Autism — what we know (and what we don't know yet) | Wendy Chung

Autism — what we know (and what we don't know yet) | Wendy Chung


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@Silvery_jassy - 28.12.2023 17:30

Oh wow! How much has changed in 9 years!!! It’s actually very enlightening how much they didn’t know back then and scary how they treated it. I’m sure in another 9 years, what we know now will be also worlds away… I hope!

@dusaziva - 27.12.2023 07:34

this woman is not aware that by denying she is arguing that the cause of autism is the vaccine and the toxins from them..unbelievable..she explained herself and in the end concluded what she liked)

@dusaziva - 27.12.2023 07:30

nothing starts from himself, there is always a source, a reason, a cause. If it is not the parents, then the circumstances in terms of nutrition are above all, and not only in that generation but in several previous ones. The more the diet has become plastic,and hihg toxic the more the number of diseases has increased

@dusaziva - 27.12.2023 07:26

what are the genes, food and vaccines

@brucecmontana381 - 15.10.2023 23:55

Autism is Not something to be "cured"... it is a natural variation in the genetic makeup of human beings... a variation that creates Abilities NOT Liabilities in human behavior. Psychopathy, Sociopathy, and Narcissism are almost completely nonexistent in autism... yet you suggest that the single most gifted and understanding group of humans needs to be "cured"?! While psychopaths destroy humanity, autism offers many gifts and perspective that could actually save humanity from itself.... and you want to eliminate the solution right in front of us all... spoken like a true self proclaimed know it all. Your fears of the uncontrollable are shining through.
You are part of the problem... selling yourself as part if the alleged "solution". In WWII, a man rose to power using the same claims.

@ericwood2062 - 23.07.2023 11:48

Autism is more than just a psychological disorder, it can be a physical disorder too, I'm a member of a bicycle club, and I can't keep up with the other riders, those without autism, they can keep up with each other and stay together as a group, I can't do that, my muscles don't let me, I'm not lazy or stupid, I have a physical sensory issue between the brain and legs that prevent me from pedalling as fast as those without autism, but that only happens when I ride an ordinary bike just like what those non-autistic riders have, so I'm saving up my money to buy an electric bike, there's a specific electric bike I'm interested in with a belt instead of a chain, and includes a car horn, belts don't come off gears and don't need grease and last longer, horns alert traffic goers to pay attention to where I come from because they don't watch where I'm going, but the biggest purpose is pedal-assist, to get me up to speed in a more fairly decent manner, I have a speed restriction of 10 miles an hour which was caused by autism, so no one can eliminate autism, not even me, but with that kind of electric bike, I could eliminate that speed restriction by using that pedal assist, and expedite every bike ride I go on, then I could keep up with my group even if those riders stick with their ordinary bikes, but at least they'll be impressed with how my fancy new bike will turn out, could even be the fanciest of all too, but unfortunately, I don't have enough money for it right now, and it's available on the European website, but not the American website, meaning Trek, if anyone's heard of Trek at all, but by next year, I should be able to get it, when I have more than enough money and when the American website will start selling them as well as the European website, and electric bikes are usually ridden by old people, but even though I'm 34, I still need pedal assistance due to autism, so let's see what happens next year.

@jasont2610 - 19.06.2023 14:33

I was on the planet for about 50 years before I worked out that I'm on the spectrum. Autism has been dramaticall under ediagnosed in my opinion.
It really annoys me when people show children when they talk about autism. Assume that we live until 75 years old then about 4/5ths of the autistists on the planet are adults.
So showing a montage where the majoroty of people are children. The majority should be adults and depicting the population as mainly children makes it just that little bit harder for adult autists to be accepted.
I suspect my dad maybe autistic and I am fairly certain my nephew is either autistic, ADHD or both. I don't have children - but I suspect that if I had children they'd be autisitc.

@jun54097 - 11.06.2023 16:26




@contagionisafraud - 10.06.2023 15:30


@mimse798 - 08.05.2023 00:22

While she definitely shared some educational facts that can be helpful when it comes to understanding autism better on a developmental and genetic level, she did however say things that unfortunately didn't agree with me. I was, to be fair, a bit disappointed that she didn't mention the issue of underdiagnosis of autism in women. And I wasn't a fan of autism being referred to as an "epidemic" and her using words like "the risk of autism" (you could've used the word "chance" instead?) as well as suggesting that we need to intervene with that "risk". I don't know, but to me it felt like she was suggesting that autism is something that needs to be fixed, which I just don't agree with. But I don't know if it's just me who got that feeling or if I perhaps just misunderstood her. (Feel welcome to tell me if I'm completely wrong tho) In my (unprofessional) opinion on the topic of autism - if it happens it happens. It's not a death sentence and every person's experience with autism is each to their own. I understand it can come with devastating deficits in severe cases of autism sometimes, but I still believe we need to treat autism with more respect and understanding. Not try to correct them all the time, but let them express themselves and communicate in the way they feel necessary. Of course that's not always easy to accept or understand right away because people are different and that's that, but we really need that respect and understanding, in my opinion.
I believe that autism isn't a disability - period - and shouldn't be referred to as such. It's not something to "cure" or "fix". It's a difference in neurological makeup and it isn't a bad thing in and of itself!
I hope I made any sense at all.

@DerpyFaery - 28.04.2023 02:56

Autism isn’t a disease that needs a cure. It is just being outside of what people classify as normal. What is normal? Normal is based on someone’s perspective. If you are around a majority of people who are on the spectrum, then they are normal and you are the abnormal one. Autism is a label to help people box people into different groups. It’s the way humans try to figure things out. To me they are especially gifted whether it is in numbers, language, memorisation, spreading joy…

Those with temperament issues are often because they are placed in a situation that triggers their super sensitive mind— sounds are extra loud, touch is extra painful, colours can be extra bright and dazzling… so on. Those on the spectrum just need to be in a place where they aren’t being triggered. If sound bothers them, get mufflers. If they are sensitive to texture, but comfortable cotton based clothes and remove tags.

I’m on the spectrum, my kids and hubby too. For hubby and me, it’s a late revelation. For our kids we picked up on it earlier. Hubby and I are creatives and do just fine day to day. So don’t let labels scare you. Focus on your kiddos strengths and hone their sweet spot. Tune out negativity. Every child has a gift. I truly believe that.

@Lilycat5 - 21.04.2023 03:55

This is old information. There are more women with autism than they thought. They just didn't realize that it can show up differently in girls than boys.

@supergalaxyfist7730 - 19.04.2023 04:37

This was fascinating to me.

@Angclaude - 18.04.2023 06:05

My Son is On the spectrum and he is the most amazing little boy I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing 💙🧩

@alliewallace1962 - 08.04.2023 21:13

During my sophomore year of undergrad, my medical English class read a book that discussed the fabricated study that was originally published claiming that vaccines caused autism and how celebrities, like Jenny McCarthy, have latched onto this idea and caused panic in parents that often just want to do what’s best for their children. It was very interesting to learn about the tactics used to essentially scare parents into not vaccinating their children. Not to demonize anyone in this issue, but now, as a medical student, it is even more frustrating to see how easy it is for parents and the public in general to be fed false information from famous people that they view as trustworthy, instead of asking knowledgeable professionals. We have all seen this in so many other cases since this video was released, including covid. I have experience in a genetics lab and this information about the genetics of autism is fascinating to me. It is incredibly fascinating to see the progress made for individuals with autism and how we new innovations can help aid them in living a more enriched life and even help them better understand their own diagnosis. It can be incredibly frustrating to not understand why you are different from others and don’t seem to fit in. These strides of early recognition, I think, will make tremendous differences in the lives of people with autism so these alterations in teaching and learning and communicating can be incorporated early on in hopes to decrease the challenges they might face. I hope more develop the viewpoint that it is not the effort to “cure” autism but to help ease the burden of the world on these individuals and their families.

@michaelperry5463 - 06.03.2023 02:45

So basically we could cure a significant amount of autism by using a CRISPR like approach to change the genetic material of a child or the amnion in feotal screening. If only governments acted.

@michaelperry5463 - 06.03.2023 02:35

I find it quite alarming that the audience are clapping her statement that the man that published an article claiming vaccines caused autism lost his license, particularly as society in general has a deep suspicion with the medical community on this.

@melvayaredaguilar - 05.03.2023 21:57

Idk when I got my COVID I was like damn

@johndoe-by4up - 26.02.2023 21:00

How do you know vaccines don't cause autism if u know the cause than u should know how to prevent it

@pianoman2276 - 26.02.2023 12:09

Some children are autistic from birth, and some have "acquired autism" where they develop normally until sometime during the second or third year of life when they stagnate and regress in many skills, such as language, play, and psychomotor functions.

@pianoman2276 - 26.02.2023 11:56

I believe it was actually 1999 when they reduced the amount of thimerosal in vaccines; not '92. There are trace amounts of thimerosal that remain in many of the vaccines which are far above the toxic level. 200 nanograms of mercury is considered toxic waste for humans. In the flu shot, there are still 25,000 nanograms of mercury. That's 125 times the toxic level. You can poison a horse with that amount of mercury.

@arturo7359 - 13.02.2023 16:39

Can not believe TED gives credit to someone talking about autism as a desease... :(

@noork2938 - 12.02.2023 19:17

Read the book "Denial" by Mark Blaxill. Autism was a new discovery in the 1940
s by Leon Kanner from John Hopkins university. In 1960 there was 5 per 10,000 that had autism. Then in 1986 Ronald Reagan removed liability from the vaccine makers and the number of shots given to children exploded and so did autism. In 1980 nobody knew what autism was it was so rare. Now one in 68 kids is getting this disease. Most of them are serious, i.e. early infantile autism which is kids under 30 months of age who 1)cannot talk, 2) are obsessed with loneness, 3)obsessed with sameness. Another good book is "Innoculated, how science lost its soul"
I would not give any vaccine to a child under 36 months of age period!!

@Xplorer85X - 11.02.2023 06:34

Drugs ain’t the answer

@TopDeckTommy - 10.02.2023 09:57

I believe the increase also has to do with all these processed foods that has been dominating local markets fast food joints etc. once there was a spike in that there was also a spike in children being born with autism. I have a son on the spectrum and my family not my wife’s family have not one person on the spectrum. This is a first for everyone in my family so I am making sure that first we accept our som the same way we do his typical sister and that we will do everything in our power to get and provide any and all result ultimately raise a successful man in this world regardless of being labeled with autism!!

@user-to3tv7oq7c - 08.02.2023 20:39

Здравствуйте, миссис Чанг! Пишет соня из Москвы. В безумии есть своя логика. Эта фраза подтолкнула меня на мысль, что ведь господь бог, создавая мир, тоже в какой то степени безумия был, то есть аффекта. Но в этот момент у него не было спонтанности,и хаотично создавая мир,бог очень логично всё делал! Спасибо за информацию ваш выпуск. До свидания.

@eamonbreathnach4613 - 07.02.2023 00:45

Why is she so sure that vaccinations dont contribute to Autism.
Dr.Fauci and co was just as certain about the covid vaccine .We now know differently

@Spaniards56 - 05.02.2023 20:03

It’s been 8 years when this video was published and I wonder if iPhones, Tablets and video games play a role in this type of disorder in children!

@thongnguyen6346 - 31.01.2023 06:07

Kẻ dối trá

@discvoorteams - 27.01.2023 11:14

this is exactly why I am so doubting to have my sons tested. "This baby is going to be in the clear". I'm afraid of stigmatizing them. Any ideas? Reactions?

@TomandBennewsforNZ01 - 27.01.2023 00:27


@rdu239 - 25.01.2023 14:37

What we learned in 2020 is that always be skeptic on whatever the health experts are telling you, just because they have a medical license does not mean they are all operating in good faith, there already numerous cases of medical experts closely in cahoots with pharmaceutical company in order to stir things to their favor and self interest. With big pharmas constantly encouraging people to take their vaccines and boosters indefinitely because they say it will "protect" you from covid, but at the same time refuse to share their patents to capable developing countries so that they can they can produce their own local vaccines at much lower cost. Why are scientists up until today are more busy in researching short term vaccines instead of actual medicines? Its hard to judge people that do not put their whole trust to doctors and scientists because they saw it themselves how they screw over the people with their high medicine costs and enforced medical dogma and research with what ever they declare is absolute truth. Healthcare is still primarily a business, and hospitals and various medical care centers thrive from sick and disabled people.

@TheCrochetCritters - 20.01.2023 23:10

Women, and especially young girls, are highly underdiagnosed because they learn from a young age to adapt to social norms far better than men and boys. Their autism is 'invisible', while in reality they can suffer just as much as any other on the spectrum. People just don't know about it.

@SydneyDiva - 18.01.2023 06:18


@matthewclarke5008 - 17.01.2023 03:09

I could be wrong, but I don't think we're autistic, I think everyone else is autistic. My hearing is normal, everyone else is deaf and they think I have overly sensitive autistic ears.

@JustNow42 - 16.01.2023 21:58

It is a very good idea to educate in social behaviour, learn how to chat with no context, but while some learn this well I doubt that they ever will learn to enjoy it. E.g part of chatting is a kind of lying , white innocent lies but still very painful for an autistic person.

@108athira - 16.01.2023 07:45

How are we going to intervene?


@108athira - 16.01.2023 07:45

Ew, "risk" , "normal cognition" - we are not a're part of the problem

@kathleenkinsolving3358 - 15.01.2023 21:56

This Ted talk reeks of ableism!

@Jefff72 - 15.01.2023 20:05

I'm pretty sure that I showed the signs but never registered. Born in late 72, I didn't like to be held, played alone, and even dug a crater in my front yard with a spoon. I had issues with speech requiring therapy and I haven't shut up since. Then, I had social issues and required special ed for my reading. In math, I didn't need help and eventually made it to multivariable calculus in college. I flew so low under the radar that I didn't detect it myself.

@jacquelineohayon507 - 14.01.2023 03:59

Most useful TED I've watched. Thank you for everything you and your research team do Dr. Chung.

@1953sharoha - 08.01.2023 10:37

I want to join the community to deal with autism
Tell me how pl

@castlenovelist97BOOKS - 05.01.2023 02:09

Has anyone ever taken the time to actually learn about people with these struggles in their lives? It's really interesting to read about and I've been looking up information to read regarding these conversations.

@annaamin2460 - 04.01.2023 01:46

Thank you for the video. Your daughter is beautiful! I am going to try these tips with my daughter

@mungogerryjnr - 03.01.2023 16:32


They say there’s no evidence that MMR causes Autism

MMR was introduced here in Australia in 1989

Your graph CLEARLY shows a start of increase in 1990-1991

Am I an idiot who is seeing a connection that doesn’t actually CONNECT with the “system “🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Three things to say

I will never EVER forget what I experienced practically the following weeks after my son’s second MMR injection,I know what I saw.

There was no option to do,since he was a boy, just Measles and Mumps separately,but there was an option if we didn’t do MMR!
It was the start of exclusion.

Until the “experts” actually step back and wake up to the concept that starting a ten year experiment of going back to single jabs AND THEN see if there’s a reduction in Autism WE WILL NEVER KNOW!

But hey,what do I know
I’m just a truck driver now totally dedicated to helping my son,since the government have washed their hands!!

And they wonder why I absolutely hate politicians

@samdehne2859 - 02.01.2023 23:56

FYI children's vaccines are still preserved with heavy metals (but not thimerisol) and the number of recommended vaccines for babies and young children increased by threefold during the same time period there was a rapid increase in diagnoses of autism - quite possible they could be an epigentic component of causation

@bhatt24101982 - 29.12.2022 20:17

I didn't see any highlight in her talk😶

@teenytinytoons - 23.12.2022 07:59

She’s an insanely impressive public speaker.

@ayasarsour2860 - 16.12.2022 22:55

Amazing, thank you very much✨️
