Heat Map & Screamer Hordes! 7 Days to Die Alpha 21

Heat Map & Screamer Hordes! 7 Days to Die Alpha 21


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@capp00 - 16.06.2023 08:01

The first Heat Map video helped a lot of people. I hope this one can help even more have a better understanding of the mechanics of the game. :)

@Bjornerokk - 30.11.2023 17:15

I thought they removed this system in A21 because I am on day 82 and 0 screamers have spawned, I have my forge running 24/7 but I am gonna try fill my entire wall with torches If that helps.

@FlizzyDuck - 31.10.2023 19:15

Does the heat generation gets reduced or blocked by any surrounding blocks? Like I place 5x forges on a streed vs. I dig down a tunnle and place 5 forges on bedrock height. Or like having 5x forges standing in the open vs. having 5x forges surrounded by a solid and closed room of wooden/concrete/steel blocks?

@legendofLINK445 - 09.10.2023 14:42

I remember a few years ago, I placed a bunch of campfires in my friends base because I told him I was freezing. He didn’t know about the heat map, and he was harvesting trees outside the base at night time. The screamers spawned, and my friend was rushed by zombies 😂😂 Good times!

@wadesorchids7219 - 24.09.2023 10:01

Thanks for a great video! I have a question. I usually use 2 torches to illuminate my base. Does this mean that those torches alone can summon a screamer???

@joshuacoleman6245 - 01.09.2023 09:18


@Liltle - 15.08.2023 23:52

how do I see the heatmap in my game? ive been pressing different F keys but nothing seems to work, just the fps

@PatriotPaulUSA - 10.08.2023 13:52

Any info like this is always good info! Thanks Capp

@ralphm4132 - 03.08.2023 08:08

I miss the old screamers.
The new one is just silly, and unnecessarily ugly.

@sandorhomolya8543 - 30.07.2023 11:21

Thank you for your tutorial! What about burning barrels? I built an ingame XP-farm with 10 burning barrels and 6 forges, they are running all the times. How can I make spawned the screamers soonest and continously?

@DanzoX25 - 15.07.2023 20:11

I think this has finally been fixed. Now, even with the LMB pressed, the heat map continues to heat up.

@thegreatelv6408 - 09.07.2023 08:29

Everyone is going to ask, you definitely should have put the heat rate for dew collectors.

@DanzoX25 - 06.07.2023 15:28

God, how stupid that the heating only happens when I spam the mouse button. This needs to be urgently redone... Now I understand why, after a long time of working as a auger, not a single screamer came to me.

@SulfuricDrop3 - 04.07.2023 06:27

How do I activate that heat chunk thing in the debug menu?

@deathrictus6000 - 02.07.2023 01:21

And now workbenches and dew collectors generate heat too. ><

@bigfrank3113 - 01.07.2023 06:45

Capp00 somebody said that the Dew collector generates heat, does it????

@TheBioWanderer151 - 23.06.2023 17:24

I think they changed the screamers in a21 either that or I'm unlucky/glitched, because they never even seen me at all and still screamed. All I did was open a door (iron door) in my base, she screamed and I had to fight off a hoard. Also happened when I broke a metal block out of her line of site way up in the air she screamed. The second the block broke boom screamer screams. I cant stress enough I was about 10 blocks above them with 2block deep floor and walls so they never seen me at all.

@redefv - 20.06.2023 06:03

I always build a workshop at bedrock. As soon as I can I get a forge for concrete, a forge for iron/steel, and a forge for bullet mats going. This alpha I have piles of food cooking and beverages too.

In the past I never had a visitor. Day 13 in A21 at adventurer I had two forges and one camp fire going. A screamer up top called in two teams (I swear I am not BSing). Team one started digging down through the desert on a diagonal straight for the forges. Team two she called in by my front door. She personally led team two through two iron doors and four iron hatches. I tried to leave the base to go visit Dr. Jugs and there was the screamer! All over the ladder leading down to bedrock was team two. I mag dumped my AK four times to climb out only to spot a MASSIVE hole aboit 20 blocks North in the desert. When I jumped in I climbed down dam near to my base and witnessed team one with at least four cops. I killed them all and started day 14 with almost no ammo and a very exposed workshop! I have been playing since A15 and NEVER encountered anything like it!!!

@toronoc6866 - 19.06.2023 23:06

That helps a lot. Thanks!

@summerofkorngaming6249 - 19.06.2023 00:32

The heat is on....they need to shut that ess down. Its too hot

@thomasrichards294 - 18.06.2023 17:51

Capp love your content! Thank you!

@lifereturned - 18.06.2023 03:45

Do vehicles generate heat? If so do different vehicles generate different amounts?

@XxSoGRAMBOxX - 17.06.2023 23:44

Can you build the log walls like the ones from the trader or the barb wire circles that are found in some pois? And is there a way to build chain link fences? I can't figure these new blocks out

@Kenderkin - 17.06.2023 23:09

How do you bring up that Heatmap info?

@GamingAfter50 - 17.06.2023 20:49

Good info, looking forward to more of your testing videos!

@ViralMag_Ravager - 17.06.2023 17:30

Lol, I'm guessing explosive arrows raise the heat map around 10% per explosion was checking out a t3 poi yesterday (@800am in game) and playing around with explosive arrows I had spawned via console after a few minor zombie scuffles (melee and silenced pistol) and approximately 8 shots (explosive arrows) had made it inside to clear when a screamer started complaining about the ruckus, ah fun times, was actually trying to call out zombies via explosions to see outcome so success.

@RiahsaurusRex - 17.06.2023 17:11

I didn't realize tapping the tools was a problem. Glad to know that now

@sgt.doughnut5918 - 17.06.2023 15:12

For clirification, is heat generated by pre existing fire objects such as burning barrels that come in the POI. I tend to live in one specific POI if i can find it and it seems to be cursed spitting out screamers constantly. Though thats not a bad thing if you prepare for them.

@SheyD78 - 17.06.2023 14:38

That last tip is good to know, I reckon the last 2 screamers I summoned was because I was just tapping, trying to use the tool for as little time as possible.

@Ther0 - 17.06.2023 14:28

Does this mean that now chunks aren't cubes and therefore doing a bedrock or a very high base is pretty much pointless ?

@BrokenCans - 17.06.2023 13:29

You've pretty much always been my go-to resource for "how the hell does THIS work in 7D, or how does THAT work in 7D"

So.. yeah, thanks. I'll send a pleasantly worded email along straightaway

@samhicks97 - 17.06.2023 10:49

Thanks for the "Updated" heat explanation, used one of your older vids as a reference, (Alpha 17?) but wasn't sure if it was applicable to Alpha 21.

@rattdoggsgaming - 17.06.2023 05:51

So if you only click the auger once, you can dig until it runs out of gas. Good to know. Thanks Capp!

@bardobarbadoboemio3101 - 17.06.2023 05:42

Does eletricity increase the heat map? Eletrical traps are different from lights?

@humans.canned.4475 - 17.06.2023 03:11

Thank you so much for this !!! You're the man😊

@Augustus1379 - 17.06.2023 03:11

Spikes to kill da screamers!

@simonspoke - 17.06.2023 02:49

Does heat rise during a horde night?
As firing your guns all night doesn't seem to call in a screamer.
So could you technically run all your workstations during that night in the same chunk and not raise the heat?
Something to think about. :)

@sarar3385 - 17.06.2023 02:25

I don’t think i have ever gotten a screamer at my base in 3 alphas due to not getting the heat level too high

@UKStevieB - 17.06.2023 01:49

Cheers me dears x

@Tabby_Angela - 17.06.2023 01:20

That close up look at the screamer was terrifying!! 😂

@cnconradc4400 - 17.06.2023 00:23

So nothing electric causes heat?

@patthompson1761 - 16.06.2023 22:24

Always love these nuggets of info. But instead of “square” shouldn’t you think in 3-D, as in columns. Because if you have forge, chemstation etc running, and you are mining 10 blocks down, that would in fact add to the total heat points.

@WBoyd31 - 16.06.2023 22:21

Very informative and easy to understand. Nice job Capp.

@dengsuevang1035 - 16.06.2023 21:56

It's been awhile since you've done a testing video. Do you think you can do a video about all the different animals in 7 days to die?

@Jammer119 - 16.06.2023 21:46

question for you Capp, have you tested to see if breaking metal ores still raises the heat map in A21?

@IRISnGEN - 16.06.2023 21:19

Thanks Capp!! Happy Fathers Day!!

@seludovici - 16.06.2023 21:03

It's pronounced idjit.

@cynthiashrout1619 - 16.06.2023 21:01

I'm confused about something. When I turn on the info that shows the chunks in my game. Yes, the chunk is 16 blocks wide, BUT it's the whole height of the map. It's not 16X16 it's 16 X by how ever tall (north to south) the map is. So, where are you getting 16x16 from? Could they have changed it in Alpha 21? If I move East or West it will change number, but if I travel North or South it says the same heat chunk from one end to the other.

@tommyhawkins20 - 16.06.2023 21:01

The Informational videos are great. Always like them and get good nuggets to add to my game play.
