The Wonders That Lie Within Our Milky Way Galaxy | Cosmic Vistas S4 Compilation | Spark

The Wonders That Lie Within Our Milky Way Galaxy | Cosmic Vistas S4 Compilation | Spark


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Nicholas Nerios
Nicholas Nerios - 25.09.2023 05:25

¿Fermi Paradox?

Why has humanity not found the existence of alien life? The reasons are very simple to understand, that is if we are at all intelligent.

1. Intelligent Alien Life has survived in the Universe much longer then humans have even been mammals. They have accumulated vast amounts of knowledge and technology. Intelligent Alien life, would be able to view or world from across the galaxy and be able to calculate the estimated time the Earth has left before a supernova, at which point the solar system would drift apart due to the sun's loss of gravitational force.

2. Intelligent Alien life is intelligent enough to see our human species is busy at war with it self. An Intelligent Alien life form would not willingly place itself into a conflict amongst a species busy trying to make it self extinct.

3. Intelligent Alien life would be intelligent enough to see our planet will not be habitable in the next million years, there are many natural disasters and stellar disasters that are in the works that will end all life on Earth in the next million years. Intelligent alien life would be able to calculate the odds of a world war, and greenhouse gas pollution, and the eventual extinction of our species. Physicist Steven Hawking had said life on Earth will be extinct in less then 1000 years due to disasters.

4. Intelligent alien life would not make contact with a species that would wage a galactic war, intelligent alien life would not want to give reason for a hostile species to engage in a galactic war over resources. An intelligent alien species would ensure that no evidence could be used to track them or discover their utopia civilizations that they have created, the introduction of a biased violent and frightened species into there utopia would only cause chaos.

5. Intelligent alien life would not willingly give a hostile species advanced technology that could later be turned against them.

6. Intelligent alien life would research the radio and television signals given off by a hostile planet to determine how advanced the species has become, with our earliest radio signals they would determine there is to much our species fears, they would also determine we are a violent species from the early world War one television broadcast signals. A species that's busy killing it self would only involve intelligent alien life in its war affairs.

7. Intelligent alien life would have the technology to witness the strife and turmoil we put our own species through, they could easily determine if we as a species, can not, or will not, care for our lowest class and least fortunate. A species that would rather fatten thier pockets with what we determine is wealth, then odds are we would only exploit and victimize their alien species.

8. Intelligent alien life would be able to gather enough data on our cultures, they would not want to be propagated as saviors, or demons by a fearful biased racist species.

9. Intelligent alien life would not waste resources to visit a hostile world for resources, they would just wait for our species to make it self extinct then they could gather as many resources as they want with out fear of a hostile species interaction. Just waiting until humanity drives itself into extinction would save them time, and resources.

10. Intelligent alien life would only make contact with a species that could over come wealth inequalities, and that could save it self from a dying solar system. Intelligent alien life would wait for first contact until our species could navigate the galaxy and colonize other planets. They would be intelligent enough to not disrupt or influence our technical advancement.

HL - 22.09.2023 06:42

EXCELLENT video , very informative ❤

Modesto Carrasco
Modesto Carrasco - 20.09.2023 13:33

La de 😅😅

Gerard Oneill
Gerard Oneill - 20.09.2023 04:06

How do you think the batteries in the car are processed, and how much to replace a battery that fucks up in you car, almost half the price off the car.

Gerard Oneill
Gerard Oneill - 20.09.2023 04:03

World dictatorship.

Gerard Oneill
Gerard Oneill - 20.09.2023 04:03

We know that we have a protective screen on earth yet every year we send rockets that makes bigger and bigger holes in the protection that nature give us and blame the ones living on the planet for it, early 1900s first electric cars were invented and it was decided it would cost to much to run after the 2020s, why are they now bringing them out now when they know it will not work, engine's will work with less fuel and less tax, stop the government's ruling the people, people elects government's, stand together and take them down.

Kitivech Phoolsawat
Kitivech Phoolsawat - 16.09.2023 22:58

Jest found more of complex galaxies as older as 27B LY

Kitivech Phoolsawat
Kitivech Phoolsawat - 16.09.2023 22:55

Old. Jest proven it’s wring

John Thomas
John Thomas - 16.09.2023 18:10

This is food for a starving mind

Amy Hartis
Amy Hartis - 11.09.2023 03:00

Am I the only one who puts these on to sleep to at night? Nope...just😊

The Time Traveller
The Time Traveller - 10.09.2023 07:13

Yes, the universe that we know today is PART OF REPEATING COSMIC CYCLE. Our universe is NOT ETERNAL and it's NOT THE ONLY ONE. There HAVE BEEN countless other universes before OUR UNIVERSE WHERE WE LIVE NOW and there ARE NOW countless other universes beside our universe. Our universe and countless other universes are all drifting within INCALCULABALY VAST COSMIC OCEAN.

Chile 2019 No Autogolpe
Chile 2019 No Autogolpe - 09.09.2023 04:17

Is a good theory

gary stevenson
gary stevenson - 07.09.2023 05:19

Terry Aucoin

Well now youre just making up stupid shit.
A rovk isnt conscious, whether you look at it or not.
Same with the big bang.

Gary Stevenson
Meilleur contributeur
Rock can only exist in consciousness We are in God, God is in consciousness, everything is in consciousness. Show me something outside of consciousness Hell and Heaven are in consciousness as is the great conscious void from which everything comes, including the universe that Big banged out of it.

otom otom
otom otom - 05.09.2023 04:23


Microlatina Microcontrol
Microlatina Microcontrol - 04.09.2023 00:05

A documentary of the same kind, exposing the same kind of doubts and blurred "evidence". Nothing new, so far.

Zanga - 03.09.2023 07:35


triple8 - 03.09.2023 03:01

The narrator started sounding real nasally an hour in, he must've had a cold that day

Richard Nichols
Richard Nichols - 30.08.2023 04:00

Stop deforestation of the Amazon. It and other forests provide oxygen.

Pramod Mehta
Pramod Mehta - 27.08.2023 19:02


Michelle - 26.08.2023 10:42


B.B. Society
B.B. Society - 24.08.2023 09:57

Man bear pig, I’m super cereal..

Anomalies and The Real Deal
Anomalies and The Real Deal - 23.08.2023 04:11

Thanks this was cool

googleyoutubechannel - 20.08.2023 18:11

This video taught me that space is a fluid, and moves at 300k 'kilo liters a second' 😂

Evh5150 - 20.08.2023 10:23

He gets all
excited about the big bang and then there's the James Webb Telescope here to debunk it

Richard Hansen
Richard Hansen - 16.08.2023 04:38


Frank Koslowski
Frank Koslowski - 15.08.2023 04:53

I know that I am being spied on,
but it is a small price to pay;
for us to obtain the global statistics needed,
so that life itself will one day start its own lucrative exploitation business,
and finally start making its own mining adventure-based hay. 😆
Just follow the worms in your gardens,
and see how they in their own ventures,
make the raw dung of humanity in a mere few working days go away;
to disappear forever into the lawn that is your backyard's family milkyway. 🤗

Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 14.08.2023 09:40

So the galaxy was created by lactation. Got it.

Takis Kambouris
Takis Kambouris - 10.08.2023 03:42

..NN.NN . N , , n ,, , λλ

supercool1412 - 08.08.2023 20:55

The music is stolen from a JRPG from the PlayStation 1 era called Crono Cross

aardvarkansaw - 06.08.2023 18:40

All my nearly 80 years—when I looked up at the Milky Way I only saw densely packed stars. Thus what you say about Galileo looking at the Milky Way with a telescope seems silly to me.

Leroy Scharfenberg
Leroy Scharfenberg - 06.08.2023 14:41

The music is just too irritating.

1seandouglas11 - 05.08.2023 18:05

this is all bull shit

caidicus - 05.08.2023 03:08

Such a great documentary. Thank you for the time and effort you, all who were involved, put into making it.

Tania Garcia Duenas
Tania Garcia Duenas - 01.08.2023 06:28


Josh Maddren
Josh Maddren - 31.07.2023 13:34

Yeah same I always fall asleep to these but seem to learn at the same time 😅 I'm an active learner never stop learning 😊

Josh Smith
Josh Smith - 31.07.2023 08:52

It's all bullshit. I'm not saying the earth is flat or space doesn't exist. I'm just saying we've never seen a REAL picture of outer space. It's all composite data that's then "interpreted" by an "artist"

Edmund Greig
Edmund Greig - 29.07.2023 05:29

this is a complete documentary ive seen so far . Space is beautiful but scary at the same time incredible.

Jon The Fisherman
Jon The Fisherman - 25.07.2023 13:32

Is this the same narrator from the honey badger video?

David AA
David AA - 25.07.2023 02:50

But nice filiming.

David AA
David AA - 25.07.2023 02:44

There was not big bang its not true .
there are feelings and milions times faster than light so you guys are wrong the books will be rewrite.
so albert anishtine was not educated well.
you will know light is mater estate because you see it so what ever you can see with eyes are matter.

Michael Gatewood
Michael Gatewood - 24.07.2023 19:08

Maybe the Fermi paradox is not a paradox after all. One less major catastrophe in earths past and we probably wouldn't even be here.

Or we are just a rare planet and if there happens to be life anywhere else out there maybe their version of dinosaurs are still going strong.

Tom - 23.07.2023 20:10

I'm learning 🤔😊❤🌍🤗nice to meet you 😊🎉

SPACE MADA - 23.07.2023 11:53

Love Space

Dave Triplett
Dave Triplett - 21.07.2023 18:28

Why wouldn't NASA or Anyone Land a Probe on the Icecaps to Look for Life???????

Douglas wallace
Douglas wallace - 14.07.2023 05:06

Fermi paradox we the people "human" are living at the end of life existing. We might be the last of life in are galaxy that's a big maybe?Galaxy is old as the universe 13 billion to 26 billion years that's along time for existents of life

fanbutton - 13.07.2023 13:48

"Why have we not contacted people from space? We know that there are more planets and people out there -- just not enough of 'em." 🤣🤣🤣

People who say stuff like this have been highly brainwashed and indoctrinated. Their mind's have become deluded. It's time to wake up and start using our God given common sense. We live on a flat, nonrotating, Earth. There is a firmament above us. For those of you who don't know what a firmament is, it is a dome [a magnificent container which secures the air and water we need to survive in this place]. The Sun, Moon, and Stars are in the firmament. We live in a magnificent realm of sorts. This place was created. It did not come from some impossible big bang. It's time to find God and get right. Jesus is the way. Get SAVED.

Skullduggery - 13.07.2023 07:05

Too gay. By 10000000%
