The Culture of Respect in Japan

The Culture of Respect in Japan


3 года назад

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@user-zi1ze2ks5o - 26.11.2023 00:44

The concept is efficiency. The idea is harmony. Form follows function, therefore everyone is polite to an absurd extreme. I appreciate it, because here in America everything is me, me me, compete with others, me first.

@ottone2863 - 23.11.2023 23:09

I have an idea for a thing. It's like we brace a blade and underneath where we keep our children. I think your people might love it. It is sexual and nature's.

@anthonywalker6276 - 20.11.2023 20:28

Respect for what, though? For those with more money.

@louistan7560 - 17.11.2023 19:56

Performing age-old rituals is not "respect." They are social norms for others to see.

@anthonywalker6276 - 03.11.2023 20:20

Except it's all a mirage. Fake and shallow. Like all the energy that unhappy masses of people put into smiling and being polite, and hiding their real feelings.

@RKKY-mf7fe - 31.10.2023 07:27

There respect is more like obligation. Very different from Western form of respect.

@marcusapicius4217 - 22.10.2023 19:51

How about the culture of atrocity in War?

@buddyroach - 18.10.2023 20:57

I am an uncultured swine. But I would love to adopt practices and principles from other cultures. I am very fascinated with Japanese culture. The respect for everything and mother nature and how they do their wood working compared to Americans. It's just so awesome and I wish America would adopt some of their cultures. Would make us better

@nightwolf7yt - 10.10.2023 16:47

that goat bowing at the end got me haha, Japanese culture is amazing

@chunyanmi5643 - 03.10.2023 04:37


@iammovingtokorea - 25.08.2023 06:36

Absolutely love Japan. A wonderful country! 🇯🇵

@brianchar-bow3273 - 25.08.2023 05:14

The history of Japan is very old, about 2,000 years since the Emperor's reign, but humans began to live in villages and communities in this island nation about 14,000 years ago, during “the JOMON pottery” culture.
(That's 30,000 years ago, if you count the Neolithic period.)

The country name word "NIPPON”(Japan) means "the land under the sun" , but another name is "WA" or "YAMATO" , meaning “Peacefully Harmony among People with Nature”. So, Japan's name means “the Land under the Sun” and” the Land of "Great Harmony of People and Nature,”

Surrounded by the sea on all four sides, geographically isolated from Eurasia continent in the Pacific Ocean this island nation has a warm and humid climate and is blessed with abundant clear water resources, a variety of plants, and fishery resources.
Since ancient times, people have lived peacefully with nature. They have respected harmony, lived peacefully in groups, and overcome many severe natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and typhoons, with each other in groups based on their wisdom and have enjoyed the blessings of nature by cooperating.
The name of the ancient Japanese nation of "YAMATO" or "WA" reflects the wishes and realities of the people to live and to survive in this natural environment of the island nation that differs from that of the Eurasia continent.
And in the names of the ancient countries, the essence and secrets of Japanese Cultures are hidden.

In public places where everyone gathers, everyone should act in a way that “you do not disturb others.“
If all participants can act in a way that “you do not cause trouble to others," that is, at the same time, it will create an environment in which “No one cause trouble to you”
The same is true if we substitute the phrase "everyone always help others in need.” If everyone does this, it will create a social situation in which "when you are in trouble, someone will help you.”

This is a very rational group wisdom to live in peace with each other.
This is not for the sake of any particular person, but in order to live equally comfortably with each other, the obligation to act for the peace of mind of "all participants with each other" also arises.
Therefore, they believe that the right thing to do in public places is not to bother others, even if there are no garbage cans, to take home garbage that they have soiled themselves and dispose of it on “their own responsibility”, and not to throw garbage away in public places where it will bother others.
This is because they have been taught through their childhood “education as a proper manner in public places where you spend time with others” that this is an ancient traditional teaching, and “a natural duty of adults.”

It is a teaching and a rule of life that has been handed down in this island nation since ancient times.
“A peaceful environment can only be built through mutual give and take, each other.”
One for all, all for one, the sprits of OTAGAI-SAMA, TASUKEAI (help each other, everyone)".
”In times of trouble, we are there ,help for each other.”(Komatta Toki ha Otagaisama)

Because of its so long history, the Japanese themselves are unaware that they themselves have an "no-named religion”.
However, they have inherited it through the long history of this island nation.
They have lived collectively in their island environment for more than 14,000 years, and this has given them the wisdom of life to survive in that environment, which is condensed in the traditional Japanese teachings.

There are two main reasons why Japan, an island nation, has developed its own unique culture.
One is the natural environment of its volcanic islands.
Surrounded by the sea on four sides, Japan has a warm climate that provides abundant water resources, plants, and food. On the other hand, the warm and humid climate is a favorable environment not only for humans, but also for microorganisms and bacteria, which can easily multiply and cause health problems and epidemics if left in their natural state.
Also, in terms of location and topography, typhoons, windstorms, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc., 
It is an environment that has both a rich natural environment suitable for human life, and a harsh natural environment.
Japanese cleanliness is a necessary behavior to overcome this negative element.
This concrete example, such as daily cleaning and washing, tidying up, and daily bathing habits, and they has done education from an early age because it is a matter of life and death.

This is the reason why the culture has developed a perfectionist behavior and that everything be handled to the last detail in order to eliminate negative environmental elements from thier lives.
This is all from the ancient wisdom of life in order to survive in this island environment, unlike life on the life of continent, where it is dry and stable natural environment.
Second, because they are geographically isolated from Eurasia in the Pacific Ocean, they have historically been less vulnerable to invasion from other continental nations and powers, and in fact have not been invaded by other nations, including cultures, until the modern era.
These two factors (an island nation's natural environment and geopolitical isolation) are the reasons why Japan is different from other Asian nations and historically gave birth to a unique Japanese culture.

The island environment has influenced the Japanese people's preference
for cleanliness and tidiness, ”SEIKETSU,KIYOME”
their attitude of never cutting corners when it comes to a task and completing it to the last minute, ”MAJIME,SEIJITSU,RICHIGI”
and their appreciation for creating something better rather than being satisfied with the status quo, ”KAIZEN”
and their preference for mastering a single art to its pinnacle. ”KIWAMERU, KYUDOU-SYA”

So once you enter this island, it doesn't matter if you are foreigner or Japanese, “all people are equally” expected to cooperate and contribute their behavior to make life comfortable for each other.
" We act with each other so as not to cause trouble for others."
Because if even “one person stops this”, the comfortable environment “will disappear” in an instant.

But the interesting thing about Japanese culture is that this obligation is only for the peaceful life of each other in public places where everyone gathers, and does not regulate individual personal beliefs, hobbies, and preferences, which are the free choice of the individual. This has not been treated academically yet, but it has been a feature of Japanese culture since ancient times.
That is why so many different cultures have blossomed in each period of Japanese history.

How can we act and behave as human beings in order to live peacefully in a community without killing our own freedom and harming others at the same time?
The unique culture of Japan, an island nation, contains hints for action that can provide a solution to this difficult question for mankind.
This is an idea that neither Western nor continental Asian cultures could have come up with, but it is a way of life brought to them by Japan's unique natural environment.
This is because the island nation of Japan is blessed with a rich natural environment where light and darkness coexist, and at the same time, the harsh and violent natural environment has had an impact on human behavior.
The Japanese culture may in fact represent another way of human civilization that has been overlooked in world historiography to date, which has been strongly influenced by Western perspectives.

Surprisingly, a unique and advanced civic cultural consciousness has existed in Japan since ancient times, don't you think?

@shaadahmed4456 - 23.08.2023 06:13

❤️🇯🇵❤️ JAPAN IS BEST .

@visualgarden2718 - 18.08.2023 04:53

Do they really bow this much?

@mrrm5280 - 16.08.2023 10:47

More than half of their “culture” is from China. They are CCP propaganda machine.

@proletariennenaturiste - 12.08.2023 01:06

"Respect their leader," a leader is only deserving of respect if worthy. Too hierarchical!

@shinunda - 10.08.2023 13:24

over the top if you ask me

@banjo099 - 03.08.2023 20:38

Japan is like the home of the supernatural abilities of the mind and the mental abilities of the people, because of the real knowledge of what the people there have and the history there shows. It's like they achieve the abilities of moving objects with using only your mind to do so. This demands much knowledge and practice in the field of mental subjects which they know the best. No other people has gone as far in these matters as they. Establishing communication to get clear knowledge from this is difficult from other parts of the world. The culture and the time has gone far, but the clear intentions for this are there, if you know how to read them. It's like the country in the modern and the normal way is a cover for this, so that the reality wouldn't be come out, and they change and vary everything, so that they only can read the right signs. When the time is right, they only know differently what to do. It's like this is the root for why they are so interested in science and other such matters. When you follow this, you know how they see things.

Ответить - 12.07.2023 23:21

It's very special, beautiful and prestigious. But sadly, Indonesian Muslims living in Japan are eager to Islamize Japan. They consider Japan a pagan country and Japanese people are lost without Islam. That's why Japanese people must be converted into Muslims. Then Japanese culture which is very good, aesthetic, high value will be destroyed from being replaced with Arabic culture.

@antonsembai3167 - 29.06.2023 06:57

Thanks for this very important information about l really love to learn japanese language and culture and the way of japanese people living its incredible😊🥰🥰💪🙏

@maegalroammis6020 - 06.06.2023 01:54

I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I can show you their comments and you must enlighten me!

@SA-mj3uv - 05.06.2023 06:29

i've lived in Japan for a decade. Although very beautiful, there are some dark sides to the culture as well. (e.g. workaholism, competitiveness, perfectionism). This leads to a culture of bullying that cannot attain such "ideals" and thus, high rates of depression, suicide and self-isolation. The very thing that is spoken about in this video (e.g. respect, hierarchy, social structure) can also be very intimidating and overwhelming.

@KikyoSamaLover05 - 02.06.2023 08:57

I swear I love japanese people more than the people from my own country ❤

@audrey136 - 31.05.2023 21:04

We need more of this in America

@anonymousg.5432 - 24.05.2023 00:44

Japan is TOP!

@liberalinternational2088 - 14.05.2023 02:46

Don't forget the asian spy balloon.
Asians are America's enemies.

@liamquinton - 04.05.2023 05:43

very helpful thankyou :)

@ireneimanil8376 - 27.04.2023 01:03

April 26, 2023

As fellow Asians, secure and protect us for US military's failure to secure and protect us with that much given by Japan to America and with that much appropriated money for the US military. I want to be indoor with running water, electricity, trash collections like the Kennedy who for the most part occupied our real estate in Waikiki, so we are not helplessly victimized by even the Micronesians and Blacks who holo with abuse and torture.

My brother Jonathan is raped by Danny Kennedy, and neglected. I want him brought him to me so I can care for him. Kennedy is out to kill Laca Imanil that starts out with block of money and homeownership, yet the money and real estate are mine as Laca Imanil.

@ireneimanil8376 - 21.04.2023 03:32

April 20, 2023

Japan opened up to the world by war (War in the Pacific or WWII), and China opened up to the world by trade (WTO). The very strong work ethics of the Japanese and swift response made the Japanese resilient, and Japan has become the envy of the world that Great Britain welcomed them in London. England noticed them that airline travel from Japan to England began. The problem was Philippines wasn't deeply anchored when Japan attack it. Philippines has no military to defend itself from attacked so it lost to the occupying enemy forces of the Japanese Imperial Army. US got involved to end the war in the Pacific by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but US also helped to develop Japan post war.

I heard rumor in GU that Japan is waiting for me to build the Japanese Army that is still talked about today because of fear of Asian extinction in Asia-Pacific when Madeleine Z. Bordallo well positioned in GU, wouldn't release Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil to be seen and to talk to, with that much given by the Japanese gov't. Japan tried again with me, but Madeleine did the same. At worst she grabbed the land of GU for her own commercial development, and align with, improvise on traitor ship and betrayal of, and influence INC of Manalo in the Philippines. China noticed her.

Clearly, almost all Asians noticed and blinked an eye why she's white without helping to lift up the condition of the couple and especially me. Madeleine never spoke to me, much less gave a dime, but she drafted letters and signed them for me without my say. She framed me of saying GU is the island of white people to be, and she said that to the Japanese in Japan. Madeleine Z. Bordallo began to slowly clean up the "On of Egypt" indigenous population of GU in the '80s when I arrived. She shot an On of Egypt school boy behind the school, and she shot him running. She also got the Mendiola killed. She is also cleaning up FSM of indigenous.

Furthermore, Madeleine got involved with Jonathan Imanil in HI without Jonathan knowing who he is. In 2021, Madeleine was beginning to be breached by my presence in HI and she ditched Jonathan Imanil. She abandoned them leading to the helpless victimization and death of Jon Da, homelessness and poverty of the generations of Norma Laca and Orlando Ferrer Imanil in HI.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when Caroline Kennedy, another white who became the ambassador of US in Japan during Barack Obama's term without doing anything for Orlando Ferrer Imanil or me who at one time a Boston resident. Meanwhile, Orlando Ferrer Imanil waited for Mr. Obama to pick up African origin name Imanil, but he didn't. Orlando was under the assumption that Obama is to arrive to pick him up so Orlando drove to the gate of AAFB, GU and was there at 4:00a.m. waiting for Barack to arrive. Maybe he did that for a week. Orlando knew that he is known globally by name, and he lives in GU. Orlando thought that AAFB, GU would lift him up after 9/11 of 2001, but it didn't. Madeleine Z. Bordallo super suppressed me and never said anything. That construction of GRMC (GU Regional Medical Center) is disturbing for Asians in general because even Asians from the Orient, especially retirees, elderly are being enticed to take a tour and live in GU known as ecotourism but it is meant to eventually kill them. Madeleine is spending litlle $ in Asia to kill many Asians. Some Asian women with military partner like Minerva says my generation is already white so that encourages Madeleine and others to get many Asians rich and poor killed.

Help me, Jonathan, my nephews and nieces to live. Secure us to live together under one roof and give us guns for our defense and protection.

@listenup247 - 20.04.2023 01:26

I really admire and respect Japanese culture. Everything is done so neatly and with care and consideration.

@LTV_inc - 14.04.2023 08:26


@janbelljara4495 - 04.04.2023 16:41

The culture of respect that fades in war time..where was that culture then??

@professordumbledore6799 - 25.03.2023 12:12

Respecting elders is the first spiritual lesson you will ever learn

@ColonelMarcellus - 04.03.2023 20:05

Is it true that, in modern Japan, elderly people make Japanese feel uncomfortable and therefore avoided?

@BanCircumcision - 26.02.2023 09:10


@victoriaazurin6849 - 17.02.2023 21:26

Yes i like japanese more than the US for there respecfull culture👍❤️

@krugerfuchs - 11.02.2023 09:11

Shame there's no respect for the whale 🐳

@cryptonian7706 - 26.01.2023 20:48

I ADORE the japanese

@gsjgdkgdhksg - 23.01.2023 12:05

I'm currently learning Japanese and I'm here to stay motivated Japanese culture is so beautiful I love the language and everything

@aidaortiz7219 - 22.01.2023 15:56

I have always loved Japanese culture. I feel like I was meant to be born into that culture. 🙏🏼🇯🇵

@Solid_Snack - 18.01.2023 06:20

Yet, Jporn is the craziest I have ever seen...

@raghavendra5311 - 16.01.2023 19:38

Japanese are the best people with etiquette and manners. Indians should learn etiquette and manners from Japan and be humble

@majorkilljoy - 14.01.2023 01:07

I was born in the wrong country! This seems like the perfect life for me

@aarushdwivedi2161 - 07.01.2023 14:39

means i have to visit japan

@hujiemin721 - 28.12.2022 13:09

The culture of respect came from China. Check out “Japanese missions to Imperial China”.

@gregarious1532 - 19.12.2022 21:02

Me walking down street. Random dude starts bowing towards me on the phone
Me: "I guess I'm worthy"

@coolcat1813 - 16.12.2022 12:27

Japan culture is beautiful, but let us not forget how even a supposedly "harmonious" culture can become rotten and barbarous, as seen during WW1 and WW2, mass killings, rape and mistreatment of Chinese and Korean people, and beyond.

@sTT001 - 15.12.2022 11:59


@vipmember3315 - 10.12.2022 14:50

Japanese are Clearly healthy moral people.. Thank you!
