ASMR ~ United Kingdom History & Geography ~ Soft Spoken Map Tracing Page Turning

ASMR ~ United Kingdom History & Geography ~ Soft Spoken Map Tracing Page Turning

ASMR Geographica

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@juanman75 - 20.11.2022 00:59

Your voice is super relaxing 😌 really enjoyed the video! New sub 🌟⭐💫🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

@connectthedots2763 - 20.11.2022 23:34

Wow you are amazing! I am so glad i found you❤️

@sob8967 - 22.11.2022 05:17

You’re information on the Gaels is incorrect. The Gaels were established in Ireland with their own culture and language a thousand years before the Angles and Saxons invaded England. They never moved over to Ireland. Pre Gaelic Celtic peoples moved over to Ireland from Britain a few thousand years ago and then Iberian Celts migrated to Ireland by sea and the two Celtic peoples merged to form the Gaels. Well before the Romans or Saxons or Angles or any of that stuff happened in Britain. The Gaels were raiding western Britain at the time of the Roman invasion and even had some bases on the coast. The Gaels had the kingdom of Dal Riata in western Scotland that eventually intermingled and joined with the Picts to form the kingdom of Scotland or, the Scots.

@fearthekilt - 23.11.2022 23:35

Wow! This is the absolute BEST soft spoken ASMR I've ever heard. Thank you so much for posting.

@CelticTiger333 - 27.11.2022 03:57

The situation between ireland and Northern Ireland is definitely not worse than ever now 😂

@carlyjayne03 - 02.01.2023 19:52

Great video can you do more videos on the UK xx

@willoswald5219 - 04.01.2023 19:06

Great video, would argue that we do have mountains in Wales, Northern England and definitely Scotland. Might not be the heights of this in America but some of the hardest climbing/hiking in the world, hear it from a mountaineer whose been all over the world! Thank you

@stanleypines1026 - 09.01.2023 01:08

Love from Ulster 😎

@caoimhenicaoidh - 26.01.2023 14:40

I’ll be super excited for a video of the North of Ireland, even one with the entire island of Ireland described as the North hasn’t really been covered on this channel just yet!! Super good videos 🤍

@rossgeorge245 - 29.01.2023 03:02

When great Britain went to war against napoleon and the imperial French army they were lead by Sir Arthur Wellsley ( The Duke of Wellington) there force was made up of British,Dutch and German troops which was an estimated 850,000 men they had an alliance with the prussians of which had 450,000 men which were lead by Gebhard Von Blucher who was a field marschal and was in his 70s. They fought I the peninsula war they went on through Portugal and Spain defeating napoleon's army time and again. In 1814 Napoleon was exiled but he escaped and returned to fight 2 last battles he was determined to destroy Bluchers forces at charwois and had a decisive victory with 50,000 prussians dead. He then made his move on Wellingtons forces at qature bras of which Wellington withdrew but reformed his forces at Waterloo the battle started at 11:35 in the morning Napoleon's forces pinpointed hougomont and La haye saint with several waves of attacks by 6 oclock the French took hougomont but by 7 o'clock the British took it back Napoleon then though that Wellington was beaten so he deployed the old guard to crush the remaining forces behind the crest of the hill this is where the it went wrong for Napoleon as the old guard came over the hill Blucher and his forces arrived and wiped out the French Napoleon was arrested and was exiled at the island of St Helena where he died.

@seanbooth1278 - 06.03.2023 22:29

I discovered your channel last night. Your content is really interesting and your voice is so calming. I came straight home and put another session on whilst making the tea. Keep up the good work ❤

@blurreaper1238 - 30.05.2023 03:41

Fun fact. We always have debates in Britain on the way scone is pronounced whether it’s scon or scone. Same goes for Cobs. We love a good debate 😅

@TheDagda1000 - 03.06.2023 01:57

Beautifully presented. I've never heard Wordsworth read so perfectly. Blessed be! ❤

@damonpowrie2392 - 08.06.2023 05:59

Great Britain or united kingdom are both short for the full title “ the united kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland”

@stuartdurrell2983 - 09.06.2023 02:31

Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain 😁

@ASMRGeographica - 18.06.2023 20:25

I understand that many people are offended by my blanket statement about Brexit voters being racist. I really do apologize for making that statement without doing more research into the matter. Here in America, the only news we saw about people who supported Brexit were the racist politicians, buses with blatant lies on them, etc, so I only really knew that side of the argument. It seems that not everyone who voted for Brexit was racist, but definitely every racist voted for Brexit.

@SoloSynth - 21.06.2023 03:36

Biggest of gold stars for pronouncing both Edinburgh and Glasgow right 😁❤️

@lordduckiston - 22.06.2023 03:16

Would mention the decolonisation wasn't so glamorous, research the 'malaysian emergency '

@TheOneTheOnly.. - 04.07.2023 22:50

Love this video but you got the monarch wrong queen Victoria was empress of India but it was George the 3rd that was king when we expanded the empire

@vito74m - 09.08.2023 23:29

Żeby nie było zbyt łatwo, napiszę po Polsku. Masz fantastyczny głos do ASMR! Plan miałem prosty, wysłuchać do końca i iść spać zrelaksowanym. Jednak obudziłem się gdy walnąłem czołem w klawiaturę :D To chyba dobra rekomendacja Twojego filmiku:) Pozdrowienia z Polski/Kraków.

@PeterTracy-ks2si - 16.08.2023 02:18

Superb. Especially about the ignorant brexit racists

@gerrardjones28 - 16.08.2023 02:37

Thanks from UK! Not the most positive history i will admit but isnt that the nature of most of it, at least we've made it into something good now like this ASMR video, very interesting indeed!

@emoneslamian6757 - 16.08.2023 16:32

Love skipping over the terf

@averagejoe8358 - 18.08.2023 02:38


- My dad after a Saturday night pub pop quiz 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🤺⚔️

@cannabislife1688 - 20.08.2023 02:44


@Beariscool-777 - 27.08.2023 22:52

Just so ya know first another vid, the UK is called a lit of names and on rare accasions, us called it's coat of arms.

@josephbland3904 - 13.09.2023 00:30

Mmmmm! wonderful… Sooooo! many tingles & good vibes off this vid… Outstanding… I’ve watched it back to back twice today… My minds finally stopped racing & I am extremely relaxed now… Good ASMR vids like this help my mental health illness massively… I’m truly grateful to you… 💕 Thanks & keep up your good work…. You’ve no idea just how much it helps people… 😊😃… take care & stay safe out there everyone…

@Robert-catesby-1605 - 01.11.2023 04:06

You are very brave taken or trying to make sense out of British history I'm from Scotland right now Northern Ireland wales and Scotland are on the verge of exploding the union between all of these countries are at their lowest point for centuries brexit is at the heart of these problems. Right now the majority in Northern Ireland are nationalists you call them Catholics the majority are Catholics but not all, the unionist protestants are the minority now their politicians will not enter the Northern Ireland parliament stormont they will never accept a Northern Ireland nationalist first minister as leader ,the unionist of Northern Ireland have subjected the nationalist community to an apartheid regime for a hundred years

@Aryel2000 - 27.12.2023 11:42

You should do history of 6 wives of Henry Vlll that would be cool in my opinion!

@kiwi_sodas - 18.02.2024 17:51

Your voice is so soothing! You have a great 'teacher voice'

@HighlandsLuke - 02.04.2024 21:02

I fix lighthouses in Scotland was at bressay last week

@psammiad - 05.04.2024 12:43

"We'll be covering the United Kingdom!" *touches Isle of Man which isn't in the UK*😆 It's easy for foreigners to confuse England, Great Britain, the UK and the British Isles, we even do it ourselves. CGP Grey's video on this is a good reference.

@bleddynmorgan8012 - 07.04.2024 04:04

I mean wales has a lot of mountains and Scotland does

@nights2747 - 12.04.2024 17:24

I would love to learn some geography but your videos put me to sleep so fast. Maybe next time 😂

@Angle-saxon-94 - 26.04.2024 03:33

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️⚔️Anglo Saxon till I die as a pure blooded Englishman I’m proud to be a descendants of angle and Saxon our tribes came from northern Germany and southern Denmark that where our tribes originated from but no offence when it come to my country and my peoples history and our ancestors you Americans no nothing beyond your own shore and that’s a fact 😂

@TheIceman567 - 28.04.2024 08:45

1707 was the act of union .

@valltesterek3987 - 01.05.2024 03:21

'ooh, he's working hard' about staring blankly at a book

@aidanclarke1319 - 15.05.2024 06:45

The time line it goes thru is a town called Greenwich Mean Time .. GMT :)

@drg111yt - 26.05.2024 21:34

Nice geography and ASMR, history so-so, and PLEASE skip the Woke bits, eh?

@desktopgrenadiers4321 - 02.06.2024 01:15

Are your fingers sponsored by Walls? Have to say I watch a ton of ASMR and this is the antithesis of relaxing

@Trickster19987 - 10.06.2024 02:18

British Empire Prequall PLEASE

@Hyberlol - 14.06.2024 12:26

Lol. The Roman's could be bothered to conquer anything they possibly could IF they could.

@sully1865 - 03.08.2024 11:04

I enjoyed the video. Soothing voice and a lot of stuff covered. I would point out there are a few historical inaccuracies mentioned but I can put up with it!

@ampleparkingTV - 04.08.2024 01:00

I think the style is nice but probably best to pick a subject area you’re familiar with.

@BirdHorse - 13.08.2024 21:15

The UK at the end of WW2 was maybe the 3rd great power, the 2nd would be the Soviet Union.

@bleddynmorgan8012 - 17.08.2024 00:18

I’d love to see a vid on each of the countries in the uk

@kenka2510 - 23.09.2024 08:42

The mistake that a lot of people make is thinking that the troubles was caused by religious differences. It was largely a political issue, whether you wanted to live in Ireland or the UK. Religion was a broad indicator of your position but was never 100% accurate. What would have always been the key factor was whether or not you felt British or Irish.
