A Painfully Realistic Start To A Daygame Session | The Complete Infield Guide (w/ Examples)

A Painfully Realistic Start To A Daygame Session | The Complete Infield Guide (w/ Examples)

Kristian Kasanova

1 год назад

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@DAVID-et1lj - 31.01.2024 06:55

Why If She say you about her boyfriend ... You say goodby very fast .... It seems like She has discover your real intemptions and you flee embarrassed ----When She say the word have boyfriend .... Is the perfect moment for improve you temperament in a out of comfort area ... tasty this moment and try to going longer the conversation with smile and talking other things , but nothing insist in flirting ... just try to be polite funny and interesting guy .... maybe in another dAYY yOU both meet again and I'm sure that she recognize you and she will start a good conversation wiith more interested in you

@DAVID-et1lj - 31.01.2024 06:45

girls walking on the road doesn´t like that someone stops her for talking whatever .... I preffer waking and talking with her, and sometimes at the same "tempo" and too in funny moments faster than her and turn towars her making some funny interaction like 4 example modeling or acting like a journalist or paparazzi like If her would be a celebrity .... All All Alll girls smile and interact with me in the same mood

@songoflovemetalofficial - 12.01.2024 05:25

these guys are funny ah ah

@TheDeejayprice - 06.10.2023 17:35

I respect you guys tons, I started cold approaching and have been rejected. But, we need to keep persevering.

@jeanpierre6639 - 29.09.2023 18:17

Thanks for humanizing game

@Ron-pm3qk - 16.09.2023 07:31

Bringing back some really good memories of daygaming in London

@Masculinityresurrected - 12.09.2023 08:16

pair of legends . ive been at it as long as you lads and i will say we all experience the same shit haha , Australia in Sydney is the same

@svenphil8879 - 09.08.2023 01:44

both with headphones around the neck. looks a bit ridiculous to me, what is the reason for it. Like your content

@JamalFuckinKilla - 06.08.2023 20:34

This in Britain or sumshit, homie? London? Why nobody go to Yonkers or Hempstead, NY and do this shit?

@jojay6472 - 31.07.2023 23:28

It all seems very forced tbh. Not sure if you have another job, but if you do this too much it starts coming off as ingenuine and girls pick up on that.

@eminmedic8238 - 21.07.2023 01:07

Nice guide for us bro keep doing this :) it helps a lot for my daygames

@allas1566 - 07.07.2023 21:25

Thanks for this guys , u brave dudes ! Have you heard of stacking ? Ive heard its best to not start conversations with questions...

@totally_not_gay9020 - 04.07.2023 12:58

I started doing this kind of social warm-up and it's amazing (and fun). Walking up to just about anyone interesting and delivering a genuine compliment.

I don't fear rejection, and I grind approaches to improve. Walking up
to a group of hot girls just to talk, and perhaps ask for their socials, etc.

I think this video is a good video.

@attiumeyami417 - 02.07.2023 19:14

There is absolutely nothing painful about this. looks more like a normal daygame session with some girls just not feeling it and a healthy dose of social resistance. All these girls were actually pretty nice even the ones that ignored were sweet. I love the rawness of these interactions and the fact that you gentlemen show the rejections and not just the number closes and pulls. keep up the good work.

@satinek - 01.07.2023 23:16

Cool video! Really helpful that you guys shared your emotions during the process.

@rudeboyjim2684 - 25.06.2023 00:09

I’m 30 almost 31. Do you think that’s too old to do this shit without getting weird looks and bad responses?

@afonso_18 - 24.06.2023 03:13

Great video guys!

@martinnbafiba1 - 12.06.2023 20:13

This is awesome, I have started doing some daygame, unfortunately every time I approach women they get scared, like really scared and they say wtf. I don’t know how to talk to women without them getting scared. I approach from behind and from the side, maybe the problem is my voice and appearance

@cryptofierce7431 - 05.06.2023 13:04

Being a player isn't easy but worth it

@shahryar1227 - 04.06.2023 13:07

Targets not achieved

@TheebX92 - 03.06.2023 21:22

Good job guys

@o0SayNoMore0o - 02.06.2023 09:59

The second approach, peep how he waited for her to cross the road first then approached... it's little things like that can make or break the approach 🔌🧠💡

@Real_Matt - 29.05.2023 19:32

Thing is, day game is hard. Don't let anyone tell you differently. It's damn difficult. When you go to bars and clubs girls know they are going to be hit on because it's the environment but in the stone cold hard to day it's not really expected and it's difficult.

@martincash7810 - 28.05.2023 17:28

why do you guys always approach from the back? surely that would put her on edge from the jump?

@ANM21985 - 28.05.2023 16:57

Overall they were some good approaches/interactions, especially the one your friend did on the girl who dropped her phone.. but why Kristian are you hitting on so much girls below your SMV??
I mean each to his own and all that.. but these girls are like 5's and 6's. The typical london daygamer would walk right past these girls without even flinching. I get that you're trying to "warm up" but why not warm up on hotter girls?

also it would be nice to see some of you daygame coaches crank up the difficulty from time to time. I notice you white coaches never go for black girls. I've searched TUSKS, fluid socials, and Ed's videos quite hard and am yet to see an approach on any black girl. I haven't searched your videos hard for it but off the top of my head can't remember seeing you approach any, so if you have approached some it's definitely a rarity for you. any reason for not approaching black girls?

I suspect it's because you guys are picky and have racial preferences. Women are more picky than men and have stronger racial preferences ..so when you some of you coaches say to viewers "your race doesn't matter, stop making excuses" and they themselves won't even go near a black girl your own actions are contradicting what you're telling your viewers.

around two thirds of daygamers in London are non white. I've been to large meetups back in the day and it's definitely more non whites than whites. It would be nice to see some of you white coaches tackle what some of us non whites have to go through. You'd be at somewhat of a disadvantage approaching black girls, and likely to experience more rejections and more flakes due to not being their "preference". I myself have only had 1 white girl respond to my text after a cold approach, yet for non white girls it's 50%. Coaches who say race doesn't matter are ignorant.....

overall though i liked the video here today. at least it wasn't all cherry picked approaches where you were successful everytime ..and at least it tried to capture the authentic daygame experience.

also as someone who isn't that successful with cold approaching what i've noticed is that the times i've been successful. and by success i mean getting something BEYOND a number. It's been easy. Very easy in fact. A lot of the times Almost too good to be true easy. Which has lead me to the conclusion that if you cold approach a girl and have to "WORK" to get a girls number.. or to get her to like you.., or have to overcome resistance then her core base attraction/interest in you is more than likely not high enough to be able to meet her again or lay her from that cold approach.

@xdisruptor6630 - 28.05.2023 05:16

At the very end both approaches could have worked if he had just switched over to a slightly different tactic in the first few seconds: Ask her something trivial and obvious p.e. "Where's the nearest Starbucks/Bus-stop/Bakery" (while you're both standing almost right in front it) and when she points at it with a perplexed look on her face just say "In truth I just found you to be cute and wanted to say hi ;)" and take it from there. The reason this is so effective is that the initial question is neutral and doesn't start with something apologetic such as "sorry" or "I don't mean to bother you" which are tellsigns you're coming from a low-status angle. Women are very sensitive to this kind of very subtle queues. Just my 2c in case someone else is struggling with all this.

@SikaFosaGond - 28.05.2023 04:19

I know what the problem was here Kristian, it’s the shoes, the no leopard print shoes. Lol all jokes aside mate this shows that we’re all human and rejection is part of the game. I keep telling myself this cos ngl rejection does knock your confidence but just one good interaction makes it worthwhile i feel

@Larry4life - 28.05.2023 03:59

To explain the ending and uncertainty, it's nerves.

@whipshaw - 28.05.2023 00:34

instead of thinking about the trolls, think about us, the guys that are hoping to learn something valuable and praising for the goodness of the video, keep the good job bros!

@wc3s3b - 28.05.2023 00:33

What an amazing, honest video about what daygame is and feels like. So proud to be a part of this <3

@JanKowalski-bj7ob - 27.05.2023 23:40

It's not about your pick-up whether it's good or not, it's about whether the girl thinks you're attractive or not, whether she's in a hurry or has a boyfriend/husband/fiancé...70% of women have it, so it's a lottery who will you hit.
A better pick up is in the evening where there are clubs and bars when the ladies are in the mood for it and not rushing anywhere there are more singles out there

@JanKowalski-bj7ob - 27.05.2023 23:18

dont run to a girl and scare her ;D

@shreddedguy679 - 27.05.2023 21:06

this is awesome dude, the new king of game Kristian has revived daytime as a concept singlehandedly, love u bro

@arbinnusoubo - 27.05.2023 20:49

This is so alpha and brave! Did the boyfriend or the jealous man ever trying to fight you because they mad?

@Christopher-rt1jq - 27.05.2023 20:24

“how you start it not how your finish” i always tell myself this now each time out, thank you Kings 👑
