[TF2] MvM's Hardest Waves

[TF2] MvM's Hardest Waves


1 год назад

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Starlord777 - 06.11.2023 10:14

I played Broken Parts for the first time (my 2nd tour). My entire team had tours at or below 10. This other guy and I had the most braindead idea of having 2 flog pyros for the entire mission (I had gas and he had scorch shot).

I believe the team comp was Me and the other dude being 2 pyros, 2 engies, a medic, and I believe a heavy. By wave 6, the 2 Pyro strat was LAUGHABLY GOOD. Repeated gas throws plus the crits from the flog hosed down the soldiers and tanks. Medic ran stock to make sure we wouldn't die while hosing them with crits. Despite being the epitome of low tours, we had a shocking amount of teamwork.

It was a really fun mission and despite the very very questionable meta, wave 6 felt like an absolute joke. I'm not saying to deviate from the meta out of respect to teammates, but if your team agrees, try it sometime, it was an absolute blast.

Jour ,Contre-Jour
Jour ,Contre-Jour - 01.11.2023 22:11

I only played MvM like once when it first came out yet I still love watching these videos, don't ask why cause I don't know.

Ethan4life - 30.10.2023 03:19

"Always Aim for the cock and balls."

Sounds like someone trying to teach women's self defense classes.

Cat - 30.10.2023 02:12

Funny thing, one time my team beat hamlet wave 1 with all 6 people being pyros

Kokomi1024 - 15.10.2023 15:56

desperation wave 7 is not difficult I think

I think desperation/cataclysm wave 2 is more difficult than desperation wave 7

Hyze - 15.10.2023 00:46

I never played Mann-Up so I never got this experiences. But I can say that I've beaten both advances Manhattan missions and they were pretty easy

magikerN - 14.10.2023 02:55

So I’m the beginning you literally assumed I knew every single thing I don’t freaking know… I still don’t know how I ended up here! One night I woke up and a TF2 video was on and it’s just been a rabbit hole but still don’t know what you’re talking about but it’s fun

Gator77 - 08.10.2023 17:07

Ok so I do a lot of boot camp but recently I got the courage to do a tour on steel trap, and I found that the first wave of mech mutilation is very hard if you don’t have good team coordination.

Rain 28980
Rain 28980 - 05.10.2023 09:23

I beat metro malice with random bootcamp teammates as spy and we didn't lose a single point

Baton793 - 29.09.2023 17:25

Great video, amazing to find somebody so knowing about mvm who is willing to share his expertise with others

Emmycron - 25.09.2023 17:16

it's always weird seeing basically every MvM guide talk about how mandatory the Kritzkrieg is, I get so much more success running the stock medigun and not even bothering with canteens. Having a buff banner soldier and speccing into survivability as medic works so much better, with the alternative being higher burst DPS but everyone's too dead to use it

z4wr - 23.09.2023 20:25

im surprised spy wasnt mentioned in broken parts wave 6 (cuz giant medics)

Eloshia - 23.09.2023 15:41

Me and my friends goofyingly tried metro malice with the weirdest losdouta and we almost wom lmao

JimmyJim2908 - 21.09.2023 10:50

"always aim for the cock and balls"
