Connecting to a MongoDB in Flask Using Flask-PyMongo

Connecting to a MongoDB in Flask Using Flask-PyMongo

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@samFWCtube - 11.08.2021 15:44

Great tutorial, thanks very much! Since mlabs has been retired Mongo Atlas requires "mongodb+srv..." connection method. So you must install dnspython module to avoid a connection error. Simply use "python -m pip install "pymongo[srv]" and all is well again. Sorry - 2 years late to the party!

@footballforfun2054 - 04.03.2021 14:18

I am running these file in atom, running successfully but unable to get localhost url

@XEPICSAM98X - 09.12.2020 02:58

I'm getting 'MONGO_URI' is not defined as an error, any solutions?

@joserodriguezgomez3738 - 09.10.2020 06:23

Thanks for the video!! is not easy to find a professional and simple way to setup flask and pymongo and it really helped me

@apexyu164 - 27.07.2020 16:47

why blueprint is needed?

@Beyondhumanlimits1 - 23.04.2020 20:09

You made your life easier by modularizing the code but it's confusing for a tutorial.

@GPBrachetta - 21.04.2020 17:15

Anthony, I love your tutorials, also the flask one on Udemy. Some of the material there looks a bit dated, could you please consider having a Flask-Mongo-Heroku unit added with the newer technology available? It would be great to see how you do this, including a register/login/logout part and interacting with the database in some way. Thanks!

@namnguyennhat4728 - 09.04.2020 12:59

i have import flask but when i run it.The system have bug :{
"resource": "/c:/Users/nhatn/OneDrive/Desktop/fask-pymongo/pymongtool/",
"owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#0",
"code": "unresolved-import",
"severity": 4,
"message": "unresolved import 'flask'",
"source": "Python",
"startLineNumber": 2,
"startColumn": 6,
"endLineNumber": 2,
"endColumn": 11

@didadadadadi - 31.03.2020 14:12

I have no idea what you're talking about.:D

@bep8580 - 14.12.2019 07:25

Puto ipm xddd

@manabsaha5336 - 21.11.2019 05:02

Hello, can we not download MongoDB and use it instead of using the cloud database.

@RizzoDaManiac - 19.09.2019 20:36

This is the most difficult way I've ever seen pymongo set up.

@n3wtou - 07.08.2019 08:05

I tried connecting mongoalchemy with atlas but it doesn't accept the uri from atlas. Is there a solution for this?

@ChumX100 - 07.08.2019 05:34

I noticed pipenv takes much longer than bare pip to install basic requirements. I know it makes a lot of other stuff as well, but still, the wait can get pretty annoying over time.

@willcshapiro - 29.07.2019 23:22

Hi! Thanks for the informative video. I was wondering if you had planned on making an extension to include the rest of CRUD?

@dannycorganrg1 - 28.06.2019 14:21

problem I get a message No module named '__main__.extensions' ? any help welcomed
