How To Get Better At War Thunder

How To Get Better At War Thunder


2 года назад

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@notbasic0410 - 01.02.2024 03:58

one time i got hit directly by a Sturm tiger shell, my transmission ended up in my turret (tiger 2 h)

@paytonestrada7746 - 31.01.2024 12:50

How to play WT: do whatever you think is fun.

@bajsapa3892 - 25.01.2024 17:36

well im blind 90% of the time cant see shit even if the enemy is right in my face.

@mrweeb3.036 - 24.01.2024 19:28

i would like to play with you one time. i like playing super low ter because its more fun. i think it would be great if you made a group of vids like this but for each rank the rp tree, and one with out the Premium account or Premium tanks.

@joskarifinaukr6503 - 15.01.2024 01:44

I find that setting the bar really low helps me to enjoy the game more. If I finish a match with at least one kill or at least one objective capture, I'm happy. Honestly though, winning doesn't matter to me. I try to win because I don't want to screw the team, but any PvP game I play is all about the adrenaline. If I know there's another person controlling the enemy vehicle, there's a thrill that I never get from PvE. That's probably a bit of the ancient conqueror's spirit waking up in this dystopian hellscape of escapism and rampant consumerism, but there it is.

@christophersoutherlin2631 - 14.01.2024 20:37

I am better, but Gaijin BS rigging is in effect. Just now, my M36 GMC at point blank range will not pen a Tiger (nonangled) when the ammo stats say otherwise (no damage to Tiger) The M36 is a Tiger killer. Next, my M36 hit the sides of the turret 2x and side hull 1x of a Panther at point blank range. The Panther is able to drive away at full speed, and a teammate with a weaker gun kills the Panther at a distance. Total Absolute BS!

@christopherwells3226 - 14.01.2024 16:40

Lowkey the best video I’ve ever watched for a “ here’s how to play the game” video. Like so simplistic, yet so informative. He’s not telling you to bind this key and that key for these game breaking key binds or little cheats at the game. He really just straight up explained the KEY key features ti get started playing the game, the mindset so to speak. LOVE the work my dude, got a subscriber out of me 💯

@TheRedzMann - 10.01.2024 13:57

I know im late but from experience my advice for this game is you have to have a fair bit of patience with this game, because oh boy will it test that patience, after that just play the game however you want.

@hestiafamiliagroup - 08.01.2024 05:58

looking up where the crew position is really a helpful advice I learn a lot from that one advice and improve my game trying to shoot at good position and mostly hull down, thank you

@VsUK - 05.01.2024 00:16

Player of war thunder & world of tanks for the last 10-15 years & I have quit both over the last year for 3 reasons for each game.
For world of tanks.
Reason 1. The blatant removal of weak spots from higher tier tanks that would allow players who played for free to still be able to be effective.
Reason 2. The push of premium tanks & subscriptions whilst making it near impossible to succeed any other way.
Reason 3. The way they silence critics of the game & what they're doing to it by banning them for made up reasons.

War Thunder.
Reason 1. The ignorance of Armour in games. Armour used to be a thing, until they made it just a meme.
Reason 2. The relentless changes of the game, pushing people to spend money. They say it's to balance the game, make people learn how to play at low tiers so they don't jump in at the top end without knowing how to play. Fair view to have if they didn't allow anyone on day 1 of making an account to buy top tier premium tanks.
Reason 3. In what world should a lvl 90+ player be playing in 1.0 - 2.0 BR matches? Sure, excuse can be a fair one to start playing a new tank nation. But everyone I've looked at have lvl 6+ tanks on all nations, to the excuse isn't there. It's a stupid top down system that allows high ranked players to play against beginners learning to play the game for the high kills & the wagers they place to kill x tanks or whatever. It's a blatant abuse of the system for the benefit of the top players & you all should be ashamed of themselves.

Also to bare in mind. Both Gaijin & Wargaming are Russian founded games. They have a huge player base in Russia, hence the bias of Russian tanks. They have their payment systems funnelled through low tax countries & do not & I say do not pay any taxes in any other respective countries. Both Gaijin & Wargaming do not disclose their yearly profits & because of how they operate, they do not have to even protect your payment details. Wargaming were being sued in the UK for failing to protect peoples payment info a number of years ago & they simply changed the company name & played with the legalities to avoid this by calling themselves subsidiary to a new company called DPS Games.

They're both disgusting companies who's shown support for Russia over the war with Ukraine, Wargaming's CEO apparent social media posts supporting this was apparently sacked, but this is a lie to avoid criticism.

@before285 - 03.01.2024 19:57

Anyone seeing me please clear my doubt..
Why everyone playing realestic battles instead of arcade
Any different between two other than than the playstyle

@floofles9473 - 31.12.2023 07:48

Refreshing to find someone giving actual advice aside from "get good" since whenever i see that it just makes me more mad cause whenever I'm at a loss for how to get better I don't want to hear get better or get good. I want actual advice for how to play a game better so i stop dying as much.

@AnotherHaloGamer - 27.12.2023 04:06

Helped me at 6.3 usa 👍 now grinding the m109

@assassinkingx4913 - 26.12.2023 06:05

Hey it would be pretty cool if you made a video on how to improve win rate great video btw helped a lot especially the comparison part 👍

@rahrah5091 - 21.12.2023 18:49

I am new to WT. Played a match yesterday 1.0. I was trying Japan. I get in and get a cap bam dead. load in bam dead. Move othe side load in move 15 feet bam dead. Same guy last 2 times. Pull up his player card. lvl 295. WTF. next guy under him 185. ( same side) no one on our side was over lvl 10. They need to not only have the ranking of the tanks but the players. I played 4 more matches before I gave up on the day. I did not play 1 match ( other then my first match) where anyone on the other team was under 99. Though 1 match I had a 195 on our side and I played better then him.
So if your new having a bad go of it. Look at the players cards against ya. Sometimes if your against high lvls with map exp. your going to have a bad day. Just keep plugging.

@tyrannosaurgaming8059 - 21.12.2023 11:04

Thanks Spookston 🙏 I always use the "Atleast 1 good game" mindset and always get annihilated by the enemy team. Keep up the great content, my friend 💪💯

@TheDutie - 19.12.2023 13:30

The best advice is the hardest to follow: stop playing when you are on a bad game stream and get angry

@the-handcuffs - 14.12.2023 23:22

Infected your pc with all these cheatsoftware and the trojeans and worms hanging on them or don`t play it and easily enjoy 10 years you otherwise use i frustration and anger....

@matthold - 12.12.2023 02:56

i just have trash patience. ill find a good hiding spot but want to push to the enemy. i then i get sniped ;)

@Helfirehydra - 07.12.2023 11:43

Im just in ear thunder to have some fun so I might be the guy driving into battle with a death wish

@JasonGouin - 01.12.2023 01:20

I took a couple year break and came back to this game. I have a lot of hours in and I still suck compared to most people I guess. Im also prob older than most players but you know what, this is a lot of fun and a good distraction from real life. My advice, dont forget to PMCS your tank. If youre prior service youll get that haha

@onieljoshuaomasdang9973 - 30.11.2023 16:53

spookton im broke how to have low top tier enemy bc my enemy are op

@ww21unknown29 - 24.11.2023 02:57

You don't just uninstalled this cancer.

@NFSCARBONKING1 - 15.11.2023 09:13

Literally, just use terrain and objects as cover. I am in the top 15th percentile and its mostly just from reading the map and using the map.

@LucasBrooker - 04.11.2023 16:13

What tank he using?

@YaYeetMaBalls - 02.11.2023 23:20

I'm not new but stll suck at the game tho lol, this video was very useful!

@brunolucattelli5060 - 02.11.2023 22:38

ty mate, I play this game for 8 years, and the closest I got from top tier was with squadron vehicles, because I dont have money to spend on the game XD. With all the new vehicles and mecanics that this game have changed with the past years, I want to thank you mate, to give trully honest tips to play it well. Indeeed war thunder can be a very cold and not welcoming game for new players (me saying this when I'm a brazilian player,) that even with all that time of playing "yet not helping with the ping problem X_X XD" but it is a very good game, and if you give enought time and hope you can become very good at it, even when you have 160 to 200 ping!

@Boredbreadboy - 30.10.2023 22:20

Bro you and phlydaily are the people that I look up to for this game

@pusmblb - 25.10.2023 14:14

Your not wrong I do that with my videos like my 12 kills but never posted the 3 I normally would get

@jthablaidd - 14.10.2023 11:02

If gaijin told you what each vehicle was good at, instead of you either having to figure it out yourself or looking at google, it would be a great help

@billclarke5916 - 16.09.2023 12:04

Thanks for that, it all made sense

@anoshpaul5185 - 14.09.2023 14:03

Nice and short and very informative video mate. I have atleast 800 hours in the game and i can certainly vouch that playing while upset causes great losses, once you reach tier 4 or upper ranks since the repair costs are pretty high, you loose more than you make.

@odd_inhd9250 - 14.09.2023 01:26

This is the video that inspired me to start playing france, 1 year and an unbearable amount of suffering later, im at 9.3

@goncalopalmamiranda9094 - 19.08.2023 02:26

How to get better playing war thunder at ps4?

@vrforseniors9830 - 17.08.2023 23:40

I play War Thunder for hours using a qwerty keyboard and mouse. My entire left arm is sore!! Any suggestions?

@marck5356 - 15.08.2023 18:56

how i can remove aim assist? i see a cross when i am whit red or green color

@sidreynders4263 - 14.08.2023 03:39

Im grinding for the event now im struggling right now

@ikbalshaikh3614 - 12.08.2023 00:22

I have learned in WT that if you arent an ambusher tank you should stick with teammates, you're chances of survival greaten a lot as you always have someone covering you even if they may be greedy or selfish for kills what matters is that both of you stay alive and keep on fighting and I can promise you this has great rewards and another tip is that if you feel you're not experienced enough or good enough or you keep dying in early game you should stay behind more experienced players or dumber players who rush, early game has a chance for a lot of kills at the start of the match but if you aren't careful you can die pretty easily and this is what frustrates people the most, I have found that the longer you survive in a match the chances that you will find a lone enemy tank will get higher and you can pick off those lone tanks that pulls in kills for you, in early game once you get a kill you'll be exposed and get ganged up on by a few other tanks. Another tip is when beginners see 3 or so tanks in a group they think "goldmine" and their heart is pumping and they don't think anything else but "I must shoot to get kills" and they end up exposing themseleves and after they get 1 kill they usually die, because they couldnt see that one tank that flanked them because their eyes were glued on that "goldmine" or they got shot by the other tanks all beginners were at this stage once and this most likely this happened to anyone who played war thunder so always make sure you're safe and always make sure you're exposing yourself at the right time and have patience, sometimes you just got to let that oppurtunity go and in the end itll be worth it.

@whateverthisis389 - 04.08.2023 08:09

I'm not exactly what you can call a good player, 1-3 kills per vehicle during a match, but what I can say is always assume you're going to get shot.

there's always gonna be some level 100 player hiding in a bush somewhere ready for you to turn that corner, so always check corners, and everytime you hold down a position, there's always a chance some random light is gonna accidentally stumble upon your tank from the opposite direction, so always check behind you.

Everytime I introduce a friend to this game, the first thing I tell them when we join a Realistic battle is, "We are taught to look left and right before you cross the road, but in this game, always look behind too"

@lolexplosions4214 - 03.08.2023 17:35

Thank you very useful

@upsidedowngaming2401 - 02.08.2023 02:27

Thank you for this idk about anyone else but I am a genuine shitter

@Saxophoneandwotb - 30.07.2023 20:43

Thank you so much..I've had trouble playing the ho ro. However I need tips about using derp tanks

@Moki420 - 17.07.2023 18:13

thanks spookston

@nonstopdude1211 - 10.07.2023 14:39

one thing i learned in warthunder was the tiger. now i am a german main (a whereaboo if you preffer it), and ive been complaining about the tiger so much. but then one of my friends said "just turn your hull so the angle faces the enemy". now instead of being bankrupt in SL, ive saved over a million SL. i get 2 - 8 kills in matches and i regret ever sayong the tiger is bad.

now just gotta learn how tf to play the tigers older brother (tiger 2 H), its a pain but still..

@tsubasa2115 - 08.07.2023 13:57

still tho with this tips i play like br -5, I have br 2.0 cuz my friend boosts me

@ihatehandleupdate - 26.06.2023 08:54

My advice is: NEVER RELY ON ARMOR. Always hide your tank's sides between hills, houses, corpses or whatever you can find. You never know when a T-34 will sneak up on you and give you a ticket to the lobby.
Also, BE PATIENT FOR GOD'S SAKE. Always wait for the enemies in a hidden, well defended position and only move when you 100% know it's clear.

@brandylee2093 - 20.06.2023 15:09

Do not listen to him already used all this stuff and did not work
