AVS Video Editor is an easy video editing program for Windows

AVS Video Editor is an easy video editing program for Windows


1 год назад

102,721 Просмотров

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@theklaskycsupofan20231 - 16.11.2023 09:11

No Audio

@theklaskycsupofan20231 - 13.11.2023 15:06

No Sound

@StapyfromBFB_OfficialAUTTP2023 - 02.10.2023 17:27

I have a suggestion for 9.9.3 + Pin me

New effects: RGB Brightness
Red Brightness: -100 to 100+
Green Brightness: -100 to 100+
Blue Brightness: -100 to 100+

New effects: Channel Mixer
Red color: [Red/Green/Blue/Lum/Off/All/Alpha]
Green color: [Red/Green/Blue/Lum/Off/All/Alpha]
Blue color: [Red/Green/Blue/Lum/Off/All/Alpha]
Alpha color: [Red/Green/Blue/Lum/Off/All/Alpha]
Strength: 0 to 100

New effects: Hue Angle
Hue: -180 to 180
Preserve light? [true or false]

New effects: Color Levels
Color hold: [All/Red/Green/Blue/Red-Green/Green-Blue/Blue-Red]
Brightness: -100 to 100
Gamma: -100 to 100
Equalize: -100 to 100
Saturation: -100 to 100
Contrast: -100 to 100

Updated effects: Sphere
Position Scaling: In Clip Frames
Strength: -5 to 10

Updated effects: Cylinder
Offset: 0 to (Told Last Pixel)
Radius: 0 to 640 (Horizontal) or 0 to 360 (Vertical)
Strength: -5 to 10
Vertical? [true or false]

Updated effects: Invert
Mask: [No/Rectangle/Sphere/Polygon]
Solarize? [true or false]
All invert: 0 to 100
Red invert: 0 to 100
Green invert: 0 to 100
Blue invert: 0 to 100

Updated effects: Rotate
Swirl: -180 to -180
Preserve scale? [true or false]

Updated effects: Color exchange
Threshold: 0 to 100
Video color: (Hexadecimal)
Change color: (Hexadecimal)

Updated audio tools: Pitch shift
Rate: 40 to 250

New settings: Normal layer line number
Setting: 1 to 12

Bug fixes: Broken overlay, lines or broken ratio
Why?: It cant show overlays , cant show lines, cant distort to the selected ratio

@hervebreton3320 - 07.09.2023 18:55

A éviter absolument Vous devez absolument éviter ce logiciel peu performant. En plus les pratiques commerciales de cette entreprise sont plus que douteuses. Obliger les clients à racheter une licence illimitée quand ils changent de PC, c'est du jamais vu.
FILMORA, bien plus performant, et ça vous reviendra moins cher.

@KPN-NEWS - 31.07.2023 20:43

hello reel project avlebale

@yoshiyoshi6849 - 08.06.2023 09:43

5K出力は可能ですか? ( Is 5K output possible? )

@2003mian - 06.05.2023 15:31

I M Back 2023!!!!!!!!!!

@TBFTLE - 01.05.2023 20:07


@gustavoedits2023 - 14.01.2023 18:45

A simple and a good Editor for Free.

@realbadger - 16.11.2022 16:39

(Is this promotional video supposed to be MOS...?)
AVS is what I use for my converting videos into DVD format.
