Matt Walsh The Creator Of 'What Is A Woman?' Documentary FULL Interview

Matt Walsh The Creator Of 'What Is A Woman?' Documentary FULL Interview

Piers Morgan Uncensored

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Piers Morgan Uncensored
Piers Morgan Uncensored - 01.07.2022 18:43

Have you watched Matt Walsh's documentary?

Susan Grabill
Susan Grabill - 29.09.2023 06:51

Why are you asking a Man what a Woman is?!?! Ask me!!!

Mathew Beconovich
Mathew Beconovich - 28.09.2023 19:53

Malsh Walsh causes brain cancer

Susan Grabill
Susan Grabill - 26.09.2023 07:47

This is EXTREMELY STUPID!!!!!!!!

Dr. dare
Dr. dare - 18.09.2023 15:57


Akim_GXPR - 17.09.2023 20:02

This guy is literally Lewis Prothero.

Niall Curley
Niall Curley - 15.09.2023 15:58

God bless Matt and his team on the Daily Wire for standing up to this insane gender ideology nonsense and exposing it for how truly crazy it is. No wonder radical leftists hate his guts. They hate when their perverse worldview is being questioned and cannot tolerate dissent from people who believe in truth and reality. Thanks for giving him a platform, Piers. Keep up the good work, Matt.

E L - 15.09.2023 07:57

A lot of this gender confusion is due to neurodivergence, and our inclusion of it as a ' norm'. It's a drawback, not something to be pandered to.

mayar mimi
mayar mimi - 13.09.2023 16:45

I support matt walsh even if i am a 12 years old female because he is useing logic and he is right

Ninja Thrifty
Ninja Thrifty - 12.09.2023 01:04


Ninja Thrifty
Ninja Thrifty - 12.09.2023 01:02

Apparently to Matt Walsh you're not a man if you play hockey because of ice Well, what is a man then?

CrownJulesGaming - 10.09.2023 15:34

Wouldn’t you like to know, gender boy

Myriam Richardsdotter
Myriam Richardsdotter - 10.09.2023 09:50

Walsh clearly DESPISES women if you see his latest content:

He stole material from countless women for this book and documentary, and since then he proceeds to throw them under the bus to please his incel fan base.

I agree with criticizing transgenderism, but the motives Walsh has are sinister. He despises women 110%.

Deehood1181 - 09.09.2023 21:46

Thank you for this. We are living in a clown world. Im disgusted with this generation. And if you call me a cis woman..i will punch you in your face.. if you're a female or fake man/female. Disgusting. They are poisoning our children and those parents need to be locked up.
And also read they want to use our tax dollars for uteran implants in men so they can have babies. Wtf is this world coming to. Not my tax dollars. F*** off.

Nobody - 08.09.2023 22:28

i know i’m stupid but i forgot how stupid i was to be a trans boy and thinking “i need to feel better about myself what better way then to search on the internet? oh? a documentary on trans people?” * click * “oh my- i wonder what people are saying- oh…. mmmmmmmmmmm” 🤡 👈biggest clown

Matt Ursacki
Matt Ursacki - 07.09.2023 10:23


Spatra Art
Spatra Art - 06.09.2023 20:37

I think if i see a doctor with blue, pink, green hair i am less and less likely to trust their decisions, i cant be the only one who feels this way hahaha

Pedro Hernandez Rosales
Pedro Hernandez Rosales - 06.09.2023 07:53

Que is a woman:
Dos situaciones
: a: individuo de sexo femenino
B: concepto social de Mujer
Todosnacemos de sexo masculino o femenino ambos realizan un proceso social que los define como Hombres o bien como Mujeres.
Asi como hoy en la modernidad. Se produce ( por diferentes situaciones) se produce un grupo de preferentes sexuales. O como se clasifican hoy : la identidad de genero. . (no es un tercer sexo es una relacion entre personas de un solo sexo con una justificacion " psicosocial)( el ano. No es un organo sexual )
Hoy podemos definir una Mujer desde el punto de vista religioso : es la depositaria del milagro y la consecusion. e la vida.
El concepto de mujer en lasociedad: es un individuo del sexo femenino con capacidades reproductivas que se manifiestan en el desarrollo fisico donde quedan manifiestas sus caracteristicas fisicas en capacidad de la concepcion naces de sexo femenino pero te conviertes en mujer de acuerdo al proceso social social. Que en todo elundo rige y de acuerdo a las actitudes acertadad te determinan con el calificativo de buena mujer o mala mujer en el mismo tenor para el proceso del hombre.
Nace uno con las caracteristicas biogeneticas que te determinan si etes un individuo masvulino y femenino.
Los aspectos. Sociologicos del concepto hombre o mujer es un proceso que te determina. En la sociedad ( , adolecente o puberto, hombre o mujer cuando ya tienes las caracteristicas de etapa en la que te puedes reproducir y te convettiras en una mujer que es madre y el en un hombre que es padre( unos le llaman determinismo)
Bueno el concepto hombre o mujer
Tenemos que escudrinar : en lo religioso, en lo psicologico en lo sociologico. ( como se conforma nuestra sociedad,? cual es proceso social [[ quienes conforman originalmente niestro origen como sociedad su proceso y como surge la homosexualidad y porque se desarrolla ( ver su proceso)
Teniendo todos los elementos. Para definir el concepto de Mujer. Y de. El Hombre.en la sociedad. De su desarrollo historia proceso y modernidad del concepto o de los conceptos en mencion..
No dilucidarlo en todas sus formas intrincicas y complementarias nos dara como resultado algo incierto mal analizado.
No hablamos de la funcion de la mujer en la sociedad. Solo hablamos de definir correctamente que es un hombre ?y que es una mujer ?
.mujer es un concepto.
Hombre es un concepto
Ambos originalmente formaron la sociedad hoy se incorporan individuos masculinos que tienen preferencia. Por otro tipo de relacion que no es sexual ( masculino y femenino)
Sino de un mismo genero ( masculino masculino o femenina femenina) y ellis no pueden. Nulificar o cambiar la definicion de los conceptos sociales. De madre padre. .ni de familia .
Ellos son miembros de familia. Y deben ser aceptados con las garantias sociales de desarrollo integracion respeto y desarrollo armonico en el seno de la sociedad.
Solo que eso no debe confundirse con poder cambiar o intentar captar mas adeptos via induccion social al travez de espacios clave para su difucion.
Mujer. Hombre y preferentes sexuales. Esto eshoy la estructura en la sociedad.

Edwin Jordan
Edwin Jordan - 05.09.2023 20:35

Very simple, men have a natural penis and natural women have breast and vaginas. No surgery is required to change the sex, and in sports is awesome to se that men who pretend to be women can be better in the sports than women. Just like miss, America peagent , it's ok for a man to be taken seriously as a woman in this world class event

Ajedrez Chingón
Ajedrez Chingón - 05.09.2023 05:49

Dracula: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk… Have at you! 🤣

Seki Bulja
Seki Bulja - 02.09.2023 23:02

Excellent video Piers!!!
Keep them coming and educate those brainwashed individuals!

Cervantes Baptist
Cervantes Baptist - 02.09.2023 19:42

A Woman is a man That Isnt a man 🎉

Maria D.
Maria D. - 30.08.2023 14:44

This question is very disturbing. If you need to ask, you need help. No force of nature or humankind can change the reality of plain biological facts. You need to deal with your problem and leave everyone else alone.

Alexander V
Alexander V - 28.08.2023 18:42

I wish Joan Rivers were still alive.

Ryan - 24.08.2023 23:59

The real question is why anyone would think Matt Walsh is a man?

gasper germ
gasper germ - 24.08.2023 19:56

I'm not a man, I'm dick people

Roberto 1889
Roberto 1889 - 23.08.2023 11:04

There are only two ways surely you can be identified .................. your birth gender or name and not necessarily in that order. There was a time when you were known by your name or profession now it is by your gender. How come people believe that for thousands of years you were either male or female and now we could be, well whatever you want and everyone must agree or else we will vilify you. I am all for freedom of expression and speech but its the outcry if you has an individual dare to disagree with the minority because we will shout you down in public and make you a heretic for your views because we now are allowed too.

Volera - 23.08.2023 06:13

I still can't believe they cancelled JK Rowling for simply stating facts

Azaeli Red
Azaeli Red - 18.08.2023 22:47

" Some women have penises-"
AYO what is going on with this generation?!

gg - 17.08.2023 17:22

A comet needs to detroy this planet and lets start over. No more mental people to start with.

Peacewar - 15.08.2023 13:00

If Matt Walsh is so committed to logic and evidence-based science, how does he justify believing in an invisible sky man who speaks to us through a book written two thousand years ago by ten different people?

Fred Psimas
Fred Psimas - 13.08.2023 23:11

Well it’s interesting that she said she cannot answer because she is not a biologist because all children until recently are taught basic biology and know that a woman has two X chromosomes…so if you don’t know what a woman is it has nothing to do with anything biological…that’s clear. What’s weird is that a Supreme Court justice must make rulings based on truth and she does not know basic truth…this disqualifies her as a judge since a judge must use rationality logic and truth to make judgements!

Henry - 13.08.2023 15:03

I mean let people identify whatever they want as long as they won't hurt anyone

Lyds - 11.08.2023 11:23

What is a woman?

It is clear, that no one wanted to give a straight answer to in the documentary.

I am a woman, and I must say I have boobs, a punani and I have given birth to children, adding to the human race, my biological, physical differences, it's been proven, chromosomes, hormones, genitals, the difference is sex and gender. Male and female.

I am special in God's eye, and I am one of a kind. Not "kinds" and the human race consist of male and female, no matter how hard you are trying to change it. It will never be.

There is male and female, and it's scientifically proven for over billions of years. We are being forced into a false narrative.

These people have lost the plot.

Thank you for standing up for the truth, and being the voice for young impressionable kids, and you are 100% correct it is child abuse, not just child abuse but abuse of adults and enforcing lies upon us and our beliefs. That is abuse.

Sodom and Gomorrah repeating itself.

Ahmed Al Otaibi
Ahmed Al Otaibi - 11.08.2023 11:00

my 11 years old sun said the women is Mum .........

Ian - 09.08.2023 16:37

Hahahah, the world is insane!😅😂 btw, im a Byyyrd

KATHRYN POSEY - 09.08.2023 04:51

😂😂😂"...are you a cat..."

Jennifer - 08.08.2023 23:41

A woman is someone with two X chromosomes, men have an X and a Y chromosome. *mic drop*
Stop trying to fight science.

Ang Kian Boon
Ang Kian Boon - 08.08.2023 11:39

I’m at 42 years old ex triad member from Hong Kong. I remember vividly back in our days (80s,90s) these none binaries, gays, shemales are just jargon woven from one same feather. They were never allowed to speak or voice out their gay opinions neither does they ever mattered. We have connections and familiar ties with the Italian mafioso, russian mob etc links all over the world. I can clarify that none of our organisation will welcome any of these none binary or even will well welcomed to begin with. This only proves that society present day is failing terribly to the point u have these gay people to cause silly arguments, self entitlement and clearly a very delusional joke. We would have end it very swiftly, and quietly. Each and every one of them

Wong Leong Koon Augustine
Wong Leong Koon Augustine - 07.08.2023 13:56

An adult female human being.

Collins - 07.08.2023 12:49

I am shock of seeing the stupidity of human kind. We have only two genders "male and female". What the hell is going on in this world. Oh!!!! God have mercy.
God's judgement is upon all LGBTQ+ this is the work of the devil

tasnimsami bounaissat
tasnimsami bounaissat - 06.08.2023 05:55

متمنى ان تترجم حلقاتك الى العربية فانت شخص رائع وصادق و اسال الله ان يهديك للاسلام

tasnimsami bounaissat
tasnimsami bounaissat - 06.08.2023 05:54


Nadia Azzah
Nadia Azzah - 06.08.2023 05:35

'I don't think skateboarding has anything to do with physicality'

If so then it wouldn't become a sport...... 😂

lightisthenight - 06.08.2023 05:22

A woman doesn't need to prove herself that she is a woman.

Capitan_Ulika - 06.08.2023 00:18

Меня очень радует, что люди говорят об этом. Что не все еще тронулись умом. Жаль, что современная психиатрия потакает новым гендерам.

weird science
weird science - 05.08.2023 14:51

a man with breasts and a vagina
