Neverwinter | Barbarian | Mod 27 ( PTR ) | Barb DPS Changes | New ST Rotation?

Neverwinter | Barbarian | Mod 27 ( PTR ) | Barb DPS Changes | New ST Rotation?

Rookz TV

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Rookz TV
Rookz TV - 30.09.2023 08:03

My apologies on the Relentless Battlerage % change...I thought it was 16% on Live vs 15% on PTR...but on live it's 14%.
So yes it's 1% buff. Regardless, you still lose 10% damage overall.

Evil Pete
Evil Pete - 11.10.2023 07:48

Any word on the testing lately?

Slap of Karma
Slap of Karma - 04.10.2023 15:50

Heg rookz.. I spent over 2h testing new rotation for the barbarian with the new escalating rage and hidden dagger and its really not that good in the end..
on the target dummy i wasnt able to get over 460k encl dps with the new rotation compared to 502k with old (all relentless slash are anim cancel)
relentless-hidden-frenzy relentless-hidden-blood,relentless
that combo can 60%+ of the rage meter and on a perfect senario ( 7 crit) you'll get 7 charges of escalatating ( you need 10) so you will need another rotation, if you are not lucky with crit you will need a third rotation or you will need to place a lot of at will. so all that pain only to gain 10% more damage during rage nah... not worth, if they want to make escalating viable they would need to bump the damage to 35% or even 40% or 5 stacks intead of 10

so the ease of relentless battlerage to get into rage with only 2 encounters will surpasse the 10% dmg and 8sec in rage of escalating because of the uptime,

also, pretty sure hidden dagger is bugged, right now it has around a 20-30% crit rate,

So in the end the single target rotation will pretty much be the same, personally I don't like ibs so I use punishing but it's preferences, if you wanna talk about the new change and how I testes my stuff we can talk on discord

Yamil Rivera
Yamil Rivera - 04.10.2023 10:20

And remember you get more rage wen you hace combat adv on enemy i get my rage wt 2 encounter rotacion

Yamil Rivera
Yamil Rivera - 04.10.2023 10:08

To be honest dagers are useless now and will be in mod 27 noting good for dps barbarian and my mail still barbarian from day 1 and all this changes are no good they need to put the old power we had before to be good again OR TO COMPETE WT OTHERS DPS

RealSewin - 01.10.2023 19:38

I don't know how or why ppl struggle to get rage.. mine is up 100% even befor this changes.. Skill issue ;) <3

Segi shin
Segi shin - 30.09.2023 17:47

So ur not using relenless battlerage now one more still needed to fully buff this class thats the epicenter thing hahaha :D but the unstopable spin feats still sucks only new players will choose that regardless

MrMomonTV - 30.09.2023 16:25

Hey great video. i liked ur points. We'll have to see how everything works out on live server... most stuff you test on dummys doesn't really work for actual dungeons. as a barb main I can say that I'm still not a fan of axe storm! most of the times the enemys won't be alined so u won't hit everything and it is really hard to time things right, especially as a melee.

Mohammed Khalil
Mohammed Khalil - 30.09.2023 07:38

yet cant compete with ranger/cw + they add some wierd insignia bonus just for them lol the talking about when u use daily u pretty much reset all cd and guess what ranger/cw benif fro mit
