DETHRONED!? A͏s͏mongold ROASTS His Viewers PC Setups (ft. Mcconnell) | Episode 2

DETHRONED!? A͏s͏mongold ROASTS His Viewers PC Setups (ft. Mcconnell) | Episode 2

Asmongold TV

4 года назад

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@alexpumpkin4551 - 15.01.2024 13:35

I knew he'd talk shit about the man cave sign cause that's what I'd have said too hah

@wildhazz4507 - 02.01.2024 08:30

what is a SABADO LMAO

@XepppX - 14.12.2023 09:32

If i am out of weed i smoke my sigarets the same way just to make it cheaper then buying made sigarets for that one or 2 days in a month that you don't gonna have weed....
Kinda discision were i spend my money at!
You can have a succefull company but live in a room lookin like you are a teenager not knowing how to maintain yourself.
I want to spend 10€/gram on weed but keep the tabaco as low as possible just like the brand of softdrinks, food or cloths i buy.
If you buy coke in a cheap store in 6 packs of 2liter and buy cheap food instead of MC Donnalds or you go every day to wendy's pay taxes for a car and gassoline and a car itself, well then that's the difference between being able to smoke weed the whole month or not!

And i have allso no idea if this is still a big deal in the US but here in Belgium we just go buy our weed one hour driving in the Netherlands in a cofeeshop where everything up there is peace and love and we don't have issue's there like you have daily in a bar!! because drinking untill you don't find your way back home is a kinda normal!
I bet if there was a beer can in front of his pc no one would have mentioned it while everyone is alcoholic and as soon you light up a joint you are the junky???

The way you come after it that a person smokes weed where you never would have expected that this person would do "drugs" is the proove of how misunderstand weed is taken!!!
You shouldn't compare it with heroin or cocaine!!!! Alcohol does!!! Weed not!!! Alcohol should be illegal and weed legal!
You don't have problems with blowers! Blowers have a problem with the law of the gouvernment!
You do have problems with alcoholics!!! Alcoholics don't have any problems with the gouvernment!
See the real problem here? The only dangerous thing about weed is getting cought with it by the gouvernment!

Blowers are the people where you sitting every day on the bus or train to the way to your job because they do to and they manage a familie and after work they play a video game with a joint that takes 1hour to smoke up completely if you are playing games.
You rather have youre kid comming home doing this then having him not comming home being drunk!
At least my mom learned the difference between having a drunken husband and chill stoners as kids!!!
Maybe more ppl need to learn it the hard way!

@teelebron1702 - 29.11.2023 03:06

This Mcconnel guy sounds like a dickhead.

@Ausanan - 24.11.2023 17:43

TIL I've got the same glass desk as Asmon

@hessianhyena2616 - 11.10.2023 05:17

Should bring this series back!

@JuisSekasi - 11.09.2023 13:00

asmons friend is cringe af and tries way too hard to be funny, just annoying af.

@tropixi5336 - 01.09.2023 22:21

"im a piece of shit now"

@keizhardy931 - 01.09.2023 19:00

What are Asmongold monitors? somebody knows? Im curious.

@timbaker5406 - 06.08.2023 02:29

Why do people need more then one monitor?

@Jmod8 - 24.07.2023 06:57

Damn I was shocked when I saw someone else with libre cgm.

@licht4901 - 24.07.2023 04:01

hes too rich fuck em, too poor fuckem i know hes trolling but my man with the lost hair needs a reality check.ulti incel reality checking us incels. Good content uWu

@licht4901 - 24.07.2023 03:53

one monitor he poor, 3 monitor fucking poser. average asmon stream :D bless

@HH-xf9il - 23.07.2023 01:18

"Soccer, who's into soccer ?", pretty much planet earth minus the US

@erick4845jr - 15.07.2023 04:59

All of you mf's please just buy Lysol wipes and a trashcan thats it bro bare minimum.

@Loooooooooooooooool - 14.07.2023 20:35

A lot of these people just need to buy themselves a large trashcan put it in arms reach and empty that bitch out once a month or something.

@TheWizard1408 - 07.07.2023 15:26

the other guy sounds pretty miserable and jealous

@Tiedy88 - 05.07.2023 08:29

It's better without McDouchebag.

@zandiskoul - 17.05.2023 08:15


@Jackie89000 - 23.04.2023 21:15

McConnell complains about all the LED lights in PCs these days but to be fair, it's hard to find good PC parts that don't come with LEDs at this point unless you buy the really cheaply made parts.

@Garruk_80 - 01.04.2023 15:13

17.30 it's called FOOTBALL not soccer yank

@DaveyBlade13 - 18.03.2023 02:16

Doesn't know what a hookah is LMAO. Not surprised.

@lizardchadillidan - 28.01.2023 05:58

I love how he sees a drink and straight away thinks its a piss bottle lmfao

@dupenzi - 25.12.2022 00:27

that numbnail is legend

@grumpykitten4890 - 22.11.2022 18:45

They should make a Asmongold and McConnel MLP statue. Gamer boys dont get any action so there was no way that was a condom. I was expecting to see at least one computer rooms with 9 cats in it.

@gagegang6421 - 27.10.2022 20:50

This no-shower-for-a-month degenerate hating pot heads is the ultimate irony

@mending_chord6787 - 25.10.2022 21:42

bro this was posted in 2020. Circuit City went out of business in like 2000 or whatever

@gmti486 - 24.10.2022 07:15

McConnell: Weebs have got to some of the weirdest people.
Also McConnel: Having a meltdown over a virtual item.


@Fjerid - 21.10.2022 10:58

I love how 90% of the desks are from IKEA and I recognize them all because I was searching for a good one every weekend till i found the ONE. I memorized their desks lol.

@javvahutgaming7715 - 19.10.2022 07:45

The struggle is real

@ASMR-es9ke - 15.10.2022 20:05

Literally a curved monitor 😂😂

@claudioreyes5580 - 14.10.2022 18:05

I don’t know how the fuck I got here .

@Dolf9271986 - 13.10.2022 07:30

Asmon: Fresh outta highschool smoking reefer.

Me: smoking reefer at 11

@naitwiggs922 - 10.10.2022 23:51

Wtf is saw bado ….. it’s Saturday :::::crickets:::::

@charlieswan1514 - 10.10.2022 19:51

Hey funko pops are a really pretty dope

@SussBus - 05.10.2022 18:25

McConnell sees Brony setup
"Oh noooooooo!!!!"
Also McConnell
"That's rainbow dash you f#@$!? Idiot!!" 🤣

@Paxmaster1 - 30.09.2022 00:49

cannacruz has a weed vape aswell

@VinylSebas - 23.09.2022 20:05

Ok, can someone explain to me the hate for RGB? I honestly don't get it. Iv always felt if you have the money for it and your pc and monitor are already taken care of then yea, go for it. (and yes I have RGB lighting in my station.)

@DoomTheNinja404 - 23.09.2022 05:29

Asmongold's eyebrows are sentient. Everytime he talks his eyebrows fly around like gang signs in naruto lmao 🤣.

@blakematheson6915 - 06.08.2022 15:11

Asmon u play wow with some the best equipment XD my pc has stuff from 2013 and i get over 100fps on this shit game lol

@recollectgaming - 23.07.2022 11:24

Roasting setups when his own looks like trash and so cluttered and untidy. How hypocritical is that . wow makes mine looks like royalty.

@chewie-v9546 - 14.07.2022 22:23

So he won't roast a type 1 diabetic? Are we not allowed to get roasted now? Discrimination

@KoxenBols - 12.07.2022 19:33

Seeing people with xxl mousepads and using 80% of it for their keyboard makes me furious, it's peak casual, damn posers
