Yarn workspace with Typescript React Native app

Yarn workspace with Typescript React Native app

Ben Awad

6 лет назад

4,370 Просмотров

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@f77michael - 23.06.2019 07:33

Hi Ben, any chance of a quick update on this video to set up a Yarn Workspace with a Expo 33 typescript app (for APP & PWA w/ web), a CRA-admin frontend and an apollo server? I've tried pretty much all you RN-YW and Expo just won't have it when it comes to Hooks. :'(

@allenhu9987 - 01.03.2019 13:05


@sammatthews6323 - 04.01.2019 19:17

Hi Ben, thanks for the video. I cant find anywhere how to do this without expo and it's driving me nuts. Do you know of a working CRNA (non expo) configuration? thanks

@riongull - 10.06.2018 22:10

Holy configuration, Batman!

(Just watched the playlist from start til now).

@willcalltickets - 10.06.2018 20:01

[first appearance of thing-a-ma-bobber] :)

@DrPanesar - 10.06.2018 17:16

Hi Ben, Thanks for that run through. What do you think of using react native stand alone rather than expo? I've been reading about some disadvantages of using expo further down the line in that you can't use third party libraries with it and when you build for app store submission its a fairly fixed process and pushes your JS code to the cloud for future updates over the air. I was a little cautious of using a library that would tie in a road map like that although it makes things easier at the start. Thanks for the series!
