Soul Tesseract -ZVO- (Original)

Soul Tesseract -ZVO- (Original)

Desolo Zantas

2 года назад

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@chairmeup7667 - 13.11.2023 07:36

going through your kirby catalog rn, your stuff is genuinely so good!!!

@stevenparsoe7231 - 01.10.2023 00:31

Damn this music goes HARD

@KaijuKraze - 28.09.2023 04:18

It would be great if Hal Laboratories hired you to compose some Kirby boss music one day, you're definitely deserving of it!

@msnepthys1 - 24.09.2023 03:46

02: now.. you shall fear me to your knees...

@th0m452 - 17.09.2023 23:44

When you observed the Void within, reality broke. Everything is subsumed by the void. What little reality is left, The Soul tesseract is closing the boundry of Reality and Void. Must all kneel to it?

@tagadhur_malaguld - 11.08.2023 00:50

At first i thought kirby was going down, but looking at the lines.. they appear to be going down- but the starts are going up? that is an interesting touch, as if there is no up or down in the void, unless that’s rain or somethin instead of falling lines- either way the song’s pretty darn good :D

@madarchmage1151 - 12.07.2023 22:37

I like this. Thank you

@AnUnstableHybrid - 04.07.2023 07:39

Hey Desolo, i wanna know something, is Zero 3 technically the first ENDemy?

@vibesmostchill4021 - 07.03.2023 05:27

Soul Tesseract
A tesseract is a shape that exists within the fourth dimension- a shape that relies on time. Imperceptible even to Kirby, the fundamental laws of his reality require that no being ever pass on into such a state of existence.
ContraVoid became the first to do so.
The pressure of a new portion of existence raging into perception, the inward eternity was crushed through itself, perpetuating a cycle in which it could seemingly fade in and out of Kirby's vision in an instant (simply exploiting its newfound status as an exception to the groundwork of percieved space.) The Soul Tesseract's eye peers not into the present, but into the past and future, predicting and remembering all that has existed, does exist, and will exist. It moves through this medium at will. This power has become its only means by which it can defeat a perfect hero of light.

@DesoloZantas - 27.02.2023 17:11

Hey guys remember to ✨"Subscribe"✨ so I can keep making music like this in the future.

@herothecrow994 - 26.02.2023 04:02

You know a boss is truly evil when it exploits Kirby's one and only true weakness

falling into pits

@juanmanuelhernandezrivera5961 - 11.02.2023 06:02

i have a question? what sampler do you use for create the soundtracks?

@sahilhossain8204 - 05.02.2023 06:26

Lore of Soul Tesseract momentum 100

@Gemidori - 04.02.2023 23:59

He finds himself descending into the abyss, the Contra Void tearing itself inside out as it crumbles. A shell, hiding away the true essence. The exterior of Zero-Three explodes and expands beyond the stellar skies. The Grand Sunset becomes a dark universe, rendering Kirby left floating in the cosmos blanketed in darkness.

A massive eye, large enough to span across an universe, opens. Malice and exhaustion is all that can be seen through it.

The Soul Tesseract has risen.

Kirby is uncertain. Scared. He doesn't know when this was going to end. Was it impossible? Was it a fruitless effort to stop this menace, always reincarnating time and again?

Suddenly, more figures approach from behind.

A chivalrous masked knight readies his blade.

An once tyrannical king raises his hammer.

That king's servant points his spear.

Kirby looks at them in confusion and awe. They just smile and nod at him. And, he smiles back. The four band together...and charge.

And so it begins.

The decisive battle between the four Star Warriors, and, so far, the strongest incarnation of the Dark Lord Void Termina's slumbering wrath.

It may not be the end. Not yet. But it will mark the death of a great blight upon the universe.

@notsoidiot2940 - 03.02.2023 23:39

Kirby and The Dimensional Disaster

@carisaweathers5461 - 14.01.2023 05:54

After ZERO-3 was defeated, however, when transforming, ZERO-3 created a pocket universe out of it's own matter, which has grown by his absorbing of multiple stars, acting like a sentient, all-knowing evil black hole.
Later evolving after defeating a weaker version of Kirby is a separate dimension.
After becoming the Contra-Void, Kirby was alerted of this black hole of a villain, and was set out to battle, after taking was feels like seconds on Popstar, arrives at Contra Void's birthplace, but on his journey was sucked into a white, blinding light.
Later meeting Contra-Void, Kirby inhales energy while keeping Contra-Void at bay, storing it until he could use his Ultra-Sword.
When using his Ultra-Sword, Kirby breaks Space-Time, causing Contra-Void to supposedly break, the outside realm of the universe being visible to the naked eye...
Contra-Void becomes the Soul Tesseract, implying it's rapid use of it's newly-powered soul (by absorbing.)
Now giving it everything he's got, Kirby battles the Soul Tesseract while falling infinitely...
Later on, Kirby recruited his rainbow counterparts, but they never showed up, while Kirby floats in the empty roots of the Soul Tesseract, it is using time to defeat Kirby, because as Kirby is basically an amoeba, the Soul Tesseract uses those physics of how later, Kirby will depart into smaller, weaker parts of matter, making him easier to defeat.
But this is a true mistake, cause all the Soul Tesseract is doing is giving Kirby time to think of a plan to escape.
Kirby now thinks of an idea, inhaling the stars now leaping from the scars in the Soul Tesseract's pocket universe after they were ripped and opened a wormhole to Kirby's dimension.
Now Kirby becoming more powerful than he could have ever imagined, Kirby now let out a slice so powerful it broke the physical realm, and ripped the Soul Tesseract into mere electrons, but later just being a descendant of Zero-3, later on becoming something greater overtime... Perhaps controlling a butterfly knight? Only time will tell.

@Teardorp461 - 08.01.2023 03:45

I can't stop hearing the lyrics:

You are no match for my power.
Your universe is being destroyed by the hour!

@xxsuperproductionsxx138 - 08.12.2022 04:51


@superbib7652 - 29.10.2022 02:16

I am so mad that there are no contra void letomotifs.
But who cares.

@prosperitystar - 19.10.2022 18:35

Now i think the background waves and these "dying" ringing notes were added refering to the intro viduals and soundEfs

@imbennnny3620 - 13.10.2022 10:37

its a starring contest

@tristarnova3454 - 10.10.2022 05:15

Soul tessarct the divine intersection: the demonic soul of contra void Periced by the alumina bow has started to break down, turning a deep black, elmerminis has lost it at long last, and is planning to take Kirby out with them, but it isn’t going to end like this, it’s time for Kirby to use their infinite power to give elmerminis their eternal beauty sleep, so they can go home at long last and end this tale!

@ethanh8783 - 02.10.2022 03:27

When the Kirby series reaches its end, which unfortunately will happen someday, THIS is how they should end it. With an absolute BANG!!

@mcboss2976 - 14.09.2022 14:04

This looks like it’s the overmind of dark matter

@CrisDol - 26.08.2022 01:16

Viene da un'altra realtà...

@Bogdan341 - 13.08.2022 11:07

Kirby is fighting with a 4th dimentional being

@negativezero8287 - 03.08.2022 02:19

I love the idea in this fight that kirby is specifically falling. You aren't flying, no, you are falling forever in the endless void of what this broken reality has become. Falling until this nightmare ends. After all, its a staple of manys nightmares, no?

@themuffinman3453 - 16.07.2022 02:18

Nintendo really needs to hire you to make the soundtracks of Kirby games

@firecode1252 - 21.06.2022 17:45

Holy crap, when this fangame is actually created and released, it will be beyond epic.

@photonic083 - 20.06.2022 16:00

You need to make playlists for those "fictional bosses" on kirby, it's difficult knowing the proper order of songs unless there is "phase X" in the title

@photonic083 - 20.06.2022 05:49

If this ever was a bossfight, it would be one where you'd be constantly falling and just had to get away from that thing
let me say though, the sound design of the intro animation if fantastic

And I guess you can really call this a divine intervention, as it is one by definition.

Just not a good one

@MorphMV - 11.06.2022 18:28

The eye represents our watchful government blissfully unaware we're heading into not a recession but a great recession.

While we as Kirby are the average everyday people falling down to a void of suffering where our own survival is tested as most of us lose almost all or everything we will have just down to the bare minimum to survive.

Edit 1 (after almost a entire year): Now the eye represents our own future where hope is kicked into nothingness itself. As our governments push for something where no winners will rise. But only all of them are losers within a near barren planet in the future we're heading to.

@briishcabbage568 - 06.06.2022 20:14

A tesseract is a Geometrical phenominon. This thing is, basically, an outlier of souls. A "Quirky" soul, if you will.

@RRVCrinale - 06.06.2022 02:42

All of these songs remind me of my high school days, and how I used to look on them before as me treating Kirby and my own fanworks as too dramatic. Time seems to only have told me I was a fool, because I was thinking too small, too linearly. I guess works like this tell me why I'm still a fan: Kirby and my fellow fans all have the capacity to surprise and bring our favorite pink hero to the next level.

@spacechase9705 - 03.06.2022 21:52

The Divine Intervention | Soul Tesseract

Nothing. Everything. Anything. Something. Zero threatened to bring everything down to 0. The Soul Tesseract threatens to bring everything down to -1.

Gimmick: I got nothing.

@ReaperAmoth - 31.05.2022 01:38


@puro0324 - 30.05.2022 23:08

This made me think this battle would be like flying while Soul Tesseract attack Kirby.

@groudon7817 - 30.05.2022 21:41

Soul terresect

While every being has a soul which has the urge to return, this soul is completely enraged as everything it had was gone. It WAS everything, until the pink demon took it away. Now he's ready to take everything kirby has away.

@mjmckenzie7358 - 28.05.2022 03:23

This seems like less of a “final boss” and more like a “true final boss”

@purplenothing9305 - 27.05.2022 01:27

Where can I read about your story?!

@Albortomagico - 25.05.2022 12:11

I love the fact that Zero is slightly shaking all the time, like it's going into overdrive from the sheer amount of godly insanity and power that's being pumped into him...or is it maybe fear?

@totallyhumanproductions1349 - 23.05.2022 06:10

If this was a Kirby final boss, here’s how I’d have it:
Unfeeling eye of the void, Zero Soul
True Arena variant: sword of Damocles, ZERO.

@zatoby6705 - 18.05.2022 19:43

Man I fucking love this melody. And I love how you always change it in a different way in each song

@lazybones8962 - 15.05.2022 06:30

The beginning and the end
Soul Tesseract

The creator of the new world has grown unstable, if it can't control the universe, then it will take the universe out with it.

Can the child of the stars stop the calamity before it's too late?

@mohxevhoddrest2519 - 08.05.2022 10:15

Seeing as this thing was hidden under Contra Void, I think we're witnessing the fall of an extra-dimensional god.

Astral Birth Void was allegedly Kirby's.. sort of.. energy origin?? Mother? Father? Himself?

Regardless.. Contra Void. as the top commenter on the other song suggested - the opposite of nothingness. if Contra Void is the manifestation of the opposite of nothingness, and this thing is "Soul Tesseract"...

So Kirby fought its physical form, and now it's fighting its very soul. Every soul; a soul tesseract.

@epicraytv1997 - 07.05.2022 19:26

This is so Cool! This feels actually like im fighting This Boss, Especcaly with Headphones!

@DionisioGVela - 06.05.2022 05:19

What is the soul, a miserable pile of secrets, a 1 or 0 from a huge computer or perhaps a merely meanningles shape from the soul of the universe
