Google Meet Camera Not Working: Quick Fix for 2021

Google Meet Camera Not Working: Quick Fix for 2021

Damson Cloud

2 года назад

65,156 Просмотров

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Fannia Asiana
Fannia Asiana - 22.06.2023 15:40

Hii, I have a little problem too but can't find where it comes from and I haven't found anything about this problem :(
I have a Huawei matebook E pc

In fact I have distance language lessons, we use Google meet, The first 2-3 calls I never had a problem with my cameras I had both the one on the screen and the one behind.

Both worked very very well, and recently the last 2 calls, I only have the rear camera which shows up in the video settings of Google meet.... Do you know where the problem could come from?

My front camera is not broken so I don't understand why it no longer appears in the video settings of Google meet :(

Rima Prayitno
Rima Prayitno - 29.03.2023 00:55

Oh my god! Thank you so much! It works!

Ilgaz Demirel
Ilgaz Demirel - 17.10.2022 10:40

None of this helps, my chrome is updated, security settings are allowed, camera work. Only if I restart my computer does Google meet work, my guess is some other app is accessing the camera somehow at the same time.

cloudyclaude - 30.08.2022 17:49

My camera works and i have it on , but my screen only shows black even though i have my cam on ,please help

Haritha Venugopal
Haritha Venugopal - 17.05.2022 16:04

Hii, my webcam turns on generally but on google meet it says that it's on and connected and the icon shows that my camera is on but my webcam doesn't turn on, and this only seems to happen on google meet idk what to do as I have classes

Moraima Caceres-Centeno
Moraima Caceres-Centeno - 13.02.2022 03:04

Thanks a lot, your video save dme so much fustratoion in my Google Meet meeting. Welld one.

Miguel Mundaca
Miguel Mundaca - 03.01.2022 05:23


yourij skobolev
yourij skobolev - 30.11.2021 16:34

this is all bs

faaza Ismail
faaza Ismail - 10.10.2021 17:09

Very helpful

Vishnu World
Vishnu World - 26.09.2021 14:18

Hey I am 14 year old and I have a problem in switching my camera on, in classes, its really important cause my exams are going on. I tried all the methods which you showed me but I didn't work. Could you please help me

Sanket Veerkar
Sanket Veerkar - 23.09.2021 21:19

i get brown background even if i remove background

pliss help asap

Bloxtun001 - 15.09.2021 22:53

it says no camera found for me

Bri's Island
Bri's Island - 07.09.2021 17:47

Could you please help me

Bri's Island
Bri's Island - 07.09.2021 17:47

I keep getting taken out of my meeting as soon as I join it

Pedro Faia
Pedro Faia - 15.07.2021 23:05

Thanks! Actually my antivirus software was blocking chrome but if you didn't mention it, i didn't know so thanks a lot :D
