How to Heal in Guild Wars 2 | 2022 New Player Guide

How to Heal in Guild Wars 2 | 2022 New Player Guide


2 года назад

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Glael - 20.09.2023 11:29

Ally target was introduced with EoD? I thought it came with Druid in HoT? 🤨 Thinking about staff 1 and staff 2 specifically.

Chris Edwards
Chris Edwards - 08.08.2023 16:09

After playing Elder Scrolls Online as a healer, playing a healer in all other games just feels substandard. In ESO, your healing skills automatically target the ally with the lowest health, so you don't need to manually select allies, or try to target them in a chaotic battlefield. I just felt much more fluid to play.

Rho Vabien
Rho Vabien - 07.07.2023 21:28

we need more focus on supports, imo they are more engaging and fun than dps (but im not gonna lie, blowing stuff up is fun as well xD)

Sjel - 13.02.2023 16:57

I don't really understand the need for unlocking 280280581051 skills instead of just improving what I got already... I mean there is only so many buttons on the keyboard. Am I missing something or do I have to unlock everything for some twisted reason?

The Angler
The Angler - 07.01.2023 03:31

Are you a transexual?

MsSilentH - 13.11.2022 13:48

Just first want to say how I REALLY enjoyed how clearly you speak, both in cadence and for clarity of mechanics and the boons, abbreviations etc. I found it very easy to absorb all the info you went over! I'm still on the fence as to whether I want to try tanking or healing for raids with my group, both seem interesting. I'm so used to dps, but I'm not even amazing at getting rotations down when too much is happening or something interrupts my flow, but after years of play this game and not really delving too deep, its about time I really try!

Cosmic Conciousness
Cosmic Conciousness - 07.11.2022 12:36

In MMOs I've always loved healing and support. In MOBAs I avoid it like the plague.

Tiago Fermino Cachoeira
Tiago Fermino Cachoeira - 13.10.2022 05:07

And there is a lot of people out there that say that being a healer is easy 🤦🏽

Noodle - 07.10.2022 21:38

ok ok, thats good and all, but you left out one detail... WHAT CLASSES DO I PICK FOR HEALING! you know, the kinda very important part for a NEW player, I CAN"T FIND THAT INFORMATION ANYWHERE.

K M - 30.09.2022 04:33

It's an absolute thankless job, dude was swarmed, dead. I recovered while more are spawn. Stick my pet on npc's to distract. Dude runs off without even a TY and I'm left there fighting for my life. This kinda thing happens all the time. I've started to just run right by downed people, even stop and emote /laugh. It's at the point if you are not a guild member, good luck.

Miguel Molano
Miguel Molano - 25.08.2022 11:28

I loved this video and this type of content is extremely helpful for new players. I would like you to break down into the Healer options of the professions available: Healbrand, Herald, Mechanist, Spectre, Tempest, Scourge and Chronomancer.

alden encluna
alden encluna - 24.08.2022 04:42


MooseGamer81 - 04.08.2022 18:49

Don't know if it's been said in the comments, but you could also touch on maybe the gear that would improve healing/support? I appreciate you put healing power and concentration but just a side note about the ascended armour/trinkets, etc. Great video for beginners though!

Maqseed Al-Maqseed
Maqseed Al-Maqseed - 24.07.2022 10:07

It the healing tempest still a thing ?

Gamer Vet
Gamer Vet - 20.07.2022 00:02

Thanx man, just started playing guildwars and the class role in this game is not normal

Mike DiVittorio
Mike DiVittorio - 12.07.2022 13:48

Can you make a Druid guide?! Love the videos!!

Chris - 26.05.2022 00:39

Your voice sounds just like the announcer explaining new gods from smite.. crazy like identical

HollowsDarkness - 21.05.2022 20:51

Soooooo, in your opinion, what's the best healer for each thing (pvp, wvw, pve, etc)>

Fred Davis
Fred Davis - 17.05.2022 17:52

Hi I was wondering if there was anyone or two classes that make for the best support/healer in a 5 man group now days?

I have 3 kids who started playing GW2 and has asked me (Their Dad) to play with them. So I was wanting to play a class that would be a good support/healer for them and our group of 4. Meaning we would only need one more to be able to do 5 man content.

They are all three kids and can change up the classes they play so its really hard to count on what they are playing. There for I guess I would be looking more for a support class that would be best for most groups no matter the classes in those groups.

Thanks for your time.

p o
p o - 05.05.2022 17:24

Lol !!!!

vanilla_gunpowder - 03.05.2022 11:27

so every class can heal but some like druid, guardian and specter are better? what about engineer?

Kohtas - 02.05.2022 13:12

I'm sure you know this Kroof but just in case others don't, when in action cam you can use right click to quickly target allies too. I wouldn't use it exclusively but it's at least another tool in the belt for easily selecting who you want to actively heal. I personally find this to be the most reliable unless everyone is stacked up, then the hotkey works it's magic, most of the time. But if neither of those work in the given situation, panic mode is manually targeting with the mouse.

TomFoolery - 02.05.2022 05:12

I've been a healer in MMOs for a long time as well and playing GW2 just makes me want to play an MMO that actually has healing.

Scooberz - 29.04.2022 04:03

Phenomenal video, your videos all seem to blend professionalism, humour and seriousness while still having a "friendly" vibe. Now just cover every game I play while I'm currently playing it! 😅

Would love to see a class / spec overview at some point. GW2 seems to have an open ended enough design that makes most classes bring some "support", Warriors banners being a stand out, but it appears specs are designed with support in mind, and trying to get to grips with all of the ones that can be a dedicated support... Yea. Mah heads going to explode.

If I'm understanding correctly, Firebrand, Herald, Renegade, Druid, Mechanist, Specter, Tempest, Chronomancer, Mirage and Scourge are the specs that can fill the role.

Thats...a lot of options.

Anywho, would love to see you cover that but either way, keep up the great work!

MaximillionSERG - 28.04.2022 13:26

It's quite interesting that you play Vindicator and Specter as healer. :D I just hope Anet makes other healers more viable in the June Patch and future patches – because currently everyone only wants HealMechs and HFBs… Maybe a Druid, but only because of Spotter and the Spirits (and the Entangle and pushes in Raids, but even that gets already replaced by a Utility Soulbeast) :/

I'd really love to play a healer, but don't want to be forced to the Meta Builds. I currently have a HealScourge and a Heal Specter - but unless I play in the Open World and do some Meta Events – I never get the chance to play them in Raids, Strikes, or Fractals. HealScourge gets dumped because it doesn't provide any boons (potentially Might, but that's it) and Specter because it doesn't provide 25 Might. :/

I once even build-crafted a more offensive focused Virtuoso Healer. But because it only provides Heal (while still doing 13-15k DMG) and no Boons, it's instantly not viable.

Tackyshotgun - 28.04.2022 10:04

Great video! Another method of healing allies is by using combo finishers within combo fields to provide effectls like AoE healing or regen. Gw2 combat is so much fun and I love how many different ways you can support your allies ^_^

Vaelios3292 - 27.04.2022 11:06

You have to be aware than every ally will probably try to dodge your healing skills. This is probably the most challenging part of healing in GW2 😂
On a side note, If I remember correctly, barrier was introduce in the first expansion with scrapper, not in the second one. Great video!

MUA4ever - 25.04.2022 16:42

Can you do an actual video of you using guardian and your healing build and rotation updated for now maybe one for quickness ? And maybe one for specter

LSwolfen - 25.04.2022 12:10

Healing can be so stressful in raids, but its satisfying when i see my teamates hp bar go up to full :D

Diego Veka
Diego Veka - 24.04.2022 02:07

I would consider class special skills like auras form tempest or spirits from ranger as supporting as well. Or traids like Vampiric Aura could also be considered as supporting. Ofcorse not as big as normal healing it still is a way how to heal a bit

MUA4ever - 22.04.2022 13:47

Next you should dona video showing how you actually use a healing build and do the rotation of healing with the most popular healer classes please like scourge, guardian and whoever else heals now !!

Fae - 22.04.2022 12:30

I like your voice. It’s very elegant.

Brooster - 20.04.2022 18:26

Let's not forget the 'Shout Warrior', it's the healing class where you just run around screaming and yelling...60% of the time, it works Every Time.

GhostApi - 19.04.2022 11:15

The design space for pickup skills are unfortunately nullified by the stacking nature of gw2 combat.

JuicyFluid - 18.04.2022 11:20

your voice is healing my soul..

Kin Bailey
Kin Bailey - 18.04.2022 07:14

I tried playing GW2 but I didn't like all the allied effects all over. I cant tell if its a bad effect from the boss or player effects on the ground. There are so many effects sometimes I cant even see the boss. It annoyed me so much that I just didn't want to play

Gustav van Zyl
Gustav van Zyl - 18.04.2022 00:26

Such awesome awesome awesome content!! As a mainly dps player this helped clear up a lot of my confusion

Gellrock Warfiend
Gellrock Warfiend - 17.04.2022 16:50

I love playing meta support builds in wvw, but my favourite ones are the off meta ones I like to toy with. Rev Regen Herald, Mercy Revive Scourge, Weaver Healer, Rev Tablet Pickup/Knockback, Banner/Might Warrior, Healing Illusion Mesmer, Shadowstep Heal Specter.

Sean Soper
Sean Soper - 16.04.2022 16:54

Love your voice its very soothing! thanks for the therapeutic guides!

Rilli88 - 16.04.2022 06:14

awesome video thank you

LadyRhi - 16.04.2022 06:12

Thank you so much for this! I've been trying to get into healing lately, but finding really good basic guides has been surprisingly challenging. I love your simple breakdown and that you go over some of the quirks that players can run across. All the best!

Nhymph - 16.04.2022 00:49

Once, my whole team blamed on me because we lost 1 pvp ranked game. After calling me useless I told them that I had actually healed 1m100k. One random dude told me that it was impossible, because he had never seen in his life anybody healing more than 800k. I wanted to share a screenshot with him, be he left the chat calling me a liar. What about you Kroof, what's your highest healing output in a pvp match? Just curious haha.

TheWindyyy - 15.04.2022 17:38

The exclusion of the elementalist in this video and not being displayed in any gameplay is really disappointing. Completely disregarding them passively (albeit perhaps not intended) of their ability to support, despite them being extremely good boon supports (catalyst) and raw healing builds (Catalyst and Tempest) too. Especially considering it's a new player guide too, it's poor to see.

Arhon Valran
Arhon Valran - 15.04.2022 16:31

Support 4 life ;)

Rendra Hehuwat
Rendra Hehuwat - 15.04.2022 08:27

Definitely the guide we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for this post!

Ribard - 15.04.2022 00:47

As a surgeon irl, i am used to support and heal people so i will give a shot to thief support 👍😊

a. rc
a. rc - 15.04.2022 00:03

Te amo
