is linked to the UK and not at all Hungary ! N.B. Soros is expert on mengeling himself in politics although nobody has elected him, ie Clintons, anti brexit movement, BLM, etc, and moreover creating financial chaos on stock market (UK) and he is also expert on how to break up any resistance, borders and take advantage on it. Cf. several interviews on the web ! No moral, no attachement, no regrets ... check out his childhood memories linked to the the nazis, his psycopathologic personnality ... etc.

@santo1404 - 08.01.2024 17:01

Why is it so hard for other newsmedia to report like this. No wonders people trust towards mainstream media plummetted. Hungarians do vote. If they voted against EU or US will that still makes them a democracy or is it? Please EU and US I still believe you guys to be the beacon of whatever you have been espousing. This is really not the way to get them done. Do you guys more harm them good. Just like would you take a pedophile priest word seriously if he gives sermon?

@entropy_of_principles - 06.01.2024 15:47

....hungaristan orban "popular" as like poutine in rossyia, give money to its henchmen which buy votes and bribes, any dictator, which is small or bigger one do this, otherwise cannot "occupy" its chair.
...aand can be done in a democracy like hungaristan, let's admit they have one 😮.

@michaellanoue9156 - 04.01.2024 05:41

State controlled media and propaganda like this video. He’s not popular. He’s an autocratic leader.

@vtamaslaszlo9111 - 03.01.2024 12:11

Gallacher full idiot .

@hunguy3280 - 31.12.2023 15:23

To VisualPolitik En Channel, In your Podcast You asked the question is Hungary like Russia? For your information the US did assign Hungary to the Soviet sphere after signing the Yalta agreement. What a stupid and irresponsible start of a video. The US virtually by signing this agreement with their longstanding military ally the Russian state did make Hungary part of the Soviet establishment and we will never forget this nor will we forgive you for selling us to the Soviet Block.

@Elliasp-xx7mb - 30.12.2023 08:33

Hungary is the garbage of Europe

@kevhynaleks2631 - 29.12.2023 12:27

You very confident to talk about things you kniw pretty less. Funny how you trying to washing Soros. Do you know his story. What he does with the Bank of England, and why he arrested in France? Nobody care about his jewish origin, this is only a shield what he using. Take care about Hungary's relation with Israel, and Orbán personal relation with Netanyahu. In the EU and UN always Hungary voting against statements, which condemning Israel. And what you know about the "Open Society network"? Looks from your clip you know nothing about basic facts, how Soros trying to influencing and manipulating the EU and US politics through his founded NGOs!

Back to Hungary. Funny you say, that fertility rate stayed same, meanwhile your own infograph showed exactly different picture. Do you afraid to recognize the reality? It's a long termmprocess and Hungary was able to achieve results.
Yes, european companies was very important to Hungary, but since 2019 the biggest investors not coming from the EU, but from China and Korea.
Also very annoying repeating the mainstream media lies about Orbán authoritarism. He is authoritan maybe only inside his party, but not from outside on that bubble. He is not more authoritan than Margaret Theatcher was during her time.
Orbán is a pioneer, But the low corporate tax idea not coming from him, but from his good mate, the slovak pm Robert Fico. Also you forget to tell, why most of hungarians felt, that the 2010 election was a secondary system change, and why this needed to happen! Because the hungarian political and economical life moved into a dead end road. Between 1990 and 2010 Hungary saled everything to foreign investors.(Tge measure was 95-5, now it's 75-25) Orbán realized that this matter reached such proportions that it threatened the minimal independence and functioning of the state. In 2010 He proclaimed the NER (System of National Cooperation). through this, he was able to suppress foreign interests from certain areas and, through a couple of fictitious Hungarian capitalists, regain the influence of the Hungarian state in areas (e.g. road construction, construction) where there was no need for foreign players in the market. Of course, the displaced people cried out for corruption, and they were right, but this was not traditional corruption: not for personal interest, but for the benefit of the Hungarian state in the national interest. In addition, Orbán signed a strategic partnership agreement with each of those foreign multinationals who did not have to fear similar displacement because they carried non-substitutable product value. Thanks to the NER, a lot of profits that had previously emigrated could remain in Hungary. The left-wing press continued to scream corruption, but the Hungarian people did not care, because they saw the process and agreed with it...

@acs9702 - 28.12.2023 19:59


@user-sq6nq3em1n - 28.12.2023 19:02

As a Hungarian, i would prefer living in poverty more then supporting Russia.

@willempasterkamp862 - 27.12.2023 18:06

When all the others turn to the left and embrace 'progress'
holding the steer firmly to the right, all populists are made by the left

@loading...2009 - 26.12.2023 20:49

I love when people who doesn’t live in Hungary, acting like they know everything about it. Angela Merkel won 4 elections as well. All countries have corruption as well, but bigger a country is less noticeable. The party before fidesz was also stealing money. Talk bullshit about your country asshole.

@zoltanhumicsko7493 - 26.12.2023 09:33

We do not idiot!!!

@molnarriki4876 - 25.12.2023 21:33

Ooo and look at open society.he showed with transparency entire chain how soros is included in politics and founding it

@molnarriki4876 - 25.12.2023 21:23

Becouse the ex liberal prime minister steal out country and left huge debts on people.lied us constantly and left country in bankrupcy and unimployment.soros founded oposition from aboard on elections.politics founded from outside is forbidden ewriwhere

@angelevstatiev8522 - 25.12.2023 14:40

Уважаеми президент Виктор Орбан следвай националната валута на Унгария честита Коледа 😊

@user-lg1rc1ob6g - 24.12.2023 08:31

Bless hungrary and orban, long live national socialisim ,racial purity and Christianity amen.

@dolmarf411 - 21.12.2023 03:14

its not a MYTH, SOROS is EVIL...........And who is against a country that DON'T want WAR????? excactly, the warmongors, Soros and USA.......the head of CIA and members from senate was gooing to UKRAINE to not let Zelenskiya sign a peace agreement!!!!! Same Boris jhonson traveled 2-3 times to there....... in a warzone????? then is no problem to visit......... and this in times from digital Videophone...................How much money did they bring to ZELENSKIYA?????? Remember, ukraine had 37 Biolevel labs working for USA.............even level 4 hazard labs...........Remember Covid19 was made in a level 4 lab.

@dolmarf411 - 21.12.2023 03:01

look at western country's, PARIS is on fire everyday by immigrants, same with birmingham UK, or Sweden where they now have to bring in the army to get peace on the streets...... and you all find this NORMAL? lefties???? Hungary protects his COUNTRY and people. WE DON't NEED people coming in without PAPERS, without identity, without any control what they did, how many they murdered or raped............. no papers, no pass. simple.

@viktorcselenyi8119 - 19.12.2023 17:48

Do not give too much credit to this guy's rambling. Starting the video saying that Hungary is Russia in low calories and an ally to it is just stupid and bad propaganda against the country. Hungary has been devastated by the two word wars and trianon took away the industry. Orban and the Fidesz is popular because the opposition parties are a lot worse.

@conaccento - 18.12.2023 01:42

He is not. Hungarians emigrate when they find work elsewhere. In addition, Orban received funds from Soros early in his political life. Now he gets it from Putin. Exchange of sponsors, that's all.

@1fabian426 - 17.12.2023 01:53

hungary just improved when orban came the previous party MSZP was so western boot lickers that they sold every national owned busnieses for dirt money all the gas chambers airports everything when comunisam falled imedietly all estearn post soviet countrys were exploited out of oblivion thats why most post soviet countrys hate the west everybody thought that the west is the savior im not saying russia is better. returning too orban autharanian rule? I dont know where this egghead got the idea i think mostly from ultra liberal news but oligarchs unrealistic most people dont even know what oligarchy is. olgarchy is like having advisors that do things just like ministers just have a bit more power and yeah in this defenition hungary is a oligarchy but people dont know that there exists good olygarchies like orban frequently fires any people that made it in the party then we see that they are bad and he fires them its simple. effectivly orban and his olygarchies have a swift way to reform and better the economy butt has down sides as alway like corruption but orbans crew are very inteligent i had a opportunity to meet him when he was still in college and were visiting transilvania all his ministers where from his college he was back then rocking the hippy style but thats a different. the thing that is alll his ministers all close friends and loyal so mostly new people are corrupt. and orban is very popular in the west because hungary is trying to govermentiaz basic needs like electricity and stuff and west started hating orban and orban started to make moves to exploiet european union because hungary got sanciond for no reason just that we are not west puppets like for exemple romania. poland and chechia are in the same boat and orban is not even close to russia he declared openly that he hates russia he even was arrested in comunist times the most public western interview is with tom tucker i recomend for every wetener to liten to that interview before assuming anything about hungary. Orban is only siding with putin a little because the eu froze 25 billion euros for no reason and it worked after orban got half of the frozen money from the eu as a bribe hungary got the funds and people think but why did orban reject the money donations because hungary is pro peace we hungarians want a fair negotiations with russia and ukraine they not animals we can sit down and talk but we didint even try to make peace. because the west seen an opportunity to weaken russia and not waste manpower its not about ukraine its about russia losing power. anyway orban wants his people to prosper and not to send the taxpayer money in a rabbit hole that goes nowhere. and opposit party in hungary is unpopular because they ruined the country and we know this that they hid economic information from the public and the eu. we know this because a private meeting between MSZP meatings where leaked audio files. in conclusion the eu and the west hates hungary because they are not on any side and pro hungarian not russian nor american. hungary is a strong christian and family centric nation that is succesful with orban.

@katalintoth8022 - 16.12.2023 03:36

Hungary! Orban same on You! Send back to the getto!

@JoeSanHUN - 15.12.2023 12:06

Local here. The FIDESZ (Orban's party) voters looks like this: 1 million gipsy (they are poor and pay them someting when there are elections), 0.5 million hungarians who live outside Hungary by historical reasons and they are very conservatives who and they love his speeches, and 2 million pensioner who watches the government owned propaganda TV/radio channels day by day literally brainwash them. So this 3.5 million voters are more than enough them to win the election. This is the said truth. From the other 10 million ppl are non voters or scattered among the other smaller left-opposition or far right parties.

@guidosarduci6664 - 12.12.2023 01:21

This explains a lot. I can see why Orban throws his weight around in the EU.

@attilasipos2968 - 07.12.2023 13:56

"Yes, it is true, you will never see Orbán at a gay pride parade."😂😂😂 Tell me honestly, have you ever seen a prime minister march in a gay parade?

@alextarnauceanu807 - 30.11.2023 23:28

but we? hmmm...get more kids. more COW hope....

@NorbertSzari - 24.11.2023 10:53

Húzd le magad a klotyón!

@danielorlowski5336 - 17.11.2023 22:21

