Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Easy Allies Review

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Easy Allies Review

Easy Allies

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@Tokyo-Slim - 02.03.2018 22:25

5 stars: Masterful

@Squeenix1 - 03.03.2018 01:07

I hope it comes to ps4 someday.

@philturner4246 - 03.03.2018 01:39

Great review Ben and it really benefits from the significant time you've invested in the game.

@kraenk12 - 03.03.2018 05:28

About time.

@kif1983 - 03.03.2018 10:20

I got bless yesterday, which means I spoke to spoiler, and spoiler told me to kill spoiler, that threw me for a loop. I don't want to kill spoiler, spoiler is funny.

@JD-ey8hw - 03.03.2018 11:02

Bring back the stars!

@uokutopa - 03.03.2018 11:43

Good review

@mbe102 - 03.03.2018 17:04

It may be late, but god damn are Easy Allies reviews ever awesome!

@markk9324 - 03.03.2018 22:37

I love your guys reviews and podcast. Thanks for doing them.

@mdtrx - 04.03.2018 00:18

4,5 stars!

@CaptainMauser - 04.03.2018 02:07

Is it ever coming to PS4?

@antoineroth2555 - 04.03.2018 09:00

Excellent review, I really want to play it whenever I have the time to devote to such a massive game (whenever that might be :S).

I do fear, though, that with the new score system there won't be any 10/10 games again. This sounds like as-close-to-perfect a game you could think of, but it still got 9.5. The thing is, every game has some flaws, a perfect product doesn't exist. I think I preferred the star system, I don't understand why you changed back, it worked perfectly fine...

@zukuu - 04.03.2018 23:11

Haha, better late then never. :D It's definetly GOTY 2017.

@ianjames6362 - 05.03.2018 15:53

wow ben is putting in work with the reviews

@AntiNihilist - 06.03.2018 05:38

oh wow...who would've guessed they would go by the the 10 point system...because it's obviously the most logical choice...
The 100 point system still makes the most sense to me but since you can just multiply a 10 point score by 10 to turn it into the 100 point system then whatever.

@slavetrader1489 - 12.03.2018 21:44

stealing is too ez in this game. i never spend money on merchant skill books ever, just steal them clean. it feels like a glitch tbh bc its wayyyyyy too easy to steal.

@mikeoakeshart3823 - 14.03.2018 04:23

Started the game in Fort Joy all graphic setting in Max... upon leaving Lady Vengeace and landed in new well, land GODFUCKINGDAMMIT! STUTTERSHIT! I Underestimated this game RAM size requirement

@NaruNarto - 23.03.2018 00:30


@-Me-yl2ou - 15.04.2018 08:11


@ivankaftan - 15.04.2018 10:53

cant wait for this on ps4

@thatguyrightbehindyo - 16.04.2018 01:44

I can’t wait to play this game and I’m not even a fan of top down rpgs it just sounds incredible

@DCR1968 - 23.06.2018 07:43

I'm looking forward to this game coming out on console on August 31.

@WhoLoc - 27.07.2018 06:11

God I cannot fucking wait til aug 31st so I can get my hands on this masterpiece. It looks amazing I’ve been waiting patiently for over a year for this to come to consoles and it’s almost here !

@sladey21 - 29.07.2018 15:23

I can't get my head round this game, it looks like elder scrolls meets baldurs gate. Got to say though, it's piqued my interest. (Only recently heard of this-xb1x)

@stefanostsougkranis5851 - 30.08.2018 12:40

Bump it up to a 10. Definitive is coming.

@Akazawa4 - 06.09.2018 15:01

More I hear about this game the more it sounds...PERFECT...I've decided to finally walk away from WOW after decades and this game just came around at the perfect time. Thinking of waiting till the fall steam sale, hopefully Dragonquest 11 will be on sale then too. Truly this game has everything I have wanted especially GOOD LIZARDMEN TO PLAY AS!

@sprytnyspryt - 15.09.2018 15:24

That game... it's just so good... Now Pillars 2 and I can die in peace :)

@ravipeiris4388 - 03.03.2019 22:08

Great review!

@angelserrano9049 - 22.05.2019 03:57

What type of rpg is this? I genuinely want to know the style name...

@gumbiman3350 - 31.05.2019 16:02

This game's UI looking like a fucking disaster

@jean-alexandrethibault3892 - 12.06.2019 17:54

Best RPG since Baldur's Gate 2. All future RPG's can learn a thing or twenty from this one!

@scottdaastol - 17.06.2019 12:19

Is this the old reviewr from good old gamestrailers ? Been looking for him for ages

@sienafrance5955 - 28.07.2019 21:01

You can play this for years without do the same twice...

@jasondp3546 - 03.08.2019 14:21

This or days gone?

@john8314 - 06.08.2019 15:49

Come on, guys... this game is nothing short of a ten. You know it, I know it, and everyone knows it.

@xbree_ - 05.09.2019 06:28

Great review. Because of Nintendo Direct I may be playing this for the first time .

@Iamdukes90 - 05.09.2019 10:30

I'm here because of the Nintendo Direct

@Itstwistedroots - 21.09.2019 16:58

This reviewer sounds like the guy that did the reviews on Gametrailers.

@Ornoob- - 29.09.2019 10:53

I got this game a few days ago on the switch. I am irritated now as I have to sleep, eat and go to work.

@bengotagun - 10.01.2020 19:00

You guys are truly the best in the game in terms of reviews. I usually always go to EZA first, but for some reason I poked around at other reviews for this one at first. When I finally landed on this review, it was clear how far above you guys are in terms of writing, production, VO and efficiency of language. Plus, Ben Moore is a top notch writer. Thank you! Gonna pick this up on Switch.

@maketheswitchton6779 - 23.01.2020 17:25

How many ppl hv played this game on normal or above difficulty? Easily best of the worst open ended rpgs ever made based off difficulty. Ppl who say this is best rpg hv never played other rpgs. Combat is so atrocious along w other elements game near unplayable n parts.

@yeseniasanchez1745 - 12.07.2020 05:18

galaxy s10

@yeseniasanchez1745 - 12.07.2020 05:21

ireland boys productions

@osirisgem - 17.07.2020 22:36

The name of your channel had me succumb to poor reading folly, prepared almost, to leave a slanderous review, only to have reread the title and reconsidered, instead adding this confession.

@flyingplantwhale545 - 31.08.2020 18:57

Can't believe how f*cking good this game is.

@trevorphilipsindustriesemp4530 - 20.02.2021 07:40

I wanna get into this game so bad but I cannot get into the combat :(

@gnarly_charley - 16.03.2021 21:48

The biggest problem with divinity for me is how complicated it is at first. Its overwhelming seeing all the menus, and the sheer amount of things to do.

@MrBenedick14 - 11.12.2022 17:10

This game has a lot of freedom .It can be overwhelming and complicated because of the choices.. I rate this game 10/10 im playing it on my ps4 pro

@mercuriocavaldi2208 - 22.01.2023 10:37

4 out of 10 for me. A lot of things that make me hate the game,.

@tuliobednarczukpecinemisko5606 - 19.08.2023 20:27

Coming back here after seeing the positivity for Baldur Gate 3, I wanted to see more games of the genre.
